Q1-Dad, do you really have waterfalls in my mansion in heaven? And is it true that the mansion rotates as I walk around my new home so that I always have a view of the falls outside? I love waterfalls, and is it true that there are works of your space art as planets in space in the shape of a blue eye, or a huge planet that looks like a butterfly? Do you really have mystery doors hanging around for us to walk through to a whole other world? Is it true there is no time and no such thing a space that is limited to only one thing at a time? It is all so marvelous!
*** yes, it is true… all that and so much more. There are many surprises in store for my children! If I gave all the info to Kat it would blow your mind… if only to experience it, you will understand. Words cannot explain heaven. Would you like to have a tour too? (YES!!! PLEASE!) ok, Mar, one day you will be given a tour. I promise. Wait until the time is right and we will show you around. Ok?
Q2-Jesus, you are genius! I can’t believe all that you and dad have prepared for us! Did you have fun creating all the things Kat spoke about?
*** yes, we had a blast in creating all things but the cool thing is, you and all the family of God will each also create their own worlds… animals, nature, mansions, rivers, mountains, all kinds of wonderful things will be created in the future… by you and all God’s children! There are millions of worlds yet to be made and it will all be glorious, and a blast to explore. One little hint… you along with many, will get to create beautiful and amazing things on earth… before I come back and the Earth will sing for joy in the creations that are yet to be made. You will have a “float transport” made of diamonds with mother of pearl wheels… if you still want one. (Yes! How fun will that be?!!) Many, many, many incredible things are about to happen on earth. We are glad that you would like to take a part in this introduction to heaven by helping create and display some miraculous works in your world. We are excited for you to start moving in the miraculous. Pray for this for not only your life in this but also for many others to join in this fun with you! (All the eternal party-goers will be able to join in the fun!)
Q3-Love, my wonderful Holy Spirit of God, could you tell me what I need to do to start working in this miraculous new world here on earth? I want to surrender to all that you have for me to do! I can’t wait. I hunger and thirst for God. Help me do the will of God always. That is my hope and desire. I want all that God has for me to do. I want to know you more.
***To start working in the miraculous, dear mar, you only need to believe. Pray and sing in the spirit, ask God to have his way in you. He will stir inside of you many bold new creation prayers. Talk with me always. I will lead you in all things. It will be me along with your angels that will be soon giving you your first tour of heaven. So, get ready. Pray for this. It will be not only a blessing to you, but to all that hear you tell of it afterwards. You will know much from speaking with us always in your heart throughout the day. The road to paradise, the road you and many will walk on to get here, is filled with surprises along the way. Enjoy the process and take deep enjoyment of this process. It will be as if all things become brand new… a springtime of blessings in full bloom. You will love every step you take. Pray for everyone to join in with you. You will help others join you in this path to reach God and his Kingdom. Paradise is for all people… let’s pray they are all willing to say yes and rsvp to this eternal party.
Q4– Mom, I would like to see all the wonders of this new world. I want to see all the things I never thought I would see… even around this world now. Earth is amazing. One issue I deal with is I hate to fly. It’s too stressful. So, my dream is made of me being able to teleport around and see everything I’d dreamed of seeing. I’d like to do all the things I’ve never dared; to be able to go places for a short while and then be back in my own bed at night with a mind full of all the amazing things I see; things I dream of. Is this something you can help me out with and understand what I need to do to work in this type of miraculous wonder?
***I can tell you that all this and more; will be in your future. You and DB will travel the world… in a one-day tour and do this many times in your lifetime. The two of you will be pioneers of teleportation and show many how to do this also. Many parties will be crashed by you two. You will appear, take photos of your travels- post them here on this blog… videos of your travels. People will want what you have and you will teach them all how to do this themselves. Also, bi-location will be common for you and many. Heaven will break through to Earth. Love will rule. What you need to do is dream of this, pray- and believe it will happen. In time, all this and more will come to pass. Hold on to your dreams, Mar. You have them in your heart for a reason. Never give up on your dreams.
Actions Requested:
Hope and pray for it, wait. Heaven is only a thought a way.
Never give up on my dreams.
Pray for others to join along with you -to make all dreams come into reality.
Closing Remarks: Listening to Kat Kerr has totally changed my mindset… it is so much more incredible than I was previously imagining… and this is only a glimpse into heaven. This is a game changer, Dad. Thank you for showing me this information. Help me be prepared and ready for my first tour of heaven. I can’t wait. Help me be healthy enough to go there and come back with my mind not completely blown. I know I still have to deal here in the world. Make me ready, I pray. Take many along with me in these dreams. Make them a reality. Help me grow into the person you would like me to be. I want to help you in your family business… help me help you save souls. Show me all that you want to show me and make me worthy of the promises of Christ. Please help me with technology… I’m having issues. Thank you! Amen! Xo, ~mar