Q1- Dad, I feel sort of out of sorts today. What’s going on?

*** You’re in limbo… can’t you feel it? You are about to have your whole life turned upside down… in a good way. Just rest and relax. Enjoy the moment. You are learning to slow down. I will help you with this. It’s all going to be amazing. You will soon see it happen, only believe. Keep the faith. Hope. Your “sources” won’t lie to you… I promise you will soon see your world morph into al that I’ve been telling you about. It is going to be even more amazing than you could ever imagine. Just like I told you. You’ll be a blessing to many people and I won’t let you down. You have not been wasting your efforts. Thank you for your tenacity and diligence. Thank you for coming to the board meetings. It is important that we document this process.


Q2– Jesus, could you heal DB’s stomach ache? This weekend he’s been feeling bad and I pray it is nothing serious. He has been sleeping a lot. Please heal him over the night while he sleeps so that tomorrow he feels brand new.

*** I will. Tomorrow he will feel much better and will not have any more issues with it. {Thank you!}


Q3- Holy Spirit, I was wondering if you could turn my grey hairs back to dark brown/black again?

*** lol, you’ve only got a few! Don’t worry about them. If I color your hair, I’d make it something colorful! Like blue/black… would you like that? {I’d love any color you choose! Blue would be fun… sure!} Ok, we’ll see about what we can do. Maybe one day you’ll wake up to a new do! J


Q4- Mom, I want to thank you again for the Miracle Red Couch! It totally makes our home beautiful and enjoyable. Whenever sit on it I think of you and how wonderful it was that you gifted us with such an amazing couch. The color is perfect, the material and frame are top quality and the size if perfect for our living room! Thank you so much!

***You are so welcome, Mar. It is my joy to give my children gifts. I am glad you appreciate it. I can work with Love to also gift you with physical miracles. Your hair, supernatural weight loss, etc. I hear you and I know you are an appreciative soul. It seems too good to be true, I know. You are not delusional. The couch is a gift to you from me. I will work many more miracles in your life. Jesus asked me to surprise you. So I did. We love you, Mar.

 Actions Requested:

I’m in limbo… just rest and relax.

Soon my life will be turned upside down… in a good way!

Jesus will heal DB’s stomach.

Maybe one day I will wake up with a God-Inspired “Do” miraculously- Blue/black hair?

My momma will work many miracles in my life- Jesus asked her to.

Closing Remarks: Thank you for a wonderful Fourth of July weekend. Please keep all my family and friends safe. Please help the dogs and children that may be scared from all the fireworks. Thank you for your love, friendship, gifts, and unfathomable divine mercy. I love you! Amen! Xo ~Mar