Q1- Jesus, Please forgive me for not being very prayerful for the people that are responsible for the evil in the world. I find it extremely difficult to pray for them or to think any good thoughts about them. I know that they are still my brothers and sisters, sons and daughters of God, but it seems impossible to find any love in my heart for people that do evil, think evil, and to me… seem evil through and through. I don’t understand what I need to do in order to love them, pray for them and do good works to them. Any suggestions?

*** Look to the example I gave to you while I was on the cross. I forgave them for all that they did to me, and I asked the Father to forgive them also… they truly don’t know what they are doing. If you don’t forgive your enemies, you cannot expect God to forgive you. It sounds harsh, but it is true. You will need to forgive many people in your lifetime. Think of your enemies not as they are, but as afflicted with evil, sick and in need of a doctor. You can be my hands, feet and mouth… you can show them the love I have for them. If you can’t do that, I will help you, but you need to try. Pray about it. I will give you the grace you need. Think before you speak anything that is not filled with love, empathy and compassion. You will grow into this new way of living. Think of it as training your heart muscles. It may be difficult at first, but after you practice this new loving way of life, you will master this important skill and grow stronger in love. I will help you, just do your best. Expect trials; they are designed to help you learn.


Q2- Father, I was wondering if it would ok for me to ask you once again, could you maybe help me out with an investment for EPP, Inc? I put my reservation to the Sec of State for rights to the name Eternal Party People, Inc. Now I just need help to get it off the ground. Would you like to be my partner?

*** I thought you would never ask… of course, I would love to be your partner. The plans are being worked out as we speak. I have it all lined up and will lay out my plans as we go through this together. Sham-Rock Studios will be a DBA under EPP, Inc. I have lawyers and a financial advisor, and accountant and musicians all lining up for the perfect timing to come help you along the way. You don’t need to worry so much, but I do like that you think things through and that you are open to the ideas I have for your business. {you mean… our business, right?} yes, thank you for that. Together all things are possible… without me, not so much. Lol.


Q3– Love, would you please infuse in my heart a deep and undying love for the lost, for the mean and evil spirited folks who roam the world as trolls causing nothing but pain and sorrow to those they attack? I need a fresh look at their hearts and their souls… I need to see with the eyes of Jesus, and love them no matter what they’ve done. I can’t do this without you.

*** Yes, I will have many love downloads for you in the coming years. You will know when they happen, you will feel it in your soul and the compassion you have for others will double in size in short bursts of infused love. You will not recognize yourself as you are now… it will seem like you are a completely new person as this process increases the love in your heart. Thank you for asking for this gift. I love to give the grace of loving the difficult to love, it is my favorite grace to give.