Eternal Party People

Welcome to the end of time... where you find... miracles happen all the time!

June 2, 2016

Q1-Dad, it seems like you may have changed your mind about using me for your purposes… the time is going by and years have passed since you’ve first spoken to me about a studio. Am I still on your radar for this Project of Love?

*** All that you have thanked me for in the paragraph above, is this what you truly believe and hope for? {yes, dad, you put all those dreams into my heart, didn’t you?} Yes, I surely did and I have not forgotten you. Your studio is going to be amazing and all the rest are all planned out. You will reveal it in due time. Not too much longer, now, and you will be glad for the wait. You were greeted by the bearded guys on G Rd, weren’t you? You have nothing to fear. Don’t be discouraged. Wipe away any fear or impatience. Keep planning, keep working on all that I have for you to do. Keep your work schedule and be faithful in love to DB and your family. You will see the fruit of your dreams come true soon. Hang in there. You are still on my radar and on plan for this Project of Love… soon you will see the investment funds come into your new EPP, Inc. account and your personal funds for sharing with the people I ask you to bless. The money is mine for your steward as I see fit. I will guide you. Keep true to the board meetings. I know you took a few days off. You and I have been talking a lot and now you need to get back into the habit of writing these things down. I am proud of you.


Q2– Jesus, what should I do while I’m waiting on the funds from God’s storehouse?

*** You have much work to do, you also can get organized by decluttering your condo and your computer files. You can brainstorm ideas for songs, for the studio, for the website and phone application. You can always dive into projects for writing poetry, melodies, song chord progression, and getting some exercise. Please keep busy and make the most of your time. Don’t spend time worrying, trying to control or make anything happen. Just be. Relax. And keep yourself productive. Talk with God, we love to talk with you all the time. Watch videos from the collection we asked you to watch. Don’t think negatively, all things are being taken care of. You don’t need to fret about it not happening because of “something you did”; no- all things are unfolding as they should. Chill out. You’re doing great. You’re going to be well taken care of at all times. You have a host of angels protecting you and fighting your battles. Put them on assignments; they love to be on task for you.


Q3–   Love, I am sorry I haven’t had a board meeting in the last week or so, but you are so good to me, you never left me to myself for long. You’re with me always and I am forever grateful for your love, friendship and help. You are such a sweetheart for helping me with my business. I was happy to have your help in setting the appointments. Thank you for answering my prayers. I could use some more help tomorrow and next week, if you don’t mind. What can I do for you?

***Just be. That is all. Just be yourself. I love you. You are doing such an amazing job of longsuffering, prayer, and willing to be of use for God as an instrument of peace. We can use a soldier like you, and you will soon see the Father come through in amazing miraculous ways.   EPP has an investor. You will soon see the check. J


Q4-Mom, Last night I needed some extra help in figuring a way to defeat Lucy in the most efficient and loving way (since that is the most powerful way to defeat the enemy.) It seemed like just releasing the Anointing of God and imagining the love and anointing oil and essence flow out of my fingertips to the room all around me might have worked quite well. Is there anything else I can do when I need to clear my condo of the enemy? I don’t want him irritated- I want it to be unbearable for him to exist around me so bad that he flees out of the building never to return. Any suggestions?

*** You are on the right track. Try using Holy Water, prayers to St. Michael, release the anointing like you did last night and pray for your angels to handle it from there. Do this 3x a day and you will be rid of the problem soon. Whatever you do, instead of giving it any additional attention, try to dismiss and ignore him when he bothers you or tries to tempt you into an argument. You will be fine. Soon you will be free of this nuisance. That is all it is, Mar- a rock in your shoe. It will go away shortly. I promise. {Thank you, mom!!!}

 Actions Requested:

Try using Holy Water, prayers to St. Michael, release the anointing like you did last night and pray for your angels to handle it from there. Do this 3x a day and you will be rid of the problem soon.

Closing Remarks:  Thank you for your help; I need all the assistance I can get. I will do the things mom suggests I do. Pray for me that all goes well with this need of mine. I am offering up any difficulties I am facing for bringing home all lost souls. I offer up suffering I’ve experienced in my lifetime, all of it, for lost souls. Equip and empower me to be all that you want me to be. Show me the way and never leave me to my own efforts. I only want what God wants. I hope that I haven’t let you down too much. I am sorry that I binged today. Please help me get back on track. Thank you for all the promises you’ve given me. Thank you for the words of encouragement at VC. Thank you for my parents, DB, and your love. I need you. Help me be your instrument of peace and grant me the grace of making you deeply loved; give me the fire of your love and enkindle in me your desires, love, and mercy for all. Amen! Xo, ~Mar

May 22, 2016

Appreciation & GratitudeThank you so much for a quiet Sunday filled with your love, peace, music and the opportunity to talk with you. You are great… amazing. Thank you for this beautiful day of sunshine, cool breeze, blue skies, green grass, flowers, trees with all their leaves on and for allowing me to be your daughter. You made all the earth and all the universes… and you’re my dad. That still blows away my mind. I am so blessed. We all are. We are all your kids… when will everyone understand that? Thank you that you gave given me a job to do. Help me do it well. Father, set me on fire with the love of your Spirit… Give me the grace to help make you deeply loved, Dad. Thank you, you are such a great father. Thank you for the revelation of where you want ShamRock Studio. I am so excited! Thank you that your plans for my life are more amazing than I could ever imagine. (And I have a wild imagination!) I can’t wait to see what you have for me… Make me worthy, Jesus. Help me be a better person.


Q1-Father-God, could you tell me what I should do for my dad on Father’s day? What would he like? I’d like to surprise him with something special.

***He would never admit it, but he would love another song from you. He will love it if you and DB would grill out for him. Your mom is glad you offered to bring everything and do the work/dishes. You will have a great day with him. You could also find a picture of your mom and dad from their anniversary last year and frame it real top quality frame. Find a picture you think they would like and take it to a professional frame store and get it matted. It’s also your parents anniversary, Mar! It’s the 19th! Celebrate!!! Make an anniversary song! Tell them how much you love them in a song! You will have a great day with them.


Q2– I am so tired. Didn’t sleep much last night; only about 5 hours. I am sorry, but I think I need to wrap up the meeting after this last one question. Jesus, Thank you for blessing our marriage and for giving me the most beautiful soul to be with in this life. I do not deserve him but I’m glad you are giving me the chance to make it up to him going forward. I love him with all my heart. DB is my first love, my best friend, my partner in crime … lol… and my rock. Thank you for giving me this lifetime to be with him. I am so grateful for our life together. What could I ever do to show him how much I love and adore him?

***He knows you love him… you show him every day in so many ways and you tell him, hug him, support him, and you take good care of him. You should not be sad about the past. You were in a very difficult situation with your mental health which led to other health problems. You need to know that you two love each other as no other person has experienced. Your ties go deep. Your ties to each other are eternal ties. Soul Mates. You have so many wonderful times together, so many that you could never write them all down, it would fill the Assembly Hall and still not fit all the stories you’ve had. He loves you through and through and you love him. Keep growing in love. Think every day what you can do for him. Then do it all with love. Pray for him more than you are already doing. He would appreciate your loving prayers for him.   You are a good wife to him and he loves you deeply. More than you would ever know… well maybe when you both are in heaven you will know.


Actions Requested:

Professional frame of picture with matting for an anniversary gift to M&D.

Make a song for them for their anniversary and have a great day with them.

Keep growing in love.

Think every day what you can do for DB. Then do it all with love.

Pray for him more than you are already doing. He would appreciate your loving prayers.


May 21, 2016

Appreciation & GratitudeThank you for a weekend filled with all good things. Thank you for the Prince Tribute that we enjoyed all afternoon. Thank you for the surprise you gave me at Exile with the lead singer from Soulstice. It was a blast from the past just to hear his vocals; reminding me of good times with friends in college. It is a shame that they did not get commercial success. They were one of my favorite bands! Thank you so much for surprising me! Thank you for treating DB to the newest popular Chicken restaurant, even though I don’t eat meat anymore, he enjoyed his dinner. Thank you for all the talent we have! Thank you for the most perfect weather.


Q1-Dad, you give such fun and amazing gifts! You know what I would like and you continually surprise me! Your divine timing is impeccable. You line up things for my favor and you never disappoint! You are so good all the time. I can’t wait to see what you come up with next! You shower blessings on me endlessly. I just want to thank you and ask you to have your way all the time! Forget my plans; you laugh at them anyways, because you have so much more beautiful ideas of what to happen. Where do you plan on locating ShamRock Studios? Pogo is a mess, in construction. I am not so sure that is where you want us.   If you don’t mind me asking, where should we build or purchase the space for our studio/home? I guess do you want us to build it from scratch? Could Uncle D design it? That would be incredible! And where do you think we should build? Or is PS where you want us/downtown where all the action is?

*** lol, Mar… if I told you it wouldn’t be a surprise. But I’ll give you a hint. Uncle D will design the most amazing studio for you and DB. I’m not going to tell you where just yet. You will have a nice home to live in adjacent. You will have a studio and a quaint concert space for small parties. Look at Prince’s studio for ideas. It will be a smaller building with 2 practice spaces; one for you and one for db. Now quit asking, or it won’t be much of a surprise if I told you any more… I love you. Hang in there a little bit longer.  

Q2-Jesus, I am so excited to share you with the world in a musical evangelism with powerful signs, miracles and wonders. I just want to thank you for giving me all these God-Sized dreams! Only you can do this. Please guide me and help me be led by your Holy Spirit. Thank you for your healing power. I am sorry I didn’t have the courage to pray for my dad’s leg or my mom’s eye and throat. They need prayers for healing. I need courage to risk praying for your healing touch for people that need prayers.

***When you are ready, you will flow in the spirit and healing will happen more easily very soon. God is going to release the Holy Spirit like earth has never known. Authority and power will wash over all Christians and will be able to see miracles all the time… Just like your song sings: Welcome to the end of time… where miracles happen all the time. Keep praying for people, especially your family and friends, and press onward with faith and love. Everything is going to be worked out. Keep believing. Be patient. I will tell you when it’s time.


Q3- Love, thank you for raising Jesus from the grave. Thank you that your power is love and your name is Love, and you spread Love, and you promise that Love will conquer. Could you please give me a double portion of your most precious Holy Spirit? I want to increase in loving others. I need your love for all people activating inside me more fully. Please use me as you see fit. Speak through me. Sing through me. I am excited to see all that you have in store for me and db. Love through me to the world. Possess me. Equip and empower me to be all that you have in mind and that all of God’s plans are worked through anything that he has for me to do. I am willing. Make me an instrument of your love, peace, and healing. I love you. So, I guess my questions are: what do I need to do. AND when do I get to start?

***haha, you’re adorable. I would like you to hang tight. Pray for God’s will to be done in your life and in the world. And you get to start today. Keep praying each day, keep growing in love, faith, charity, patience, wisdom, and remain child-like. That is God’s will for you. I will accept your offer. I will empower and equip you to make you my instrument of love, peace and healing. You will have an answer to your prayer; when you continue to keep asking for the grace to make God deeply loved by all his children. You and many other people will sing of the Good News of Jesus and heaven will break through the darkness. Light wins. Love wins. Keep praying for the lost and lonely souls.


Actions Requested:

Reread some of the board meetings each day.

Closing Remarks:  I love you guys! Thank you so much for taking such good care of me. Please heal my mom’s eye and her throat. Also, please heal my dad’s leg! Help us all lose weight, Thank you that you are in control! Thank you for your will is always done in my life and on the earth as it is in heaven. Please help me feel good tonight. We’re heading out for some more Prince Tribute. Please bless all the musicians involved in the benefit and raise lots of money for her. Amen! Xo, Mar

May 20, 2016

Appreciation & GratitudeThank you, God for allowing me to run a business and work for myself from home. You are so good to me! Thank you for stability, medicine that works, and for one day giving me a body and mind that has no sickness… one day when I get my light body!!! I can hardly wait! Thank you for your promises of heaven, new bodies, love, light, and your Holy and amazing Kingdom will come! Thank you for the promise of a new earth! Thank you that you allow me to be a part of sharing this amazing new age and help usher it in with other saints one day. Thank you that you have included me in your plans and that I will help out by doing my part in this process. Thank you that you will reveal all that I need to do when you want me to do it. I love you and want only what you want. Thank you that you are in control and have all things in preparation for Jesus’ return! Please give me the grace to make you deeply loved throughout all the earth. You are so good… all the time!


Q1-Dad, I feel like I can’t recall simple things that I did or thought about even just 5 minutes ago. My mind is not retaining info. Somehow, I seem to know what I need when I need it. It is just concerning me that my recall is so unreliable. I trust you with my mind and all that I am. Do I need to see a doctor about this or am I going to be ok?

***You are fine and your mind is good. It is created for my purposes and you are going to be absolutely fine. You are living in what I call “the now”. That is how heaven works and you are from heaven. You are a child of God. You are royalty and you have nothing to worry about. You are going to find that you remember things, words, places and many details that you didn’t even know you knew about. Your mind is amazing and you are going to be referred to as a Genius. My mind and your mind are deeply connected. You hear my voice and I will lead you to do many incredible things, say amazing things, and sing with a force that will touch people’s hearts. You will lead many of my children back home. Your sisters and brothers in Christ will be the beneficiaries of your struggles. Have faith; trust in me. I am with you always. Whatever you do, do not see a doctor about “memory loss”. It does not pertain to you. You are a unique case. I will fill your mind with all you need to know, when you need to know it. Thank you for saying “yes”, this is one of the challenges you face because of this dream. Offer your struggles for the salvation of many; place them at the feet of Jesus to be offered up to the Father. I will use you and you will be so glad that you said your “yes”. I have got this. Rest in me. My mighty warrior, I love you. I am with you always. Enjoy the process. Some fantastic things are about to happen in your life. Trust me. Whatever you do, do not try the new “brain enhancer” drug that is available. Your mind is brilliant. Don’t pollute it.


Q2- Love, my sweet Holy Spirit, thank you for helping me not to eat when not hungry. I enjoy following your lead. I feel your presence so much closer and clearer. You are so good to me. What should I know about the speed of the weight loss? Will it continue to be tough, slow, and a real pain in the you know what? Frustration! All my life; Frustration in trying to lose weight. I am so sick of it. I trust you can do this. I can’t.

*** I can only help you if you check in with me before you eat… wait on a growl and stop eating when I lead you to stop. Pray for the grace to cooperate with me. Pray for the temptations to cease. Pray for deliverance of addiction to food. I will be able to grant you quick weight loss (about 2 pounds/week) if you allow me to work in you every day in this way. It will not be difficult when you talk with me. When you don’t talk with me, it will be harder and you will not be successful to get to your goal by Christmas… and you won’t be able to do your gift exchange with the Father. J He will be so happy and so if you want to make him thrilled with your gift and receive a gift back from Him (a new body), you will need to talk with me. I have many great things to share with you and this is our training ground. You will do this… I have your back. I will remind you. Try to slow down when you eat and if you feel rushed, you should not eat. (You’ll be somewhat out of control and won’t know when you’ve had enough- if you eat too fast.)


Q3– Jesus, my sister really needs appointments in Missouri. Would you be so awesome as to help me get her a couple of appointments next week to get her started? I want to make sure I do a good job helping her out. I’d like her to be successful with the business.

*** Thank you for asking for this gift. I can help you, now that you’ve asked for it. You released a might power whenever you pray. I will help you get appointments next week. Focus and pray and you will not be disappointed. This is true for many things in your life. Focus and Prayer moves mountains. Have faith and be grateful whenever you receive good things. All good gifts are from the Father.


Q4- Momma, you RAWK! I love you, mom. Could you do me a big favor and talk with Dad about my patience, waiting so well on His lead… could you remind him that it has been 8 years of playing the lotto at his request, thinking I’d be winning every week… for 8 years. Not to be greedy, but I have some amazing ideas that God has placed in my spirit. I want to help your church get ready for our King! Would you please intercede with me that I am so grateful for all He has given to me, and I am ready to be of service in whatever way I can be. If lotto win is still part of this plan, I am ready. Truly. Ready. Is it God’s will?

*** Yes, it is. You are ready. God is at work on this; lining up many details perfectly for you. You are patient and we know how difficult it has been to run your business thinking that you will win the lottery any minute. I understand and we are sorry that you had to go through that. It will all be worth the wait. ShamRock Studios is being worked on and should be ready for your transaction to purchase the building soon. It is God’s will for your plans (His plans) that you have in your heart, will soon commence. You will have plenty of time to get all things done. Don’t let anyone hurry you to do things. Divine timing is everything. Go with the flow and rest knowing that God is in control. No worries about anything… it is so freeing. Enjoy.


Actions Requested:

My mind/recall is fine, do not worry about it and don’t take any medicine for memory.

Check in with Love before I put any food in my mouth. Get into this habit.

My relationship with God is about to be transformed by talking/checking in frequently with Love.

God is lining up all things… soon ShamRock’s building will be ready.

Go with the flow. Don’t hurry anything.

Jesus will help me get appointments for C.

Focus and pray will move mountains.


Closing Remarks: Thank you for your love and guidance. Thank you for your time and guidance. Thank you that you are going to watch over my dad and give him health for many more years and even cause him to grow younger each day. Please heal his organs, circulatory, and all glucose levels at a good range. Help my dad, me, mom and db with our weight loss… make it easier and quicker. Thank you! Amen! XO~Mar

May 19, 2016

Appreciation & GratitudeThank you for parks, tennis courts, green grass, blue skies, birds, flowers, water retention ponds… ;0)

Thank you for my DB, my family, Friends, church, your love, sending Jesus here for us, your unfathomable divine mercy, your goodness overflows in every way! I love you, thank you for the gift of faith. Thank you for my home, our comfy couches, purple blankets, music, healthy food, relaxation in my home and thank you for air conditioning.


Q1-God, Why do I have to have so much trouble losing weight? For a month I have been logging every morsel, eating healthy plant based, and I have not lost any weight. I really want to give this over to you to work out for me. I can’t do it. The meds I take are causing the problem? Thyroid levels are ok, but could it be that also? I’ve been eating 1200-1600 calories; I should be losing, right?

***Thank you for saying that you want to give it over to me. Do you want me to help you know when, what, how, and how much? You say yes, you want to give it over to me, but you will need to follow my lead on this. If you are sure you want my help, you will need to listen for my lead. I will give you the grace to obey and if you follow the instructions carefully and really lean into my lead, you will lose weight very fast. Wait on a growl, that will be my lead. If you do this one thing, you will lose weight. Continue to eat Plant based, eat when hungry with a growl, and get your daily exercise in… you will lose all the weight, and you will never regain it if you continue on this agenda. Time will go by fast and you will be at goal by Christmas. That can be your gift to me. I love you and want to help you. What do you say? {yes, please! I can’t wait. You will need to give me the grace to follow your lead… yes, I would like you to be my coach. Thank you!!!! I would love to look forward to giving you that as a Christmas gift. J} Your new body will be my gift back to you, Mar. So, we each get a gift, M.


Q2-Jesus, thank you for the beautiful sunset tonight. I look forward to each brand new day. You designed the world so incredibly wonderful. Would you create a beautiful home for me and DB in the crystal ocean in Heaven? I can’t imagine how kewl that would be! He would love that very much, I would love it as long as I am not afraid… and no fear exists in heaven, so I’d be good with it. I bet the colors are incredible and the animals in Heaven’s ocean must be beyond amazing. I would also like us to have a home at the waterfalls with a wrap-around deck. I am so excited to see what all you have prepared for us!

*** Well, that could certainly be done, but wouldn’t you like 4 or 5 different homes so you can have variety? I know you like different landscapes. How about if I also make a mountain home, & a fall home where the beautiful trees have vibrant colored leaves, and how would you like a home in space? DB would love that, too. I have many, many surprises for you guys. You will be “in heaven” and believe me, you will not miss out on any good thing in heaven. You will have eternity to explore all that I have created for you and DB.


Q3-Love, your Holy Spirit is going to be put to a lot of good use in my world. I will need all your help to not eat until my stomach growls. Will you help me be satisfied feasting on your love and companionship when I want to eat and am not at a growl yet?

***I will help you. You can do this. Make a game out of it. See how many hours you can go between growls. Bring Gatorade when you go to tennis and a raw revolution bar in case you start to feel light headed. I will time all things for you and you will always have my help. Just ask me and I will give you satisfaction without food. I will be faithful in helping you each hour of the day. We will get to be very good friends. We will grow so much in our relationship during the next 7 months. Your gift to the Father will be your goal weight but that is not what he wants; primarily he wants to help you and me get to a better communication relationship. He wants you to know my voice and rely on me in everything you do. Even in your basic daily eating… he wants us to talk with each other all the time. It will be your “Kingdom-Talk” training. J    


Q4-Momma, what are you up to in all this? I know you are interceding for me all the time, I can feel it. I am sorry I haven’t talked much with you lately. I am having some issues that you know well about and you are working on my behalf for it. The struggle has been marked by long-suffering. The accusations cut to the bone. Thank you for helping me heal the wounds. What can I do to be closer to you? I feel like you are somewhat distant, and it is my fault. I am sorry.

*** Don’t worry, I understand. I will help you get through it. Just keep looking beyond to the end game when people are only kind and loving. When the enemy no longer has any power. You will be fine. Just ignore. Dismiss it all. Look at me, Jesus, Love, and Father God- come to us and talk with us. For every accusation, we have 100s of encouraging and loving words for you. Nothing matters but God and your future with all of heaven for eternity with the Eternal Party People!


Actions Requested:

Follow Holy Spirit’s Lead with eating when hungry/growl.

Being at my goal weight at Christmas will be my gift to God and a new body is my gift from God.

I am now entering into “Kingdom-Talk” Training.

Dismiss all accusations, look at heaven for consolations and focus on heaven for eternity with EPP!

Closing Remarks:  Thank you so much for all your help! I am really looking forward to growing in love and friendship with you, Love. I will be depending on your lead, so don’t abandon me. Help me hear your voice, show me the way, lead me in all things and help me lose this weight by Christmas so I can give Father God his gift. (Obedience, weight loss, and a new relationship with Holy Spirit/Love.) Amen!     Xo,Mar

May 18, 2016

Appreciation & GratitudeThank you, God, for always taking such good care of me! Thank you for my clients and for growing my business to the extent that I have to turn down hours, I am so booked. Thank you for my parents, they are a lot of fun to be around and they are always here for me. Thank you for our health, especially for stability with the issues I deal with. Thank you for a beautiful day, blue skies with white puffy clouds, ripples on the lake and super green grass, flowers in bloom and just a lovely world to live in! Thank you for creating all of nature and for your unfathomable divine mercy for each and every one of us.


Q1-Dad, Did I hear you correctly… I thought I heard you tell me that when I win the lottery, I should give my sister $1M… are you serious?

***You heard me right. Don’t you think if I ask you to do something, I will make it possible to happen? {yes, I believe that you can do all things!} Well then, I would like you to give her that amount specifically. It will be my gift to her because I love her very much and don’t want her to feel left out. You will be giving your M&D 1M also. If the jackpot is big enough and you want to be extra generous to them, you could give $1M to your Mom and $1M to your dad. But specifically, I want you to give to your sister; blood is thicker than water, Mar. She is your sister that you love and you will be glad you do this. {Ok, Sounds good… now all that is needed is the jackpot… Wink Wink….} lol, ok, now that that’s settled, we are one step closer to the win. Just a few little odds and ends to wrap up. You’re doing great. Hang in there. This is Houston-over- you’re a go for Illinois … T minus 10, 9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1, zero … Ignition, lift off… lift off… just a slight pressure… all systems are go… control is not convinced but the computer has the evidence. The countdown starts. … send me up a drink, jokes major T. The count goes on.


Q2- Jesus, do you think I should make a cd and send some over to CD Baby or should I wait until I get some better songs recorded? Shari Elf has a cute cd that was just silly and fun… I could do the same thing. Can I wait until I get better songs? Or is this a requirement for taking steps in winning the lottery and opening ShamRock Studios on 35 E T? I have some ideas and want to make sure I’m not the reason why I haven’t won the lotto yet. Do I need to put out the cd in order to win? (to prove that I am serious?)

***You are looking for… the promise land… on our way north… we heard a man… but what’s needed now is to transform. Quest for FIRE! That warm fire of Love. Sparks starting to fly. Yeah. Bringing that fire, that fierce fire from above; warm fire of love.   I love your songs. You shouldn’t be embarrassed by them. Go ahead and see what you need to do to send CD Baby some cd’s. If you want to. You don’t have to do anything you aren’t comfortable with. Go ahead, try it out and see if you sell any of them! It will be fun to see what happens. At least think about it.


Q3-Love, I love you past the stars, around the sun’s bright rays- through God’s great Galaxy until the end of days. What can I do to share you with people who don’t know the Holy Trinity? Your love is unfathomable.

*** Make music! I will help you! Share my love with the world by musical miracles for the masses. You don’t have to do it… God will handle all things.


Q4-Mom, I am embarrassed by my songs and was wondering why I should care; if God likes my attempt at making music, who else should matter? No one. Only God’s opinion matters to me. The problem is that I think God probably doesn’t care much for my songs; the same as my opinion on the matter. My voice… augh! My crazy lyrics… etc.

***Do yourself a favor: Send a copy of your music to CD Baby- you will be amazed at your result. Try it as an experiment. If Shari can do it, You can!!! God loves your songs, Mar.   Try it. You’ll be glad.


Actions Requested:

C will get $1M per Father God’s Request

Think about sending CD Baby some cd’s to sell.

Share my love by way of Musical Miracles for the Masses!

God will handle all things.

Send a copy to CD Baby- if Shari Elf can do it, so can you!

 Closing Remarks: Ok, some challenging requests here. I will think about CD Baby selling my tunes. I think I’ll check with DB. Help me, Lord!   J Amen! Xo ~Mar

May 17, 2016

Appreciation & Gratitude:  Thank you for the amazing sunset tonight. Thank you for my home and all its comforts. Thank you for kind condo management people, the yard man, friendly neighbors, beautiful lake views, my comfy MRC (miracle red couch… interesting story) and for all the clothing, food, laundry machine, dishwasher, warm water, air conditioning and heat… all the comforts of my home and a fun, kind and loveable husband! I am so blessed! Thank you so much, Dad, for always taking such good care of me. Thank you for the weight loss and for helping me eventually get to my goal weight. Thank you for our jobs, our friends, music, and instructor- R.N. Thank you for your love, mercy and unending kindness to me. I love you! Thank you for being my dad. UR the Best!


Q1– Dad, what would you like me to know about myself?

***You always make me laugh. You’re constantly cracking me up. You don’t even realize how funny you are, especially when you’re in a good mood. If you want to make me happy, all you need to do is start singing, freestyle, or especially when you sing in tongues. You are my delight. Your attitude is positive, hopeful, and unshakable in trust. I love that about you. I love you and you should know that about yourself… you make me laugh and you touch my heart whenever you look for me…. I will always be there for you.


Q2– Jesus, what can I do for you this next week? What would make you happy? I want to make you smile.

***What would make me so happy would be to see you happy. Goof around, dance, sing, smile and crack some of your jokes with DB. That would really make me smile, to see you enjoying yourself. Don’t be so serious. Relax. Slow down. Be in my presence and soak up the love. Chill, Mar. Chill.


Q3-Love, what do you think I should know that I don’t yet understand?

*** You are powerful. You don’t yet understand, the power inside of you raised Jesus. This same power lives in you… I am in you and I can do all things. You don’t yet understand all that you can do because I am with you. You should know that you have the same power that Jesus Christ had while he was on earth. The power for healing, raising the dead, miracles, signs and wonders. You will one day soon, become aware of this power when you least expect it. Your faith can move mountains… you will do all that Jesus did and even more crazy miracles than He did! We can’t wait to watch what you will do with this Love-Power- all for His Glory. You will have the grace to make Jesus deeply loved through signs, miracles and wonders… in your music and also throughout all your life’s work/play. You should know that you have all that you need at all times. We are with you and you will be gently led throughout your Holy Groove/Love-mission. Each day we will grow together in showing/teaching you about His Power and what you will be asked to do for people. You will have a powerful healing musical mission – a revival like none other. It will be more like a “Habitation” and not a visitation… the whole earth will be moved by our songs. Powerful Evangelism of love and music… that is what you should know; that is what you don’t yet understand. You could never imagine the plans that we have for your life. It’s about to start. Yay, Mar! You go! Don’t look back. Run into our arms, we are with you through it all.


Q4-Mom, what would you like me to do for you? I want to thank you for all your help, love, interceding prayers and protection you give me. What would you like?

***Spend some time with your mom. Invite her to walk with you, get coffee, or go out to hear some jazz. She would love to spend time with you one on one.

 Actions Requested:

I make God laugh and I touch his heart when I look for him/rest in His love.

Chill, soak up God’s love, relax, laugh and don’t be so serious. Try it this week!

Get ready for a powerful evangelism Holy Groove/Love-Mission.

Powerful love and musical miracles

Take mom out – just us.


Closing Remarks:   Thank you for the meeting. I love you guys! Help me relax and laugh more. Amen! Xo, Mar.

May 16, 2016

Appreciation & Gratitude:  Thank you for all the helpful people you have placed into my life. Thank you for a wonderful spiritual director, supportive family and friends, a wonderful church family and my clients. Thank you for my job and for always helping me out when I call to you. Thank you that you hear my prayers for help in making appointments. Thank you that tomorrow I will be able to break my “dry season” and set one or two appointments. Thank you for your unfathomable divine love and mercy. Thank you for this computer, my 2 land lines, my smart phone and iPad. Thank you that technology helps us be more productive and also connect with people. Thank you for this day, it was a blessing. Thank you for DB, my best friend and beloved spouse. Thank you for our health, and thank you that you are in control of all things. Thank you that your Kingdom will come, and that your will is being done always. You have the last word and you are our redeemer; you conquer the enemy and your ways are above anything I could ever conceive or imagine.


Q1–   Dad, I want to start to be aware of your presence at all times. I know (in my mind) that you are with me; even closer than my breath- but I want to be aware 24/7. I want to always rest in your presence, love and protection. What do I need to do to make this paradigm shift in my awareness?

*** Pray for it, hope for the shift to occur, have faith that I would answer your prayer, and then get ready for your world to change! I will talk with you all throughout the day, if you allow it. I will make myself known to you and you will know what I am doing in your life, if you invite me to help you. I want to include you in my plans all throughout the day. Pray for it. Believe it will happen for you. Keep praying for it every morning. You will see a huge shift in your life… the grace you will receive from the shift into my presence by awareness on your part- will be an incredible blessing for you and those people around you.


Q2– Jesus, what would you like me to do when I have a little time between projects. If I could make 5 or 10 minutes count in a special way for you, what should I pray for or what should I do?

*** Meditate on the Father’s love for you. Be still and know we are with you. That is the best thing you could do is just to receive our love and to rest in the peace that surpasses all understanding. Close your eyes, breathe and know that we are with you always. Meditate that the Father is around you and nothing can come between you and our love.


Q3- Love, Holy Spirit, Sister today told me to focus on God and His presence. She said that when I feel accusations, I should know that they are not from the Father. She said to simply “dismiss” the accusations and turn to God’s love. I feel so much freedom because I have wasted too much energy on Lucy’s irritations by way of other people or unwanted thoughts. I am so excited that I don’t even have to respond… I no longer have to “go there”. It’s as if I have logged out of that whole ordeal and will instead focus on the love of God. It’s the same kind of freedom I get when last week I signed out of facebook and don’t have to respond or deal with that anymore. It is Soooooo freeing!

*** Ha, you got that right! Dismiss is a great word for not agreeing and ignoring him by focusing on God’s love for you. It is very freeing, indeed. Every time you feel as if the enemy is around, close your eyes and breathe in our love for you. You will notice a huge difference in your energy. You’ve been spending way too much time in conflict with Lucy. Instead, ignore, dismiss it, and fill up on God’s love for you. You will find that you will be stronger every time he attacks you… this is the most amazing strategy and you will love this new way of living! Enjoy your freedom!

Q4– Mom, Thank you for your prayers with me for God’s will to be done in my life. I am hanging in there and feeling much love from the Father. Could you intercede for me that I will be able to make the paradigm shift of awareness that God is all around me. Also, could you pray with me each day that I learn to “Dismiss” and ignore the enemy’s attacks and instead focus each time on God’s love and presence all around me.

*** Yes, I will be praying with you each time you have a thought of God’s love and light, I will be praying with you. All your intentions are prayed over by all the saints and by myself along with the angels. We are all praying to the Father with you. Your prayers are fortified by our love. Your prayers are powerful and God hears each intention that you ask of Him. Have faith in His will being done on Earth as it is in Heaven. It is a part of His plan/ that you are helping God reach people and sending them to Jesus. It may seem like a task too big for you, but God will make it all happen. Just remain faithful and open to His lead. Obey when you hear him and run to do whatever you are asked to do. Focus on God’s presence and we will help you do this more and more each day. You will have a paradigm shift of awareness. It will be a major turning point for your walk with God. He wants to include you in His plans… have faith that He is with you always and wants to work with you.


Actions Requested:

Pray for a paradigm shift of awareness that God is with you, all around you and loves you.

Meditate on the Father’s love for me.

Breathe slowly with closed eyes: Be still and know God is with me.

When attacked by the enemy: Ignore, dismiss it, and focus on God’s love for me.

Close my eyes, breathe and feel my energy become renewed from God’s love.

God will make it all happen. He wants to include me in His plans.

 Closing Remarks:  Thank you for your help, love and guidance. I am so excited for this new focus and paradigm shift of awareness of God in my day all throughout the day. Help me become all that you want me to be. Help me do your will. Equip and empower me to know what I need to do and to follow through with action to do it. Amen!   Xo ~Mar

May 15, 2016

Appreciation & Gratitude:

Thank you, Holy Trinity, that you are in control and have good plans for your children. Thank you that you will see all things to come together in your perfect and divine timing. Thank you for giving me patience and determination. Thank you that you hold me and my destiny in the palm of your hand. Thank you that you will lead me where I need to be at all times. Thank you that you won’t allow me to miss the future that you have planned for me. Thank you that you love me and forgive me of all my sins. Thank you for your love, guidance and protection. Thank you that even when I stray of the path you have for me, you gently guide me back every time. Thank you for all the good gifts you have given to me. Thank you so much for my family, friends, and your unfathomable divine mercy and love.


Q1-Dad, have I missed my opportunity or have I blown it? I feel like I have messed things up with my attitude, or lack of gratitude, or selfish desires, or maybe out of being undisciplined… I don’t think I’ve done all that is necessary to prove that I am dedicated to working out your plans. I don’t know what your plans are and I don’t know what is required, how to do it, and when and where to follow through with it. Basically, I am still clueless as to what you want me to do. I feel like my hands are tied. I feel like I have so much to do but no time to get it all done. So, have I blown it? Should I forget about it and give up the lottery games? Whatever you want, I want. You know what your plans are. I have no clue.

*** lol… you are not supposed to know what my plans are. If you knew, your mind would be completely blown away. You could never imagine the beautiful future that lies just ahead. It seems tough right now, I know and I understand. You should know that you have not “blown” my plans for you. I would not take you this far along without finishing what I started. You have been very cooperative and doing the best that you know how to do. You have come a long way and I want you to keep playing! Don’t give up, I know you wouldn’t, I just wanted to make it clear for you. You have the dedication that I have not seen in a long time. Your patience is commendable and your dedication is unshakeable. You don’t need to know my plans because I will reveal them to you in time. I have given you little glimpses of what lies ahead. It will be more incredible than ever could be conceived. Your hands are not tied, you are doing all that I ask. You are doing your best and your efforts are noticed. Quit trying to swim upstream and just flow with my leading. You make things more difficult than they need to be. Rest, relax and enjoy the ride. I am in control so you don’t need to “make it happen”- I have all things under control. You will get to where you want to be quicker once you rest and just take it easy. I love you, and I’ve “Got this”!


Q2-Jesus, you went through so much at Calvary. I believe it was a huge success, but I don’t know how you’re going to get today’s society to come around. There is so much hatred towards Christians not only by cultural differences, but people that claim to be Christians are going against everything that you stood for. There is so much hatred between religions, so much distaste for what they believe a Christian represents. Not only that, but there are so many Atheists and even satanic worship. I feel like I have a huge mountain of work to do to share your love with the world. I am called, as we are all called, to share the good news with the world- but I have no idea where to start. I think “power evangelism” (show and then tell of your love) is the way to their hearts. Will music be a part of this plan of yours? If so, I can’t do it without your help. A lot of your help. As in- you have to do all of it. Can you use me as an instrument of your peace and love? If so, you will need to work powerfully through me, I can do nothing without you. I fell as if I can never accomplish what you are saying I will do.

***You are right; you can do nothing without me. The good news is- I will not leave you alone. Yes, I will do this for you. I will use you as an instrument of my peace. Don’t worry about being successful in turning people around, the spirit will handle all things. As Father God has told you many times, you need to relax and flow each day in my will. Quit trying to figure out all things; it will be shown to you as needed. It is all unfolding as it should. We are on plan b, or rather “plan T” where you have many options available to you. You have all the help you need and you are actually ahead of the game; the strategies have changed and they have changed for the better. You are in good hands, God has got this, and you are right where we like you to be. Continue to trust in me. I have taken you this far, don’t you think I will finish the plan? I won’t leave you alone to figure this out. Allow me to lead; you can follow. Together we will dance through the hoops to get where we want to be. This is a process and a plan that you will be a part of making it come about. It is not a quick process, I know. You have been very patient. Thank you. We are getting there one day at a time. Rest and relax in my love.


Q3– Love, I would like to start writing again, but don’t find the time or energy to start. Once I do start writing a song or poem, you always come through to help me. How often should I be writing? Have I missed many opportunities to progress in this area?

***There is no timeframe of reference. You are blazing a new trail. Do whatever feels right to you. When God leads you to write- then write. Don’t worry about doing this wrong. You cannot fail unless you give up. You will never give up, we know, but you just need to keep your eye on the prize. You are not missing anything. You are perfectly where you need to be at all times. This is a process. Remember that! Write whenever you want to. Keep practicing the guitar, writing songs, and enjoying your life. Smile. Laugh. You can’t go wrong. Get that through your head… you can’t go wrong. You are in the palm of our hand, blessed in all things, and protected in all your ways. We love you very much and you are making us very proud of you. You’ve been attacked on a regular basis, and come out like gold purified under fire. You have come such a long way; you have no idea how far! Thank you. We are getting there one day at a time. Rest and relax in our love.


Actions Requested:

Rest and relax in His love!

I have come a long way and have been purified as under a fire.

I am where I am supposed to be.

I am actually ahead of the plan in many new ways.


Closing Remarks:  Thank you for your love and for leading me on the road of your will. Help me to follow faithfully and give me all that I need to accomplish your plans. Be with me and never leave me. Amen! Xo, ~Mar

May 14, 2016

Appreciation & Gratitude:

Thank you for your love, your unfathomable divine mercy, and your guidance. Thank you that you are helping me learn to follow your lead. Thank you that you remind me of things that I need to know, and what needs to get done. Thank you for music and relaxing weekends. Thank you for DB, even when we don’t get along sometimes, our love and friendship is unshakable because you are with us. Thank you that you are for us and no one can ever take that away from us. You are amazing and I thank you for your goodness. You are good all the time, you are in control, and we are safe under your protection and loving care. Thank you, Jesus, for forgiving me all of my sins. Thank you for paying the price for me, I can never thank you enough. I love you, Holy Trinity.


Q1-Father God, thank you for your forgiveness. How do I forgive myself? You have forgiven and forgotten all of it. I am having difficulty in forgiving/forgetting all that I was.

***That is the operative word, Mar- ..all that you “Were”. You are a new person. You died to sin and are alive in Christ. Believe in God’s goodness. All your sins have evaporated in my mercy. They no longer exist in my awareness and it shouldn’t be on yours either. Don’t let the enemy condemn you anymore. The next time he tries to convict you of past sins, tell him that the blood of Jesus forgave you and made you pure. Then remind Lucy that he will be going to hell soon… for eternity. That should shut up his accusations. God’s grace endures forever; my children are flawless because of the cross.


Q2-Jesus, why have I been so tired lately?

***Weekends are for resting. You need to just take some time to do absolutely nothing. Just rest in my love. I will give you loving peaceful rest. I have many things to tell you in your quiet time. Get extra sleep this weekend, sleep in tomorrow. You don’t have to do anything. Naps rule. Take an afternoon nap and rest.


Q3-Love, I am so grateful for my lab tests coming back in the normal range for my liver function. The elevated numbers were scary. What caused the elevation on the test?

*** You had inflammation from the dental implant and the bone growth around the implant caused slightly elevated numbers. I told you not to worry about it; and you didn’t give it much thought. You prayed about it and in time, you found out that you are doing just great. Keep up the good work on the plant based diet. We are proud of you and we will bless your efforts with weight loss each week at a steady but slow pace. It is your new way of life, your normal food choices. Watching the oil will really help. You can do this. Be patient with yourself. It will take a little perseverance. Your tenacity will come in handy.   Excellent health will be the result.


Actions Requested:

Naps rule, take some time to do nothing.

Be patient with myself and the weight loss.

Closing Remarks: I am going to go take a nap. Thank you for your patience and love. Thank you for your help and guidance. I am so glad you are in control. I give you all my hopes and dreams. All you have in store for me is good. I place my life in your hands. I am in good hands. (not Allstate) Ha! I love you!!! All my days- I live for you! Amen! Xo~Mar

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