Eternal Party People

Welcome to the end of time... where you find... miracles happen all the time!

June 23, 2016

Appreciation & Gratitude:

Thank you for answering my prayers. Thank you that you are in control of all things. Thank you that one day soon, you will be “unleashing” the Holy Spirit, and Love will conquer all! Thank you that the light is pushing back all darkness. Thank you that you hear our cries and you answer our prayers. Thank you for your unfathomable divine mercy. Thank you that your Kingdom will come to earth as it is in heaven. Thank you that you will wipe away our tears and create a new earth filled with love, laughter, and lounging! :0) Thank you that you will soon invest in EPP, Inc. and you see that my dreams come true. Thank you that you have better plans for me than I could ever imagine. Thank you for so many blessings! I love you! Thank you for the gift of faith, love and charity. Thank you for the grace you give to me. Thank you for the gift of the Holy Spirit, God, you are amazing!


Q1- Dad, could you please tell me what I need to do to see healing for my father, and miracles for the people I pray for?

*** Have faith. Never give up. Persistence pays off. Believe it has happened and it will occur. Give thanks for all things. Remain pure by going to reconciliation frequently with sincere repentance. (That will open the lines of many miracles to flow.) Hope and pray with thanks for all prayers to be answered in the perfect divine timing. Be patient. Love others and ask for the grace to be used powerfully by God. Remain humble. Most of all, pray with Blessed Mother Mary for assistance in your mission to bring others to know the love of Jesus. She will help you in all things. She will give you all you need; many blessings of grace flow from Almighty God through her fingers to her children when you ask for the blessings of God.


Q2-Jesus, what should I focus on doing differently? I find my thoughts are not as filled with love for other as much as I would like. I am impatient. I feel as if I am doing/thinking all the wrong things. Have I let you down? Have I messed up so badly that I failed in my assignment? Am I so far off the right path that I am hopelessly lost?

***No, you are still on the right path. Keep pressing on. Time is moving along quickly and the years are going by. You don’t remember how far you have come in this time. I am working with you, growing you up in Christ’s love. You are a brand new person over the last 8 years you have come so far. Briefly: You lost 130 pounds and have kept it off, you have grown spiritually leaps and bounds, you are more patient, you are less angry and less hot headed, you know much more about the Father’s love, miracles, how to pray for people by laying on hands, you have learned Guitar, Uke, Harp, (somewhat), you took 2 recording classes at PS, you took several poetry writing classes, you write songs, you’ve recorded about 15 songs, you love DB more and more every day your love grows, you have fun all the time, you pray much more, you meet us most days at the board meetings, you laugh at Lucy and don’t pay much attention to his antics. You are able to worship, go to church, pray and read the bible without mental difficulties, you’re stable (it’s been 12 years since your last serious episode of Mania.) You have really changed, grown in love, and this is not all. You now know your mission. You are heading down the right path. You will always be where you need to be, so no need to worry about being lost. You have not failed your assignment- you rocked it! You are doing amazing! I can’t stress this enough… you don’t know it, many other people involved don’t know it, but God knows your heart. God knows and the “computer has the evidence” that you are Rocking all these tests with flying colors! You are doing fabulous, Mar! Keep up the good work. It will pay off! Get ready to party! Party with the Eternal Party People! Woo-Hoo!


Q3- Love, When, oh when, will you be set free in this world? We need you! We need miracles and signs and wonders! We need your power to flood the earth with the love of God and answer our prayers more powerfully than currently. We pray all day, and believe, and hope, and have faith… yet still your touch of love and miracles most times do not come through for us. I know it is soon to be your time to shine in all your glory. I pray you are “unleashed” soon. What does your timeline look like? Will your day come soon? How will I know you are powerfully set free to work your miraculous loving works? I so look forward to that day! Will the miracles “stick” then… because when I pray, I see miracles, but they don’t last. The healing goes away or in the case of the statue of the earth in the palm of a hand on top of the billboard thing… they all went away. Dad’s supernatural weight loss that I prayed for… it miraculously happened. But then in the next time I saw him a few days later… poof the weight loss reversed to bigger than before I prayed! It’s crazy. Not me. This process. It’s crazy. So, when should I expect things to function better from my prayer life? When will you be free to work your miracles with the utmost power and glory?

*** When things settle down after your check is cleared and you’re on your way to building the studio/home/tennis court with Uncle D, you will start to see the miraculous more and more. We will be easing you into it so you aren’t too overwhelmed. It will all be in an orderly manner. You don’t need to worry about how to pray, what to pray, etc. You will have the words you need when you need it. It will all flow very naturally. Just step out in faith. Follow the lead of Love, I will show you what to do. It will be a learning experience, but a fun experience! You will love every step of this journey. Don’t worry about your dad, I hear your prayers for him, and believe me, I won’t disappoint. He will grow years younger, thinner, healthier, and live forever… just as you ask me all the time. Your momma too! DB your friends… 150 years will be the new 30! You will have your light bodies and feel decades younger. Don’t worry about the timeline, when it happens, it will happen… all in Divine Order controlled and managed by the Father. He is so good, Mar, you don’t have a clue of all the great blessings that are coming to you, your family, your friends, and the world. His Kingdom will shine through in a powerful way. Mark my words. It will be amazing! Enjoy!


Q4- Mom, Thank you for your prayers and for interceding for me. I can feel the results. I feel much more at ease about things and ignore Lucy much more easily. He is annoying. Pesky Fly that he is. Could you please ask the Father if He thinks I am ready for the win; I feel ready. Could you see if Jesus thinks it is “my turn” yet? I thought it was my “turn” back several years ago when the Infant Jesus called me to tell me it is my “turn”. He is adorable, please give him a big HUG for me!

*** lol, I just gave Infant Jesus a HUG for you. He wanted me to tell you it is your turn, you are right in thinking that and Lucy has been cheating in the game. Dad sees it all and knows all that is going on. Lucy will have to pay back big time for that mistake! Jesus said that you will not need to wait much longer and that your future only looks even more bright since Lucy “stole”, “Lied”, and “Cheated” in the EPP game. You will be paid back double for your trouble! :0)

Actions Requested:

According to Jesus, I’m doing a great job! I should get ready to party with the Eternal Party People!

Mother Mary will help me in my mission. Ask her for the grace to be used powerfully for God.

Remember that I will have all the words when I need to speak, it will be easy and flow from God.

I will be paid back double for my trouble that I endured when Lucy Lied, stole and cheated in our EPP game.


Closing Remarks: Thank you so much for your love, guidance, encouraging words, your protection, the amazing blessings; thank you for letting me into the family business- saving lost souls. Help me do a great job for you. Lead me in all that needs to be done. Help me start EPP, Inc. Show me what needs to be done! Help me in all things, especially help me love others more and more like Jesus. Help me get into shape… I could use my light body anytime you’re ready- I AM READY! Please show me what needs to be done each hour, lead me. I love you! Please, oh please, heal my dad’s ear, eyes, legs, ankles, toes, sugar levels, supernatural weight loss that sticks! And nutrients/oxygen flow abundantly to each cell in his entire body. Please give him everything he needs to be healthy, including a new strong and healthy young heart (a heart transplant, please, dear Angels with body parts for people in need of a miracle.) God, I love you! For my mom’s intentions, her health and supernatural weight loss too. For my own weight to fall off and for mental and physical health. For long life for my family and friends. I love you! Amen! Xo, Mar

June 22, 2016

Q1- Dad, I am trying to set aside 30 minutes to rest and converse with you in silence and also I would like to read the bible for at least 10minutes a day. (In addition to Board Meetings and praying Chaplet of Divine Mercy) I also would like to pray the rosary daily. I am feeling overwhelmed at all that needs to be done each day. Working, managing the home with Grocery shopping, cleaning, laundry, etc. Going out with DB for live music, etc. Practicing guitar, writing songs and poetry, lessons. Trying to fit in exercising, Adoration, church, cooking, and other errands that need to be run. I like to watch YouTube channels that have info I am curious about such as Kat Kerr, Plant based/vegan videos, etc. You asked me to spend more time with you previously and today Sr. C. asked me to do the same to grow to know you better. I would like to do all this and more, but time is short. Should I get up earlier, go to bed earlier, or both? I think I get about 8 hours sleep most nights.

*** Don’t worry about this. You will have much more time available soon. When you are able to close you current business, you will not have a problem with time shortages. Just do your best for now. When you win and start the next chapter, you will have an extra 6 hours a day. Plenty of time for me, and for your assignments. Just do your best each day, that is all I can ask. Try not to waste time on Facebook or even watching the news for hours. Limit news to 30 minutes/day. The rest is just propaganda you don’t need to worry about. Spend quiet time (30 minutes) before you go to bed. I will bless your sleep and you will feel more refreshed in the morning.   Like I said, you will have much more time available soon. J


Q2– Jesus, thank you for your unfathomable divine mercy! Thank you so much for paying the enormous cost of my redemption. You alone redeem mankind. You are full of love, mercy, and forgiveness. What can I do to thank you?

***Only one thing… rest and know you are loved. You are too hard on yourself. Relax and enjoy the process. You have a calm right now… before the “storm” and you will do well to rest up for now. Soon things will be shaken up in your life… for the good, but still it will be stressful. Slow down and enjoy each moment.


Q3- Love, Holy Spirit, I love you! Where would I be without your guidance and support? I am going to try to spend 30 minutes with God in prayer each day. Could you help me make good use of the time and become blessed by dedicating myself to this goal? I would like to be closer to God and fill up on His love during this time.

*** You will be growing in love each day by leaps and bounds. You will be closer to God and you will have success in dedicating yourself to this goal. Don’t worry about being 100% perfect. Just do your best. God will bless your efforts and you will have a wonderful time during your time with Him.


Q4- Mom, thank you for your prayers. Could you add one more prayer request for me? I would like you to intercede for me and ask Father God if he would bless me with a greater love and kindness to all people I speak with. Helping me be more patient, kind and loving. I would like to have more of a heart like Jesus.

*** I always pray for my kids to become more like Jesus. Since you asked, I will pray even more for this special grace for you -for this growth in your spirit. To become more like Jesus is the challenge of a lifetime. Try your best to practice this at home and your marriage will be extremely blessed.


Actions Requested:

Spend 30 minutes before bed to be with God and fill up on His love.

Slow down and enjoy each moment of the process.

God will bless my efforts in the 30 minutes with God. It will be a wonderful experience.

Try my best to practice being more patient, loving and kind.

 Closing Remarks:

Thank you for your help, love and support. I will try to make the adjustments to my schedule for incorporating the new additional time to spend with you in silence. I will try to do this before I go to bed each night. Help me not to fall asleep on you, God… If this doesn’t work, I can always adjust the time with you to an earlier time slot each day.   Maybe each day will be a little different, the main thing is that I make it a priority. I am sorry that I haven’t done this sooner. I love you! Please help me be who you want me to be and please equip and empower me to be all that you call me to be. Amen! Xo ~Mar

June 21, 2016

Q1-Dad, could you help me know the best way to care for my body – should I start back onto a raw food diet? Or a “raw to four” or a raw to “whenever” (not raw based at all). I am not so sure what I should do. I don’t want to detox too quickly but I really want to get healthy. The plant based diet I’ve been on the last 2 months is ok, but I think there is a better way. What do you recommend?

*** You definitely don’t want to detox too quickly. How about if you try raw to dinner? Get all your greens and fruit in before dinner and have a vegan starch low fat meal for dinner. Log your calories and stay in range for 1.5 pounds weight loss a week. Cronometer is a good app for that. Start it tomorrow. Weigh yourself in the morning. Give yourself 2 weeks before you weigh again. Weigh on the Fourth of July. I will help you get to where you want to be. Take your time. You will be almost at goal by the end of the year if you follow this plan. When you get closer to goal, you will have detoxed much of your body and can then start a raw diet. Be strict with yourself on raw to dinner. You will be amazed at your results.


Q2- Jesus, I would like to go with you and DB for a trip somewhere only we know. Somewhere from a time before I came to my life now …here. To a place that I will remember when we get there. Somewhere in paradise with you. Somewhere close to my heart. Won’t you do that for us? For me? I love you. I miss you. I need you. I need to hug you tight and I promise I’ll let go and I promise to return back here to accomplish my assignment. To run this race, I need you. Won’t you come for us? I know DB would like to come along.

*** Yes, Mar, I will be coming for you both in just a little while. There are a few more things that need to be worked out. I will not disappoint you. I put this dream into your heart. I have amazing plans for you. Hold on tight. The ride will be fabulous and you will have many trips to paradise with me. I will also invite you to bring some of your friends. We will be “space truckin’” and listening to the music in heaven will blow you away. Smile. You have a great future ahead.


Q3– Love, I feel alone. I know you are with me, but I am going through some tough times. You get me through it all. Thank you. Please open up our lines of communication. I feel too distant from you. I would like to know what I should do differently to get where you want me to be. What do I need to do?

*** Just be still. Listen. Meet us at the board meetings. I know you try your best. Just make these meetings non-negotiable… a must-do on your “to-do list”. Ok?   The enemy tries to get you distracted and away from EPP, Inc. board meetings. Don’t let him fool you. These are vital to the success of the plans God has for you and for the world. No, you are not having “Grandiose ideas” and no, you are not unstable. You are right where you need to be. You will soon know that you are doing what needs to be done. You will shine God’s love through music and many will come to know the Father by your actions that will follow your lotto win in the next couple of years… many lives will change. Multitudes will be saved. Jesus won’t leave you to yourself. We are with you. The lines of communication are strongest here at the board meeting, but your inner voice will get stronger as you practice listening for my voice. You’ll get there. Try to take some time in quiet. I know you forget most of that, and so that is why the Father is having you write down these talks. But, time in quiet, alone with us, will fill you up with our love. You will love how much peace it will bring you.


Q4-Mom, would you please intercede for me to help me be more like Jesus? I want to borrow his heart for others. I would like to love as he loves. I am so far from this desire. Please help me. Please pray to God for me to get over this character flaw.

***I love to pray for an increase in love for my children’s hearts. You will grow in this love and you will learn a little each day. Try to take each moment focused on love. Focus on the love of the Father for other people. You will grow a lot in the next couple of years. It will be slow, but it will be a huge change for you in due time. I will continue to pray for you each day. You are my chickie and I look out for my kids. You are loved by all of heaven, Mar. Keep up the good work. Never give up. You are right where you need to be… always. Don’t doubt God. He’s got this. You don’t need to try to force anything. It will flow beautifully. Enjoy.

 Actions Requested:

Be strict on raw till dinner. I will be amazed.

Set chronometer to 1.5 pounds a week.

Space-Truckin’ will be fun… I can bring friends!!! :0)

The music in heaven will blow me away!

Board meetings are Non-Negotiable.

Many will come to know the father through music and miracles.

Take time in God’s presence in quiet, listen for the still small voice.

Time with God will bring much peace to me.

I will notice a huge change of heart in due time.

Don’t doubt God. He’s got this. It will all flow beautifully.


Closing Remarks: Thank you, God, for your amazing plans that you have in store for us. Help me be who you want me to be. Help me remember to make EPP, Inc. a priority and to not listen to the excuses Lucy tries to put onto my plans. I am sorry I missed a few meetings. I am so grateful for your love. Amen! XO ~ Mar

June 20, 2016

Appreciation & GratitudeThank you for your patience with me, God. Thank you that you haven’t given up on yet and you say that you will never give up on me. That is amazing. Thank you for music and for the gift of creativity. Thank you that you will help me make music with friends and that I will be surprised at how much better I sound when lead by the Holy Spirit. Thank you that you will help me with that. Thank you that you have given me the dream of ShamRock Studio and EPP, Inc. Thank you that your will is to be done on earth as it is in heaven… and in heaven all time with you is amazing, beautiful, fun and glorious. You are so good all the time! Thank you that you you have good plans for me. Thank you for your help in all things… I need you! Thank you for my incredible parents, DB and so many wonderful people here in CU. Thank you for watching over me and for your guidance.


Q1– Dad, I feel like I’ve done something terribly wrong in this process… your plan. Have I been playing the game strategically, or is there something I could be doing better? I know I have a big mouth and announce my strategies to the enemy. Should I watch that going forward? I don’t know if I can change… I speak without thinking a lot of the time.

***There is nothing you need to worry about. Just be yourself and love greatly all people you meet. Try to be patient and less anxious to get things done. It will all get done in due time. Don’t worry about saying things unless you feel you shouldn’t say something… listen for Love to guide your words. Try to focus less on trivial things. It is all working out perfectly and so you don’t need to worry. I’ve got this. You are doing a great job. The only strategies I can give you now is to slow down and listen for the still small voice. We will get you where you need to be. Trust me. I won’t let you down. You will get where you need to be when you need to be there. Relax. It’s ok. You put too much stress on yourself. Smile. You are almost at the next chapter to begin your new life. A life when you have time to do all that you need to do. A life where you are doing what you were called to do.


Q2- Jesus, I feel like you are mad at me. I know that is just lies and strategy of the enemy, but I feel so alone and defeated. I am not even sure why. It appears to me that DB is mad at me a lot for no good reason, and it is troubling and sad.

***Mar, you need to understand, this is just a game. You are on the winning team. We know how this story ends. God wins. Love wins. Lucy is full of lies. Don’t listen to him. You are far from alone… you have all of heaven cheering you on to victory. Once you win the lotto, things will fall into place much more easily. Holy Spirit will be more powerful than ever before, even more powerful than during the time of Acts. The enemy is trying so hard because he knows his time is short. He is finally starting to worry about his plans being upset, and will lash out as much as he is allowed. Just focus on God. Ignore Lucy’s antics. Don’t be sad, you and DB will be stronger after this initial timeframe of adjustment. Lucy will back off soon. Hang tight. It will get much better very soon. I will be with you and I hear your prayers for your marriage. All things will work out and soon you will see what I mean. I love you.


Q3– Love, I need your help with this process. What can I do better and what should I be focusing on?

***   I am with you always. I will lead you if you ask me to. Have more conversations with me. Ask me questions throughout the day. Ask for my help, I love to assist you in all things. You should only focus on the “now” and try to make each “now” as full of love a possible. Simple. But not easy. I will help you. Focus on “Now” in “Love”.



Q4– Mom, your combat books rock! I want to join in the Lucy stomping party… but it seems like I have a lot of work to do still. I don’t want to be cocky about defeating Lucy, I know Jesus did all the work on the cross. Do I have a part to do or am I putting unnecessary pressure on myself? I feel like I keep making mistakes and doing stupid things that are helping him and pushing your plans back, making things harder for myself and harder on Jesus. I am confused.

***Don’t be confused. God has all things planned out. You won’t miss your destiny and you will have a successful accomplishment of your dreams, goals, assignments and you will learn to love much greater than you do at this time. You are putting pressure on yourself which only makes everything harder. The more you laugh, relax, love and smile, the worse it gets for Lucy. Remember that. Laughter will conquer and enlighten the darkness in the world. Laughter should be one of your daily goals to do. It will help you so much and you don’t need to worry about a thing. God’s got this. Ok.


Actions Requested:

Slow down and listen for the still small voice.

Holy Spirit will be more powerful than in the time of Acts.

Hang tight, soon things will be easier.

Focus on the “now” and focus on Loving more.

Laughter should be one of my daily goals to do.

Closing Remarks:

Thank you for your help and suggestions. I will put a reminder in my phone for the Laughter daily goals. I will focus more on Love, the Holy Spirit, and listen more carefully for your leading. I love you guys. Pray for me. Please help me get to where I need to be without more delays. I am sorry for my mistakes, and I will see about having more fun. You all seem to always ask me to relax… maybe I should try it out for once. J

Amen! Xo ~ Mar

June 18, 2016

Q1-Father God, I wonder if you still have plans to invest in EPP, Inc. or if you are just laughing at my plans… “we make plans and God laughs.” I hear that a lot. Is it true in my case? Should I reconsider my dreams?

*** I put the dreams in your heart. It may not work out the exact way you think things should go. Never fear. My ways are higher and better than anything you could imagine. Don’t worry if it seems like things are taking longer than they should. I have perfect divine timing on all things. I am lining up everything perfectly for your good. The only reason why I’m laughing at the plans of my kids is that they have no idea how much better I can make things turn out if they just allow me to do my work. I have amazing plans for you and DB. Rest, Relax, and Realize that my ways will be worth the wait. I love you!


Q2-Jesus, I am enjoying a relaxing day. Thank you for weekends!

***You are so welcome! Now, people work to live… soon all of humanity will live to have fun! Heaven is so much fun.. Kat Kerr has it right, people have no idea how much fun is awaiting them! Earth is so bogged down with struggles, it will be a shock to many when they get here that they will have fun 24/7 except that there is no time in heaven so it’s more like Fun 100% of the time! It truly is an Eternal Party for the people! Thus, you will start Eternal Party People, Inc. to get them into party mode… it may take some work to get people transitioned over to the Fun Side!   Have fun tonight at the show. You will see how S Stereo throws a fun party. The street fest tonight will be so much fun. Don’t miss it. Be sure to check it out!


Q3- Love, thank you for helping me to see when the enemy tries to speak lies and inflict paranoia. I can’t believe that some people I know, I won’t say who… you know who… is afraid to go to church because she feels that she may be a victim of violence- someone with a gun may come and shoot down people. I find this scare tactic of the enemy somewhat interesting. He must be struggling for any way to get to people. He’s desperate. I won’t fall for it. I won’t stand for it. Please help my friend heal her phobia. Thank you for showing me what the enemy is up to and for allowing me to know that I need never fear- I have angels protecting me from such things. I WILL NOT FEAR my hometown… not now. Not ever. The enemy needs to look for some other sucker to fall for his tactics and leave my friend alone! The enemy’s days are numbered. It will be a city of love and light with no tolerance of any evil. We will take back our cities. Love wins.

*** Well said, Mar. Love wins. You are correct. I will help you learn how to do this. It will be easy. Lucy’s days are numbered. It is going to be fun to watch it happen, and you will have a blast leading the way for light to shine out the darkness. As easy as turning the light-switch on. The darkness just disappears! Your friend will be free again one day. Pray for her. It was good that you suggested counseling to her. It is a phobia that can be overcome with help.


Q4- Mom, thank you for your love. I am so happy and thrilled that you are my momma in combat boots, you rock and you are Queen of Angels! That means that you assigned to me some of the best angels in your army- they are assigned to guide and protect me, and I thank you! It is such a relief to know that I don’t need to worry about violence to me as long as I am sensible and have common sense.

***You are very welcome. I watch out for all my children and if anyone calls to me for help, I answer. You are loved! You are right, you don’t need to worry about terrorism or any other violent acts. You will be well taken care of at all times. Enjoy your life and leave your safety to your “security guards” that being the host of angels led by St. Michael the Arch Angel. They are on special assignment to protect you. Feel free to ask them for special extra help when you feel you need it. Don’t forget to thank you angels every day. Get into the habit of thanking them, they really appreciate it and it gives them a boost.   They love it when people thank them. They work hard and deserve thanks.

Actions Requested:

Rest, relax and realize that God’s ways are better than my ways!

God has divine timing for all things. Be patient.

IN heaven, we will need to get used to fun 100% of the time! Thank you, God!!!!!!!

Love wins! Shine the light and darkness just disappears!

Don’t for get to thank the angels that protect me.

 Closing Remarks:

Thank you for your love and guidance. Thank you for showing me the lies of the enemy and how he tries to scare me. I will not be scared, not now, not ever! I thank you, God, for your guidance and for meeting me here at the board meetings… and also throughout the day and all through the night, you are with me. I am so glad that you never leave me to myself. You are always working on my behalf and showing me the path to take each day. Thank you for your guidance each day as you lead me to my destination with you in heaven one day. For now, I am enjoying the process. Thank you that you have amazing plans and that I am a part of this eternal plan. Thank you that I am part of a process that is happening right now as we speak. Thank you that the Eternal Party will be well attended! I pray that all your children rsvp and that not one person will miss out on the eternal party!   Help me share your love and shine your bright light to this dark world. Help me be who you want me to be. Please equip and empower me to be the person I need to be to fulfill my destiny and complete my assignment well. I love you! Amen   Xo! ~Mar

June 17, 2016

Q1-Dad, what can I give you as a special gift for Father’s Day? You are the best Father anyone could ever ask for! What could I possibly do for you or give you?

*** I will give you victories where it looks impossible. You and I are a majority. You’ll accomplish more because of the favor I give you in your life. Don’t be discouraged, look up- you’re about to see a change in your life. You will overcome obstacles that look impossible and your dreams will come true. What you can do for me is run your race, love me always, and try your best to obey me when I suggest something for you to do. Be blessed. You make me smile and on Father’s day, I am proud of my beloved daughter. You are my gift. You are my heart. I love you.


Q2- Jesus, I love you! Yesterday, I when I was thinking about you and your love for me… It made me cry and I am not sure why. I think I am so glad that you love me, it is overwhelming! Also I think I cried because I am so unworthy of your Love and consideration. I am not worthy that you should care so much for me. Yet you do. I can’t believe I am approved of by God. If it were not for you, I would be lost. Eternity without your love. It is too much to wrap my brain around- the love you have for me (and all God’s children) is mind-blowing. That makes me cry sometimes. It’s all too good to be true. I love you!

***It’s ok to cry, you have a huge heart. Your emotions are strong and I know you don’t like to cry. I know people think you are unstable when you cry. I know better. I understand and I am always here for you. Your tears washed away some of the pain you feel and gratitude in tears is the utmost in showing your appreciation. You don’t need to think that you are ungrateful. I know you feel this way, and it simply is not true. If you felt the gratitude in your heart for God, you would cry endlessly and never get anything done… you would be a wreck! Your appreciation towards us is deeper than the ocean, you’re love for us is strong. Never doubt your love for us. It is deep and the rays of your love reach out into the universe –endlessly singing for our love.


Q3– Love, Thank you for all your guidance. Thank you for leading me in the way to go. Thank you for the people you have placed in my life that meet me where I am and love me anyway. Thank you for all the varied ways you help me stay on the path that God desires for me. I couldn’t follow without you leading me with your still small voice. Help me hear you more clearly and help me have the courage and strength I need to follow through in all that God has for me to do. Help me focus.

***It is my pleasure to lead you. It is my happiness to see you follow. It is my joy that you ask for more of me and I give you the courage and strength that you will need to follow through in all that God has for you to do. I will be with you always. You have nothing to fear. You are well taken care of. Many people will be helping you on your journey. Dad has all things and people lined up perfectly for your journey. It will be amazing and a blast to watch it all unfold. It will all be orchestrated by God. I see your smile… you definitely have a lot to smile about. We are with you and “the force is strong” in you. Lol. We love you!


Q4- Mom, I am coming to you again today to ask for your intercession. Please pray for me. I am hoping that tonight is my night!

***lol, Mar, you should know that I pray every day for you. All throughout the day, I have you on my mind. You are in my sites. I speak with my son about you and we laugh about all the things you surprise us with. We love you so much. You are amazing… an amazing child of the most high God! Your crown is waiting for you. You will become all that you are made to be. You will accomplish all that you are called to do for the Kingdom. At the end of your life, you will get to tell the Father that you ran your race, finished your assignment and became all that God wanted you to be and do. You will be equipped and empowered to do all that your assignment required. You just may win tonight, but if not, do not lose hope. You are in the palm of God’s hand. You will be where you need to be when you need to be there.


Actions Requested:

God will give me victories where is looks impossible.

It’s ok to cry… my gratitude is larger than I can express in words.

Many people are lined up to help me.

I have a lot to smile about! Mom prays for me every day, all day.

A crown is waiting for me. (I only want to put it at the foot of the cross for my Jesus.)


Closing Remarks: Thank you, you guys are the absolute best and most amazing people in all the universes! Please help me be all that you call me to be and show me the way. Please help stop the wildfires. Please help the hurting people at Orlando from the shooting. Please stop any copycat or other terrorists in this country. Please have your way with America this November. Please put the right person in the White House. Please help all the lonely, addicted, mentally ill, sick or lost souls… have your way in our lives. Heal the world. Fix our problems… we have many in this world. Peace, love, laughter and lounging- let it lead our lives.   Amen!     Xo, ~Mar

June 16, 2016

Q1-Dad, I have made many mistakes. You forgave me and for that I am deeply grateful. Help me become who you want me to be… give me wisdom, self-control, humility, love, kindness and empathy for people. I want the world to know I burn for you. I want to be known as your daughter who loves you and loves other people. Help me love those who hate me.

*** That is a good request that I love to hear. I love to help my kids get along with each other. Yes, I will be with you in these situations and I will lead you in the way to go… the way of love. Just ask the Holy Spirit to help you learn the way of love in all situations. Patience is the key to loving others. The world needs to work on this… relax and love. No hurry, no impatience, only love, light, laughter, and lounging. Yes, I said lounging. It’s good for the soul. J


Q2-Jesus, I love you! Will you take us to our pineapple home in the crystal sea in heaven? I’d love a short vacation with my DB and you. Is this a possibility?

***I have many mini trips planned for you guys. You have a few mansions that I would like to show you and take you on tours of what is waiting for you. Miracles will be more common for you in the coming months. It will start to happen more frequently and more readily when you expect the unexpected and with a grateful heart, you will go far. Through the universe in a second to heaven for a tour and back home in your condo to sleep in your own bed at night- that’s the way to travel! VIP First Class with Jesus tours. – all this in just an hour or less. You will feel refreshed, alive, thrilled, excited for eternity, and blissful. When we take you on tours, you will know that all this is true. We love you.   Later on, we will take not only you and DB, we will take a whole group of your friends with us, it will be true “Space Truckin” heaven tours with music, love, and surprises along the way.


Q3-Love, I am trusting that you will give me some “talent” when you use me as an instrument of your peace… what will I be able to do when this happens for me? What types of things will I find that I can do- with your help?

*** In one simple word- Anything. Anything is possible with God. Even the limit of your imagination is not a limit. You will accomplish things that you never dreamt you could do. You will find yourself doing, saying, playing and singing that you had no idea how you did it, it just happens. You will love every minute of it. It will be amazing to others and especially amazing to yourself. It will be a party all the time, when you allow me to live in you. Grace wins every time.


Q4-Mom, can you keep up the prayers and intercede for me petitioning the Father… I am still expectantly waiting. He is a good, good father… I know he wouldn’t let me have such great hope for no reason. I know that He has a plan. A good plan and I am excited to be a part of the process. Could you tell me maybe something of what he is planning for the timing? How much longer should I plan on waiting? I can mode down to non-expectant mode if need be. I can just tone down my energy that I expel for high hopes. I can but a ticket for a month, put it in the safe box and forget about it… or, I can really keep up the high emotions and high hopes. What do you recommend? My ticket is good to this Sunday. It’s in the safe box at the bank. I’m hoping to win this weekend. Am I acting foolish by putting all this energy into it? It’s been like this since 2008. 8 years of hoping and I’m still going strong. I bet Lucy never bet on this… I am a stubborn lottery player, eh?

***Mar, keep it up. Keep going strong. Your tenacity is legendary. You are doing great- just know you are so close to a win. It is all in the hands of the Father. He has good plans for you! Amazing plans, you only remain hopeful, loving and trusting. I know you Trust God. You are in good position for the win. Your stubborn attitude is paying off in long suffering offered up… what sounds silly, it is true. Your illness is the cross you bear. You only need wait a little while longer. Hang on. It’s going to be great.

 Actions Requested:

Love, light, laughter, and lounging… yes lounging. It’s good for the soul.

Coming soon: First class VIP tours with Jesus!

Anything is possible with God. Even the limits of my imagination will be blown away.

Keep playing the lotto. I only need to wait a little longer. Hang on.

 Closing Remarks: Merciful Father, in the name of our lovable Jesus, I pray with the Virgin Mary and all the saints, I ask you to set me on fire with your spirit of love and to grant me the grace of making you even more deeply loved. Amen! Xo, ~mar

June 15, 2016

Appreciation & Gratitude: Thank you, God, that we are just getting started! Reaching for the stars with you is a blast! Thank you that your plans are the most fun, most creative, most incredible and most high – God you RocK! Thank you for helping me show the world what we’ve been waiting for… your LOVE amazes me! Nothing can stop us. You are in total control and your ways are not my ways… no your ways are so much better, so much grander than I could ever imagine, your ways are a taste of heaven. I am on the edge of my seat to see what you are about to do! No matter what it costs, Lord, I am in with you leading the way! Help me not get discouraged, thank you for revealing the lies of the enemy and allow me to over-come those thoughts of desperation. You reveal those lies, thank you! Thank you that your cross has made me flawless, righteous, pure and squeaky clean. :0)   Thank you for your unfathomable divine mercy! Thank you that you forgive and forget my mistakes, my sins are no longer a part of my soul. You cleaned my soul and make me whiter than the fresh fallen snow. Thank you! I owe you… big time!


Q1- Dad, It seems to me that I have been under many tests lately.   I was just wondering how I’m doing… am I passing the tests? Or have I come up short? Is this delay from mistakes I have made, or is this all happening for a good reason, making it benefit our side of the board or is the enemy advancing?

***Mar, you have been under many attacks. I know you feel it and the tests are only purifying your soul making it solid. You have passed each test that has come upon you from the enemy. They think they have something on you over and over again… grasping it in thin air coming up with nonsensical accusations. You are passing these tests and your pot is only growing each time. So, don’t worry. You’re doing great and YOU are the one advancing. Lucy is biting his nails in exasperation. He is truly undone. He is panicking and not knowing what he can do to stop you. There is nothing he can do about all of this. You are a rockstar, in heaven, we are all laughing and cheering you onward. It can only get easier going forward. We love you!


Q2- Jesus, do you know of a place we can go to just be alone. No one around and just you and me together to talk. In private. With nobody around. A place only you and I know… I long to be with you in person. You and me. Can you come take me with you to a place only we know? Maybe show me a glimpse of paradise? I’d go with you in a heartbeat if only you came to get me for a short trip. I promise I’d come back here to fulfill my assignment. I won’t give up on it, I just need a break and fill my soul with your beautiful love. I need you. I really need to see you. I need to give you a big hug and I promise I’ll let go, even though I won’t want to ever let you go. I will. I promise. xo!

***I love you, too. Mar, I will come to you one day soon and we will be together for a short break- in paradise for a little while. It will be for my strength as well as to give you strength… I need your support, too. I will show you one of our homes that I have prepared for us in heaven. I want to be with you also and hug you, somewhere only we know. It is going to be much easier for us shortly. The enemy won’t be able to bother us as much anymore. The Father is making sure of that. So, relax. Know that God is in charge and we won’t let you be tested more than you can bare. You’re close to the final count down. Prepare for Lift Off! The numbers will be coming in soon. Hang on, it’s going to be a wild ride. You will love every minute of it. You’ve been preparing for this for years. It’s really and truly going to happen. This is not just a dream. This is your reality… you’re not so crazy after all… right?


Q3- Love, I’m a soldier. I promise I’ll keep moving on. I know this is only the beginning. My prayers haven’t been answered yet. Heaven hasn’t come down to us yet… I know it’s not over yet; it is just the very first portion of this journey. You will get me through this. You promise, I won’t forget. I hold onto your promise.  Thank you for allowing me to participate in helping usher in God’s Holy Kingdom! I can’t thank you enough for making all things happen! You’re a shaker and a mover… I love the way you move! You got the groove!

***lol, haha, Mar- I love your sense of humor. We can really use you in this world full of sadness, fear, anger and self-loathing. The lies that are being told over and over again need to be challenged. The truth and trust of God needs to wash over the earth… his love endures forever! Heaven will come down! You will help usher it in… how’s that sound? I hear you, I know you can’t wait! I love the way YOU move… you’ve got the GrooVe!   I will get you not only just through this… no I will get you into this in a big way full of miracles, signs and wonders to share the love of God for his children! All his kids will know him… and those that don’t know him will want to know him and then He will adopt them, too! So, all people on earth are invited to the Eternal Party! You will help send out the invitations. Ok? OK!!!!   J thank you! We love you!


Q4-Momma, my momma in combat boots! I love you! Thank you for your prayers. I know your interceding for me is powerful; you are a powerful ally. I think you’re the best! You have taken us all into your loving arms as your own children that you love. I am so blessed to know you and to know your love. I am sorry for all the time I did not appreciate you or your angels. I am ashamed at my ingratitude. Help me make it right. Please help me make it up to you and the angels who protect and guide me on my journeys.

***You don’t need to apologize. We love you and always have… always will. There is nothing you can do to change that. Your consecration “to Jesus through Mary” made up for anything you ever did or didn’t do. That is all in the past. You didn’t know me then. You didn’t have anything to go by and you did the best you could at the time. Now is a new day. I don’t look back. I live in the NOW… and right now, it’s all good. Everything is working out perfectly. I am interceding with the angels and saints, on your behalf. All your suffering is being offered up at the foot of the cross and working for the salvation of all lost souls. Your suffering is being put to good use. The consecration made this more optimal and possible… it is quite powerful. If only other suffering people would offer up their struggles to the foot of the cross for the Father, in reparations for the lost… there would be no one in hell. I mean that, Mar. No one would be in hell if that were the case. Keep praying the Chaplet of Divine Mercy every day at 3pm if possible. This is a most powerful chaplet for not only souls in purgatory, but the lost souls in hell. We have a plan to empty out hell… to free all of God’s children from the clutches of Lucifer. Hell was made for the demons; not God’s children. It tears God’s heart to see even only one of his kids lost for eternity. Help spread the practice of Praying the Chaplet of Divine Mercy… it will make an eternity of a difference for many to escape hell and run into the arms of their loving father. It is all legalities. Jesus is their advocate. We need prayers and sufferings offered up to the foot of the cross to the father. Please spread this vitally important request. Dad is asking you to try your best to get the chaplet famous around the world to all different faiths. All different languages and cultures. “Eternal Father, I offer you the body and blood, soul and divinity of your dearly beloved son, my Lord Jesus Christ. For the sake of His sorrowful passion, have mercy on us, Dad, and on the whole world. Amen!”

 Actions Requested:

It can only get easier going forward.

Lucy is biting his nails in exasperation… not knowing what he can do to stop you.

This is not a dream… I will soon see that I am not completely crazy!

Everyone is invited to the eternal party… and I get to help send out the invitations!

Spread the word about freedom for the lost through praying the Chaplet of Divine Mercy and offering up our suffering for them too,

 Closing Remarks: Thank you so much for your love and assistance in all things. Please help me get to my goal of receiving investment funds from the Father for the start of EPP, Inc. and building our dream: ShamRock Studio where history will be made. I love you! Thank you that at least you guys tell me I am not crazy! Not many people that know me can say that… lol.   No, I am pretty well compartmentalizing all things from work and normal life is lived. It’s just that my dreams are taking much of my time and emotional efforts. Please help it come to my reality in a solid way. Pray. Please pray for a win tonight in the Powerball. You know the numbers… our birth dates and papa’s number 7 for the win!!! I love you guys! Let’s get this party started! I promise I won’t look at the numbers until tomorrow morning… we all need our sleep, don’t we? I know once I win, the last thing I’ll want to do right away is go to bed! Ha, no I think I’d be up for a few hours celebrating! So, it will be like Christmas morning… opening up a huge present from God. I love you so much. Please help me shake this dream into reality.   Amen! Xo,~Mar

June 14, 2016

Q1-Dad, are we there yet? Are we there yet? Are we there yet? Lol! Haha, help me hang on. Seriously, r we there yet? I can’t wait!!!! I can’t wait much more… I’m going stir crazy in anticipation! Ok, I’m ok, now…. But r we there yet? J

***Haha, you my dear are so hilarious. I love your spunk, your attitude, your faith, your trust, your tenacity… it’s been almost 8 years… yes, I know you don’t think I know how long it’s been. Believe me, it’s been a long 8 years for me as well. I will be so thrilled also once we move onto the good part of this story. This first intro/part I has been a long and drawn out scenario. I am so glad you’ve hung in this long. It won’t be long now. Just relax. I have all things in control. I love you. Thank you for saying “yes” and for your patience. Thank you for rolling with the punches. All that Lucy has put you through, believe me when I tell you, you will be repaid double for your troubles. You fight like a champ. Ali is proud of you. He says you float like a butterfly and sting like a bee… He is one of your good friends that you’ll soon get to meet again. But really, mar, your doing a fabulous job hanging in there and you’re running your race beautifully. So yes, we are almost there… yet.


Q2– Jesus, Pray for me. Help me with this “slight pressure” … ignition … 4   3 2   1   Lift off… Lift off. Rodger, ready and we’re standing by for your cd… haha! Lol.

***You are go for Illinois, over. Rodger, go for Illinois.   T minus ignition. Lift off, lift off, lift off, lift off. … Just a slight pressure. T Minus 1 minute mark and counting.. just a couple seconds… all systems are go. Control is not convinced, but the computer has the evidence… trying to relax, up in the capsule… send me up a drink –jokes major Mar. Calling Home…

What will it affect when all is done, thinks major Mar.

You are ready. We are ready. Earth is ready. Let’s ease into it. Get your sleep tonight. Wait to look until morning. Ok? Ok. It’s going to be a fun trip. I’m coming home. … earth below us. Drifting, falling, home.

Huston, Rodger and we’re standing by for your cd… :0)


Q3- Love, I am ready! I am excited! Please have your way in my life. Help me be where I need to be and say the things I ought to say… give me the grace to follow you. Help me hear your voice.

***You are always where you need to be. You have my love and my grace for guidance. You don’t need to worry about a thing. We’ve got this and we’ve got you all taken care of. It may seem like you are alone, but mark my words, you are well taken care of and you won’t miss anything you are supposed to be doing. We will guide your every step. You will hear my voice louder and clearer every day. Hang tight… this ride is about to get wild and crazy. Enjoy the process. You will have all the help you need. You are in our plans for careful instruction. Don’t worry. One day at a time. You have all the people that you need for help. Lawyers are picked out for you. Everything will fall in line. You have plenty of time. Soon you will be relaxing in the new life and you will have stability through the whole process. Enjoy.


Q4-Mom, pray for tonight’s drawing? Pray they come in tonight 1,2,12,21,25 and 7powerball. You have Jesus’ undivided attention when you speak with him… could you put a good word in for me tonight? I’d really like to start the new page of this brand new chapter… Part II of this amazing story.

***Yes, I am speaking with the Father, Jesus and Love… all the saints are here along with the angels. All of heaven are with you tonight and the next couple of weeks in this transition. You will be fine. I am praying for you and I love you. This is an exciting new chapter of this amazing story. My intercessions have been day and night for you and DB… enjoy. You’ll be in 7th heaven once this is over and your new life begins.

 Actions Requested:

… we’re standing by for your cd.



Hang in ther.

Part II Soon to commence.

Closing Remarks: I beg you Lord to help and defend us. Deliver the oppressed. Pity the insignificant. Raise the fallen. Show yourself to the needy. Heal the sick. Bring back those who have gone astray. Feed the hungry. Lift up the weak. Take off the prisoner’s chains. May every person know that you alone are God, that Jesus is your child, that we are your people, the sheep that you pasture. I love you, Dad! Come soon, Jesus! Work your miracles for the masses… show your love and your unfathomable divine mercy to all. Shine your love through me. Make me an instrument of your divine peace. Work through me. Use me. Help me be the instrument you can use for your purposes and your Glory! In Jesus’ mighty and holy name, I pray, amen. Amen! Xo,~Mar

June 13, 2016

Q1– Dad, I would like to ask each of you a question that I am curious as to how you guys might answer. How are you doing today?

*** I love it when my kids ask me how I am doing. I have to tell you that I am doing exceptionally well. Do you know why? I’ll tell you, Mar! I am doing fabulously well because you are having a good day. Also, because you say “yes” to me whenever I ask. That makes me so happy! I am doing great because all things are unfolding as they should. Your lives are about to change for the better soon! Not just you and DB, no, I mean the lives of everyone on earth will soon be free. Free from lack. Free from suffering. Free from sickness. Free from themselves; freedom from evil. If you saw what I see, you would agree… a new day is indeed about to enter your stratosphere. A new world. A whole new way of life. The kingdom age is soon upon you. It is at the door. So, yes, Mar, I am doing fabulously well. The process is unfolding perfectly and you are part of this amazing plan. Be glad. Be happy. Soon you will feel it. Soon you will have an entirely new life to live. It is beautiful; your life is soon about to change. I am thrilled for today and tomorrow, and the next day. And the next. Soon the world will know my love for them. I am doing exceptionally well today. Thanks for asking!


Q2– Jesus, how are you doing today?

***I have to be honest with you, Mar. I am tired. I have been working so hard and running this race, my legs are giving out. Besides that, I am super excited for the next chapter to begin. Then, I will be able to enjoy the ride a little more with you. There has been so much left to do, and I have been trying to work with people to get things lined up for the plan to succeed.   There is no doubt that all will work out in time, it is just a lot of juggling and preparing people. I have been working diligently in your life, and you have been working so hard, also. I know. Your case is coming along perfectly so far. Kudos to you for the scrutiny you’ve been under- you have outshone each case in your favor. Lucy has been accusing you of some ridiculous things that have no substance and all lies. The computer has the evidence. You will have double what Lucy stole from you. I promise you that. But yes, I am tired and looking forward to a short vacation before things get into gear. Thank you for asking. I am thrilled that soon we can finally focus of important things, like starting EPP, Inc!!! Yes, of course, the Father is going to invest in this idea/dream. He put it in your heart. Rejoice! Soon you will see your dreams shaken into reality. We love you. Thanks for asking me how I’m doing. When you’re strong, no one asks how you’re doing. You know, Mar. You know how it is. Love you!


Q3– Love, how are you this afternoon?

***I’m a little hoarse. I’ve been speaking as loudly as I am able. My whisper has been close to a shout for many years now. People are so busy and not listening to me when I try to speak with them. I know you try to listen, too, but it is as if there is a huge gap from my heart to the hearts of my kin. It would be much better if people, including you, would try to listen for the still small voice—I can’t yell any louder. It’s going to get better soon, when all learn to take time on a board meeting to speak with us. That idea the Father gave to you, to start board meetings, was the best way for me to speak with you and all the world. I hope people decide to try it. It works, doesn’t it?!!! God will bless those that come to board meetings… each person is our living enterprise, and we need open communications! Thank you for coming here most days since last November. God bless you for saying yes to that also. Other than being a little sore from straining to speak with people, I am doing well. Thank you for asking. I am really excited to be able to talk with more people. Just remember to try to read past meetings, I know it is hard for you to remember things… even when they are very important. That’s ok. God made you that way. Just try to look back on the meetings from time to time. Love you!


Q4- Mom, how are you today?

***I am so glad I get to answer this question, also! I am doing very well today! My chickie is doing great, working hard, coming to board meetings, loving life, thrilled with her assignment, and is healthy and pure hearted… I am so happy to be with you, Mar. My prayers are being answered. You’re in the perfect position for your blessing. Try not to worry. All things will work out perfectly according to the way God has deemed perfect. His timing is perfect. You’re going to see mighty miracles happen in your life. Soon you will be living your dreams. His Kingdom will come! His will –it will be done! So, yes, I am doing exceptionally well today! You have been through a lot and we have gotten you this far. We will not leave you alone in your fight. You will be victorious in this first tedious long-lived battle. The rest of the battles will seem like nothing once this first challenge is in your past. You have nothing to worry about. You’re strong and you’re on the winning side, so no worries! I love you, Mar. Hang in there… just a few short last minute things to prepare and you’re on your way! I will be praying for you. Love you!

 Actions Requested:

My life is about to change.

Read past board meetings!

Invite others to start board meetings- that is a key component to communications.

I will have double what Lucy stole from me. Jesus promised.

I’m strong and on the winning side- no worries!

 Closing Remarks: Thank you, you guys are the best! Thank you for getting me this far! Thank you for giving me wonderful doctors, counselor, spiritual director, family and friends! I am blessed to have all these people in my life. Please bless them and keep them healthy. Thank you for all the amazing blessings that you give to me. Help me be who you want me to be. Please equip and empower me to be able to be all that you want me to be. Please give me courage, victory over darkness and love to share with others. Increase your love in my heart so it overflows to all the people I see and all the people I speak with. Give me your grace to be the woman you would like me to become. Courage, wisdom and love- please increase it in my soul. I love you! Amen! Xo ~Mar

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