Appreciation & Gratitude: Thank you for your patience with me. Thank you that you still have good plans in store for me. Thank you that you can use me in some way for your purposes. Thank you that you will show me what you would like me to do. I am waiting on your word, set for the race ahead. Thank you for the calm before the ”storm”… let your power come down to me and blow your mighty wind of change. I am ready and waiting to serve you in EPP business. Thank you that you have not forgotten me. Thank you that you will one day soon invest in EPP, Inc. I will do my best to prepare for your next move of the spirit. Thank you for coming to meet with me here all these days, you are truly wonderful to be with me each day. Thank you for the sunset outside. Thank you for loving family and friends. Thank you that you are keeping my friends and family free from the attacks of the enemy. Protect them, especially from illness, Lucy’s favorite weapon. Heal them all and protect them in all ways, I pray. Amen!
Q1-Mom, I am having a real struggle with weight. I am going to embark on a new plan… 5:2 fast Diet. I would eat 500 calories on two days a week and then I’d plan on eating when hungry on the other five days in a plant based and low fat plan with Dr. D. Is this what you would have me to do? Or do you have something better in mind? Any suggestions?
***This sounds great, Mar. The only suggestion I have for you is to start again with the couch to 5k phone app. Then move onto the 5k to 10k app. You will lose a lot of weight quickly and healthily. We will bless you and cheer you on. Dr. D will help you with this. When you add exercise to your daily schedule, you will feel so much better. Your back is healed now and so it would be great for you to get back into the swing of things. Give yourself time; don’t expect to be at your goal in 2 months… it will come off at its own pace. Everything good is worth the wait. Be patient with yourself. Stick to it, you will love how you will feel. Give yourself until January 2017- 9 months. You will be a brand new person and you will keep off the weight more easily when it comes off slowly.
Q2-Dad, I really need a sign from you. What am I supposed to do with the Blog idea? Your word is good. I just need you to somehow convince me that I am supposed to start it… or wait… or forget all about it. What say you, pops?
*** You will have a definite answer soon. Just keep up what you’re doing now. You will make history and your mom is right- “everything good is worth the wait.” So just hang tight. That is still my response to your question. I am in control and you don’t have to worry that you are not doing something right, or that you’ve become unworthy, or that I’ve changed my mind. No. Everything is unfolding as it should. You have no need to rush the process. You have not “let me down” – you don’t hold me up. You could never fail because You are my LIVING ENTERPRISE… and I CAN NOT FAIL. So, quit worrying. You’re only causing stress which makes you unhealthy in many ways. Relax, Mar. You’ve got this. Just a little longer… you will soon forget all about these last 8 years and all the suffering you’ve caused yourself in the wait. Your prayer to ask me to help you be who I want you to be has been the reason for this delay. It is genius, we’ve come so much further than we could have without this time of preparations and you with me are unstoppable! It is very good that you’ve prayed this for your development. I am proud of you and your progress. Soon, we will be able to start on this next chapter. You’re in good shape. Your stability is solid. Dr. W will meet with you tomorrow and confirm this for us. You just may find yourself next week with funds to start up the business of the ages… EPP! Smile. Your plans are colliding with the plans I have for you… thank you for waiting so patiently. I love you.
Q3-Jesus, do you have any ideas for me? What could I do for you?
***Pray for your marriage, love your husband in extra works/deeds of love. Shower him with love. Make him some plant based delicious meals from your Forks Over Knives cookbook. You can make it Sunday and he can have it and leftovers for lunch during the week. He would never ask for it, surprise him. He will appreciate it. Make another recipe and freeze it for meals during the week also. Ask Dr. D what would freeze well. Maybe a crock pot recipe would be easy to make also. He loves you so much. You two are a great team. You will make music together that will be a blessing to the world.
Q4-Love, your most Holy Spirit, I love how you work in me. When I am not even aware of it, you change me and work in me in powerful ways. I would like to make time with you before I go to sleep since I am having problems getting up earlier for our time together. Would you mind being with me in a special way before I go to sleep? I would like to spend at least an hour with you just resting in your love, talking with you, and maybe you could show me some things in the bible that you have for me to learn.
*** That is a great idea and evening worship is powerful. It will bless your sleep. Pray also by singing in tongues during this time at least for 5 or 10 minutes. Don’t feel badly about not being able to wake up earlier for our time together, you are good in changing your focus to the evening. On the weekends, you can still add at least 30 minutes with me before bed and also find the other 30 minutes sometime during the day. Long walks are the perfect time for singing to God in the spirit… people will think you’re singing along to the music in your earbuds. We like when you change the words of songs to tongues lyrics! You will change the world with this powerful prayer songs idea… many people will start to do this also. We like it also when you pray in tongues in your mind… when around others that would judge you if you were to sing it out loud. You’re jammin’ in the name of the Lord! This type of prayer truly changes the outcome of many problems in a battle that is sure to win over the enemy. He hates it when my children jam it with me… I hope they all like jammin’ too. I wanna Jam it with you!… Bob Marley says “Hi”, Mar. He loves your hair and is praying for you. He is one of the artists that will one day sing with you. One day your lips will build castles. Words have creative power. It is about to break out! This is war, and God is on your side… welcome to the end of time; where miracles happen all the time. We’re going to set the world on fire… with the love of Jesus!
Actions Requested:
Start running again with the phone app to 5k.
Do the 5:2 fast and on other days- plant based low fat. –
My plans are about to collide with the plans of God! He is proud of my progress.
This weekend make 2 recipes from Forks Over Knives Cookbook for my sweetheart.
Sing in tongues to God, walk in the spirit, time in evening for worship instead of the morning.
Closing Remarks: Thank you, God, for being my dad, for choosing me to do this amazing work for the Kingdom. Thank you that you are leading me in this. Thank you for giving me patience to endure these last 8 years. Thank you for encouraging me and leading me to the finish line. Thank you that you have your eyes on me and you haven’t forgotten me. Thank you for your lead. Thank you for health! Thank you for family and friends and thank you for protecting them all from the enemy. Thank you for this time. Thank you for inviting me to your meetings. It was a great idea to start them, I only wish you could have had me start them up years ago! I love it! You always have so much helpful advice and love & support for me here. Please lead me in all things and don’t let me get lost on this path. I love you! Everything is gonna be alright! Say “Hello” to Bob M. for me… big hug to him! Amen! Xo, Mar