Appreciation & Gratitude:  Millions of thanks, Dad, for your love! Thank you for your unfathomable divine mercy! Thank you for all that you do for me… you gave me incredible parents, a loving husband who cracks me up endlessly, our jobs, our home, food and all that we need… you give us all this and blessings every day continuously. Thank you for my new glasses. Thank you for the beautiful sunsets over the water in our back yard. Thank you for nice neighbors, friends, music, entertaining movies, and tennis. Thank you for always surprising me with your hints, signs and wonders. You are amazing!


Q1- Dad, what do you think about my voice? How do I sound to you when I try to sing?

***I know you don’t always like how you sound. Don’t worry about it. It is the heart that matters. What you lack in vocal beauty you make for with your beautiful heart. Write your own songs. Record more often. Try to record one song every 2 weeks and play it for your instructor to make suggestions for your next songs. I love your voice because it is you singing… and many people will love your songs and be lifted up by your heart each song. Don’t listen to the critics… the only one that should matter is you. Record and see how much I can work through you. I have many songs for you to write… only put pen to paper and get started, silly. Enough of a break… it’s time to start writing again. Like I said, 1 every 2 weeks or 2 per month. OK?


Q2- Jesus, could you help me write some new songs? I’d like to make a song for my parents anniversary.

***I would love to help you write it and I have ideas for your melody and chord progression. Take 30 minutes a day to write a new song and practice for your lessons. Give me the time and I will bless it for your benefit. You will see how good I am to you; I will give you beautiful songs. They are ready and just waiting for you to claim them as your own. I will send them to you so be ready to write it down and record as you discover them in your imagination and dreams.

Q3– Love, I need your help with motivation to get exercise… I feel so lazy lately. Lately as in the last 2 or 3 months!

***Time flies, I know. Don’t look back. It’s not too late to start up again. You have lots of opportunities for tennis. Don’t be nervous about going to the double programs. Once you go, you will see how fun it is and that you have nothing to worry about. You will be fine. Also, enjoy this perfect weather for long walks. Try getting up a little earlier and walking before work. Maybe MB would like to play in the mornings. Give her a call.


Q4-Mom, Blessed Mother of my God- Could you please intercede for me, again? I really would like to start the new chapter… a new day. Would you ask Dad how much more time do I have to wait? It’s an old story… not to complain or anything… I just am getting weary waiting. Could you pray that I endure patiently and expectantly believing that it will all come true. Please ask Dad for the dream to be shaken into reality for me- I would really appreciate your help. Thx.

***You got it. Keep pressing in… you are doing great. Hang in there. He said that it is all happening very soon for you and for you not to give up hope. Your dreams are God-Sized and he loves that about your imagination. Only you could stretch it even more grandiose according to Him, you are still not dreaming big enough! Lol – I bet you never guessed that!


Actions Requested:

Write and record 2 songs per month.

Be ready to receive song ideas; write them down and record them.

Get up earlier and play tennis or go for long walks before work.

Call mb. Keep pressing in; hang in there.

Dream even bigger!


Closing Remarks:    Thank you for your help, love, inspiration and friendship. Thank you for your patience with me and for helping me press onward. I love you guys! Amen! Xo, ~Mar