Appreciation & Gratitude: Thank you, Father, that you have all things prepared and arranged to bring all your children home. I pray for a loophole of your love… please see that all your kids come home; that all my brothers and sisters go back home to your love for eternity. Thank you that you have it all planned out. Thank you for sending Jesus to earth to make it possible for us all to return to your heart. Thank you for your love, your kindness, your forgiveness, your beautiful plans for us. Thank you a million times for DB, my parents and for our families. We are so blessed and I can’t thank you enough. Thank you for their love, friendship and for them always being here for me… I need their support in so many ways. Thank you for giving me the best family anyone could ask for. Thank you for forgiving me for my behavior in the past and for any mistakes I might make in the future. Thank you for creating the world we live in, thanks for making it entirely incredible. Please help us restore it to the garden with Jesus’ reign. Thank you that Jesus will soon put all things right again. Thank you for your redeeming love and for always watching over me, leading the way. Thank you for helping and for equipping me to be all that you call me to be. Thank you for one day (soon) investing in EPP, Inc and for making it possible to build my dream studio; ShamRock Studio for your purposes and for your glory. I love you, Dad! I love you, Holy Spirit/love, and I love you, Jesus!!!
Q1-Dad, what can I do to help unite people under your love? Is there anything I can do to help shine your love to all? Jesus came for the whole world… yet some would like to kill over this. It seems too great of an assignment for one insignificant person like me.
***Your purpose is simple, Mar. Be yourself. Be proud of your place in the world, a child of the most-high God. Only love greatly. Pray for the peace, love and Mercy of Jesus to wash over the world. The last shall be first. Humble yourself. Your assignment is truly simple… enjoy it and love life’s surprises. You will have many surprises ahead. Give thanks always. Look for commonalities… you have so much in common with other people. Don’t worry. It will all work out. I’ve got this. I love you, Mar. Fly- butterfly, Fly.
Q2– Jesus, would you please give me the grace and fire of your spirit to help make you deeply loved?
*** Do this in a simple way…love others. Love big. They will see Jesus in your actions, in your smile, in your love and concern for others. I will love them through you. Next, relax and enjoy the process. Your heart is in the right place and it will only grow inside of you each day until the day when we are together again … in the fullness of time, when I return, we will be together. Impossible is nothing to me. All things are possible… with God. You will have the grace and fire of my love which will help you make me deeply loved. Thank you for saying “yes”.
Q3– Love, I need your help every minute of the day… left to my own devices, I will fail in my assignment. I don’t want to disappoint God. Could you give me a word of courage and support; a hint into my strength in God that will always remind me of what a powerful ally I have in Christ!
***You are correct in saying that! Your strength is God in your heart. Courage will be there when you need it. You will have all that you need when you need it. God is in control and “God’s got this” so you need never worry about a thing. Only pray about all things and watch Him do this for you. I will never leave you. You will continue in your assignment each day growing in courage, strength and love -every day you grow closer to God. Don’t worry about a thing; and especially never doubt yourself… that is like saying you doubt God! You are God’s Living Enterprise, and God cannot fail! You could never disappoint God; He loves you too much and only sees you as you are in heaven right now… beautiful, strong, courageous, bold, and full of God’s love and mercy… a victor in Christ. You have all of heaven cheering you onward. Smile. Laugh more. You’ve got an incredible future ahead of you. We love you.
Q4-Mom, I am sorry that I have not been keeping you in the front of my mind. I have neglected to pray for your help every day like I should. Please forgive me. I need you.
***Mar, I am not upset with you, you have no need to ask for forgiveness. I am here for you. All that you need is being taken care of for you. I have been interceding for you every minute of the day and night. All of heaven’s angels are on your side, cheering for you- guiding you and protecting you. You will win your race. I have seen the end. It will be a beautiful story to tell for ages. I love you, Mar. You are doing great… keep the love and hope alive. Enjoy the process. I am pressing in for your cause… the Father has all things prepared and working for a successful assignment to be finished in God’s timing for His glory.
Actions Requested:
Love greatly, pray for peace, love and mercy to wash over the whole earth.
My strength is God in my heart.
Smile, Laugh more.
Keep the love and hope alive. Enjoy the process.
Closing Remarks: Thank you, I really appreciate your love and support, your guidance and for taking such good care of me. Thank you a zillion times for giving me the most amazing husband, parents, family and friends. Thank you for stability, and for great doctors. Thank you for watching over me and for showering your love in my life. Please hear my prayers; especially my prayers for my father. Please bless him with healing, a long life full of health and happiness for another 70 years with us- don’t ever take him from us. Please. I am serious, you could do this for us if you wanted to. Could you give him supernatural weight loss, healing from his head to his toes, and allow him to live forever… J I love you, God. Thank you so much for so many blessings. Please give all your children -the love of Christ and let it be shown to them through your soldiers of love. Amen! Xo, ~Mar