Appreciation & Gratitude:

Thank you for your amazing love and goodness. Thank you that one day (in heaven) there will be no fear, hate, jealousy, rejection, hatred, pain, sorrow or darkness! Thank you that you have amazing plans for all of us and that you will show your GLORY here on Earth in an outpouring like none other. Thank you that you will have good plans for me to help usher in your Holy Kingdom… whatever I can do… Use me, Lord! I am signing up! I want to be a part of the move of God that is coming soon to the Earth. Thank you that your presence will be known all over the planet and your love will wash over all people. Thank you again for Kat Kerr, I am learning so much from her videos. Thank you that your timeline is perfect. Help me get on board in the right season for your good plans! Your Fullness of TIME! Good times! Party Time with you, papa! The whole world is going to be your guests for this gala event of all time. You rock! Amen!

Q1-You are the Good Father of my spirit… you say my spirit is light. Could you increase this light in me for your purposes so that I can shine the light of Jesus on others in a more fully true way? I want the fire of your love in my heart. I need more of you! Fill me with boldness, Dad!

***You are precious to me; the fire of my love is in your heart. I will enkindle this fire for your benefit. Get prepared for new love power to invade your being… you will love it! Beams will shine out from your being. No evil will prevail over you…if evil gets too close, they will get burnt! Keep asking for more, as you desire more, let me know. I have many good gifts to give you. Yes, Boldness is one of the gifts, along with my everlasting love and power.


Q2-Mom, I would like to help create a region of light. A place where no crime or hate can occur… the light will rule us there. Usher out any evil and a place where the glory of God is all pervading. I would like to take back my hometown from Satan- make it a safe place for us to live and worship God. A fullness of time has come and we will be in a new age… can we start it here where I live? (Just for a starting spot?)

***I know how much you are frustrated with Lucy. Believe me, we all are tired of him and his evil meddling. It is good that you are asking for this grace. I will intercede to the Father for your request. It is a very good thing that you are asking for this. You will be a blessing to … it is going to spread across the USA with cities taking back the territory of God for His Glory and for his children!


Q3– Jesus, I would like to learn how to take authority over evil… what is the best and easiest way to do this?

*** All people will know and understand the power of my Glory. In the Kingdom Age, God’s will -will be done on earth as it is in heaven. No lack. Your words create things. Instant reactions in the Earth… so watch what you speak. Ask to only speak life and to not do damage. Bless. Don’t curse. Love. The easiest way to take authority over evil is to shine my love on all people. Turn on the light and the darkness will vanish. Learn to soak in my presence; just rest in me. I know your problems. Declare what I will do for you. Believe in me. Declare in power and authority what I say to you… this will cause it to occur. Pray in tongues; your game changer.


Q4-Love, My happy spirit who I adore, I hear you are a genius poet!!! (Kat Kerr told me) Could you help me come up with some great poems/songs?

***Yes, she is right I am quite the drama king… I love to sing and write poems and songs. Mary and I love to sing songs to each other for fun… and I give you a special anointing for this gift. I will always be with you when you write songs and if I ask you to write something down, pleeeeeease write it a.s.a.p. before your forget. Ok? Have fun with the gifts I will give you… gifts of words to help heal the world. You have the best writing team in the universe… enjoy! Don’t forget to make time for this great work.


Actions Requested:

Keep asking for boldness and the light of the Father

Keep believing and asking for a territory dedicated to God to live in this town

Make time to write poetry songs

Pray more in tongues… a game changer!


Closing Remarks:

Thank you for the advice I have been getting lately in my life. Thank you for making me free from sin and clearing out all the junk in my soul. Please give me the grace for abundant life. No more fear in me. I will not allow any fear to come back… if it tries, I will say, “I am not receiving that!” I ask for your love, light and fire into my soul right now. Father, I thank you that now my soul is whole. My soul will prosper and I will prosper and be in health… in Jesus’ name… Hallelujah! Xo, ~Mar