Q1– Mom, I wanted to ask you if you could help me write a song today. I for some reason, am resistant to sitting down and writing… I don’t know what is going on. Is there something in the spiritual realm that is causing this “fear” or procrastination? I want to write a song about these board meetings and that God wants people to offer up their suffering for lost souls.

*** There is a resistance in you because there is this blockade in the spiritual realm, but it is easily busted by prayer and a good habit of scheduled writing time. It doesn’t matter if it is good or not – just write. Every day. Regular scheduled writing is what is needed here. I will help you write the board meeting songs… there will be a series of them. It will be fun. The songs will be great fun to write and you will record these short 1 minute songs on GarageBand. They will be a blast for us to create, I will help you and so will God… enjoy the process. Don’t judge if they are “Good” or not, only write and record them. We are with you and all of heaven can’t wait to see how they turn out.


Q2– Love, I would like to help people, but am feeling so overwhelmed. I think maybe I’ve over committed myself. I feel fear about several things that I am dealing with and think that this is unnecessary. Why do I imagine bad things happening, when in reality everything is fine? I am looking into a future that most likely won’t ever happen as I dread things that will never happen.

*** Give it all over to me, Mar. You worry about many things and you don’t need to. I will help you in all things. I will help you when you need to know something, I am there to help. I can do anything for you. I can give you words of knowledge, I can tell you names of people that you’ve forgotten their names. I know you don’t have memory for most things. I will be your information-giver. I will help you in all situations, so you don’t need to worry about so many things. You will have difficulties, but nothing will be more than you can bare. I will allow some challenging times, they are for you to grow in love for all people. Don’t allow fear to get in the way of loving people but do be sensible and smart. I’ve got your back. We are a team. I will navigate these waters with you. I am always with you.


Q3- Jesus, thank you for being so kind to me. Help me be a blessing to others, and help me be a better person.

*** Help your neighbors. Be a friend. Don’t worry about things so much. Give your time to people. That is the most valuable thing that you can give. Time and of course, your prayers for them.


Q4– Dad, I need more time to get everything done, well, maybe time management skills would be good for starters. I wasted a lot of time this weekend. I think I needed it, though. It was very relaxing.

*** Don’t worry about time. I am the author of time and if you need more of it, I can give it to you. All things are coming along perfectly. You don’t need to struggle, only do your best. I am glad you took the weekend to relax.