Q1– Dad, Today I saw a picture of about 30 UN marked vehicles in convoy in Texas and Virginia… it freaked me out a minute, then I thought to myself, God has all things under control. I was happy that I had no anxiety about it and then found out that we make the UN Vehicles in the USA and they were all on way to the port to be shipped overseas. (that’s the story they’re sticking with, anyways.) I decided that the only thing that matters is what I need to do for you, God. And that you are in control and have all things lined up. You are fighting the enemy, evil and his deeds, and that you are not worried about anything. So, why should I be worried? I refuse to be concerned about world events. Whatever happens, happens and all I can do is pray and do my small part – whatever that turns out to be. I will do it with your help, and with faith and patience, yes, and perseverance. So, I guess this is more of a rant instead of a question. So, what do you think about all this? I haven’t blown it, messed it up, or disappointed you? Have I done some things wrong, not enough prayers, not enough repentance, not enough humility, not enough love and holiness… I know I come short in all these areas. And for that I am deeply sorry. The pressure is smooshing me like a pancake under all the weight of this. I can’t do it. You will have to do this. I can’t. sorry… tears won’t come anymore… I’ve cried an ocean inside my soul. I’m about spent. It’s your turn. I give up until I get a refresher in my spirit. I think I need to finally give it all over to you. That’s when you can take it and go with it, right? I need to hand it all over to you. It’s all you. None of me.
*** I love you, Mar. I will handle everything. Thank you for your persistence, perseverance, tenacity, faith and hope. I won’t let you down. I will come through for you. Just hang on a little longer. You are so close. Rest, relax, laugh, love and lounge. Your mantra this weekend. Ok? Freedom bell is ringing. Remember my words: “I’ve got this. It’s going to be more amazing than you could ever imagine.” Well, it is still true and it is just getting better for your situation every time Lucy pulls a fast one, you came through it all like a champ. You’re getting a lot of fanfare in heaven… everyone is cheering you on. Praying for you… and with you every step of the way. You are not letting us down, no, quite the opposite. You are making much progress and your game looks quite in your favor so far, you’re a mile ahead and all with a smile on your face. The enemy is feeling quite defeated in these battles. You’re exasperating a couple of their “best” warriors. They don’t know what they can do… you’re tough. Chin up. Your so close. Smile!
Q2- Jesus, life is so confining. Dealing with anxieties, paranoia, dizziness, self doubts and the stress of lie. Worry about what other people think. Feeling insecure. Feeling pressure to get all the stuff done, done correctly, and done in time… paying all the bills, making a nice home, being a good wife, daughter, friend, sister, aunt and dealing with so much horror going on in the world… living through all this with a smile and love in your heart. I’m trying. I’m pushing through but I know you have so much more in store for us. Heaven is going to be amazing. I can hardly wait. None of the crud and all of the good. Are we there yet, are we there yet, are we there? Lol. I know I have an assignment and I won’t quit until I’m done. When you call me home, then I know I’ve done what I came to do. Don’t let me fail you. Ok?
*** If you only could see what I see… you would know how far you’ve come and how defeated Lucy is feeling. (For good reason!) You could never fail me because you don’t need to do anything except be yourself with love and faith in your heart. I’ve got this, Mar. Because, I’ve already defeated him. Never forget that. It is finished. Done. Kaput. All you need to do is get the word out to the world and invite everyone to the Eternal Party! Easy! I will do all things and it will be a blast. Only believe. I know you do. And it will be so much fun. I know you can’t wrap your brain around this. It is so amazing and huge… I know, how can you understand this? You may not understand it until it is all completed and you’re in heaven with me… no worries. We’ll get there. Hang on. It’s going to be a wild ride!
Q3- Love, I depend on you. You are my hope, my joy, and my heart. Holy Spirit, could you ask Dad if it is time for the new chapter? I had to drive all the way to Indiana to get my lotto ticket today since Illinois is probably not able to pay their winners. I’ll put it into my safe deposit box at the bank tomorrow. I have to admit, though, Love- this is getting old. I’m growing old and I just don’t know what is going on here. Am I supposed to keep playing my whole life? I mean, it’s been 10 years, and the time is flying by… I’m almost 50 and it is just starting to seem silly of me to keep up with this. But, you call me to it, so I will play on. Maybe Freedom will ring this weekend… In more than one way? J Freedom for the world through EPP Phone app, or Sham-Rock Studio recordings/miracles, signs and wonders for the masses! Let’s start this party!
***Hahaha, yes, let’s get this party started! You’ll be glad you persevered… all good things come to those who wait.
Q4- Mom, could you talk with Jesus, see if it is our turn yet? Lol. I could use a call from Infant Jesus again. But instead I got to listen to Joel talk with me again today on the TV. He always has a good word for me, exactly what I need to hear when I need it. Thank you, God, for sending Joel for us.
***I thought you would like today’s message. Yes, on your own you can’t… but I have The God who spoke worlds into existence on my side… Father, Thank you that you are defeating our enemies, you are in charge and you rock, Father! Yes, God is clearing the path and giving you victory over your enemies. He will take you into your promise land…he has such good things in store for you. He will make things happen that you could never arrange. God is all powerful! Don’t give up on your dreams… I know you wouldn’t. I believe and declare abundance is on its way. Amen!
Actions Requested:
Thank you that my dreams are coming and you are working behind the scenes. You are pushing back the darkness, arranging all things to line up. You haven’t brought me this far to leave me by myself. My dream looks impossible… but You, God, can do the impossible. Thank you that your plans and my dreams are on their way to showing up. Thank you, God! I love you! I believe my breakthrough is on the way. It’s just a matter of time before it shows up. Thank you that one day, you will invest in Eternal Party People, Inc. You are a supernatural God who is going before me, fighting my battles. My fire is stirred up and my faith is strong in the Lord. I love you! I believe in you and your dreams that you placed into my heart. I haven’t missed my opportunity, now is the time. I love you! You have amazing plans for my life and for the world. I think you are amazing. Thank you, God, you have new beginnings on the way. AMEN!
Closing Remarks: Hang on, just a little bit longer, Mar. You are not crazy in believing for the goodness of God. You are not crazy for believing in your dreams. God put those dreams into your heart. God will bless my efforts and has amazing plans in store for his children that love him. Xo ~Mar