Q1– Jesus, I would like to talk with you more… what do I need to do to hear your voice? I would love to hear from you all throughout the day. Is it ok if I hear you in the “voice of my husband”?
***Yes, it is good that you want to hear from me more. You only need to talk with me and I will respond. Think of me throughout the day. I want to share everything with you as you go through your days. You can hear me as if in the voice “of your husband” if you like… that is fine by me, just know that I am way cooler than him. J Just kidding, I am very much like him, only much better… We both love you very much and we both care about you. (Only I do this in an unfathomable divine manner.) You will have many laughs with me once you start to hear my voice… I like to crack jokes and I have much to share with you. We will have some good times ahead. Always look towards me and you will feel my presence, hear my “voice” and you will become much more relaxed and at peace. I have a lot of silliness to share with you; I have a great sense of humor, if you don’t mind me saying so. I will guide you… I am the way in all things. You won’t get lost with me guiding you throughout the day.
Q2-Love, most Holy Spirit, I still want to go on a tour of heaven… just sayin’. J
*** Haha, ok, Mar, when the timing is perfect, I will come to get you for a trip up to the best place this side of eternity… hang tight. You’ll come when all the timing works out best. May be a little wait but we won’t forget your trip. You may have a bumpy ride in the next couple of weeks. (Possible win finally in the works) Just Sayin’. 😉
Q3– Dad, Could you bless my father with good health and many, many, many, many more years with us? Please heal him from head to toe with a renewed and regenerated circulatory system, heart, lungs, veins, arteries, capillaries, and all his organs including his skin…. Please bless him with extraordinary health. I love him and can’t even think of life without him. He’s so funny and always helping with anything we need. He’s smart and gives good advice… please blesses him with long long long life.
***Mar, your prayers are important. Keep praying for his health. Everyone must die sometime, but I have heard your prayers each day and will do what is best. Give it over to me. I have all things under control. Maybe I want to spend some time with him, too. Did you think of that? J
You have him for eternity; I only want him until Jesus’ return to Earth… is that so much to ask?
Haha, ok, we’ll see what we can do. Whatever happens, just know you will be fine, and all things are for the best and ultimate good. You will see. Enjoy time you have with him, cherish every day. And that goes for all your family and friends, appreciate the time you have with them. Ok? We love you.
Q4-Mom, my old friend, SS, also needs your prayers. Please ask Jesus to heal him of Cancer and to also bless his family; especially his wife. I pray that they get through this tough time and are stronger from this trial. Please also intercede for me for the health of my father. Please pray for my marriage and also for my sugar addiction… I need to get this weight off!!!
***I know all that you pray about. I am with you in prayer- always interceding for your intentions. Both of them will be fine. I pray for you and db every day. I hear your requests and I know all that you need. Pray in the most powerful way also, Mar. You know we keep asking you to sing in tongues… it’s fun AND Effective! Enjoy your prayers by singing them… they are more powerful when you sing a prayer over just speaking it. Both are great, but singing is better, and singing in tongues is like a newton bomb of a prayer. So, Sing Out Loud!!! J
Actions Requested:
Think of Jesus throughout the day and talk with him. He’s a lot of fun and will bring me much peace.
Keep praying for Dad’s health.
Sing in Tongues- it’s like a powerful Newton Bomb of a prayer!
Closing Remarks:
Thank you for this time! I have to get going now; I need to be at the Adoration Chapel at 4pm. Please be with me during my time with the most Blessed Sacrament and all throughout mass afterwards. I love you! Amen! Xo, ~Mar