Eternal Party People

Welcome to the end of time... where you find... miracles happen all the time!

July 3, 2016

 Q1- Jesus, I love my dad and he really needs your healing touch for his infected leg. The circulation needs to improve in both legs,ankles, feet and toes. Could you please make sure that all his cells get plenty of oxygen and nutrients and take away all the excess fat and cholesterol, and plack out of his blood. Please heal him from head to toe, all his skin, take away any skin cancer or anything that doesn’t belong or needs healing. Please keep him healthy and alive with us until you come again. Basically, I don’t want you to ever take him away from us. Please give him supernatural weight loss! Please make him grow younger and bless him abundantly. Amen.

*** Yes, Mar, I will heal your dad. Keep praying. You don’t need to be so worried. God is in control of all things, and you will be ok. Your dad will be ok no matter what happens, he will always be with love in his heart for you. Keep praying and have faith.


Q2- Dad, I hear fireworks in the distance. Freedom reigns in this country and you are in control of all things. Thank you that you have your man picked out for the white house and you will restore America! Thank you for allowing me to live in the best country in the world… the best place to live- best college town in the world, with the best family, friends, and husband anyone could ever ask for. Why are some so fortunate while other people suffer? Die of hunger? Get beheaded because they are Christian…

***I know your heart goes out to people that are not as fortunate as you. You will one day be able to pay back for all your blessings in a powerful way. You will share my love with them and they will be blessed by the powerful love of the Father! All my kids will be well taken care of. The world is changing rapidly and it will be for the benefit of all your brothers and sisters. Don’t worry so much about how or when. I am in control, so you don’t need to worry so much. I know it looks impossible to you… that is good. Because it is impossible… for you… but with ME, ALL things are possible!   Have a wonderful day tomorrow and celebrate with your family the love and freedom you get to enjoy and benefit from. {Thank you, God!} You are welcome, Mar- I love you.


Q3– Holy Spirit, could you please be with my sponsor Children in a special way? Would you lead them in their lives and make sure that they have everything that they need for life?   Please bless them abundantly.

***The letters and financial help you have given to them is a powerful blessing that you are giving. Please tell other people about Children International and try to spread the word about what a helpful organization they are. There are many great programs people get involved with but when the kids get letters, it is a more personal and loving friendship for them. I will bless all your sponsor children. COHF also will grow into a large organization and help many more children in Africa. Keep up your letter writing and maybe consider another sponsor Child.


Q4-Mom, Would you please also pray and intercede for my dad? He really needs your intervention. He needs a miracle. Won’t you please pray with me for complete restoration of his health? His heart, circulation, weight loss, legs, ankles, feet and toes? Please pray for supernatural weight loss… I am so grateful that he will be restored completely, I know God won’t let us down. I am sorry I wasn’t grateful enough when he lost the weight supernaturally about a month ago. I was not understanding, and I was confused when it happened… that I apologize for not shouting for joy at the supernatural weight loss miracle that you gave him! He said he worked on losing it in Florida, but I now know it was your miracle that did it! But then almost in a week, he was back to not only the original size, but even larger than before. I am so sorry. Was that my fault that the miracle didn’t “stick”? I am so sorry for my confusion and lack of understanding and gratitude. It was a glorious and mighty work that Jesus did for my dad. Could you please tell Jesus with me, how sorry I am that I didn’t show much gratitude. I don’t know what happened to me, I was maybe in disbelief that God answered my prayer. Please ask God to give me another chance. Please heal my father of all his illnesses and overweight- please heal his infected leg, God! Mom, pray with me, please.

*** I will. I will pray with you. Your dad will be ok. Keep pressing in for your miracle. God hears you. Pray with gratitude and faith. We love you. You can count on that. Keep praying in Jesus’ mighty and holy name.


Actions Requested:

God is in control of all things. Dad will be ok.

Enjoy the 4th July with your family. You are very blessed, indeed.

Keep up letter writing to Sponsor Children and consider helping another child.

Keep praying for dad in Jesus’ mighty and holy name. Give thanks to God for all things.

 Closing Remarks: Thank you for family and for your love, God. I need you and pray that you hear my prayers for my dad. Thank you for healing DB last night. Thank you for all you have given to me. Help me be a better person than I was yesterday. Each day, help me become more like you… I know I have a long way to go. Progress, not perfection. Thank you for your love and protection. Thank you for my health and the health of DB. I love you! Amen! XO ~Mar

July 2, 2016

Q1- Dad, I feel sort of out of sorts today. What’s going on?

*** You’re in limbo… can’t you feel it? You are about to have your whole life turned upside down… in a good way. Just rest and relax. Enjoy the moment. You are learning to slow down. I will help you with this. It’s all going to be amazing. You will soon see it happen, only believe. Keep the faith. Hope. Your “sources” won’t lie to you… I promise you will soon see your world morph into al that I’ve been telling you about. It is going to be even more amazing than you could ever imagine. Just like I told you. You’ll be a blessing to many people and I won’t let you down. You have not been wasting your efforts. Thank you for your tenacity and diligence. Thank you for coming to the board meetings. It is important that we document this process.


Q2– Jesus, could you heal DB’s stomach ache? This weekend he’s been feeling bad and I pray it is nothing serious. He has been sleeping a lot. Please heal him over the night while he sleeps so that tomorrow he feels brand new.

*** I will. Tomorrow he will feel much better and will not have any more issues with it. {Thank you!}


Q3- Holy Spirit, I was wondering if you could turn my grey hairs back to dark brown/black again?

*** lol, you’ve only got a few! Don’t worry about them. If I color your hair, I’d make it something colorful! Like blue/black… would you like that? {I’d love any color you choose! Blue would be fun… sure!} Ok, we’ll see about what we can do. Maybe one day you’ll wake up to a new do! J


Q4- Mom, I want to thank you again for the Miracle Red Couch! It totally makes our home beautiful and enjoyable. Whenever sit on it I think of you and how wonderful it was that you gifted us with such an amazing couch. The color is perfect, the material and frame are top quality and the size if perfect for our living room! Thank you so much!

***You are so welcome, Mar. It is my joy to give my children gifts. I am glad you appreciate it. I can work with Love to also gift you with physical miracles. Your hair, supernatural weight loss, etc. I hear you and I know you are an appreciative soul. It seems too good to be true, I know. You are not delusional. The couch is a gift to you from me. I will work many more miracles in your life. Jesus asked me to surprise you. So I did. We love you, Mar.

 Actions Requested:

I’m in limbo… just rest and relax.

Soon my life will be turned upside down… in a good way!

Jesus will heal DB’s stomach.

Maybe one day I will wake up with a God-Inspired “Do” miraculously- Blue/black hair?

My momma will work many miracles in my life- Jesus asked her to.

Closing Remarks: Thank you for a wonderful Fourth of July weekend. Please keep all my family and friends safe. Please help the dogs and children that may be scared from all the fireworks. Thank you for your love, friendship, gifts, and unfathomable divine mercy. I love you! Amen! Xo ~Mar

July 1, 2016

Q1- Dad, I didn’t win tonight and that is perfectly fine because I know for a fact that whatever you want… you get. And I want what you want. Your most holy will be done in my life. As it is in heaven, let it be so on earth. I love you, Dad. How about tomorrow night? I got a Hoosier Lotto for that, too! Lol.

***ok, Mar We’ll see what happens. Just enjoy your weekend. Your prayers are reaching my ears. I hear you and you are on the right track. Things just need to line up perfectly, so just know that this is what is best and we have all things under control.  


Q2-Jesus, am I being tested? It seems like I am. That’s ok, too, if I am. I am not going to worry about the outcome because I know you have all things under control and I only need to focus on you, with hope, faith and love in my heart.

*** yes, you are being tested. You’re doing great and you are right, you have nothing to worry about. Your faith is so strong; your acts reflect that. I thought it was so funny that out of sheer faith, last night you drove to Indiana to get your winning ticket and then today in faith put them into your safe box at the bank. You are so faithful and obedient. You embrace our love, try to follow the leadings and promptings of the Holy Spirit, and you are fearless and tenacious! Ha! What a winning combination that is. Yes, we will invest in EPP, Inc. Your prayers are reaching our ears. Hang tight. Just a little while longer now. Let freedom reign!   Yes! USA will be blessed even more than ever. God will bless the United States of America… and the entire world will also be blessed in time. Your party invitation is for all people of the world. Eternal Party People … UNITE!

“For I know the plans I have for you… Plans to give you hope and a future.” ~ Jeremiah 29:11


Q3-Love, would you please come to me with your presence and fill me with your love? I need a refilling. It’s been a long time since I felt your presence in a powerful way. I am ready and desiring your power in my life. Help me pray in the spirit and show me your tender love each day more powerfully and tangible.

*** Days are coming when I will touch all people. All will know and appreciate the power, goodness and love of the Father. God will be with you all in a more visible manner. Your prayer is good. God likes to answer requests for his love and presence. Tonight you will receive a new filling. Soak it in with gladness and appreciation. You will be filled every night this week in a powerful way. Enjoy it and write about it so others can request it also and be filled. We will set the captives free. Let Freedom Reign! Blessed be God Forever!


Q4-Mom, Jesus did not come for the righteous, but for the sinners. Why don’t people treat others with this in mind? It seems like “sinners” are shunned by many Christians. We are all sinners. I don’t understand this. Why don’t all Christians love all people? We are all brothers and sisters, children of the one true God.

*** It is a very powerful message; the divine physician has come for the sick. (sinners) “Come to me.” Jesus is always calling people to repentance. God is waiting for all people. Be an example. Pray for all to have a heart full of love for all people, especially for people that have “different sin than you have”… God looks beyond sins. God looks to all with hope and as his precious children. Sin only causes misery. God wants the best for his children. Sin is only going to lead people to a life unfulfilled and lacking peace. Compassion for all, mercy and love of God is for all people on the earth. God’s heart and love go out to all people, but especially for those who are most need of His mercy.

 Actions Requested:

God has all things under control. He has divine timing on all things.

God will invest in EPP, Inc.

All will know God and know his love one day soon.

God looks beyond sins and all are his precious children.

God’s love goes out for all especially, those who are most in need of his mercy.

Closing Remarks:  Thank you, God, that you have restored us to your heart. Your mercy is UNFATHOMABLE! It is such an incredible gift. Thank you that you call all of us home. Thank you that you will help me invite all people to the eternal party. I can’t wait to start the new chapter of this “Book” of your love and your kingdom Come! Help me be who you want me to be. Equip and empower me to do your will. I love you! Amen! Xo~Mar

June 30, 2016

Q1– Dad, Today I saw a picture of about 30 UN marked vehicles in convoy in Texas and Virginia… it freaked me out a minute, then I thought to myself, God has all things under control. I was happy that I had no anxiety about it and then found out that we make the UN Vehicles in the USA and they were all on way to the port to be shipped overseas. (that’s the story they’re sticking with, anyways.) I decided that the only thing that matters is what I need to do for you, God. And that you are in control and have all things lined up. You are fighting the enemy, evil and his deeds, and that you are not worried about anything. So, why should I be worried? I refuse to be concerned about world events. Whatever happens, happens and all I can do is pray and do my small part – whatever that turns out to be. I will do it with your help, and with faith and patience, yes, and perseverance. So, I guess this is more of a rant instead of a question. So, what do you think about all this? I haven’t blown it, messed it up, or disappointed you? Have I done some things wrong, not enough prayers, not enough repentance, not enough humility, not enough love and holiness… I know I come short in all these areas. And for that I am deeply sorry. The pressure is smooshing me like a pancake under all the weight of this. I can’t do it. You will have to do this. I can’t. sorry… tears won’t come anymore… I’ve cried an ocean inside my soul. I’m about spent. It’s your turn. I give up until I get a refresher in my spirit. I think I need to finally give it all over to you. That’s when you can take it and go with it, right? I need to hand it all over to you. It’s all you. None of me.

*** I love you, Mar. I will handle everything. Thank you for your persistence, perseverance, tenacity, faith and hope. I won’t let you down. I will come through for you. Just hang on a little longer. You are so close. Rest, relax, laugh, love and lounge. Your mantra this weekend. Ok? Freedom bell is ringing. Remember my words: “I’ve got this. It’s going to be more amazing than you could ever imagine.” Well, it is still true and it is just getting better for your situation every time Lucy pulls a fast one, you came through it all like a champ. You’re getting a lot of fanfare in heaven… everyone is cheering you on. Praying for you… and with you every step of the way. You are not letting us down, no, quite the opposite. You are making much progress and your game looks quite in your favor so far, you’re a mile ahead and all with a smile on your face. The enemy is feeling quite defeated in these battles. You’re exasperating a couple of their “best” warriors. They don’t know what they can do… you’re tough. Chin up. Your so close. Smile!

Q2- Jesus, life is so confining. Dealing with anxieties, paranoia, dizziness, self doubts and the stress of lie. Worry about what other people think. Feeling insecure. Feeling pressure to get all the stuff done, done correctly, and done in time… paying all the bills, making a nice home, being a good wife, daughter, friend, sister, aunt and dealing with so much horror going on in the world… living through all this with a smile and love in your heart. I’m trying. I’m pushing through but I know you have so much more in store for us. Heaven is going to be amazing. I can hardly wait. None of the crud and all of the good. Are we there yet, are we there yet, are we there? Lol. I know I have an assignment and I won’t quit until I’m done. When you call me home, then I know I’ve done what I came to do. Don’t let me fail you. Ok?

*** If you only could see what I see… you would know how far you’ve come and how defeated Lucy is feeling. (For good reason!) You could never fail me because you don’t need to do anything except be yourself with love and faith in your heart. I’ve got this, Mar. Because, I’ve already defeated him. Never forget that. It is finished. Done. Kaput. All you need to do is get the word out to the world and invite everyone to the Eternal Party! Easy! I will do all things and it will be a blast. Only believe. I know you do. And it will be so much fun. I know you can’t wrap your brain around this. It is so amazing and huge… I know, how can you understand this? You may not understand it until it is all completed and you’re in heaven with me… no worries. We’ll get there. Hang on. It’s going to be a wild ride!


Q3- Love, I depend on you. You are my hope, my joy, and my heart. Holy Spirit, could you ask Dad if it is time for the new chapter? I had to drive all the way to Indiana to get my lotto ticket today since Illinois is probably not able to pay their winners. I’ll put it into my safe deposit box at the bank tomorrow. I have to admit, though, Love- this is getting old. I’m growing old and I just don’t know what is going on here. Am I supposed to keep playing my whole life? I mean, it’s been 10 years, and the time is flying by… I’m almost 50 and it is just starting to seem silly of me to keep up with this. But, you call me to it, so I will play on.   Maybe Freedom will ring this weekend… In more than one way? J   Freedom for the world through EPP Phone app, or Sham-Rock Studio recordings/miracles, signs and wonders for the masses! Let’s start this party!

***Hahaha, yes, let’s get this party started! You’ll be glad you persevered… all good things come to those who wait.


Q4- Mom, could you talk with Jesus, see if it is our turn yet? Lol. I could use a call from Infant Jesus again. But instead I got to listen to Joel talk with me again today on the TV. He always has a good word for me, exactly what I need to hear when I need it. Thank you, God, for sending Joel for us.

***I thought you would like today’s message. Yes, on your own you can’t… but I have The God who spoke worlds into existence on my side… Father, Thank you that you are defeating our enemies, you are in charge and you rock, Father! Yes, God is clearing the path and giving you victory over your enemies. He will take you into your promise land…he has such good things in store for you. He will make things happen that you could never arrange. God is all powerful! Don’t give up on your dreams… I know you wouldn’t. I believe and declare abundance is on its way. Amen!


Actions Requested:


Thank you that my dreams are coming and you are working behind the scenes. You are pushing back the darkness, arranging all things to line up. You haven’t brought me this far to leave me by myself. My dream looks impossible… but You, God, can do the impossible. Thank you that your plans and my dreams are on their way to showing up. Thank you, God! I love you! I believe my breakthrough is on the way. It’s just a matter of time before it shows up. Thank you that one day, you will invest in Eternal Party People, Inc. You are a supernatural God who is going before me, fighting my battles. My fire is stirred up and my faith is strong in the Lord. I love you! I believe in you and your dreams that you placed into my heart. I haven’t missed my opportunity, now is the time. I love you! You have amazing plans for my life and for the world. I think you are amazing. Thank you, God, you have new beginnings on the way.   AMEN!

 Closing Remarks:  Hang on, just a little bit longer, Mar. You are not crazy in believing for the goodness of God. You are not crazy for believing in your dreams. God put those dreams into your heart. God will bless my efforts and has amazing plans in store for his children that love him.  Xo ~Mar

June 29, 2016

Q1- Father, I love you! I am so excited for your next move! You surprise me every day with your goodness! Thank you for getting me to where I need to be. I can tell you are helping me become who you need me to be. What more can I do over the long 4th July weekend that would please you?

***Write me a song. I would love that! Maybe you could write a poem about the relationship you have with Holy Trinity and then put some chords together. Your momma can help you with that. She is waiting for you to write again. It’s been a long time since you wrote a poem/song. Go to a café and give yourself 45 minutes to come up with it. We will all love to give you some ideas. Maybe you could go a couple of times… it would be good to get another fresh environment, even though now I know you love your new decluttered home! Lol.   Try 3 writing sessions 45 minutes each and just see what we all come up with. We can’t wait. All of heaven loves it when you write a new song and when you record one, they erupt with loving laughter. Your songs warm our hearts and we love you!


Q2- Jesus, I love you! What could I do for DB over the long weekend that he would enjoy? I will have time and would like to maybe do something with him that would be memorable. Any ideas?

*** Try to give him the down time that he needs. He would really appreciate it if you don’t ask him to do anything. I know that sound like a small thing to offer, but it would be truly appreciated. You can make a list and then just let him do them when he feels like it. He will be off work for 10 days, so it will all get done. Don’t ask him to declutter his stuff, he will get to it eventually. Also, you could ask him what he would like you to cook as a special treat and try to get it done over this weekend. {ok, thank you for the tips! I put them on my calendar so I don’t forget!}


Q3- Love, my beloved Holy Spirit, I love you! I am trying to focus on my inner being and relate with you more throughout the day. It doesn’t feel like I’ve made much progress. Could you help me become more aware of your presence? I feel like I’ve been ignoring you, and I am sorry for that.

*** What are you talking about? You talk with me all the time! I can’t get a minute’s rest with you joking around all the time! Lol.   You talk with the father and you talk with Jesus constantly! Guess who is doing all that and making it possible… Moi. Little ole me. We have a great relationship, I love being with you and you should know that you are talking with me all the time! We are three in one. I know it’s a hard concept to wrap around the brain, but you don’t need to worry about ignoring me. I talk with you all the time. You get ideas, right? Well, that’s from me, silly! I love you! You don’t need to worry about “ignoring” me, I am talking with you constantly and you respond! So, no worries. I love you, Mar. <3   {I love you, Too!!!}


Q4-Mom, What needs to be done that I am not doing for managing our home, or in my marriage. Do you have any tips or suggestions for me?

*** I’d say you are doing an amazing job of making your home a sanctuary of peace, love and laughter. You could try to listen more and ask more questions, be silly, relax more, rest more… so that you can both live life with more joy. You are always so busy working or getting things “done” that you forget to live in a relaxed and wonderful life. Dad has been trying to get you to start your new mantra: Rest, Relax, Love, Laugh, and Lounge. Oh and one more thing you could do… surprise him with some of your famous raw chocolates! You can bring them to your mom and dad’s house on the fourth along with the fruits and veggies your bringing.


June 28, 2016

Q1- Hey Dad, how are you doing today? I hope well. I would like to look to see if I won the lottery, but you asked me not to look so I won’t miss any sleep. Did I win? J

*** lol, I can’t tell you that or it would mess up your sleep if you won! You’ll just have to wait until tomorrow morning! I am doing great, except I am just still trying to get you where you need to be… keep praying. Keep hoping. Keep believing. Keep resting, relaxing, laughing, loving and lounging! You’ve been working too hard, Mar. Chillax. You’re making all of us tired just watching you! Lol… Keep up the good work. Your prayers are powerful. Thank you for the 3 O’clock hour prayer and your adoration hour today. You are making a lot of progress and taking back some strongholds in your family and friend’s lives. Your prayers are powerful. Thank you for your gratitude for all things, it is refreshing to hear your thanks and it is much appreciated.


Q2-Jesus, I love you! I was wondering what you think of my reduced clutter home? I’ve been decluttering all week and it’s starting to feel much better here. I love being able to gift our unused items for Goodwill. Hopefully someone can use them. I won’t miss them. I love being more “bare-bones” and just using the things I feel good using, want to use, and use them regularly. Thank you for the inspiration to get it done. 10 garbage bags filled and 2 chairs later, I feel GREEEEEeeeeeaaaat!

***I love that you share what you’re not using with people that would love to have those items. If only all my children would share, and part with items that are just taking up space, the world would be a much better place.   Enjoy the energy’s free flowing atmosphere. I love that you are enjoying your new home without clutter. Keep it simple. If you must bring into your home an item, please give something away to make room for it. Simplify, simplify, simplify. Your new mantra. It feels good, doesn’t it? {yes, I am loving this!}


Q3– Love, how did your meeting go yesterday? I think you said you were going to meet with Jesus and the father regarding the lotto win… how am I doing? Are we still on chart for a win? I would like to be ready in all areas; is there anything I’ve overlooked that I should be doing?

*** You know, Mar, you are doing all things as you are called to do. Just remain in the flow. Maybe tomorrow relax with a mani-pedi and rest up. You will be doing a new thing in your home. You’re going to be relaxing a lot more. Get your mind wrapped around: Relax, rest, love, laugh and lounge… that should be your motto. Heaven needs you to slow down. You will have plenty of time for all things. Chillax, homey. You’re going to get there, only when you slow down. Have a cigar. Relax. Lol… we love you. You’re such a hard worker. You really need to slow down, we love you!


Q4– Oh, Mamma! Mammacita! Te Amo! Como estas? Thank you for my sponsor child, please bless him and his family in Guatemala. He is now graduated and in need of your prayer intercessions now more than ever. Please watch over him and all sponsor children world-wide. Please let my sponsor kids excel in health, love, peace, prosperity and do the will of the father. I ask you to bless them all.

*** You are doing a great service to them. They will appreciate all you do for them. Please spread the word that this is an excellent way to grow in charity, love and service… to work with an organization such as Children International or COHF or many other fine organizations. Your prayers for the kids are powerful. You and others are changing lives. If only more people would think of taking on a child or two, writing them, and praying for them. The hope you give to them is powerful. God sees what you are doing and will bless your efforts. Keep praying for them, writing them, and supporting them. We love you and you love children in the world. It makes a good team… God and prayer. Together we can change the world. Maybe it is time for you to take on another sponsor child?

 Actions Requested:

I am working too hard. Rest, relax, love, laugh and lounge!

Simplify. Keep decluttering. It is powerful to make room for the new.

Get a mani-pedi tomorrow… enjoy.

Take on another sponsor child. Write frequently.

June 27, 2016

Appreciation & Gratitude:

Thank you, God, for giving me an amazing and wonderful husband. Thank you also, Dear God, for loving and fun parents who are very forgiving and accepting. Thank you for your unfathomable divine mercy. I can’t thank you enough, no matter how many times I think of it, I am blown away by your goodness. Thank you, Dad, that you one day (soon I hope) will have an investment for EPP, Inc. I am ready to work and start this new chapter. Thank you, God, for saying that you can use me. Thank you, Father God, for all the plans you have in store for me. I can’t wait! Thank you for giving me the grace to love you so much, help me love you more! Oh, and thank you of course, for faith. Where would I be without faith? Help me have faith that is much greater than a mustard seed. Thank you that you will one day make miracles as common as anything we see daily in the natural today. Thank you for all the good things you give to us! Oh, and dad, thank you for giving me such beautiful curls. Thank you for your blessings.


Q1– Dad, Why am I so temperamental? I have such a low tolerance for people. I have such a long way to go to love like Jesus. I know I get irritated with the enemy and I perceive Lucy working in people sometimes. I get cranky, tired, upset and I don’t mess around and try to be nice about it. I am truly a tough person to get along with, I am sure.

***You’re being too hard on yourself. You are sensitive to other people’s emotions and thoughts come through their body language for you that you pick up on. You aren’t very often rude. You just don’t put up with a lot of baloney. Don’t worry about what you lack. What you lack, I will supply for you. Your heart will grow and in time you will soften the edges, but don’t worry about it. That is how I made you, that is one of the personality traits I like about you. You are a lot like your dad. Lol. You’re doing just fine. Hang in there. I know the illness is a tough challenge for you. Offer it all up to me at the foot of the cross. Your struggles offered up will help save lost souls. Tell everyone to offer up their struggles… added to the passion of Jesus, it is powerful to save souls. This is your cross to bear. You’re strong. Soon you will see the fruit of your efforts.


Q2- Jesus, what should I try to do each day that would help me grow in the light of your love? I desire to have a heart more like yours. Whatever you have in mind for me, help me become that person. What do I need to do?

*** The desire for it along with your strong faith will be enough. You can’t do this, but I can. Grace will get you there. You can do nothing on your own, but with God, all things are possible. Keep plugging along. You are asking for an incredible gift. The gift of a loving heart for all people is a treasure indeed. Your request has been heard and you will see differences slowly, but the Holy Spirit can work with a soul like yours. Take your time in all things. Be patient. Slow down. I am with you always.


Q3– Love, most Holy Spirit, could you have a mini conference with the Father and Jesus for me? I would like to win the lottery. You know my heart. Don’t you think I am ready? Have I passed all the required tests? Have I overcome the accusations thrown at me from Lucy? Could you maybe talk with Dad and Jesus, to see what needs to be done and then tell me what I need to do. I want to know what I need to do. How much longer should I expect to wait? I’m ready! Lol, I love you!

*** Jesus is working 24/7 on your behalf. Lucy is the king of accusers. You don’t need to worry about it, though, because I am with you and you will always be where you need to be when you need to be there. You’ve got this in the bag. It is just a matter of time and you will not regret the wait. All good things come to those who wait. The most Holy Trinity is working and your plans are coming along perfectly. He is snooping on your board meetings and he is shaking in his pants. He doesn’t know what he can do once you win the lotto, you will know that the plans of God are true… and not only in your mind. Not just a grandiose symptom of Schizoaffective Disorder. No, this is real and once you win, once you start EPP, Inc and build ShamRock Studios, you will be unstoppable. He is terrified. It’s hilarious, Mar, if only you could see his face! Jesus has things just about wrapped up and your investment funds will come in at the perfect time. No worries. No hurries. We love you and we have you in the palm of the Father’s hand. The only thing you need to do is rest. Laugh. Love. Relax. And Lounge. We’ll take care of all the rest! Enjoy the ride! Your momma’s got her combat boots on and the two of you are going to turn this world upside down! (To make it back to the right side up! )

Thank you, God! Come Lord Jesus! Blessed be God forever!


Q4- Mom, what do you think about jet black with blue highlights in my hair? I’m thinking about getting it done. Kinda crazy, I know.

*** I think it will be beautiful, edgy-cool and amazing! Go for it! You can do it temporary to see if you like it. It will last about 2 or 3 months, so you will know if you like it enough to do permanently. I say go for it! In heaven, everyone has wild colored hair. Jesus loves color in people’s hair, so do it for him! In heaven, even the clothes change color as people walk around. Rainbows flow from the Father. Color is very important in heaven… go ahead and strut your stuff!!!

 Actions Requested:

Your desire to change and your faith are enough.

All things are possible with God. (He can even change me!)

The Holy Spirit can work with a soul like mine.

I will always be where I need to be when I need to be there.

Rest, laugh, love, relax and lounge… ahhhh. God’s got this!

Mom thinks I should do the jet black blue hair-do… Color is very important in heaven!

Closing Remarks: Thank you, God, for an incredible life! Living for you is the most fun anyone can have, even though it costs dearly. Thank you for your advice and support. Please continue to guide me and show me what needs to be done. Help me have more faith. I pray for wisdom, and to better hear you by slowing down and listening for your voice. Thank you for adopting me into your family. I want to be a good daughter and help run the family business! Saving Lost Souls… help me know what to do. Help me love better. Grow the love in my heart and each day make me more like Jesus. I love you guys! Amen! Xo, Mar

June 26, 2016

Appreciation & GratitudeThank you, God, for music! Thank you that you tell me I will one day record songs with many talented artists, and I will be your instrument of love and peace. Thank you that the Holy Spirit will animate me and play all sorts of instruments through me in an amazing and glorious manner. It will be all you, none of me. Thank you, God, that you tell me these things are all going to happen one day soon. Thank you for the gift of the Holy Spirit! Thank you, Jesus, for making our salvation possible and for your unfathomable divine mercy! Thank you for giving me your love and tender care.


Q1-Dad, I am wondering if this all could possibly be my reality? Do you truly and honestly have plans this grand for me? Little ol’ me? I love you! You are the best daddy anyone could ever dream of for a papa. The creator of the universe is MY Father! I can’t wrap my brain around this… it’s way better than I could ever imagine. Is this real? Or is this a fantasy?

*** lol, Mar, it is real. It is true. I will use you and you will be surprised at what you will do with the Holy Spirit as your partner in crime… lol. You will absolutely love it!  


Q2-Jesus, Thank you that you love me. I am so grateful to you for redeeming me and wiping away all my sin. How do I forgive myself? How do I forget what I’ve been and what I’ve done? The enemy is reminding me and I don’t know what to do.

*** When Lucy accuses you, just dismiss it. Don’t give it a second thought. Laugh at him. You are the one redeemed, and he will never get admittance to heaven… he will rot in hell. So, laugh and believe in my love. Know that washed of your sins, you are whiter than the newly fallen snow. You are forever mine. I love you. Forgive yourself. Don’t look back. You are a new creation. You are my bride. I adore you.

Q3– Love, would you please tell me again… what do I need to do for this all to be successful? I don’t want to mess up the plans of God! It seems such a huge responsibility… I can’t do this- only you can do it.

*** That is right, you don’t need to do it. It will all happen when you stay in faith and remain faithful in all the little things. Leave the big things up to God. I won’t leave you on this alone. I will be with you every step of the way. The main thing you need to do for this all to succeed, is to leave it to God, take care of yourself- manage the illness, and trust in Jesus. All things will work out great. Mark my words. We can’t wait, and you will love every minute of it. J


Q4-Mom, what do you think I should do this week in preparations for winning the lottery? I want to tie up loose ends and be as ready as possible.

***Work on your to do list. Rest. Get your hours in for the end of the month. Follow your calendar prompts/reminders. Be faithful in the small things and leave the big things up to the Father. Offer up all that you do as a gift for Jesus. Do all that you have lined up to do, get it all done each day. This weekend you did a great job of decluttering. Maybe you could do more of that … it will open up doors to let in the new. We love you! You are close to your new chapter. It will be a fabulous trip!

 Actions Requested:

I will be surprised what the Holy Spirit can do with my life.

Love, my partner in crime… lol!

When Lucy accuses me, laugh- I am the one forgiven while he will be rotting eternally.

Work of the small things and leave all the big things to God.

Keep to my calendar to do and reminder lists.

I am close to the new chapter in this story!


Closing Remarks:  Thank you, you guys are the best! Thank you for your love and attention to every detail. Thank you that you have all things under control. Thank you that you will handle all the big things and all I need to focus on is the little things each moment; living in the NOW.   I love you!!!   Amen! Xo, Mar

June 25, 2016

Appreciation & Gratitude:  Thank you, God, for your mercy! It is endless, it is wonderful, amazing, unfathomable, broad and mighty! Your love endures forever, you rock! Thank you, Dad, for my earthly parents! They are a huge blessing to me! Thank you for Ange! He is the best husband anyone could ever dream of having as a spouse. Thank you, Father God, for your plans that you have for the world! It will be incredible when your Kingdom Reigns, please let me help you usher it in. Thank you that you have wonderful plans for me. Thank you that you can use me and will equip and empower me for your purposes, for your glory! Thank you that new doors are going to open for me! Thank you that you have plans that I could never even imagine how superbly and beautiful those plans are. Thank you that one day, soon I hope, soon you will invest in EPP, Inc and ShamRock Studio!

 Q1-  Dad, could we start soon… could we let the show begin? I thank you that you chose me to help usher in your Holy Kingdom! I want to carry out your plans. Just tell me what you need me to manage, I am willing and desire to be your instrument of peace, carry out your works and get to work for you- use me, Lord!

*** I appreciate your enthusiasm, Mar. I will definitely use you and do indeed have amazing plans for you. Hang tight. I know you are on the edge of your seat to get started. You will need your energy once things get going here. Sleep is important. Don’t look at the winning numbers until morning, going forward. If you check the numbers at 10pm, and when you win, (you WILL Win!) When you win, you will then mess up your sleep schedule! We want you to be healthy and sleep is key for you! So, yes, soon we will get this show started! Let’s get this party started… Mar, I hear you… I am glad you are so eager for your assignment to begin. Hang tight. You’ll be in for a wild ride, but you’ll get over this hump and then it will be smooth sailing. I will invest in EPP, Inc and I can’t wait to be with you and your Uncle D to design the recording studio. I love the name you chose, too, by the way… “ShamRock Studio” I love it! We can’t wait to see all that you have been dreaming about come to your reality. It will and it will be a beautiful dream come true. We love you, don’t ever forget it! Xo!


Q2-Jesus, I want to help all people come to know you, to love you, and to love your ways, to know you and show your goodness to people through miracles you allow to happen through music created at ShamRock Studio – all for your glory! You Reign! Will I get to be with you during the millennial reign?

*** Yes, you will be with me always. No more will you be alone in this thing. I know your illness makes you feel as if you are hated half the time from people you love. This paranoia will disappear and vanish never to be remembered again. The pain you feel will be removed. You will know you are loved without doubt and you will feel it for eternity. I will not leave you or forsake you. You are my bride who I cherish, love and adore. I will wipe away your tears. You will be with me in heaven. I love you. You will be able to help people come to know me. Many, many multitudes of people will come to know me and the love of God. The music we make at ShamRock Studio will go viral and new songs will get unheard of views on YouTube and the people that hear the songs will be healed. Their heart, soul, body and mind will be healed and they will feel my love for them. Thank you for saying yes to the plans we have for you. The joy you will share with the world will be the salve for their healing, the ushering in of my Holy Kingdom. Thank you, Mar. I can’t wait to get this party started, either! It’s going to be great!  


Q3-Holy Spirit, I am so glad you have a plan! You have all things figured out and one day soon you will be “unleased” and mighty miracles for the masses will wash over the earth… your love will conquer all! I am so thrilled that you will use me for your purposes and your glory! What can I do to get ready? What 3 things should I do that you would like me to make a priority?

*** 1-Sleep, take your meds, relax and let God do this. Don’t try so hard. Take care of yourself and manage the illness best as you can. Do the things that make you feel good.

2- Pray more. Rest in God’s love. Hear what we are saying to you and soak up our love. Your spirit needs a lot of love, so fill up on our love for you. Pray the rosary and Chaplet of Divine Mercy. Make time for this each day. Mother Mary will take good care of you, so it would be good for you to talk with her every day also. She will help you manage the angels, shine the light and push back the darkness.

3- Exercise and Vegan Diet/weight loss plans. Put your plans into action. Eat when hungry and stop when 80% full. You will be able to play tennis again soon. I healed your strained abdomen muscles. Start doing core exercises for strengthening. I will help you get into the best shape you ever were in. 5:2 is also a good way to work with weight loss. Getting in good physical shape will be a blessing. Always be grateful for your health and the health of your loved ones.


Q4- Mom, Should I “command” the angelic realm to go on assignment or is that something you prefer to take care of for me? I fear no one, I know you have angels protecting me and my family. I know that the host of warring angles are weapons for us, destroying the plans of the enemy. What would they like me to do? I don’t want to “command” them and “give orders” unless that is what you want me/us to do. I am so thankful for their love and protection! Thank you, mom, that you are the Queen of Angels, you are my amazing momma in combat boots! Xo!

***You can either as me for help, St. Michael, Edwina, Jesus, Father-God, or the Holy Spirit for help. If you ask any of us for help, you can be assured that we hear you and we will take care of the situation. Strategy is good in many situations, and Kat Kerr will help you with strategy. But you are always welcome to shout, “Help me, Jesus!” “Help me, Mom!” “Help me, God!” “Help me, St Michael!” “Help me, Edwina!” “Help me, Holy Spirit!” Don’t worry, you will be given the right words. Holy Spirit will guide you in all things. You have nothing to worry about. Leave it all for God to sort out. He is in charge, and we are all so happy about that, aren’t we? {YES, Praise God he’s in control. Mom, I love you!}

 Actions Requested:

Dreams come true! God can’t wait to see it happen for us.

Jesus can’t wait to get this party started, either!

Sleep, manage the illness to the best of my ability.

Pray more and rest in God’s love.

Exercise and diet; make a plan and work the plan.

June 24, 2016

Q1- Dad, it seems like I am gaining an enormous amount of weight and it even feels like a hex from the evil one has increased it more than it should currently be. Could you help me get back to a healthy weight? I pray for your help and to supernaturally aid it to come off quickly and safely. I pray for my dad, also, to lose his extra weight in a spectacular way- overnight for us both! In Jesus’ name I Pray!

***Keep pressing on in prayer. Fast and pray; when you do this, you will be even more powerful. Fast this weekend now until Monday Morning, pray, have a stay-at-home retreat and you will see many miracles occur in your life. I know it seems difficult, strenuous and futile to pray… I know you don’t see much results from your prayers right now. Don’t worry. That will NOT last long. The power of the Holy Spirit will soon be unleashed upon the earth… Glory, signs, miracles and wonders will be common and the name of Jesus will be revered throughout all mankind. My love will wash over all people in the world and the darkness will flee. Love wins! Thank you for being such a trooper! You will be greatly used for my purposes… just as you pray each day. I can use a soldier like you!

Q2– Jesus, I don’t feel like doing anything this weekend, except spend time with you. I need to fill up on your love and I would like to treat this weekend as a retreat in your presence. Could you bless my time with you these next 2 days?

*** yes, I will be so happy to bless our time together. You don’t need to feel badly about not wanting to do anything tonight or Sat/Sunday. DB will understand, and he may need some down time as well.


Q3– Love, What books should I focus on reading this weekend? I am interested in about 5 or 6 books lined up for me to read and I don’t know where to start!

*** Spend time just resting in our love. Spend some time in the word. Spend 15 minutes or so in each book you are interested in reading. You will have time to do it all. You may want to go to a café this weekend for a change of scenery. I will bless your weekend. Thank you that your interests mainly lie in God and reading about spiritual topics. Your hunger for wisdom, spiritual growth, love, and God needs to be filled. Take this weekend to rest and read. You will grow in this time together.


Q4-Mom, will you help me? I need your intercession to ask God to give me the right words when I pray for Dad this weekend. He needs so much help for many different health issues, I don’t want to forget anything when I get to pray.

*** I will intercede for you. Why don’t you write down all the points that you want to make sure to pray for? Just make a list so you don’t forget anything. You will be amazed at the results of your prayers. The Holy Spirit and the Healing of Jesus is about to become more powerful than ever. You will do even greater miracles than Jesus did… according to his word. Rejoice!

 Actions Requested:

Fast and Pray this weekend; stay at home mini retreat.

The power of the Holy Spirit will soon be unleashed upon the earth! Rejoice!

This weekend is set aside for time with God, Relaxation, Reading, Laughing and Lounging.

Make a list of what I want to pray specifically for Dad and bring it with me when I see him next.

 Closing Remarks: Thank you, dear God, for weekends! I am so excited to spend time with you and to relax and read. Please bless my time with you and be with me in a powerful way. I love you! Amen! Xo ~Mar

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