Thank you for a great day. Thank you for a relaxing staycation. Thank you for DB, my parents, M and all the people I get to interact and enjoy each day. Thank you for healthy food. I am thankful for a mild winter so far. Thank you for giving me a juicer and vitamix to prepare raw healthful foods. Thank you for my mom and dad, please bless their health and give them long life, joy, excellent health, many blessings and graces that you have for them. The same I ask for DB and myself. Thank you especially for your love and unfathomable divine mercy. Thank you for giving your life for the forgiveness of my sins, Jesus. Thank you Father God for your love and protection. Thank you that you have good plans for me, help me not to mess it all up. Whatever you have in mind for me, I pray that you help me succeed and not ruin your plans. Help me be who you want me to be. Thank you that you hear my prayers. Amen.


Q1-Jesus, I really want my life to be for a reason and a purpose. I want to be used by you, spent by you in any way you choose. Will you tell me what I can do for you? What is my life purpose here?

***You know your purpose. You are meant to help prepare people for my return. You and others are on earth now to help usher in my Holy Kingdom. Plans are in process, you will be used for this purpose, as you have asked many times. You do have a purpose. A wonderful gift from God; you have an important role to play. We will show you the way. Don’t worry- you are not lost. You will find your way home.


Q2-Father God, I love you. Will you focus on giving my dad good health and a long life? I am worried about him. I don’t want him to leave us. Could you please heal my dad’s heart, all his organs, his skin, the effects of insulin and blood pressure medications, give him strength, weight loss, heal him from his head to his toes? Clean out his blood, purify and nutrition-flood it with a clearing of excess fat and cholesterol? I would really appreciate it if you could help him. I love him very much. Please don’t take him away from me.

***Mar, whatever happens just know that it is allowed by me. So, in all things give thanks. Your dad will be with you as many days as I plan for you. You can pray for his healing, you should pray in this way. I hear your prayers. I will allow him a long life, but you should enjoy and spend more time with him. I know you have difficulties with the illness when you spend a lot of time with people, so just plan your times with him when you are well rested and in a good mood with lots of energy. You won’t regret any time you spend with him. I will help him in his health, but he is a mere mortal, no matter what you think. Only know that he loves you very much and always will.


Q3-Holy Spirit, I need help in time management. There are so many things that I would like to do, there is not enough time in the day to get to it all. Can you help me plan my days or would you prefer to lead my by your spirit where I just ask you what needs to get done? There are many things I want to do but don’t know what should take priority.

*** Tonight: Make a list (with my help in prayer) of all the things you want to get done. Put them onto paper first then prioritize them. Next, put them into your to do app. Each night, plan your day: make a list on paper of the next day so you can see it all on one sheet. Then the following day, work your plan for the day. Consult me with any decisions regarding your list and be flexible when I ask you to. Together we will be able to get much done. Your vacation is almost over, you have much to do. Get ready to be productive again! I have a lot of things to finish and many more things to start with your help. Look towards me for direction, make lists and use your app again. It will all get done in due time. Don’t worry. Number one priority is your health. Diet. Exercise. Low Stress. Sleep. And most importantly to tie it all together, the key is following my lead.


Q4-Mother, you are tough and you wear combat boots, according to Father Corapi. Could you tell me what I need to do to fight the good fight? I want to win my battles with Lucy. He really pisses me off… the things he does to people just Irks me, especially when he interferes with DB and me! What should I do?

***Rest up. Exercise will help with the stress. When it happens, leave the room, pray and breathe, music will always help. Rosary. Count your blessings. Smile. Laugh in his face. Don’t take him seriously, he is just a bafoon with not much brains. Seriously, don’t give him the satisfaction of getting mad. Just ignore him. You’re doing great. Keep the faith. Look up. Love God and DB! Smile! Enjoy your life. Don’t hesitate to ask me for help. I am always here to bless what you are doing for God. Nothing is overlooked, all your pain and suffering is being put to good use. We are offering it all up to God from the foot of the cross with Jesus. Many lost souls are benefiting from your sufferings. It’s al- good. No worries. 🙂


Closing: Thank you again for your help! I learn a lot from you and appreciate you taking the time and effort to help me. Please let me always come to the board meetings to get advise, love, and your blessings. Help me be who you want me to be. Please bless my family and my assignment. Lead me in all things. Mom, please give me all the blessings of grace that my Father has in store for me and also any graces that are not claimed, Please give some of them to me; as I need all the help I can get. Saints, please pray for my family and me. Please pray for his will to be done on earth as it is in heaven. Angels, thank you for your help and assistance, please continue to protect and guide me. Guardian angel, thank you especially for putting up with me all these years and for your love. I love you, too!  xo,   Amen.