Q1- Father-God, what should I do this weekend? I am tired of eating events! Why do we always have to get together over food? Food for fuel is good, but recreational eating is in my mind a slippery slope back to the 350s. I just want to be done with my battles over food, and it is never ending. Please do a “Ms. Hoodah” for me and just make all my fat go away! Lol.

*** Don’t laugh about the “Ms. Hoodah” plan… lol, it could happen! When you were little and put on that skit (the Ms. Hoodah Show) I laughed so hard, you were adorable and this short skit was a premonition you had as a child. Without knowing it, you prophesied your favorite miracles way ahead of your time. For now, just believe for your miracles. Where is your faith? I am in control of all things! And I do care about all the “little” things in your life that concern you, I am there in the midst of it all. Look towards me. Don’t be surprised when I come with power to heal; only praise me in the moment and know that I am God… in control… in love with my children… and I am coming with power to heal and my Glory will shine across the globe! Music will help it ride the waves of love to all the ends of the earth… a new song. Love conquers all. Love wins. Music and Love will heal the world. Don’t fret about a little extra weight, it will all come off soon. Just remember Ms. Hoodah! Lol. Long live Ms. Hoodah!