Q1-Dad, could you help me know the best way to care for my body – should I start back onto a raw food diet? Or a “raw to four” or a raw to “whenever” (not raw based at all). I am not so sure what I should do. I don’t want to detox too quickly but I really want to get healthy. The plant based diet I’ve been on the last 2 months is ok, but I think there is a better way. What do you recommend?

*** You definitely don’t want to detox too quickly. How about if you try raw to dinner? Get all your greens and fruit in before dinner and have a vegan starch low fat meal for dinner. Log your calories and stay in range for 1.5 pounds weight loss a week. Cronometer is a good app for that. Start it tomorrow. Weigh yourself in the morning. Give yourself 2 weeks before you weigh again. Weigh on the Fourth of July. I will help you get to where you want to be. Take your time. You will be almost at goal by the end of the year if you follow this plan. When you get closer to goal, you will have detoxed much of your body and can then start a raw diet. Be strict with yourself on raw to dinner. You will be amazed at your results.


Q2- Jesus, I would like to go with you and DB for a trip somewhere only we know. Somewhere from a time before I came to my life now …here. To a place that I will remember when we get there. Somewhere in paradise with you. Somewhere close to my heart. Won’t you do that for us? For me? I love you. I miss you. I need you. I need to hug you tight and I promise I’ll let go and I promise to return back here to accomplish my assignment. To run this race, I need you. Won’t you come for us? I know DB would like to come along.

*** Yes, Mar, I will be coming for you both in just a little while. There are a few more things that need to be worked out. I will not disappoint you. I put this dream into your heart. I have amazing plans for you. Hold on tight. The ride will be fabulous and you will have many trips to paradise with me. I will also invite you to bring some of your friends. We will be “space truckin’” and listening to the music in heaven will blow you away. Smile. You have a great future ahead.


Q3– Love, I feel alone. I know you are with me, but I am going through some tough times. You get me through it all. Thank you. Please open up our lines of communication. I feel too distant from you. I would like to know what I should do differently to get where you want me to be. What do I need to do?

*** Just be still. Listen. Meet us at the board meetings. I know you try your best. Just make these meetings non-negotiable… a must-do on your “to-do list”. Ok?   The enemy tries to get you distracted and away from EPP, Inc. board meetings. Don’t let him fool you. These are vital to the success of the plans God has for you and for the world. No, you are not having “Grandiose ideas” and no, you are not unstable. You are right where you need to be. You will soon know that you are doing what needs to be done. You will shine God’s love through music and many will come to know the Father by your actions that will follow your lotto win in the next couple of years… many lives will change. Multitudes will be saved. Jesus won’t leave you to yourself. We are with you. The lines of communication are strongest here at the board meeting, but your inner voice will get stronger as you practice listening for my voice. You’ll get there. Try to take some time in quiet. I know you forget most of that, and so that is why the Father is having you write down these talks. But, time in quiet, alone with us, will fill you up with our love. You will love how much peace it will bring you.


Q4-Mom, would you please intercede for me to help me be more like Jesus? I want to borrow his heart for others. I would like to love as he loves. I am so far from this desire. Please help me. Please pray to God for me to get over this character flaw.

***I love to pray for an increase in love for my children’s hearts. You will grow in this love and you will learn a little each day. Try to take each moment focused on love. Focus on the love of the Father for other people. You will grow a lot in the next couple of years. It will be slow, but it will be a huge change for you in due time. I will continue to pray for you each day. You are my chickie and I look out for my kids. You are loved by all of heaven, Mar. Keep up the good work. Never give up. You are right where you need to be… always. Don’t doubt God. He’s got this. You don’t need to try to force anything. It will flow beautifully. Enjoy.

 Actions Requested:

Be strict on raw till dinner. I will be amazed.

Set chronometer to 1.5 pounds a week.

Space-Truckin’ will be fun… I can bring friends!!! :0)

The music in heaven will blow me away!

Board meetings are Non-Negotiable.

Many will come to know the father through music and miracles.

Take time in God’s presence in quiet, listen for the still small voice.

Time with God will bring much peace to me.

I will notice a huge change of heart in due time.

Don’t doubt God. He’s got this. It will all flow beautifully.


Closing Remarks: Thank you, God, for your amazing plans that you have in store for us. Help me be who you want me to be. Help me remember to make EPP, Inc. a priority and to not listen to the excuses Lucy tries to put onto my plans. I am sorry I missed a few meetings. I am so grateful for your love. Amen! XO ~ Mar