Thank you that you are in control and that you have everything going your way. Thank you that you take what’s wrong in the world and you make all things new. You turn all things for good. Thank you that you are so amazing and for your love. Thank you for your unfathomable divine mercy. Thank you, Jesus, for coming to save me from all my sin. Thank you that you are doing a good work in me. Thank you for DB and my fabulous parents. I am so blessed, thank you, Jesus! Thank you for coming into my home, I am not worthy that you should enter under my roof, but only say the word, and my soul will be healed. Thank you, God!


Q1-Jesus, this world is going crazy, has gone so dark, calling good evil and evil good. I know you are in control and that all things will work out. It seems so hard to imagine how you will come back to rule. I mean, how will you bring the light when so much darkness engulfs the world? In what way will you make sure all will be redeemed and return to you? What can I do to help usher in your return? Jesus, Mary- save souls. Help me help you save souls. What do I need to do?

***Mar, I like your idea of power evangelism Trinity App. I would be able to use such a tool in times like these. People need a new way for me to reach out to them. A tool that would be fun to use, people will come to me in that sort of non- threatening manner. Miracles will be bountiful and many will come to believe in me. Yes, I can use a tool like this. Study the videos and read your books on how to create an application. I will help you and DB will help you. You will have the money you need to pay someone to help you, also. Don’t worry about when or how. Only do each day what the Holy Spirit leads you to do. One day at a time. Have hope. Look to your Father. All is well. Everything is coming along on schedule, you’re not late and you’re not messing up our plans. Actually, your actions have speeded up your growth and increased the effectiveness of the plans. God’s time is the perfect time. You have come so far, you are doing great! Hang in there!


Q2-Holy Spirit, will you please equip me to do better each day, by guiding my every step and leading the way?

***Yes, Mar. I will lead you each hour, minute by minute, if you let me. Look towards me. Ask me for guidance all the time. Include me in your decisions; no matter how small the decision may seem to be. Talk with me all the time. Don’t hurry or stress about anything. Don’t look at the clock so much, but live by the spirit’s leading. I will always be there, if you only look towards me. Quiet down more often, and I will lead you home.


Q3-Holy Father, God Almighty, Daddy, Abba, Papacito- I love you! I hope I am coming along in the way that you desire and can use. How much longer, Father? Tell me I haven’t blown it. I know you are in control, and I don’t want to ruin the plans you have in mind for me. Will you help me be who you want me to be?

***I love you, too, Mar. You are coming along beautifully. You are exactly where I need you to be at all times. You have even grown more than we had anticipated. You are amazing, Mar. We are so proud of you, my daughter. It may seem like you haven’t gotten to where you think you should be. You think that you’ve blown it because you still haven’t won the lottery yet. Mar, I tell you, you are fast-forwarding the plans and accelerated everything in an incredibly awesome and fantastical way. You are ahead of schedule, so to speak. You are really in the lead; you’ve gone the distance. You are winning the race. Don’t give up now! I need you to keep your tenacity up and continue to play the lottery. Never give up hoping and playing and you will win one of these days. You will not be late. You are always either where I want you to be or even ahead of schedule. You are a hard worker and an amazingly efficient woman that knows what she wants, and goes for it. You keep asking me to invest in EPP, Inc. Mar… I like your persistence. I will use you in the ways you have been thinking and hoping for. Kudos, Kiddo! I am so thrilled with how you’ve been handling things. You are one tough cookie! That’s my girl! 🙂


Q4-Mother Mary, I love you. Thank you for saying, “Yes” to the angel and the Holy Spirit. I don’t know where we would be if you didn’t agree to become pregnant through the Holy Spirit. Where would we be if we never had Jesus to save us from hell? The passion that Jesus and you went through must have been unbearable and horrible to witness. Thank you for being my mother and all of us on earth, our beloved mother that loves us. Tell, please; tell me what you would like me to do to help prepare my brothers and sisters for His return.

***I love you too, Mar! There was no way my heart could refuse God. Of course, I was scared, but the Holy Spirit got me through everything I had to deal with. You are right in asking, “Where would we be without Jesus?” This world would have been lost. All people would be ruined by conviction of sin from the devil. Lucy accuses God’s children endlessly, and Jesus, our advocate, has redeemed and cleared all accusations. God’s plan would have been ruined if Jesus had not come to the world. It was horrible to witness the passion, but it was worth the salvation of the world. Father God is so happy that His plans are coming along nicely. We would like you to help prepare your brothers and sisters for Jesus’ return. You will be led each day in the way to go. All you need to do is pray, love, journal here with us, and believe in God’s plans to be successful in every way. You need to relax and enjoy the ride. It’s going to be even more amazing than you could ever imagine, and I know you have quite an imagination! Things may speed up here, but just take your time. God is in control. Never forget that. God is in control and there is nothing that He can’t handle. You will be given all that you need when you need it. Don’t worry. Look up and Laugh, Laugh, Laugh! His redemption is near! The eternal party is fast approaching! Thank God for his goodness at all times and know that all things work for Good!


Closing- Wow! That was awesome, Thank you for telling me all this! I am so grateful for your help and love and guidance. Thank you for coming to me in these board meetings. I am sorry if I drag my feet incoming (sometimes) It is so worth the time it takes and I am sorry for being so ungrateful to get to spend such an awesome time with you in meetings. Please forgive me. I am lucky to be able to speak with you or even be used in any way. Thank you that you have good plans in store for me. Help me do your will. Show me the way. Prepare me, equip me and Holy Spirit, and please empower me with your love. Help me love like Jesus. Forgive me my sins. I love you. xo,
