Eternal Party People Board Meeting Minutes
Date Held: March 11 2016 10:35pm
Call To Order: Father God called the meeting to order on March 11 2016 10:35pm
Appreciation & Gratitude: Wow, thank you for this new laptop! I love it, it’s fast when I type… kewl. Thank you for this tool for the use on my up and coming blog. I still don’t know when I’ll go “live” online, but it will help me to get ready for it. Thank you for guiding me and helping me with all this. Thank you for spring – it’s finally here! I love it! Thank you for giving us weekends! I love the relaxation we get on our days off, we are blessed. Thank you for the quiet. Thank you for the peace I find in you. Thank you for a home that is free of any violence, and filled with love and friendship. Thank you for giving me faith in you, I love you!
Q1-Dad, I’ve got a “head full of dreams” and I’m starting to believe that you just might like to use my help in sharing your love. Do you want me to start EPP, Inc. with Sham…Rock Studios? Do you still think (my fav studio) would be a good location?
***Mar, you know I can’t say much about that yet… all will be revealed. Just take it one day at a time. There is a lot going on to get ready and things change daily with this battle. It’s not as easy as just snapping fingers to be where we need to be. Patience, dear Mar, patience. The wait will be worth it. Just keep preparing the blog. Be faithful in coming to the board meetings. Continue to fight the good fight. I am with you. I see all that is going on in your town… we are going to paint the town red… red with the love of Jesus. Many will come around in time, pray for the ones we lost and they will find their way home.
Q2-Mom, it is so difficult sometimes, to live with these limitations. I feel like I am easily broken. Easily disturbed with society, a misfit. A wander away from home. I wonder if I will make it. I feel alone sometimes, fragile and vulnerable.
***Mar, we see you and all that you are dealing with. You don’t need to worry. It may not look like it, but God is still on the throne. He is in complete control. Nothing will happen that he does not see. He is all seeing, all knowing, and all for you! You are a superhero in the supernatural even when you feel so weak in the natural. The mental challenges you struggle with from time to time are working in many ways; You are becoming the person God wants you to be… what was meant for your harm, God will use for your good. You will look back on your life and thank God for allowing mental illness to touch your life. I know right now you feel small and useless. Quite the contrary. You are our secret weapon… not so secret anymore. Yes, you have evil to contend with, but it is God that will fight your battles. Trust in God always. Look towards him for all your needs. You will be amazed at the miracles that are awaiting you. You feel like the world hates you, that everyone is against you. Look the other way. The only thing you can do is “live like a warrior, let yesterday burn in the fire… let go… live like you wanna”.
Q3-Love, my sweet friend, could you give me a hug and touch my heart. I feel sad that I’m going through the struggle of evil against me. It’s wearing me down some and could use some of your renewal juice. I need some supernatural love for my journey this upcoming week.
*** You got it, mar… I will give you extra special super-duper supernatural peace, love, joy, and laughter. Focus on my love. Do you feel it? Good. It will continue to grow and expand each day… you might glow a little… no worries. No one cares if you are a little lit up. Rest in my love. Close your eyes. Enjoy.
Q4-Jesus, thank you for giving me the most amazing man for my husband. I am so grateful for all that he does for me. He has been such a strong person that has saved my life so many times. He has stood by me through all the craziness I’ve put him through. He is truly a loyal and wonderful best friend anyone could ever dream of having for a lifetime of love. Thank you for choosing him for me. Thank you for helping us get through this wild trip of a life we lead.
*** “All that glitters is gold… only shooting stars break the mold.” The two of you are going to rock the world. Hold tight to your dreams. It’s going to happen. All of it… and more! Get ready for miracle music to come out of your mouth… wild and crazy cool miracles. Believe it will happen and it will. Keep your faith. (At least the size of a mustard seed!) … for you will do the miracles I did and even more, since I am gone back to heaven. I am coordinating everything. It will be even “more amazing than you could ever imagine”!!! I know you’re ready. Hang tight! Take off is fast approaching. Brace yourself and enjoy the calm before the storm. It may be a little stressful but together we will get through the next phase. Your investment funds are close to entering your realm. Your life is about to change in so many ways; hold tight to God and you will come out the other side a miraculously amazing superhero child of God… the apple of His eye. Blessed be God Forever! I love you, mar.
Actions Requested:
Pray for the lost ones
Live like a warrior
Hang on, it’s coming soon! Believe with great faith.
Closing Remarks: Thank you again for a great meeting. I appreciate these pages. All my hopes are growing every day, this wait is only giving me time to think of what more I can do for you. I am grateful that you have helped me grow in faith, grow in patience (even though I have a long way to go still), grow in love and to let go of my need to control things/people. (I know I have a way to go, but I am making progress.) Thank you for your encouragement, love, peace, and for giving me the spirit of God in such a strong measure. I feel your love. I know you have me in the palm of your hand. That is all that matters. Don’t let go. I need you! Xo, ~Mar