Thank you so much for the multitude of blessings! Not only do we have all our needs met and taken care of beyond my wildest dreams, your love for us is priceless, precious, and unfathomably deep. Your love makes me live with hope and with light in my heart. Without your love, I would die instantly. You keep me in the palm of your hand, and your love sustains my every breath. Thank you for my beloved husband; DB is my heart. Jesus, you are so good to us. Thank you for your divine mercy and for forgetting all I’ve done that harmed you. Thank you that my sins are washed away and make me spotless; whiter than the whitest snow. I can’t thank you enough! Thank you that you are helping me improve in areas that need cleaning up. Thank you Father for making a home for us with you in eternity. Thank you that you are preparing a banquet for the most amazing party ever… the Eternal Party! With you for eternity is beyond my wildest dreams. Thank you that you have fabulous plans ahead for usThank you for your guidance in all things. Thank you that you are helping me with all that I need to accomplish. Thank you for your love. I love you! Thank you for the gift of faith! Thank you that I trust in you, Jesus, because you are most trustworthy.


Q1-Father God, I love you, daddy. Thank you for your love and tender care. Thank you that you are in control and have everything lined up for me and also for your Kingdom Come. Could you tell me one thing you would like me to do this week? I will try to do it for you. Just tell me what it could be that you desire me to do.

***Do the workbook in TW and try your best to wait for zero. This will make me happy to see that you obey me in even the “little” things. I will show you many interesting things by doing this; many mysteries will be shared with you this week. I love it when my children look to me in everything; including their health/weight loss. You will also lose much weight if you do this, making us both happy and thrilled for success in this area. Give me your last little bit of your will and I will share many things with you. Deal? Deal. Just try your best to look towards my will. I have much mercy but you can do this. If not, of course, I will love you the same, but if you do, I will be released to unleash new blessings to you. 🙂


Q2-Jesus, What could I do for DB that would make you happy? I would like to do something special for him that he would enjoy. What do you suggest that I could do to be a better spouse to him? In this way, I am showing my love to you by doing a special work of mercy -by showing my love to him in a new and unique deed.

***Ask him. Ask DB what he would like.

(DB asked me to not ask him to do anything at all for the entire upcoming Saturday-, which I put on my calendar!) Thank you for the idea, Jesus!


Q3-Holy Spirit, I feel like I am not turning towards you for help throughout my day as much as I would like to. What do you suggest I do to help remember? I know you are leading me, and I want to cooperate with what you are doing.

*** Get into the habit at the top of the hour -or about once an hour- to look up and smile at me. Look within and smile at me. Thank me that I am leading you in all things.

(I put it onto my daily reminders; that should help me get in the habit of looking towards you for your Holy Lead.)


Q4-Blessed Mom, My eye is in need of healing from the sty. Could you see that I receive healing in the next week or two? Could you intercede for my healing? I will do the heat compresses 2x/day. Also, could you more importantly, intercede for R’s hands and feet swelling to go down and restored movement in his arms and fingers? The CP needs to be reversed instead of getting worse. Could you speak to Jesus about these requests? R will need a miracle, so I come to you on his behalf. Ok? I appreciate it very much.

*** Yes, I will intercede for you in these ways, but you also need to continue your requests. Also, just as importantly to R’s healing, you could show your love to Jesus by visiting him again sometime before the 6th of January. That means, tomorrow or Wednesday. Look at your calendar and schedule a visit. He would really appreciate it. Spend some time with him, 30-45 minutes minimum. His heart is saddened and could use your support and friendship. Thank you, I will intercede with you for his healing. You too, will be in my discussions & interceding with Jesus.

(Ok, thank you for reminding me; I will go to see R tomorrow after my dentist appointment.)


Closing: Thank you so much for meeting with me. I appreciate your time and helpful ideas. Please give me restful sleep tonight and help me this week to wait for Zero/hunger before eating anything. Thank you for giving me the best husband anyone could ever ask for. I love DB! Thank you for strengthening our marriage over the years. Please continue to bless our days together and guide us both in your will for our lives. Please tell Sr C when she asks you if she should be my spiritual director, please tell her that she should commit to it and bless her because of that. If not, please send me someone that you prefer.  Thank you! I love you!

