2017-01-04 07:03pm

Saw PE at the Clinic


Just a quick update on my appointment…Things are going well. I have a lot of good plans and hopes for 2017. My goals are fun and I am excited for new beginnings. We discussed many things. One of most importance that I would like to record here is that I am going to try to get over my paranoia when people touch me- shoulder, back, arms, hands, head, etc. I feel like a “hex” is going to make me ill from it. Yes, I know this is not rational and is very odd. I have no proof that it has caused any damage in past occurrences.


I want to be free of this torture. It is a kind of “terror” where nothing may happen, but I am afraid of the idea. It puts me into a sort of prison of my own making. I told DB we will try an experiment for 3 weeks. I will pray about this, journal, and try to be less sensitive. I will see if anything bad happens. I told DB that my head is a more sensitive area and to avoid that. I hope I overcome this dilemma. Hopefully this experiment will be successful. God, help me. Thank you, God, for an understanding and loving husband. He is my most blessed, faithful and fun partner in crime. Thank you for picking him for me. I am so happy that he is my best friend and that we love each other so much.


Thank you, Father, for all the blessings you have given me. I hope I can make you proud and glad for the life I offer to you. Help me be who you want me to be. Equip and empower me to be that person. I love you, dad. I would like to ask for your blessing on my experiment and that your will be done in all areas of my life.

Amen. <3