Thank you that you gave me such a wonderful and hard working husband! Please heal him quickly from his cold/flu. Thank you for amazing parents that rock! Please keep them healthy and watch over them giving them many more years of life with me. Thank you that you will come soon to deliver us all from evil. Thank you for your Holy Kingdom to come soon! Thank you that your will is done on earth as it is in heaven. Thank you for the funds to take music lessons. Bless RN and hear his prayerful intentions/requests. Thank you for good friends and for good times that we have. Thank you for music- please put new songs into my heart and help me get them out into the world. Thank you that you will create miracles and answered prayers in an ocean of mercies overflowing to the world and that you can use me in some way to help bring everything to life through Jesus Christ! Thank you that you can use small people like me for advancing your Kingdom. Thank you that you are going to bless me, and enlarge my territory for your glory and your purposes!!! Thank you that you will be with me always, and that You will keep me from evil and from the Devil’s schemes, wiles and tricks. Thank you that you will help me not to cause any pain! Thank you that you like us to pray God-Sized prayers. Thank you that you grant large prayers that are impossible without God. Thank you that you give me so much Joy. Thank you that you are my strength. I choose joy for the rest of my life! You are my joy, my life, and my strength, my everything. I love you. Thank you for the gift of faith!


Q1-Ok, Dad… I’ve got a good question for you. Why do I binge on food? I try to cut back and that makes me want to eat even more. I am sorry that I have become addicted to overeating. What diet do you want me to be on; this is your temple, your home inside of me. Thin Within, Raw till 4? Weight Watchers? Starch Diet? 5:2 diet? Fasting? I’m so confused, frustrated and about to give up all together. So, why do I have this problem and what diet do you want me to take as a lifestyle? Oh, and will you help me with this?

Answer, Q2- You are right. The same power that moves the raging sea lives in you. You only need to claim victory over it. The same power that raised Jesus from the grave lives in you. The same power that moves mountains when He speaks- lives in you. You can choose any diet you like and with my help, you will be victorious. One day at a time. Look to me for direction. Have grace for yourself; don’t be so hard on yourself. Do your best. Get exercise. Be real. The struggle is real, so pray. Believe I can help you. Desire for my help. Then you will be victorious and reduce to your God-Given size. Don’t worry. I’ve got this. Work with me. One day at a time. You have resources: OA Meetings phone meetings, CR meetings, books, videos, and tennis workouts. You will get there. Don’t worry. You’re looking good and you are in good health. The rest will come off and it will only be more fun and free. I love you, honey. Relax in my love. I’m not judging you for your struggles. Speak life to yourself and tell Lucy to go to Hell next time he tempts you when you’re not hungry. He’s only got a few tricks to mess with you. This is one of your weaknesses that he is delighting in torturing you with. Take the Victory from Jesus- speak truth and resistance. You will find your way. Keep the faith- you can do this. Don’t look back; only look forward for the goal. Give yourself time. There is no rush. 2016 is your year.


Q2-Jesus, you give me hope that I can do this assignment, because with you all things are possible. You tell me to imagine the Father’s investing and approval of EPP. I thank you for that. Thank you for the encouragement. Do you think it’s our turn? The jackpot is something like 1 Billion cash option on the Powerball. Of course you know about that, everyone on earth is talking about it. If I win, I will create a Trust. I would call it “Divine Mercy Trust”… Do you like that name? I think you just might like it and that it just might be my lucky day to win! It’s been since 2008 that I’ve played; I think almost every week I’ve played except for one small break because I was too emotionally attached to the up and downs I was being torn apart. Now, I only want to win if it is God’s will. I want his will to be done. So, I guess my question for you is “Is it God’s will that I should win tonight?”

Answer, Q2- I can’t answer that. That would take all the fun out of it! God wants the best for you and for the world, so just know that that is what will happen. God has a plan for your life. Your job is to work the plan one day at a time. Enjoy the surprises and relax. Your job is to have fun! Ok? It just might be our turn soon. We shall see… 🙂


Q3-Holy Spirit, you are the air that I breathe, you are the wind on my back helping me walk this journey. You are the counselor and my comforter. I love you. Thank you for giving me patience for the annoying things and long-suffering endurance. When I’m tired and worn, when my heart is heavy, you keep me breathing. You are my helper in all things. You guide me. You can give me rest from this world and I cry out with all I have left… let me see redemption win. Let me know the struggle ends; that you can heal a heart that’s torn. (Song on radio) It’s true you are all these things. I am tired and worn. Please help me continue the good fight. You give me rest. I ask that you help me turn the page to the next chapter. Please, let this struggle to win an investment for EPP, please let it be true that EPP, Inc. is not just some far-fetched dream. Make Trinity App, EPP, Inc. ShamRock Studios… make it all come true, Happy Spirit! Let’s get this party started! Help me fight the good fight and gain territory for Jesus! His Kingdom Come, God’s will be done!

Answer, Q3- I not only help you turn the page to the next chapter, I have been with you each word of every page. I am the word. I am writing the best story ever told; and you are one of the characters in this book of the history of the Kingdom Come! You are right. You were made for more. Forever you are mine. I will expand your territory for my purposes. It will be awesome… better than you could ever imagine! Keep fighting- keep playing… Anything’s possible. Imagine That!

hahahahahahah, this is awesome, mar… if you could only see it from my vantage point… you don’t need to worry. You will have all the funding needed for your dream plans of sharing Jesus’ redemption of the world through the Trinity App, and EPP. Keep smiling. Get some needed sleep tonight. Tomorrow will be exciting. Oops, I shouldn’t have said anything. I take that back. Tomorrow will be another day… everything just might be changing soon. Mercy found you. Your Savior’s arms are holding you tight. Get ready for a ride of your life.


Q4-Mom, is this just me making all this up or am I a little schizo these last 8 years? Will you ask your son, my Lord Jesus, if we could start this Divine Mercy Trust with the funds from a lotto win? That or something better… or nothing at all and this dream of mine is nonsense?

Answer, Q4- You are not making it up. The struggle is real… hahaha. You are doing just fine. Hang in there. You are not having grandiose thoughts, you have God-Sized dreams, that is all. You were made for this. You are a special type of person. All fears will disappear. Heaven on Earth is real. You will help wake up people, you will help turn on the lights, you will help Jesus’ Kingdom spread across the earth like an ocean of mercies flooding over all people. Every tear will disappear. Heaven is real. Relax. Enjoy the ride. We’ve got you covered. We’ve got you in the palm of our hands. Angels and saints are constantly praying for you. This is a big job, I know. The stress of it is real, so all you need to do is give it all to God. He’s got this. You have many blessings stored up for you. You will soon be showered with abundance and love, light, laughter, joy, and unspeakable wondrous miracles will cover the earth. Jesus lives! Thank you, Mar, for saying, “Yes.”


Closing: Thank you very much for coming to meet me here at the Board Meeting… I appreciate your help… God knows I need it! Thank you for all that you do for me. Thank you for your encouraging words. Thank you in advance, Father God, for investing in EPP, Inc. May it be done in your way, on your divine ordered time, and for your Glory-  xo!   Amen!