Eternal Party People

Welcome to the end of time... where you find... miracles happen all the time!

September 29, 2016

Q1- Jesus, the world looks very dark. So much evil, hatred and violence. I don’t understand. What can we do about this?

*** the light will shine and the darkness disappears. It will all be illuminated soon. Don’t worry about anything. God is in complete control and all will be revealed. It is all unfolding as it should. You will be a part of this process. You are part of this plan. Thank you for saying “yes”. You are a good soldier and God is very proud of you.


Q2- Love, Holy Spirit, thank you for helping me get a few good shots in tonight. However, I wasn’t playing as well as I used to. I would like to ask you if you could help me improve (tennis) this year. Between now and the end of the year, I’d really like to see improvement.

*** You will be much better by the end of the year. Go to the practices on the weekends also and just have fun with it. I will surprise you with some amazing shots. Also, by the time December comes around, you will be much lighter on your feet. Keep having fun with it and don’t worry about your weaknesses… it is just a game. Enjoy!


Q3- Dad, please don’t take my father away from us. I pray for his health restored and for many more years with him. I don’t know what we would do without him. Please help. We need a miracle!

*** I am in control of all things. Just keep praying for him. Make songs with all your intentions and know that you are doing all that you can. Prayer works. But, everyone must die sometime, including your dad. I know you don’t want to think about this and I hear your prayers. Just spend as much time with him that you can and enjoy his company to the fullest. You have a lot of time left with him. Ask him whatever you want to ask. Maybe make a list of questions to talk over with him. He would like that.


Q4- Mom, thank you for your love and protection. Please pray with me for my dad’s health. I am very worried about him.

*** I always pray with you. I am praying for your dad, and also your mom. She is very concerned but she is tough. Like your Father-God said; spend as much time with them as you can. Enjoy their company and do as much as you can for them. Do some nice and thoughtful things for your parents. They deserve it and have always been so good to you. You are very blessed. Hey love you so much. You are truly very lucky to have them, and also your beloved DB- you are so very lucky. {yes, I know. Thank you, God, for so many blessings!}

September 28, 2016

Q1-  Dad, you are the just judge and my friend. I love you. I plead the blood of Jesus over my sins. Help me be a person you call me to become. Please talk with my advocate and lawyer, Jesus, regarding the lawsuit that the accuser, Lucy, is constantly bringing new charges against me. Is this fair, Father? You know my heart. You know I confess anything that is sin in my life as soon as I realize it. Help me make a good confession and allow my case to be closed in my favor. My destiny is waiting for your just ruling. My life is in your hands. Please tell me what more I can do to win this case which is against me.

***Let Jesus handle it from here. Keep yourself free of sin and get to reconciliation more often. Go to confession at least every other week. You are right in keeping track of your errors and remembering to confess each one. I will open your eyes to even more sin as you listen to the teachings I am calling you to study. Jesus will win this case as long as you keep watch on your end and avoid sin as much as you can. When I ask you to not eat something, please pray to obey and be strong during the testing.   This will show your loyalty to me. I know it is hard and you doubt if it is me asking you to refrain from a certain food. If you are not sure if it is me, go to your room, close the door and talk with me. I will make it clear to you what to do next. Spend time with me. I can help you so much more than you are now experiencing because you aren’t taking enough time in prayer with me. That’s ok, I forgive you. It is difficult but you will start some new habits in the next couple of weeks. I listen to your prayers. I am always with you. Your case will be won. Hang tight. The investment funds you have been petitioning for and working for all these years, is soon coming to you for EPP, Inc. and ShamRock Studios. Smile. You’re almost there. I love you.


Q2- Jesus, thank you for all the work you are doing to help me. I am very grateful for your love, friendship, and expertise in the laws of God. You are the best and most intelligent lawyer in the universe. Are you sure I can’t repay you in some way? If I ever make it to heaven, Lord, I will offer to give you whatever I have… if I am given a crown, I would love to lay it at your feet as a thank you offering. I will do whatever I can in this life to repay you. Please let me know which of your brothers and sisters need help and I would like to help them for you. I can’t thank you enough for your love, friendship, and mercy.

*** You will be winning your court case. I am sorry it has been so drawn out and lengthy. You will avoid future delays if you remember to get to reconciliation at least 2x/month. Even more often would be better. I am glad to help you out and your investment funds will be used to benefit God’s children through the plans we have for EPP and the studio work we are calling you to do. I love you, Mar. Together, we will shake the world with God’s love. I am so happy that your case is about closed and the next chapter is about to begin. We are excited for you. Good job. Keep up the good work and remember… repent and turn from your sin. Look to God for all your help in avoiding sin. Mother Mary will also help you.


Q3- Mom, ok, please help me not to sin anymore. Guide me and show me what needs to be done in the family of Christ. I want to be the person you and God are calling me to be. I want to be more involved in acts of mercy and love for my neighbor. I am sorry that I am not very giving of my time. There seems to be so little time. Help me find things to do for the people you lead me to help. I want to grow in charity. Would you help me?

***Yes, you will be shown many things to do for others. You will have much more time on your hands in just a little while. Your business will be closed and you will soon embark on a new and wonderful journey through EPP, Inc. You will find that you will still need to manage your time to get all things done that we ask you to do. You will not have a lot of time to waste. There is much work to be done. Many people are lined up by God, chosen for their part in your work. You will have all you need to be successful in getting out the party invitations. Your court case is a joke, what Lucy accused you of… it took so long because you had a few little glitches against you. One of them is your food addiction, but we will sort that out soon. Be sure to confess that greed for food as you work on changing your focus to God and off the food. I am sorry you are going through this. I will help you. Charity will become very important to you and I will help you know what to do and when best to do it. Ask for my help anytime, and I will be available to assist any way I can.


Q4-Love, Holy Spirit, you enable and empower me to do all that I am called to. Thank you so much for your help. Please give me the strength to get over this food problem. Please help all addicted people and grant us all the freedom we desire. The only true freedom is found in Jesus Christ! Love, I need your help!

***We will get through this together. It will take a little bit of time to get used to only eating when your stomach growls and not to over eat. I will help you. Yes, it will get easier as you practice this and learn that you feel better when you put food back into its place. Food for fuel. Your heart can not be divided. You love God. Not the food. I will help you make the change. It won’t be so difficult once you have in your mind that this is spiritual warfare and you will want to defeat lucy in each test. This will be your fuel. I will help you win. Remember it is one meal, one growl, one hour at a time. In the beginning you will need to focus on this one day at a time. It will become much easier for you in time. Just rest up. Be ready for your tests and remember that I am with you. I will enable you to overcome. Keep me in mind and ask for my help. I will not disappoint you. I am your helper. I am your strength and your love. Now is the time to lose the chains that bind you.

September 27, 2016

Q1– Mom, will you please pray for me to overcome sin. I keep confessing the same sins again and again. I feel that there has to be a way out of sin, or God wouldn’t have written in the bible to be Holy as God is Holy. Is this even a true possibility? If so, I want to be holy- can you give me the grace I need to accomplish this? I am far from being a saint. I hate sin and all my character defects.

***I can help you. You have come a long way and grown quite a bit in the last few years. You will always need to be vigilant over sin in life. Yes, I will pray to the father for you. I pray that you continue to be convicted of your mistakes/sins and I pray for you to have good confessions/reconciliation. Don’t give up. Freedom is around the corner. Keep fighting the good fight. Focus on God and listen to GS teachings; but remember that all your sins are washed away by the blood of Jesus. Don’t settle with guilt. Confess it and pray that you turn away from sin going forward. The Holy Eucharist will help you also in your desire to eradicate sin from your life. It is possible, but will take a lot of work and ongoing vigilance. God will bless your efforts.


Q2- Jesus, thank you so much for the incredible gift you give to all people. The gift of forgiveness from our sin is unimaginable and when I think of your love for me, it makes me bewildered. You died for me? After all I’ve done to you… I love you, please help me make you happy every day. I never want to make you sad again. I know I have caused you much grief in the past and I am so sorry. I am sorry for each and every one of my sins from my life of self-focus and pride. Please help me overcome sin. I love you!

***Mar, I love you so much. You don’t need to beat yourself up in guilt. I washed every single sin from your entire life away. I don’t remember any of them anymore. You are working on changing and I can help you. You are precious and pure, holy and free of sin since you have been washed in my blood. I paid a price for that and you only need receive the gift, change your ways so as to try not to sin again. I only wish everyone would come for forgiveness. The flames of my mercy are burning my precious and sacred heart. Please share the Chaplet of Divine Mercy with others. God willing, more people will come to me in these end times for forgiveness but they should know that I long to give them this gift. Go back to the Cenacle of Divine Mercy. I have much to share with you from that group. Tomorrow they meet at 7:45- try to make the meeting, ok?    


Q3- Love, Holy Spirit, help me talk with you more throughout the day, especially when I feel pulled to eating when I am not hungry. I want to be more in tune with you moment by moment. I need to get into the rhythm of your love.

***I would love that. Yes, I will help you. You talk with me more than you are aware, but if you want to know the secret to this challenge, I will tell you. Ready? Here it is… silence. That means no background noise, music, video, etc. They are fine, but you need some time in silence. Just try it for one day. I will show you the peace that surpasses all understanding. I will talk with you, and you will learn much about God and our love. You will be blessed immeasurably.


Q4-God, I love you! Please help me grow to become the daughter you call me to be. I don’t want to embarrass you or myself… I want to make you proud.

*** You make me very happy. You are a treasure to me. I am making you a diamond… the pressure can be difficult, but you will become sparkly and brand new. I see you as you are. You are my precious daughter who I love. I see you forgiven and pure. Jesus is amazing, isn’t he? {Yes, he is my savior who I love and adore!} You are whiter than the fresh fallen snow. You have nothing to be ashamed of, all is forgiven and forgotten. Don’t remind me of what you were… you are no longer that person. Keep working on yourself and soon you will one day be with us in heaven.

September 25, 2016

Q1- Jesus, you are my advocate. It looks like I must have messed up quite a bit and given you a tough case to defend. What do you recommend I do going forward? I am sorry for my weakness and sin. I know Lucy has been accusing me and standing in the way of my destiny and assignment. I am sorry. What should I do from this moment forward in order to do God’s will and succeed? I know you defeated the enemy at the cross, but there is work for me to do. Help me help you and the Blessed Mother save souls. I want to be a part of the solution to the problem of lost souls missing out on eternity with God.

*** You are right that the enemy is accusing you. Have no fear. The blood I shed on the cross has cleansed you and as long as you continue to repent, you will be made pure. He has many things to bring against you; as you know. But you have come to reconciliation which is your redemption that saves.   The reason why it is taking you so long is because of the secrets you have discovered. He is holding you to a new standard. The courts are working out the details, but you should know that you will win the case against you. It is just taking a little longer than planned. No worries, though. All will be used for your benefit and you will have many additional blessings to make up for this delay. God uses all things for your benefit. Even the difficult things you face, God will use for your good. You don’t need to worry about anything. Just remain as pure as possible, go to reconciliation frequently and make a strong effort to sin no more in the areas you struggle with. You are doing great. Smile and remember how much you are loved. We are with you, especially when you feel alone, know that we are holding you. I make all things new. You will be used in a mighty manner… be patient and know that Love Wins.

Q2- Love, Holy Spirit, I would like to see if you could give me some idea what I should expect to happen once we get ShamRock studios up and running. What are a few of the surprises I can look forward to?

*** If I told you, it wouldn’t be a surprise, now would it? Lol, What I can tell you is that it will be a small piece of heaven manifest on Earth. God will be with you and the music that is made there will change history. The world will want to tune in to see the videos shot in ShamRock Studios. Your videos will be seen by all the world. Miracles will flow out of the songs into people’s lives. There will be no more hunger. Jesus will be known by all people across the world and all will love Him. Their hearts will break for their sins and cry to Jesus for his forgiveness; which will be freely and lovingly given to each person. They will feel His love, know Him, and love him dearly. Lightning and colorful lights will shoot across ShamRock Studios as the music is created and played. Light will be around you and you will shine like the sun. ShamRock Studios will be the first place where God will come when he brings heaven to Earth. God will be with you always. Have no fear. Have no worries. All is under control and will be worked out in due time. Be patient and grateful that God will use you for this assignment. You are blessed, indeed.


Q3- Dad, I love you! I am happy that you are my daddy and that you love me. I can’t tell you enough how grateful I am for this assignment. I am sorry that I don’t walk around thinking how blessed I am because I am so focused on getting to work, I don’t take the time to bask in the wonderful blessing it is to be me. I worry for no reason. I am impatient to get started because I feel like it’s my fault that I haven’t received funding yet. I am so eager to get started, that I am always in go-go-go mode. As if there was something I should be doing to get things going faster. I don’t want to be the reason for the delay. I always feel there is something I need to be doing in order to earn the blessing.

*** There is nothing that you have done wrong to cause the delay. It is just a part of this long process. I wasn’t surprised when it happened. I took all things into consideration. Don’t you know that I made you so smart that you would figure things out that would in turn, cause this accusation and lawsuit? Jesus has your case covered and it is in final stages of the process to get your funds into your bank account. You haven’t done anything wrong, Mar. You just hang on. Keep pure through reconciliation and try your best not to sin. We have all things under control. Consider this your quiet time before the craziness lets loose. We will be with you during the confusion that is about to ensue. Remember that it will all work out if you keep your cool. Remain rested and slow down. Know that all things will be worked out in due time. Don’t let the enemy get you upset. Look to God for all things. We are with you. It is going to be a ride down the rapids, but you know how to do this… hang on and don’t let go of the raft. Laugh and sing, shout and cheer… victory is near!


Q4- Mother Dear, remember me. Never cease your care. Protect me and help me get to where I need to be every step of the way. I say yes… you are my inspiration. You trusted God with everything. Because of you, I have the strength to say “yes”. Because of St. Faustina, I know that Jesus came for all sinners. “For the sake of your sorrowful passion, have mercy on me… and on the whole world.” I pray this chaplet most every day and I believe every word of it is answered by God. Thank God for this unfathomable divine mercy. If it weren’t for your “yes” to God, then Jesus would never have been born… our sins never forgiven. Thank you, Mother, for your faithful Yes and for giving us your son, Jesus, to pay the price for my sins. I hate to think what would happen to me and to the world, if weren’t for your “yes!”.

*** I remember you every moment of the day. I have protected you all your life and the angels will always be with you. They love you and will do everything to go to war against the enemy to protect you every moment. You don’t need to worry about anything. It will all be worked out beautifully. It is good that you are saying “yes” every day. Because of your “yes”, many will come to Christ and enter into eternity with God and the Eternal Party People.   Have fun in your assignment… it will be awesome and a beautiful story of love.

September 24, 2016

Q1- Hey dad! What’s going on? How are ya doing?   I hope you are having a great weekend and not to upset with all your kids messing up. We all need a little help in figuring this all out. Being human is very difficult. Thank you for blessing me with a wonderful family, country, job, and so many wonderful gifts that you share. I just wanted to check in with you to see how YOU are doing!

*** hehehe, you are kind to ask. I love you and you make me smile every day. I am doing great because you are also doing so well. You have been given a difficult task and are handing the pressure quite well.   That twitching you are having in your right eye will go away soon. Don’t worry about it. You will soon be very busy so enjoy the quiet right now. I am with you and you will have all things worked out in due time. I like that you are taking it easy this weekend. I am busy with getting things lined up perfectly for the big plans we are working on with you. Keep strong and rest up. Together we will get through this. You have a lot of help and you will be guided and protected always. I won’t leave you to yourself. I know you feel alone and don’t know who to trust. I know all that you are going through. You must know that I am always with you. You can trust in me. Always. I won’t let you down, kiddo. So, don’t cry… no worries, you are in Good Hands.


Q2- Mom, please pray for me. I am not sure what I can do to move forward in this process. This limbo feels like it is never going to end. I have been hoping and praying for so long. Should I stop hoping and stop praying for funds for EPP, Inc/ShamRock Studios?

*** Never give up hope for God’s Holy Kingdom Come! You have been given a great vision. You have all you need to see it come about. You have enough hope, energy and faith to see it all come to pass. This is not you by yourself dreaming all these things. It may not come completely as you think. It will be even better. Just trust in God. Be patient. Hope and trust that things will come in divine order. I know you only want to get on with the plans. You are eager to start the next chapter. I know. I know what you are thinking and I know what you are going through. We are with you every step of the way. You are not crazy in thinking these thoughts. could use some work. Why not try to work on that as well as writing and recording some songs? You are in the flow of God and you will have time for all things. You will have the help you need when the time comes. We love you. I will pray for you.


Q3- Jesus, thank you for freedom from debilitating anxiety. Could you help me with the social anxiety that I am suffering from also? It is not too terrible, but it makes me confused and I say the most stupid things when talking with people. I also have a lot of difficulties recognizing people. I don’t know why. Is it because I look people in the eye and don’t normally look at the rest of their face/hair, mouth, etc. I feel terrible when I don’t recognize people. It seems very rude as if I don’t care or am snobbish. What can I do?

*** Don’t worry about what other people think. Your heart is in a good place, so don’t trouble yourself or beat yourself up over this. Just relax. Be yourself and feel free to speak from your heart. Don’t worry how it sounds so much when you worry what other people are thinking- it just makes things worse. You have a handicap in this area. People that don’t understand and judge- you don’t need to concern yourself. Just keep your conscience clear with God. That is the main thing. Only concern yourself with what God thinks and his approval. We are proud of you. People will judge you… that is certain. No matter. Be yourself and relax in God’s love.


Q4-Love, Holy Spirit, tomorrow night the VC is having a Holy Spirit night. I’d like to go and haven’t been there in quite a while. Also, SM has a picnic after mass. Will you help me when I am talking with people? I don’t know why I am so nervous around people. It’s never been this bad before. It only seems to be getting worse. Would you help me out, please?

***It is very stressful for you. Rest. That is key. Get plenty of rest tonight and nap tomorrow between the two events. I will be with you. One tip is if you could slow down. There is no one rushing you. Give people all your attention and don’t think that you have to hurry in the conversations. Smile and be yourself. Say what is on your heart. Don’t worry about not recognizing people or remembering names… it will only bog you down and stress you out. That would make you feel confused and struggle to converse. Don’t worry what people are thinking. I will be with you. If you aren’t up for it, you don’t need to go. Just go with the flow and do what feels right.

September 23, 2016

Q1- Dad, what would you like me to do this weekend to help learn about my purpose and place in the world?

*** YouTube. Do a search and listen to Kat Kerr talk about my Kingdom that is coming soon to earth. Also do a search on Saints. Do some reading on the books you have on fasting, also. Spend as much time with me as you can this weekend. It will be very relaxing and you will prosper in this time together. Pray the rosary.


Q2- Mom, what do you think about my thoughts on living more of a quiet and monk-ish lifestyle? I keep tossing that idea around in my mind and it looks better each time I think about it. The world is not very welcoming to me… I know it is in my mind. The paranoia seems to be more of a defining force in my life than I like to accept. Being a cloistered nun sounds wonderful. I’m too old and I’m married, so of course that is out of the question. I do think I may like to back off on a few of my commitments and spend time in prayer instead. What do you think?

*** You aren’t missing out on much when you spend time with God. He will bless that time and you will be more useful when you dedicate your time with him over worldly things. I know you have come so far and you are growing spiritually every day. Don’t be hard on yourself when you aren’t living up to your expectations. Take it to God and ask his help. Reconciliation is key for answered prayers. ShamRock Studios will be a fantastic place for the Holy Spirit to work. You should keep yourself and your surroundings as holy and peaceful as possible. This doesn’t mean that you won’t have fun. On the contrary! You will make incredible recordings with artists and miracles, signs and wonders will flow from ShamRock recordings. Eternal Party People, Inc. will be a blessing to the world. You need to keep yourself free of sin and free of the world’s way of life. It will be awesome. Your time with God will be well spent and assist you in your aspirations for EPP, Inc. Many will come to God by your work leading them home. Thank you for saying “yes”.

Q3-Love, Holy Spirit, help me know what to do and when to do it… guide me. Show me the way. Fill my life with your peace, joy, and blessings.

*** I am always with you. I give you guidance every moment of the day. You don’t realize it, but you are guided and very much loved. I am helping you constantly. I am always here to help you and you are well protected. Don’t worry so much that you are not in the right place or doing the right thing. You are doing great. I do fill your life with God’s peace, joy and blessings. You see it and you will continue to see it in the years to come. All your life we have been with you. We will never leave you. You are never alone. You will get where you need to be in perfect timing. You are not “late” in your assignment… it just is a long drawn out process. It’s ok. God can make it benefit your assignment instead of hinder it. Smile, you are doing amazing work. All of heaven loves you and is cheering you on. You are way ahead in the race, but the enemy doesn’t have a clue. It’s going to be awesome! Thank you for saying “yes”.


Q4-Jesus, is it our time? I thought you said many years ago… “It’s definitely our turn.” Have you forgotten our plans or have they changed? Do you not need EPP as a tool; can you not use me now? Do you not know I”ve been waiting in anticipation now for 8 years… that is a long time! It is very difficult. Help me cope with the waiting. Or tell me to quit playing the game. I don’t know how much longer I can do this. Help me, Lord. Help me get to where you need me to be. Equip and empower me to be who you want me to be. Will you please invest in EPP/ShamRock Studios? It only hurts when I think about it. Help me not to think about it… help me not to care so much. It is draining me of all my energy. I feel so lost and alone sometimes. Poor, poor me… lol! (pity party… I hate those) I am sorry to complain. I hate complaining and am sorry to subject you to that today.

***That’s ok, Mar. I love you. I know how hard it is for you. I feel even the pain that you ignore and push aside. I feel the depths of your pain. All your suffering will not be for nothing. Thank you for offering it all up for the holy souls in purgatory and for the lost souls. You are a great addition to the family business. Your efforts are making many people grateful. One day, you will meet them and know all that your efforts have done. Keep on this path and you will affect millions of souls for eternity. I am so happy that you are partnering with me to share the good news. I call you and all Christians to evangelize and share the love of God with the world. Thank you for saying “Yes” and I will help you in all your efforts. I will help you not to think about the investment funds and I will give you a dose of Trust in the place of it. Soon you will be on your way… soon you will win the lottery. I know it sounds crazy… I hear your questioning about God “Gambling?!” I am odd and I can invest any way I please. I can use something created for harm and make something useful come out of it. My ways are not your ways. Plus, it only takes 1 ticket to win. So what’s the harm in $1 being used for God to invest in EPP/ShamRock Studios? When it gets out of control, and money is spent that should be spent on food for a family- then it is harmful. For you, the cost in one week is less than a McDonald’s meal… and you don’t eat meat anymore, so… lol. Your ticket isn’t harming your finances. It is entertainment and a hope for God to work in a miraculous way. ShamRock Studios is going to be incredible and many musicians will be invited to record with you and DB. It’s all good. Don’t worry. It will all unfold In divine timing.

September 22, 2016

Q1- Jesus, is there more that I should be doing right now? I feel like I’m in limbo… somehow paralyzed in pressing on.

*** Yes, you are correct. You are in limbo. Your job right now is to work your business and enjoying life to the fullest. You are doing just fine. Don’t worry about anything. You will be inspired to do different things each day… just do what feels best at the moment. You are in line with our plans for you and you are right where you need to be. Everything is unfolding as it should. xo


Q2-Father God, you are keeping me hopeful and alive in your love. I just don’t know how I can do all that you are telling me to hope for. I know that I depend on you and your Love to work the plan. I know I need to do so many things: get fit, write songs, record, read the bible, go to church and studies- in addition to running my company, managing the home (shopping, cleaning, laundry, etc.) and I also love live music and writing workshops, etc. I am feeling so small and weak in the attempt to even consider how this is all going to play out. You’ve got this… you say. SO, I will believe you.

*** Yes, believe in me. I’ve got this. Don’t worry, kiddo. You will know what to do and when to do it. Just live in the moment and live according to the lead by the Holy Spirit in your inspirations. You don’t need to worry so much about “letting us down” or “not doing everything”. Just look at each day as one moment after another. You will soon know what to write and it will be beautiful in song. Many miracles will happen. You don’t need to worry about that. Love will see you through. Enjoy the process. Don’t feel like you need get everything done in one day. It will all play out in divine order. Hang on. It’s going to be amazing.


Q3- Love, please inspire me to get to work on your plans for my life. Tell me what needs to be done, then give me the time, energy, courage, and means to accomplish all that you call me to do. Make it clear what to do. Then enable me through your grace to do it all and enjoy this process.

*** I am. I will. I promise. You will not be left behind in knowing what to do. I am with you always and I will lead you each moment. You are welcome. I love you, too.


Q4- Mom, thank you for your love. I always feel like I am constantly pissing off people. Is this true? What can I do to fix this problem? I don’t mean to come off proud, indifferent, or inconsiderate. You know all the issues I deal with. What can I do?

*** You read too much into things. Just be kind and loving not only to others, but to yourself. You are too hard on yourself. People will judge and judge harshly and incorrectly. It is not your business what they are thinking. Just do all you can and be yourself. Don’t worry about what other people are thinking. They don’t know you or they are judging without truly understanding. They have not walked a mile in your shoes, right? Pray for your enemies and pray for the people that seem to be against you. Your paranoia is a force to reckon with. Rest up to better deal with all the challenges you have because of that. The only thing you need to be careful with and the only thing that you need to concern yourself with is if you are right with God. God will tell you if you have wronged someone and what to do about it. Keep your conscience clear and guard your thoughts. It will all be ok. Don’t worry about other people’s opinions. Many will hate you. Get used to it… it’s nothing that Jesus didn’t have to deal with… persecution is going to follow you as you follow Jesus. We love you.

September 21, 2016

Q1- Jesus, I am giving you my life. Please do whatever you see fit to do in my life. I am not afraid to die, I am strong when I am with you. I am safe with you; even if I die loving you, it would be worth it. I offer my life for you; please do with it as you wish. Help me share your good news with the world. Don’t let me die without fulfilling my assignment. We are all called to discipleship and evangelizing with your power and might… help me do it faithfully and with all my heart. Make me Hot for you, never lukewarm and never let me deny you and your love. Help me find a way to sing about your love to make you real and a personal friend and brother to all people on earth. You are for us… who can be against us?   You are for me, who can be against me? Many people… but it won’t matter as long as you are with me.

***I will always be with you, Mar I love you and I will never leave you I will enjoy making music with you at ShamRock Studios and so many incredible things will happen in your life. Stay healthy. Get more exercise… we will be in the spotlight soon and you will want to look your best. If not, that is ok, it just will make it harder on yourself. I can help you. Pray for my help and you will see amazing results. People will laugh at you, you are ready for this. Offer it all up for lost souls. Any difficulties you face- offer them all up! And laugh along with them… you have a great sense of humor. I can use that. I will always be with you. Don’t worry. God has amazing plans for you… many will want to know you. Once they know you, they will love you. Those that don’t like you, don’t love me…. My followers don’t hate other people. Be prepared for persecution…

Q2- Love, Holy Spirit, please help our country heal. So much violence. It’s too much for me to handle. Why so much hate?

*** Give it time and do your best to do what you are called to do. It will turn around and when you see the news, pray. Pray and plead the blood of Jesus over the situation. Declare that evil will not be tolerated in the area. Command the enemy to back off.   You are somewhat fragile. Keep yourself mentally healthy. Try not to focus on the evil in the world. Think of God and his promises. Get lots of sleep and enjoy yourself, despite all that is happening. You need to stay positive to complete your mission. I am sorry that you have to go through difficulties, soon it will be better.


Q3-Dad, I have come to the conclusion that I just don’t belong here. It is very strenuous to be around society. So much evil. And anything good is looked down upon. It would be so wonderful to be a monk… in my own world with you and Jesus, Mother, and the Holy Spirit. I may be cutting back on the things I’ve been doing so I can spend more time with you. I love spending time with you. What do you think about the “monk” idea? It just sounds so relaxing and less stressful. But, I would go stir crazy if I didn’t get out to catch some bands downtown. Maybe a Rocking Monk would be a good compromise!

*** haha, that’s a good plan, Mar. Do what you think is best. You love going to church and church small groups and events. Do more of that and less of the stressful options. I have a lot to talk with you about. Spend time with me, and you will never regret that time spent! I know what happened to you last night was the last straw. I am sorry you had to experience that. I know the world has gone crazy… it will take a lot of work to turn it around. Jesus will handle everything. Trust in Jesus. Don’t put this all on yourself. You are just one person. Thank you for saying yes, I will bless your efforts. Don’t think the thoughts that you “let God down” – God’s Got This!

September 19, 2016

Q1- Mom, Mother Mary, please pray for me. Pray that I may be made worthy to serve in ministry that is before me in my dreams. Pray that God will use me, please. I know he uses me every day in the deeds I do for others. (Works of mercy in deed, word and prayer) I am talking about the dream he put into my heart. I long to step into my destiny but it seems never to arrive. I do my best to walk in his plans, but feel lost and alone.

*** you are never alone, Mar. I am always with you, Jesus, The Father, Love, Angels, and all the saints are with you… we are all with you. Yes, you have a lot of help. We are happy with your progress; even though to you it doesn’t look like you have gotten very far. If you only knew. It is a miracle that you are alive and in good health. You have come such a long way. Your heart is recovered as well as your kidneys and liver. You are able to do so much more now than just in 10 years ago. We will pray for you and for all the plans to unfold as they should. You are in perfect order with God’s lead. Don’t run ahead. I know it is frustrating for you. I will pray for your patience to grow and your virtues to strengthen. Keep smiling. We love you. You are doing it this time. You are really doing this. Never doubt yourself because God has your every step planned out and will see that it all goes according to His plans. He has an amazing plan and the process is long, but soon you will see this is really happening. You are a part of the process and this beautiful plan will blossom into a wondrous garden. Heaven on earth… the plan of redemption. You will be a part of the family business, and you will help us save souls. All are called, all are chosen, but not all say “yes”. Thank you for your “YES” that you daily recommit to. We will pray for you. You’ve got this because God says “I’ve Got This”. With God, all things are possible. IT’ is going to be awesome and you will help lead all souls to heaven… especially those most in need.


Q2-Jesus, Please help me remember to be humble. With all these grandiose ideas in my mind, I feel like everyone is watching me and it gets to be too much sometimes. I need to focus less on myself and think more of others. I also deal with shy tendencies and in groups of people, I may come off as unkind or stand-off ish. I think my tinted glasses makes people think I’m not so nice or too egotistical. I really want people to know that I am a nice person. Help me think of others before myself. Help me be a true servant that you can use in my daily walk to be a blessing to others.

***Yes, I can do that for you, of course. I love you. Don’t be so hard on yourself. You can’t control what other people think of you. It is none of your business what they think anyways. The only person you should try to please is God. The Father is pleased with you and all your efforts. If you relax and trust in me, you will see … how good we can be.  


Q3- Love, will you help me play guitar and ukulele? I especially would like to learn a song with the electric guitar. Shine on You Crazy Diamond… that would be a fun project. Could you help me play it and give me heaven sent talent for singing and playing instruments? Will you make me your instrument of peace, Lord?

***yes, I would love to. Keep pressing in and continue to ask every day… knock and the door will be opened. We have great plans in store for you and DB! I know it doesn’t look like it will ever happen. I know your hope is fading. Renew your hope and joy, renew your laughter and love. Drink in my love and see that we together will make all things new.


Q4-Father God, it says that you have good plans for me… you told me that if I knock, the door will be answered. You told me that all things are possible with God. I believe it is true. I love you. You will not let me fail in your plans. I thank you. Please tell me I am not crazy for thinking all these wild dreams of helping to usher in your kingdom. I am grandiose by illness, or by the word of God?

*** You were chosen before time began. You said “send me, daddy!” You were the most passionate soul that believed she could slay the dragon with the Blessed Mother’s help. Jesus won the war and He loves that you are a part of redemption for the world. Many are called, few say Yes with passion to be used in a mighty way. It is not grandiose thinking in the supernatural: but to the world, you are quite ill in grandiosity. Rest assured, you are more mentally fit than 99% of the world’s population. Don’t let anyone talk you out of your dreams, your passions, and your plans to assist me at the end of time… where you’ll find, miracles happen all the time! I am with you.   You are doing a great job… try not to cry anymore. It makes me sad to see you struggling. Read the words we’ve spoken in Board Meetings. There is a lot of inspiration and encouragement here for you. Listen to music that makes you smile and know that you are forgiven and made Holy via Jesus’ blood and forgiveness. Don’t be so hard on yourself. I love you.

September 18, 2016

Q1- Jesus, do you get tired of forgiving people their sins?

*** absolutely not! I was born to take away the sins of the world. That is my mission. In fact it is just the opposite of “getting tired of forgiving” … it pains me when people won’t accept my forgiveness so that they can be with us for eternity. I don’t want to lose even one of my sisters or brothers. I love every single person on earth and when they refuse to come to me for forgiveness- the flames of my mercy burn my tender heart. I long to forgive and I long for people to ask for forgiveness. Even when it is for the same sin over and over again… as long as they keep coming and asking for forgiveness and as long as they are trying their best to overcome sin, I am glad for them and thrilled to forgive. One thing that should be noted, Mar, is that just as the priest told you yesterday in the confessional, it is important for reparation for sin. You did not know that, did you? That will make a huge difference in helping overcome a particular sin. I am glad that he told you to pick one sin to work on instead of all of them at once. They are minor in sight, but huge in the eye of God. It is good that you confessed it all. The one we will work on is the toughest, but together we can do it. Gift Aila double in reparation and make that sin no more. Ok? We love you. I am so glad that you are free of sin today. Try to stay clean as long as possible, and then get back to reconciliation more frequently as needed. Don’t be afraid to go every week. It will help you be the person you are called to be and do what you are called to do.

Q2- Mom, please give me the grace to focus on sinning no more… if that were possible.

***It is possible, or it wouldn’t have been asked of you. It may seem impossible to you right now, but one day, you will get the hang of it. It is so sneaky how sin enters in. Fast and pray for the ability to remain without sin, but until then, frequent the confessional. You will be amazed at the blessings and freedom you will feel. Don’t be shy. Come once a week if needed. You have a good goal in mind, but don’t beat yourself up if you don’t attain it. It is a skill and a blessing to avoid sin. Keep trying. I will help you.


Q3-Father, I am so sorry I blew my chance to receive your blessing. Please forgive me and help me pass my tests.

*** There are a million different ways we’ll get there, kiddo. It’s ok. You are forgiven. Smile and start again. It’s a new day. How do you know that this wasn’t all in my plan in the first place? You’ve learned a great lesson. Learning is what this is all about. Don’t beat yourself over this. That’s the accusing of the enemy. You are pure and white as the freshly fallen snow. All your sins were forgiven yesterday; that is powerful and you are made holy by the love and forgiveness of Jesus. Fast and pray today. Tomorrow when Children International opens, make your gift of reparations. Write her a loving and funny letter, too. She will be very appreciative.


Q4- Love, Holy Spirit, please help me know what to do. I heard your promptings a couple of times when I was in sin, yet I ignored you… I said to myself “this is normal. This is what everyone does. This is not a sin.” (when I heard clearly not to do it.) I said, I don’t know why I believed that lie. Help me know when I am being lied to and help me stand up to the lies and tricks of the devil. I’m not blaming you, but I am asking that you give me the grace to at least talk with you about these thoughts. Help me figure it out. Help me see sin for what it is and not to sugar coat it as ok when it is clear that it is not. I know it is a venial sin, but I want to be sinless… that is a goal; impossible it looks to me right now. Would you help me?

*** Yes, I will help you but it will not be an easy goal. The “flesh” looks out for itself and likes to make things easy. You will need to look those sins in the eye for what they are and declare victory over it. Do works of mercy to help avoid sin and to make up for the sin. Look for at least one nice thing that you can do each day for another. This will be a powerful and loving tool that you can use to help achieve your goals. Deed, word or prayer- these are important tools to holiness. I know you are thinking this is too great a goal, and impossible. But know that with God, ALL THINGS are POSSIBLE. Yes, even this. We love you.

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