I am so stressedddddd…. And pissed off. I am doing EVERYTHING and all I get from DB is grief, more stress, bad attitude, no help and non appreciative! I am sorry, but he actually had the never to complain today about something I double-checked with him. I got a text for the airlines, which he cancelled… because of the move. Now, all I said was I got a text about delay in the take off for the flight. He accused me of not being truthful – all I wanted to do was tell him I got a text. Anyways… I am just about at my peak of pissed-off on the upset meter… argh! He has 10 days off… slept all day while I worked my butt off… dealing with the stupid insurance from the guy that hit me. Dealing with arranging estimates, car rentals, oil change, getting my hours in today while working on getting my jobs lined up for April… on edge for realtors coming to show our condo… please arrange this for me…DAD HELP ME!!!!!!!!!!! Please. Please send someone to buy our condo quickly and easily. Please keep 811 open for us to buy… I need your divine intervention. Please forgive me for swearing at DB… that was rude. I am sorry, but I am no saint. I know… earth-shattering news. Not a saint… check.


~mar, hahaha, you don’t need to worry so much. I am in control. Don’t worry about swearing but apologize to DB when he gets home. Tell him your feelings and ask for him to help you out more. Give him jobs. He’ll do it. I will help you out financially. Just be patient and obedient. When I ask you to do something, try to do it and don’t let yourself get in the way.


Ok, so I apologized. He seemed sorry (a little) too, for his part in being difficult. I gave him a job a week ago to clean out the garage for the showings this weekend. He put it off saying it’s “too cold” and refused to help with that. I said ok, I’d do it, then… like I do everything around here. He grumbled, said it didn’t need to be swept out. Now, I’m trying not to become infuriated with him again. So, I went to change and just figured I’d do it. No big deal. I am not going to get mad at him over this… that’s what he seems to want. (For whatever reason, I don’t know why.) I put my shoes on and ready to go clean it out when he said he did it while I was changing. It took him not even 10 minutes and it looks great. Big to-doo about nothing. It took him minutes. Literally. Why do I have to go through this with him every time I ask him to do any small thing? I swear, Dad- I am about to lose it. Help me change myself… I know I can’t change him. It is not worth all this anger every time I ask him to do something. It is easier to just do it all myself. Not. . Fair… But the reality is this. Why he is so stubborn I don’t know. He certainly has plenty of energy for tennis 3 or 4 times a week. Argh.


Mar… calm down. It’s all just a test. Don’t give your energy away so easily. Refuse to get angry. The enemy loves it when you lose it. Come to me when you want something done. I will handle it. When you ask DB to do something… write it down, talk with him about it and give him a timeline to finish the project. He will do it. Pray to me about it if it isn’t done and I will help you sort it out. You are just stressed right now with everything that is going on. In a few months this will all be behind you guys. If you remain in peace, you will be blessed for your efforts. Enjoy your weekend. Rest up. Take time for yourself with me in the office. You will be at peace in there. I promise.