Q1- Holy Spirit, Love is the answer for most of my questions. Why do I get stumped on this small detail? (Not so small, I know.)
*** Compassion. Love. Understanding. Trust. Trust in me. I will lead you. You have a lot to learn about compassion, which is the key to love, and also to understanding. If you will look at people through the eyes of God, you will see Christ in each person you meet. Pray for this revelation. It will give you a renewed and healthy gift of agape love. It is not to be misunderstood. This is love in its most pure state; agape will sometimes be confused with lust or flirtatious when given by a woman to a man. So, be careful not to be misunderstood. However, don’t feel guilty if your intention is pure agape love… Don’t let the enemy lie to you and try to make you filled with guilt. It is not your business what other people think. You cannot control other people’s imaginations and judgmental attitudes.
Men have a difficult time discerning between agape love and sexual flirtations. It is because agape love is rare in the world right now. Try to be careful in this area; do your best not to confuse others. But don’t let that stop you from loving all people with the love of Christ. Your husband understands this and is behind you 100% so be sure to give him not only the love of Christ but also continue to give him a lot of affection and love. He likes little gifts of chocolates, flowers and he loves to laugh, joke around, and dance! Do this often, he loves you so much. You are very blessed to have him as your husband. {I’m so lucky to be in love with my best friend!}
Q2-Dad, I am trying so hard to be all you call me to be. I struggle. I feel like I’ve let you down in so many ways. Did I ruin the plans you have for me? Am I far behind on the path, or have I gone completely into the mud by the side of the road?
***You don’t know the depths of my love for you and for the world. No one is ever so completely lost that I can’t get them back onto my designated trip for their life. None can stray so far away that I cannot set them free. The rising sun will not fail to shine. All will be found. None lost. You don’t need to needlessly worry such a thing. God sees your efforts. We love you and you are not behind in your travels with me. You try to run ahead sometimes, but I keep you in my sights. Your heart is always in the deep blue ocean of my love. I keep you with me in my heart; you are all I see- and I like what I see. You have a huge heart and you don’t even know it. No, dear mar, you are steady on the path I have set out for you and you’re following at a quick pace… perfect timing and all is good.
Plans are on track and if possible, even ahead of schedule. You’re exceeding our expectations; you’re ahead of the pack! We make an unbeatable team… the devil doesn’t know what hit him. He’s actually got a bit of a nervous breakdown when he thinks about you and our plans of overtaking souls for Christ. He’s got a little bit of an excessive sweat coming off his forehead; and it’s not from the heat of hell. He’s got pride like you’ve never imagined; worse than any pride you’ve ever come across… and he’s got his tail between his legs in anticipation of a defeat from a woman believer in Christ. Keep up the good work. Take your authority given to you in Christ and you will overcome all evil that dares to come near you. Smile, you’re on candid camera- all of heaven is watching! And cheering wildly over your walk in Christ’s love over the forces of darkness. Just keep shining the light; darkness will just disappear. Easy.
Q3-Jesus, am I dreaming and is all this an illusion? Is this all made up in my grandiose mind? If it is, fine, I just want to know the truth. It all feels so real. So true. But then I really have no proof or sign that all I’m dreaming is real. If you put this dream into my heart but have no intention of seeing me through this, please take it away. I only want to do your will. I only want to help you and mom save souls. I have big plans; plans which would need you to make it all happen as I’ve dreamt. You have plans so much higher than my mind could ever imagine. I only want your plans; not mine- if they run ahead of you I fail. I found out I can do nothing without you. I need you. So, is this an illusion of grandeur? I don’t think so… but need a little reminder from you. Tell me what I need to hear, but don’t let it be me “talking” and making this all up. I beg you. Tell me my next step. Tell me the big picture. I need to hear it from you.
***I am sorry to have put you through all this. You are doing a wonderful job. You are on the right path, and you took a shortcut that we thought you might take. You will just need to wait a little for everything to line up. Your sprint will make you exhausted- take it easy. Slow down. No hurry in God’s plans, no hurrying is allowed in heaven. We take it nice and easy here. Lie around a little while, dream as you gaze at the clouds… roll with the music… waste a little time for enjoyment. Laugh. This will help your travels. Your next step is to relax, things are looking good. You will know your next step when you win… the … lottery! Yes, I said it, again… you will win. But you must be patient. The Father has the timing all worked out. So, rest and pray for all things to work out as God has in mind. The next step will be to throw a party for the Eternal Party People! You will start this business in the proper manner with help from experts. It’s going to be so much fun. Everyone wants to love. Everyone wants to be loved. We will help them to do just that! Hang in there. Happy is the heart that still feels things. Let the love and light enter in and it will over flow to the world.
Q4-Mom, It never comes easily. I’m likely to be worried, stressed, and sometimes in fear. I don’t want this but from time to time, it’s impossible to shake. Could you advise me what to do? This responsibility seems so heavy and important, this assignment seems like the world depends on me doing everything right. I make mistakes and feel like I’m walking blind half the time. I am trying to do what’s right. Help?
***You’re my little chick and I am with you. Tell me your worries and we can together talk with Jesus. He likes it when we come to him together to Him for prayer. The smiles will be returning on all faces, Mar. Think of the gift you will be able to share with the world. The gift of Jesus. The good news of his redemption and the amazing reality that heaven is waiting to throw them all a party for all of eternity filled with more blessings than people could ever desire. God will be lavishing gifts upon all eternal people with so much more than we could ever ask, but the best gift will be to get to be with Jesus forever! God the Father will also be a loving force to reckon with… the love as lightning bolts filled with love-energy that will blow all of your minds. Your “mistakes” will be used to catapult your steps ahead and make your efforts multiplied. Don’t worry. We’ve got this.
A lot is at stake, but in the end, heaven breaks through and His Kingdom will be on earth as it is in heaven. We won’t give up on you… don’t give up on us. Even when it gets rough, you have all our love. Look up; share Christ’s love to all people. You are all worth every difficulty you may face. I give you all my love. Pray with me to God; I always intercede with you to the Father. Offer up any suffering you feel, offer it all up for lost souls. Many will come back home to the father because of your efforts. Even if all this were for only 1 person, it will be worth it. Right? {Yes, but I have high hopes for the world… grandiose, I know. I’m a girl with big God-Sized dreams!)
Actions Requested:
Love everyone with agape love; love of Christ. See Christ in all people.
Take your authority given to you by Christ and you will overcome all evil. Shine the light and darkness will disappear.
Smile, heaven is watching and cheering me onward!
Next Step: Lotto Win and party planning! For the EPP!
Mom will intercede with me in all my prayers. I will be fine.
Closing Remarks: Thank you for your help! I am glad we had this meeting… so much good stuff. All my worries are behind me. I no longer accept the spirit of fear in my mind… all things will work out for God’s Good Plans! Thank you for praying with me, Mom. Holy Trinity, I love you so much and I am glad that you haven’t given up on me. I will wait patiently for a win… I know the devil would love it if I quit and stopped playing the lottery. It’s been almost 8 years, but I believe even stronger now than when I first started playing. God has me in his heart. God placed this dream into my heart. I will not give up until He asks me to quit. Lord, I pray that the next chapter will soon start and a new day will dawn for me, my family, my friends, my hometown, my state, my country, my world… let it begin. Let me be worth of the promises of Christ. Jesus, Mary, help me help you save souls. Make me who you want me to be. Equip and empower me to do your party planning for all God’s Eternal Party People. Equip and empower me to do your will always. Please invest in EPP, Inc. soon if it is in accordance with your Holy Will. Amen! Xo, ~Mar