Eternal Party People

Welcome to the end of time... where you find... miracles happen all the time!

June 12, 2016

Appreciation & Gratitude:  Thank you, God, for my amazing husband! Thank you for his love and friendship, his wonderful sense of humor and for him always being here for me, no matter what! Thank you for a wonderful family, I don’t know what I would have done without them. Thank you for you love, guidance, protection, friendship and mercy. Thank you for sending Jesus to the world to save us from eternal damnation. Thank you for your unfathomable divine mercy and thank God you are in complete control, God! I love you! Thank you that you have all things working for my good. Thank you for allowing Jesus to be my advocate against the devil’s accusations. Thank you, God, that you know my heart and that you alone know how much I love you and try to be all that you want me to be. Thank you that you will see to it that all things come around for us children on earth- you will come back for us and save us all. Thank you that you allow us to rule and reign with you, King of Kings, and Lord of Lords. You are amazing, God!


Q1- Dad, would you please tell me how much longer… it feels so close, what I see in my heart, it seems like it is just about here in my reality. I can feel it. I can almost see it. Am I far off in thinking this?

***lol, Mar, you are not far off… J soon, mar, soon. Hang tight. We love you. Just a few little things to work out, and you will soon be justified. Jesus, your advocate is working overtime on your case… hahahah. There is no end to the enemy’s accusations. It’s getting old, I know. Just a little while longer. Appease him. Let him try. He has no case. He is definitely losing on this battle he’s picked with you. You are a mighty warrior, Mar. You’re tough as nails. He’s trying so hard to shake you… you’ll have nothing to do with that. Ha! It’s a beautiful sight to see. Your victory. It may seem like a little battle, but they have added up over time and you’ve taken out some of their best soldiers… you will laugh all the way to the bank and all the way to eternity with your God. ShamRock Studio is about time to shake your dreams to reality. Now is your moment. Hang in there, you’re sooooooo close.


Q2– Jesus, what would you like to tell me tonight? Do you have a word of encouragement for me?

***I just wanted to maybe tell you a secret. I have been talking with Muhammad Ali since he arrived, and I want to let you know that he wants to help you love all people as all being God’s children. He wants you to know that you have nothing to fear for your future. You will always be safe from danger. Muslim people will love you; not hate you. You don’t need to worry about being kidnapped or killed. Ali wanted you to know that he is happy you said “yes” and is excited for your new chapter to begin. He wants to come record at ShamRock Studio with you when it is ready for his visit. He will have a lot of funny bits to say and to share with the world. Religious differences will soon disappear. I, Jesus, have love wide enough for the whole world and will be making many personal visits to their homes. Smile, relax, and know it is all being taken care of. You will not need a thing, all will be revealed and all will be provided: everything down to the words you will speak. I have all things working for a beautiful plan… you are part of an amazing process, part of this eternal party plan. We love you!


Q3– Love, I am feeling tired, worn out, not ready for another week to start up again. Could you help me get through this next 30-hour work week? Please could you see that I have a lot of success in getting interest to set an appointment(s) for my clients? Could you give me the energy to get through another week? Could you also help the people I speak with, allow them to be interested and eager to meet with my clients? Then, could you help the agents close their sale for enrollments? I would be very appreciative! Thank you for all your help in the past, you are so amazing for helping me out.

*** Yes, I will be with you every minute of the day all week long… only look to me and we will have a good time together this week. You will have enough interest and I will see that you have ample appointments for all your clients, especially your new one, D.N. I know it is difficult, you are doing a great job! Soon, you will be retiring your business to start up EPP, Inc. and so just think about what that will mean! It will be amazing, shortly you will see the fruit of all your struggles. Soon you will have your dreams come true. Hang in there, Mar. We love you!


Q4-Mom, thank you for interceding for me! Thank you for assigning the warring angels to protect me. Show me how to work with them. Do I give them “orders” or ask for their help, or do they automatically know what needs to be done? Do I have a responsibility to tell them what needs to be done? Do you do that for us/me? I don’t know what I am supposed to be doing except I know I need to be very appreciative!

*** That is a good question, Mar. You should know that you can always ask for help from the angels that are assigned to you. St. Michael, your Arch Angel, is assigned for leading Angels. This group is very large, and if you knew how many angels you have with you, you would never fear a thing ever again! They are powerful and they will have all things under control. This is not an amateur group of Angels! Lol. Of course, if you ever want to ask them to do something in particular for you, by all means, feel free to ask Michael if he could help and then he would take it from there. Edwina also is available anytime you need something. They are the two key angels for you to talk with. I am the Queen of Angels and so of course, you may ask me anything that you need or need to know, please talk with me. I am with you at all times and I love when we get to hang out together! You’re my chickie and I have you well taken care of! My angels love you and of course, I love you through and through. You are doing great! Hang in there. Relax, and Have FUN!!!


Actions Requested:

I will soon be justified… Jesus is an amazing advocate!

All will be revealed and all will be provided… down to the words I’ll need to speak.

Muhammad Ali is excited to visit ShamRock Studio and will have fun recording with us.

If I knew how many angels are always with me on Team Mar Angels, I would never worry.

I will soon see my dreams come true. Hang on. Relax and enjoy the process.

 Closing Remarks: Wow, what an awesome board meeting! I am so excited for these wild ideas to come to reality! I am still about 40% unsure if this is my grandiose mental illness speaking all these amazing things… and 60% positive that I have an incredible true story to live out to the fullness of amazing life lived. Eternal Party People dreams will come true… at least I believe this a little over half way sure. I am amazed at all the things you guys tell me! I can’t wait to live out the dream and shake these dreams into reality! Woo-Hoo!!!!   Thank you, Angels for your love and protection. I love you guys!   Big HUG, Kiss, Kiss. Amen! Xo,~Mar

June 11, 2016

Q1- Dad, I love you so much! I would like to see what I can do for you tomorrow? Tomorrow is Sunday and I don’t have anything on my calendar that needs to be done… except I get to go to church at 5:15. What would you like me to do?

*** Spend some time in the word. I would like you to make it a daily habit to read the bible. I have a lot to tell you in addition to what you read in the Magnificat (daily mass readings). Also, please take some time to practice guitar and try to write a song with the Holy Spirit’s guidance. Have fun with it!


Q2- Love, I have gotten off of the habit of only eating when my stomach growls. I am ok with waiting in the morning for the growl and eat around noon but then later I find I’m eating when not hungry at night. Also, before I play tennis, I eat so that I have enough “energy” to exercise. Is this something I should change? I could bring something in case I get hungry at tennis. The problem is mostly boredom eating or some other kind of emotional eating at night. What do you recommend?

*** I recommend that you ask me before you eat… ask if you should eat and then ask what does my body need? I will help you navigate the waters. I can help you if you only ask me to help in the moment. You’ve done a great job so far! You’re almost down 20 pounds since you started the plant based lifestyle. 4 pounds left to go then it will be 20! That’s awesome! This summer since you’ll be playing tennis, you will see much of the remaining pounds just fall off. (If you continue eating when you’re hungry and keep in touch with what your body needs; with my help it will be so easy for you!)


Q3- Jesus, I love you! Thank you for wiping the slate clean and erasing all traces of my mistakes from the eyes of the Father. Thank you for offering forgiveness to me. Please bless the priests that hear confessions. It is such a huge blessing that you offer to us. It’s been 2 and a half days, and I don’t think I’ve sinned… is that accurate? I’m trying to see how long I can go without sinning. It’s by your grace that I made it this far since Thursday!

*** Yes, you have been without sin since Thursday. It will get easier as you get used to living purely in God’s Love. I am glad you are working on not swearing. Even a few words mistakenly spoken have huge consequences on the cleanliness of the soul. It muddies the connection to the Father. Your prayers are heard, but they are not as beautiful as when you are without sin. Not as powerful in getting answered prayer, when you have sin in your soul. Keep reflecting at the end of the day to look back to see if there is anything that needs reconciling. It is so good that you write down on your phone when you make a mistake, that way you don’t forget. To be totally sure, it is good to also do a check before you go to bed at night. Make sure you aren’t angry at anyone, especially DB.


Q4- Mom, I love you! Would you please help me have a pure heart? I don’t want to judge anyone and I don’t want to have any hate in my being for anyone. Especially, I want to love people that may want to persecute me or even kill me because of my beliefs. Please help me not to be afraid to love all people… especially when I feel their hate towards me for no good reason. Would you please heal anything in me that needs healing in this regard?

***Yes, I would love to offer you the grace needed to grow the love in your heart. It will come over time, for sure, but you must desire it completely and keep asking for new measures of it each day. You will become more and more like Jesus as you pray, read the word of God, and ask for this beautiful grace to shine in your heart. I would love to offer you the grace, Mar. Thank you for asking for this important growth and you will notice a change in your thoughts, words, deeds and heart.

 Actions Requested:

Do a review each night before you go to bed.

Consult with Love before I eat. Bless my food, and eat slower.

Keep asking for new measures of love.

Spend time in the word each day.

 Closing Remarks: Thank you for your help in all these areas. Please help me know what needs to be done and then give me the grace to follow through with all of it in a timely manner. Thank you for your love and guidance. Thank you for your love, protection, prayers, and friendship. Help me be who you want me to be. Please equip and empower me to be all that you know I can be- for the good of the Heavenly Kingdom… May it come soon! Help me shine the light of God for all to see, and for humanity to return to our Father in Heaven. I love you! Amen! Xo   ~Mar

June 10, 2016

Appreciation & GratitudeThank you, Father, that you have all things prepared and arranged to bring all your children home. I pray for a loophole of your love… please see that all your kids come home; that all my brothers and sisters go back home to your love for eternity. Thank you that you have it all planned out. Thank you for sending Jesus to earth to make it possible for us all to return to your heart. Thank you for your love, your kindness, your forgiveness, your beautiful plans for us. Thank you a million times for DB, my parents and for our families. We are so blessed and I can’t thank you enough. Thank you for their love, friendship and for them always being here for me… I need their support in so many ways. Thank you for giving me the best family anyone could ask for. Thank you for forgiving me for my behavior in the past and for any mistakes I might make in the future. Thank you for creating the world we live in, thanks for making it entirely incredible. Please help us restore it to the garden with Jesus’ reign. Thank you that Jesus will soon put all things right again. Thank you for your redeeming love and for always watching over me, leading the way. Thank you for helping and for equipping me to be all that you call me to be. Thank you for one day (soon) investing in EPP, Inc and for making it possible to build my dream studio; ShamRock Studio for your purposes and for your glory. I love you, Dad! I love you, Holy Spirit/love, and I love you, Jesus!!!


Q1-Dad, what can I do to help unite people under your love? Is there anything I can do to help shine your love to all? Jesus came for the whole world… yet some would like to kill over this. It seems too great of an assignment for one insignificant person like me.

***Your purpose is simple, Mar. Be yourself. Be proud of your place in the world, a child of the most-high God. Only love greatly. Pray for the peace, love and Mercy of Jesus to wash over the world.   The last shall be first. Humble yourself. Your assignment is truly simple… enjoy it and love life’s surprises. You will have many surprises ahead. Give thanks always. Look for commonalities… you have so much in common with other people. Don’t worry. It will all work out. I’ve got this. I love you, Mar. Fly- butterfly, Fly.


Q2– Jesus, would you please give me the grace and fire of your spirit to help make you deeply loved?

*** Do this in a simple way…love others. Love big. They will see Jesus in your actions, in your smile, in your love and concern for others. I will love them through you. Next, relax and enjoy the process. Your heart is in the right place and it will only grow inside of you each day until the day when we are together again … in the fullness of time, when I return, we will be together. Impossible is nothing to me. All things are possible… with God.   You will have the grace and fire of my love which will help you make me deeply loved. Thank you for saying “yes”.


Q3– Love, I need your help every minute of the day… left to my own devices, I will fail in my assignment. I don’t want to disappoint God. Could you give me a word of courage and support; a hint into my strength in God that will always remind me of what a powerful ally I have in Christ!

***You are correct in saying that! Your strength is God in your heart. Courage will be there when you need it. You will have all that you need when you need it. God is in control and “God’s got this” so you need never worry about a thing. Only pray about all things and watch Him do this for you. I will never leave you. You will continue in your assignment each day growing in courage, strength and love -every day you grow closer to God. Don’t worry about a thing; and especially never doubt yourself… that is like saying you doubt God! You are God’s Living Enterprise, and God cannot fail! You could never disappoint God; He loves you too much and only sees you as you are in heaven right now… beautiful, strong, courageous, bold, and full of God’s love and mercy… a victor in Christ. You have all of heaven cheering you onward. Smile. Laugh more. You’ve got an incredible future ahead of you. We love you.


Q4-Mom, I am sorry that I have not been keeping you in the front of my mind. I have neglected to pray for your help every day like I should. Please forgive me. I need you.

***Mar, I am not upset with you, you have no need to ask for forgiveness. I am here for you. All that you need is being taken care of for you. I have been interceding for you every minute of the day and night. All of heaven’s angels are on your side, cheering for you- guiding you and protecting you. You will win your race. I have seen the end. It will be a beautiful story to tell for ages. I love you, Mar. You are doing great… keep the love and hope alive. Enjoy the process. I am pressing in for your cause… the Father has all things prepared and working for a successful assignment to be finished in God’s timing for His glory.


Actions Requested:

Love greatly, pray for peace, love and mercy to wash over the whole earth.

My strength is God in my heart.

Smile, Laugh more.

Keep the love and hope alive. Enjoy the process.

 Closing Remarks: Thank you, I really appreciate your love and support, your guidance and for taking such good care of me. Thank you a zillion times for giving me the most amazing husband, parents, family and friends. Thank you for stability, and for great doctors. Thank you for watching over me and for showering your love in my life. Please hear my prayers; especially my prayers for my father. Please bless him with healing, a long life full of health and happiness for another 70 years with us- don’t ever take him from us. Please.   I am serious, you could do this for us if you wanted to. Could you give him supernatural weight loss, healing from his head to his toes, and allow him to live forever… J I love you, God. Thank you so much for so many blessings. Please give all your children -the love of Christ and let it be shown to them through your soldiers of love. Amen! Xo, ~Mar

June 9, 2016

Appreciation & Gratitude:  Thank you, God, for the beautiful gift of music! Thank you for giving me another chance to get it right every new day a new beginning. Thank you for giving me the time to get things done in addition to running my business. Thank you for my clients, for successful work and for your assistance in making it successful. Thank you for the Park District and that they offer tennis in the summer for such an affordable price. Thank you for helping me learn how to play well, please continue to help me improve. Thank you for hearing my prayers. Thank you for the amazing and beautiful gift of reconciliation through the sacrament of confession. Thank you for family and for our health. Thank you for hearing my prayers. Thank you that you still heal people today and soon will make it easier to see the answers we seek in prayer. Thank you for the Holy Spirit, please help me get to know him better and understand when he tries to lead me… help me follow more closely.


Q1- Dad, you are amazing! You are all powerful and I can’t get my mind around how much you love each and every one of us. You love us even when we don’t deserve it. Even when I disappoint myself and you, you put me back on the right track and help me learn from my mistakes. Please give me the strength to persevere in love and faith, help me be who you want me to be. I feel weary some days and don’t know what more I can do to make you proud of me. I feel so unworthy and small… yet I know your love is endless for me. I can’t wrap my brain around this.

*** I love you no matter what you do, as you try your best to live for Jesus, you make me very happy. Don’t get discouraged by being human. All people are lacking in holiness and none are perfect. Yes, I love everyone regardless. I get saddened by the people that don’t know my love and my heart goes out to them. Please do your best to show people my love for them… be my hands, my feet, and my heart. All Christians are called to share the good news of my love and mercy. If only all people could know that know each of my children inside and out… and I love them more than could ever be imagined. You make me proud just because you are mine. You’re my daughter who I love and adore. Be my instrument of peace… will you sing for me?

Yes, I would love to! Please give me the words, melody, and a voice that is endearing and beautiful… I’ll do whatever I can do for you. Only ask/let me know what I can do. Help me be who you want me to be. Give me the courage and talent needed for this assignment.

You got it. Watch what I can do for you…


Q2– Love, Could you tell me what kinds of miracles we will see when people hear these songs for God with the Eternal Party People, Inc and what are some of the artists that will be featured?

*** All sorts of miracles, Mar. It is going to be an amazing flood of miracles happening all throughout the world. You will have everything from healings of all sorts, to multiplication of food, homes beautified with new paint jobs miraculously homes will be fixed of leaks, machines repaired, clothes designed and created in beautiful new outfits, shoes will appear, Jesus will visit people in their homes and will eat with them… anything you could imagine could happen! Be glad, you are going to be used to get this message of Jesus’ love for them in a personal and miraculous manner as God begins to shower his children with love.   As for what artists could be featured and recorded with you at ShamRock Studio; I can only say the limit is your imagination… if you can dream it, it can happen. J


Q3– Jesus, will you please bless my marriage? I want to go forward with this dream in a loving way and I need your help so that I walk in the way that pleases God. DB and I need to be together in this pursuit and I am not sure He would like some of the things I feel led to do. Could you please guide us as we go forward?

*** You don’t need to worry. DB will be on board and you will be stronger than ever in a very short time, you will both be excited for the Kingdom. Together, you guys will get there. Together. You don’t need to worry. Only offer any suffering to God and pray for guidance and God’s will to be done in your lives.


Q4-Mom, could you also please pray for our marriage? I would really appreciate your intercession for more love and laughter in our home and for it to grow every day stronger and stronger.

***Yes, of course I would do this for you. You both make me so happy. I am glad to help in any way. Just ask. I will give you the grace for longsuffering in challenges that will come up. You don’t need to worry. Just remain loving and light hearted… all things will work out. We love you both so much.  


Actions Requested:

God would like me to be his instrument of love and peace.

The only limit is my imagination.

Offer any suffering to God and pray for guidance.

Remain loving and light hearted and all things will work out.


Closing Remarks:  Thank you for your love and forgiveness. Please help me give a good confession this afternoon. I am sorry it has been a long time since my last confession. I can’t believe it’s been over a month. Time is flying! Please hear my prayers and answer my petitions. Thank you, God for your love and guidance. Please keep me in your sights and show me where I need to be – then give me the courage and dedication to follow through with your instructions. Remind me when I forget, I need a lot of reminders! Amen! Xo, ~Mar

June 8, 2016

Q1- Father God, I’d like to know how long it will take for your investment funds to come through? You said that you would like to see ShamRock Studio and EPP, Inc. become a reality… or am I mistaken? I was just wondering if I need to wait another 10 years, or if you have plans this month? I feel like I’m in limbo and it’s uncomfortable. I am excited to shake these dreams into reality. Or am I delusional?

***You are not delusional, things are just taking a little longer than you planned. Everything is unfolding perfectly and you are right where I need you to be. Just a little longer… not 10 years, but just a “little longer” so hang on. I appreciate your patience and you have been doing a stellar job waiting. You’ve been working so hard, you deserve a break. Soon you will know what is taking so long. Your efforts are noticed and you are so close to the start of a whole new life for you. You should be excited and thankful, as I know you are, because the plans I have for you are beyond your imagination. It is going to be more amazing than you could ever dream up. Right now is the difficult time but soon this will be all behind you. You have a bright future and the world is not going to know what hit them as my glory shines to them through your music and through EPP, Inc. ShamRock Studio will be world famous and history is about to be written in the books… God and His love Shines through to all people and Jesus will be adored by all. Mark my words. Thank you for saying “yes” because many people’s lives will be changed and their eternity with God will be blessed by your efforts and the efforts of many people throughout history. You are just one person out of millions of people that gave their life to God. Remember that you have the saints and angels praying for you. You have me on your side… you are my living enterprise and God will not fail. You have nothing to worry about.   {yikes, no pressure, huh. Lol…}


Q2-Love, thank you for your patience with me. I know I am a slow learner and need to practice your presence more. I worked almost 6 hours today and I don’t think I spoke with you even once during the entire day. Just yesterday, you asked me to focus on you throughout the day… I failed. Oops, please forgive me and show me a better way.

*** Just keep plugging along. I will have your efforts multiplied. Keep trying to focus on God and all things will work themselves out. It is not that you failed, no you are learning and growing in awareness. Keep focusing on God and it will all be as designed. Don’t worry about a thing. God’s got this. You’re doing great. Just remember that “it” is not on “you”. God’s got this. Ok? {Ok, J   }


Q3- Jesus, I haven’t played tennis in quite a long time. I think it’s been a couple of months, I don’t know… time is flying by so fast. Could you help me tonight at doubles. I am a little nervous and I’d like you to help me get back into playing and exercising regularly. Do you have any suggestions?

*** Have fun! Don’t worry about anything. If you start to feel dizzy, just excuse yourself. It will all be ok. Bring a big jug of water. You will be fine, and you will have a great time. Try to play 3x week and go on long walks. You will feel so much better getting regular exercise. Just break this lazy attitude and get back into it. You’ll love the weight loss and energy it will give you and you will feel so much more happy/balanced.


Q4- Mom, I love you! Thank you for your love, concern and prayers for me. I can tell you’re interceding for me. Please continue to ask the Father for me if we could start this new chapter and get started with the fun part of this mission/assignment. I’m stoked to start living my dreams out. I am thankful for our jobs, but feel called to this new life and passion… I am struggling to compartmentalize everything.

***I will pray for an increase in “compartmentalizing” and I will ask the Father if he could start this next chapter soon. I know how difficult it is to live in limbo. We are praying for you to have patience and focus on your business- keep up the good work! Your prayers for success at your job is heard and we think it great that your clients are benefiting from your prayers and hard work. SV is thrilled and your dedication to your clients is noticed. Keep it up. Soon you will no longer need to worry about money… we are excited for your next chapter to start, too! It is going to be fun to see your reaction when you find out you won! It’s on its way. {Maybe today? Hahahah!} You never know… maybe. Love you, keep praying to become who God wants you to be and for the empowerment and equipping for the job. I know you do. We love you!

 Actions Requested:

I have nothing to worry about.

It” is on God, not me.

Start playing tennis 3x week and go on long walks. I’ll feel much better.

Pray: God, equip and empower me to be who you want me to be!

 Closing Remarks:   Thank you for your love, guidance and support. Please bless all the people who are hurting and in dire need of your love. Help me share your love with hurting souls. Please don’t let me fail you. Give me courage and strength that I need to get this job done. I am your soldier awaiting my marching orders. Please give me the help I need to do this the right and best way going forward. I love you! Amen!     Xo, ~Mar

June 7, 2016

Appreciation & GratitudeThank you, Father, that you are still in control!   You have great plans for your children and your love is going to break through powerfully in these next decades to come! Thank you that you told me that the Holy Spirit is about to be “unleashed” and will shine miracles onto the world to show your love for all people. Thank you, Dad, that you are going to use people to share your Holy and mighty Kingdom to come powerfully. Thank you that you can use even me for your purposes… there is hope for all sinners! Thank you for your unfathomable divine mercy! Thank you that you still heal today. Thank you for hearing my prayers. Thank you for family and friends, fun times, and beautiful new days every morning a new beginning. Thank you for loving me. Thank you for the four seasons… I love all of them! Thank you for your prophets and for all the words of encouragement that I have been blessed to receive. Thank you for caring enough about me to keep me hearing you and your plans for me so abundantly. Thank you that you allow me to co-labor with you to share the gospel and your love for all. Thank you that you have great plans and will give me the grace to set me on fire with the love of your Holy Spirit to spread your love and make you deeply loved by many.


Q1-Dad, I would like to ask you what I can do differently that would make you pleased with my actions. What should I add to my prayers, or what should I do in addition to what I am already doing each day.

***I am proud of you and all that you have done in the last 10 years. I am pleased with you; I am very pleased. If you would like to know one thing that would make a huge difference, I would ask you to get to reconciliation 2x month. If you go that often, you will remain in more fully open communication with God. Your prayers will be more powerful and your soul will shine so brightly, you will feel more alive and soul healthy.   You will enjoy being purified of sin. It is a most beautiful thing for Jesus to see his bride, the church, in a state of righteousness through the power of His blood… sins are washed away; never to be recalled again by God. Forgotten and cleansed. Beautiful.


Q2–   Jesus, Thank you for your love and friendship. What would you like me to know today that I need to know or be reminded?

***You should remember how much I love you and care about you. Remember that my love is unfathomable and that you are mine. I am a jealous God, and I need you, your love and friendship. Give me more of your time. Rest in my love. I desire to give you much more peace and tranquility.


Q3– Love, thank you so much for always being here for me, why can’t I talk with you all the time? I get so caught up in work and daily living that I am not including you in my thoughts as I go along. What can I do differently to be more in touch with you and your leading?

***Practice. Practice makes habits and is more difficult to start a new habit but once it is in place, it is worth it and will be easier to maintain. Pray about it. Ask for the grace to learn and make a new habit of listening for my lead every minute of the day. I want to be your confidant, friend, helper, guide, best friend and lover of your soul. I want you to be with me, also, all throughout the day. I love you.


Q4-Mom, I love you! Thank you for all your prayers for me. I appreciate your interceding for me and for offering my prayers to God in a more beautiful presentation. Thank you for your love. I am so sorry that I don’t appreciate you enough! Thank you for sending your angels to protect and guide me. What would you like me to do for you this week?

***I would like you to get to know the Holy Spirit better and so what I would like you to do is talk to him. Talk to Him all throughout the day like He suggested to you just now. I can help you with that. If you pray for this grace, I will intercede for you to the Father and it will open entire new lines of communication with Him. Also, please do get to reconciliation twice a month going forward. You will see improvements in your life: work, marriage, health and all aspects of your life will go better. You will notice the difference.

Actions Requested:

Get to reconciliation every 2 weeks.

Give God more of my time. He will restore peace in my life.

Love, Holy Spirit, wants me to make a new habit of talking with him throughout the day.

Pray for the grace to grow my friendship with Love.

Mom will pray for the grace for me to open new communications with God.


Closing Remarks Thank you for your help, love, support and friendship. Thank you for the church and my extended family in your love. Thank you for this time with you and for your advice. I will get to reconciliation on Thursday. Please help me with my job, I’d like to set a bunch of appointments for my clients. Thank you for the success you’ve given to me in the past. Please shower your love in our lives, shine your mercy on us, and help me be who you want me to be. Please equip and empower me with courage, investment funds for EPP, Inc. , talent, guidance, wisdom and all things that I require to do your will. Help me be that person I dream of becoming one day. Please hear my prayers. Please heal my dad and give him excellent health, fabulous circulation with lots of oxygen and nutrients that all his cells will be flooded with all good things that they need. Thank you for giving my family supernatural weight loss and health, long life and many blessings. Please show us the way to go in every minute of the day. I love you, God! Amen!   Xo,~Mar

June 6, 2016

Appreciation & Gratitude:  Millions of thanks, Dad, for your love! Thank you for your unfathomable divine mercy! Thank you for all that you do for me… you gave me incredible parents, a loving husband who cracks me up endlessly, our jobs, our home, food and all that we need… you give us all this and blessings every day continuously. Thank you for my new glasses. Thank you for the beautiful sunsets over the water in our back yard. Thank you for nice neighbors, friends, music, entertaining movies, and tennis. Thank you for always surprising me with your hints, signs and wonders. You are amazing!


Q1- Dad, what do you think about my voice? How do I sound to you when I try to sing?

***I know you don’t always like how you sound. Don’t worry about it. It is the heart that matters. What you lack in vocal beauty you make for with your beautiful heart. Write your own songs. Record more often. Try to record one song every 2 weeks and play it for your instructor to make suggestions for your next songs. I love your voice because it is you singing… and many people will love your songs and be lifted up by your heart each song. Don’t listen to the critics… the only one that should matter is you. Record and see how much I can work through you. I have many songs for you to write… only put pen to paper and get started, silly. Enough of a break… it’s time to start writing again. Like I said, 1 every 2 weeks or 2 per month. OK?


Q2- Jesus, could you help me write some new songs? I’d like to make a song for my parents anniversary.

***I would love to help you write it and I have ideas for your melody and chord progression. Take 30 minutes a day to write a new song and practice for your lessons. Give me the time and I will bless it for your benefit. You will see how good I am to you; I will give you beautiful songs. They are ready and just waiting for you to claim them as your own. I will send them to you so be ready to write it down and record as you discover them in your imagination and dreams.

Q3– Love, I need your help with motivation to get exercise… I feel so lazy lately. Lately as in the last 2 or 3 months!

***Time flies, I know. Don’t look back. It’s not too late to start up again. You have lots of opportunities for tennis. Don’t be nervous about going to the double programs. Once you go, you will see how fun it is and that you have nothing to worry about. You will be fine. Also, enjoy this perfect weather for long walks. Try getting up a little earlier and walking before work. Maybe MB would like to play in the mornings. Give her a call.


Q4-Mom, Blessed Mother of my God- Could you please intercede for me, again? I really would like to start the new chapter… a new day. Would you ask Dad how much more time do I have to wait? It’s an old story… not to complain or anything… I just am getting weary waiting. Could you pray that I endure patiently and expectantly believing that it will all come true. Please ask Dad for the dream to be shaken into reality for me- I would really appreciate your help. Thx.

***You got it. Keep pressing in… you are doing great. Hang in there. He said that it is all happening very soon for you and for you not to give up hope. Your dreams are God-Sized and he loves that about your imagination. Only you could stretch it even more grandiose according to Him, you are still not dreaming big enough! Lol – I bet you never guessed that!


Actions Requested:

Write and record 2 songs per month.

Be ready to receive song ideas; write them down and record them.

Get up earlier and play tennis or go for long walks before work.

Call mb. Keep pressing in; hang in there.

Dream even bigger!


Closing Remarks:    Thank you for your help, love, inspiration and friendship. Thank you for your patience with me and for helping me press onward. I love you guys! Amen! Xo, ~Mar

June 5, 2016

Q1-God, I love you! Could you tell me something I need to hear but may not want to admit? I feel like there is maybe something you need to tell me.

***You need to hear only one thing from me… and that is that my love could never fail you. No matter what happens, I would never leave or abandon you. My love for you is stronger than any mistake you could ever make. My mercy is deeper than the ocean. You need never fear of losing me or your eternity with us in heaven. When you try your best, I am thrilled no matter the results. I will never let you alone to your own efforts. I am with you always. My love conquers all. My power is never lacking and the enemy is defeated. You don’t have to do the heavy lifting… the Holy Spirit will be loosed in your life and miracles will happen. You don’t need to “make it happen” and soon you will see mighty miracles. Keep the faith. Remain in my love. You need to know that your efforts are noticed and soon you will see the fruit of all your prayers and work for the kingdom. Thank you for saying “yes”. My mercy is unfathomable. My love endures to all time eternal for all my children.


Q2- Jesus, I love you! Will you help me wait until I am hungry with a “growl” to signal it is time for me to think about eating something and to not think about food at other times of the day… I want to focus on you. Not the food!

*** Yes, I am with you in this endeavor. I will have many blessings for you because you offer the difficulties up to the Father with my suffering. When you are tempted, look for my help. I want to be your partner in this focus transfer off the food. I will make it easy for you and when it is difficult, know that your faith is strengthened and our bond is made stronger when you overcome the food. The addiction will be eradicated and your desire for me will grow exponentially. Our bond is strengthened in this battle and you will be victorious. Keep coming back to me. Every bite you take in obedience to your body’s hunger signals, and every time you turn down “head hunger” and focus on God, you will heap coals onto Lucy’s head. It is a fabulous blow to the enemy. We will grow even closer each day.


Q3– Love, Holy Spirit, I love you! I need your guidance to come through more clearly. Help me quiet myself and quicken my mind to know your ways, guidance, and to heed your lead and follow you more closely.

***I am with you. When you call out to me, I will be there for you. Keep close to me and we will go far. I have important work for you to do for the Father. We will be victorious in all areas of your life when you stick close to me and listen for my leading. I will help you quiet yourself and I will speak more clearly to you as you find me in the smallest details of your life. I will help you follow my lead when we talk it over… I can explain to you why I am asking you to do certain things. Look to me as your best friend and we will go far. I am a blessing to all who look for me. You have looked and searched your whole life for this relationship and soon you will grow so close to me that we will be in harmony and close communications at all times. I will equip and empower you to do the will of the father, if you choose each minute of the day to comply. Many blessings are to be yours for the asking. We love that you are asking for the Kingdom of God to come invade earth and all God’s children to bring love to all people. Keep your priorities in line with this revelation and all things will become shiny and new.


Q4- Mom, I love you! Thank you for your prayers. Please pray for me to be even more hungry for God and a new level of faith, love and charity. Please pray that I don’t disappoint God. Please, would you pray for me to be equipped, empowered and strengthened to hear his will and the courage to follow through and do whatever He asks of me.

***Yes, I will speak with the most Holy Trinity tonight and you will know that your prayers are answered when you find your relationship with God strengthened and empowered for great things of God; answered prayers will be commonplace for you. You will know the will of God and you will be empowered to follow through with whatever He asks of you. You will make mistakes, but that will only strengthen you as you learn from them. I will pray that you know that as you try your best, you will never disappoint God. When you fall, he gently picks you up and helps you to try again. Don’t fear disappointment from God… it just isn’t going to happen- unless you completely give up hope and quit trying. This is not going to happen as long as you keep talking with us each day and receive all that we have for you. Many blessings are on their way to you, and you will soon know just how far you have come these past 10 years. You should know you are doing an incredible job… we are very happy and can’t thank you enough for all that you’ve gone through for the Kingdom. It may not seem to you like you did much, I understand your thinking, but your memory is not so good… lol! Trust me, your suffering will be put to good use… even if you don’t remember all that you’ve gone through. That is a huge blessing to you from God.

 Actions Requested:

God would never leave or abandon me.

My bond with God is made stronger each time I overcome food addiction.

Holy Spirit is with me at all times, our relationship is about to increase.

Keep my focus of the Kingdom of God.

I won’t disappoint God unless I give up hope. Keep hoping and keep loving.


Closing Remarks: Thank you, Dad, for your love, protection and blessings. Help me be who you want me to be. Please quip and empower me to do your will at all times. Please help me not to eat when I am not hungry all the way to a “Growl”. I love you and only want to do your will at all times, help me follow through and show me the way. Please forgive me when I fail and get be right back onto track. Please help me remember to be true and faithful to meet here at the board meetings, no matter the cost. Help me not be deceived by the enemy. Help me dismiss anything he tries to do in my life as a nuisance and not worth my effort and attention… I only want you, God! Amen! Xo, Mar

June 4, 2016

Appreciation & Gratitude:  Thank you, Lord, for the downtime you gave me today. It was good to relax and do nothing. Thank you that I am experiencing the calm before the “storm”. I am excited to see what you have in store for me tomorrow. Thank you that it will be a new day full of new beginnings. Thank you for getting me to the point where I am today. Thank you that you are forgiving and forgot all that I was in the past that went against your will for me. Thank you that your will is going to be done on earth as it is in heaven. Thank you for your love and protection. Thank you for the gift of your Holy Spirit. Thank you that you will make your will for me known to me so I can more closely follow your lead. Thank you for your unfathomable divine mercy. Thank you for music and the gift of creativity. Thank you for family and for all the people that like to laugh and have fun; please bring more of them into my life. Thank you that your will is being done on earth and that you will see your will done more fully by your sons and daughters.


Q1-Dad, Why did today seem like I was in a bubble going nowhere while not feeling tired but did not want to do anything. I felt lazy and unproductive- which I did not enjoy feeling. All day I’ve felt as if something were wrong.

***You were unsettled in your spirit. You felt something wrong. It was because you binged last night and also got out of the habit of waiting on your signal/the growl. Tomorrow is a new day. Don’t look back. Regain your focus. Talk with me about this.


Q2-Jesus, I am sorry I did not give you the credit when I should have. It was by your grace that I was able to only eat when my stomach growled. Now I am having difficulties with this since I ate yesterday when I wasn’t hungry. Today I’ve been impatient and did not wait. I’m sorry. Could you please allow me to have the grace to wait for your signal to eat again only when hungry?

*** You only need to focus on me. My love for you is greater thank you could ever imagine. I only want to help you. Receive all that I have for you, and chillax in my love. You have the grace you ask for. You will have a better day tomorrow. Go for a walk in nature. I am with you always. You need to work through some of your anger, too. You know what I am talking about. Don’t let Lucy get the best of you; no- you need to give it all up to me for lost souls. Offer up your struggles and frustration. I will make good use of them. Stop eating over your frustrations. It only makes things worse, as you can see.


Q3-Love, I need you. Could you please speak with me more clearly and more often? I am sorry if I seem to be ignoring you… I want to know you more. I want to listen to you and follow your lead. This is my heart.

***I know. Your heart is true. You have a heart of gold. I will speak with you more clearly but when you sin, making mistakes, my voice gets harder to detect because my will is not being done. Sin will cloud up my ability to converse with you. Get to confession. You will feel much better and it will clear up our communications.


Q4- Mom, Could you intercede to the Father for me? I am still hoping to win the lottery and it seems as if I may be mistaken. Could you ask Dad if it is his will that I continue to play? Has he changed his mind? How much longer should I be planning on waiting?

*** I don’t know how much longer, but keep playing. You are not out of the game. You are on the sidelines, yes, but you are not out of the game. Hang on. I will talk with the Father and you will soon know all that needs to be done. Enjoy your rest for now. Soon, a flurry of activities will be taking much time and energy. Enjoy the calm before the … storm… a windfall of goodness is coming your way!

 Actions Requested:
Enjoy the calm before the storm

A windfall of goodness is coming my way!

 Closing Remarks:

Thank you for your patience with me. Thank you for being in charge of all things and thank you that you are working all things for my good. I love you! Amen! Xo, ~Mar

June 3, 2016

Q1– Father, I ask you for your guidance, and you give it to me. Thank you. Please tell me what I need to do while I wait on your next great move of the miraculous in my life? What do I need to change in my life to be of service to you?

*** Nothing. You don’t have to earn it. Just keep doing what you have been doing. You are making me very proud and I love you. I will guide you each day and you will know what needs to be done, so don’t worry. You can’t go wrong with board meetings, quiet time with me, and loving your family.   Listen for my voice and try to follow my suggestions. You will always be where you need to be, so don’t try so hard, only relax and enjoy the ride. When you try to figure out things, that is when you get into trouble with your energy and mental health. I will make this simple and easy for you to follow. Don’t make it more complicated than it should be. It’ll be fun, simple, and prosperous for all involved.


Q2-Jesus, I know you have great plans for us. I can tell you are excited for it all to start happening soon. I just wanted to tell you that you have all things in your hands, use me as you see fit and please bless my marriage.

*** yes, you are right! I do have amazing plans for you and DB! I am super excited for things to start falling into place. The Father has it all under control and you will soon find out all that He has been working on behind the scene. Your marriage is going to be continuously blessed and you only have to be loving and kind to DB like you do. I will show you all that needs to be done at exactly the right time. Don’t rush ahead of us. We can only show you a little at a time, or your mind would be completely blown away! Lol. Relax and soon the next chapter will start and a new day will be born for you and for the good of many. I wish I could show you more than we have already shown you, but in due time you will know the full plan of God. Thank you for saying “yes” and thank you for staying on this crazy roller coaster… you will be rewarded. I know you don’t care about that, but you will be blessed beyond measure. We love you so much.


Q3- Love, thank you for guiding me in the ways of God. I know I fail so often to ask for your guidance or to do things I know you would rather I not do. I am sorry for my mistakes and I hope that you will eventually have your way in all things in my life. Help me conform to your lead always. I am sorry for my failures and hope that you can work with a mess-up like me.

***You’ve come a long way. Soon it will be easier for you to follow my lead. Practice makes perfect. Mistakes are for learning, not for beating yourself up. You will be all that you need to be when you need it. Same for equipping and empowering you- as you need it, it will be given. Keep your hopes alive and keep loving more and more each day. You will know my voice even more clearly you will hear my guidance. Try to follow directions… lol.


Q4-Mom, thank you for assigning your warring angels for my protection. Because of you guys, I am not afraid for my life when I could easily be in fear. I trust in Jesus and I trust you. I am grateful for my angels. What should I know that would help me continue without fear going forward? There is so much violence and craziness going on in the world. Jesus, I trust in you. Mom, I trust you. Angels, I trust you. Thank you for your help, Dad!

***What would help you going forward to continue in trust and without any fear, is to turn off the news. Talk with us more often and speak with us especially when you may start to think thoughts that are not filled with trust. Remember that nothing can happen against you without the Father allowing it. Trust that your father has good things in store for you and that you are in the palm of His hand. He knows all that you are going through. It is all taken care of and will soon fall into place in so many different ways.

 Actions Requested:

Relax and enjoy the wild ride.

Trust God in all things!

Try to follow God’s lead.

 Closing Remarks:

Thank you for your love! Thank you that you have all things working for my good and for the good of all people. Thank you for showing me what needs to be done. Amen!  Xo, ~Mar

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