Eternal Party People

Welcome to the end of time... where you find... miracles happen all the time!

May 13, 2016

Q1- Father God, I want to live my life for you and for your purposes. Give me our marching orders, and together you and I can move mountains. Lord, I want to make you famous, loved, and known to all people! I know this is grandiose, dad… I just want to dream God-Sized dreams… a dream you could work with for giving your love to your children through signs, miracles, and wonders… through the clouds (iCloud) in music for the masses! Guide me, show me what to do, and I will do it with your grace to have the courage to always follow through. (No matter the embarrassment or persecution)

*** Thank you for your love for my children. Thank you for saying “Yes” even through you don’t know all that it may entail. Thank you for your courage. I will lead you. I will give you all you need to accomplish my plan. The process may be nerve racking, risk taking, and need courage and tenacity. You can do this. I will always be with you and lead you in the ways of my plans- it is going to be amazing. Your passion for this assignment, love and compassion, and my will is going to get you through all that I call you to do. Enjoy the process. Love. Live well. Hang on, it’s going to be a wild and crazy life… you’ll love it so never worry about anything. I’ve got this. I am in control, dear beloved… you are mine.


Q2-Jesus, I love you! I would like to pray for people that need healing. The only problem is that my faith that you will choose to heal the people I pray for, my faith is weak. Will you help me hear the Holy Spirit more clearly and give me the courage and faith to pray for whoever you lead me to pray for.

***I want you to know that your faith will be strengthened when you need it; you will have all that you need for your assignment. I will work through your music. Write whenever I ask you to. Follow faithfully into writing and songwriting as I lead you. Keep working/playing and I will show you many wonderful things. It will be a blast going forward. Enjoy the ride. I love you, I am with you always.


Q3-Love, my precious friend, Holy Spirit, I need you more now than ever. I feel called for this work, but don’t know exactly what lies ahead. I say “yes” to all that you have for me to do, regardless. I know you have marvelous plans for EPP, Inc. and ShamRock Studios. I pray that your will be done, that I get out of your way. I pray for courage to take the risk of looking silly or crazy. I know many lies will be circulated about me. It’s ok. Your will be done. Possess me, Holy Spirit— I SAY YES! Have your way in my life. Empower me, equip me, and help me in every way to do all that you have for me to do. Help me know your plans… I want to have a part in your plans, use me, Lord! Whatever it may entail, I say YES!

*** I will change your life, I am proud of you, I will lead you and guide you in the paths I have for you to walk. It may seem like it is a long and meandering dirt road, but I will get you there. You will always be exactly where you need to be at the exact times you need to be there. I am in control. We have you in the palm of our hands, Holy Trinity is for you, so who can be against you? Trust in me. There is a method to the madness… enjoy.   I will enable you to be a perfect conduit of my holy power. You will walk on water… when you step out… in faith. I choose to use broken vessels, you don’t know how much you are loved. You don’t know all that you are capable of doing when you allow God to work through you. You will be amazed.

Q4-Mom, I love you! Will you please tell me what I can do to follow more closely to God’s leading? I don’t want to hold back anything from Him. I want to be spent as a coin in his pocket… whatever he wants; I want. Help me be more willing to hear and obey constantly throughout the day. I need to reflect inside to know what he would like me to do. Will you help me?

***I will give you many graces from God for your purposes of your assignment.   Your prayers are heard and your desire to do God’s will is appreciated and you will be led in what to do and what to say- when to say/sing it. I am with you. I will help you and pray with you to the Father. I will lead you in song. I will help you write your lyrics and I will help you freestyle, too! It will be amazing, you will love it. Start practicing guitar more regularly!


Actions Requested:

Enjoy the process, it will be a wild ride- hang on.

Follow faithfully in song writing as led by God.

Write lyrics and try freestyling – Momma will help! (She’s a great songwriter!)

Start playing guitar more regularly!

 Closing Remarks: Thank you for your help, love and support. Thank you that you will guide me and show me what needs to be done. Amen! Xo,~

May 12, 2016

Appreciation & Gratitude:  Thank you for my family; my parents are amazing and thank you for the best husband and best friend anyone could ever dream of. Thank you for music, tennis, our jobs, our home, our cars that are in working order, thank you for healthy food, thank you for my friends, computers and smart phones, thank you for our musical instruments; guitars, synth, harp, ukulele, and microphones, ux2, grageband, FL Studio, recording apps, thank you for flowers, the MRC, and finally, Lord, thank you that you are in control and for your will be done on earth as it is in heaven, thank you for your unfathomable divine mercy!


Q1– Dad, I have been so tired lately. What’s the deal? Is it my diet, the fact that I haven’t been exercising, or lack of good quality sleep?

***Make sure you get sleep and start exercising again. Your diet is healthy; the vegan LFHC plant based diet is optimal for you. Keep doing that and you will see results in weight loss when you log everything. Most importantly, make sure you get your blood level results tomorrow for the elevated alkaline phosphatase… don’t worry, it will be fine. Be sure to tell the nurse you’ve been tired lately and started a vegan diet in the last 4 weeks. Your body is adjusting and needs more movement. Sleep more and get to bed earlier. Or I should say get to sleep earlier… you’ve been in bed but unable to fall to sleep for 2 hours… making you falling asleep around midnight. You need more sleep than the 6 or 7 hours… try for 8 tonight.   You’ll be fine.


Q2-Jesus, I think I’m going to go to bed. I don’t feel very well. Please be with me while I sleep and give me good dreams. I would like to remember it in the morning, if possible.

*** I will have a message for you in the morning dream state… write down everything you remember. Put a pad of paper next to your bed so you are ready to write it down in the morning. Love you. Sweet dreams.


Actions Requested:

Get more sleep.

Write down my dreams in the morning- be ready with paper/pen.


Closing Remarks:   Sorry I am so sleepy lately. I hope for more energy soon. This is not fun. Help me sleep well and for at least 8 hours. I love you guys. Thank you, mom and Father God, Jesus, Love and the saints and angels. Thank you for your prayers, love and protection. Please pray with me for good results tomorrow on the blood test. Amen!  Xo ~Mar

May 11, 2016

Q1– Dad, Thank you for the appointment I was able to set today. It would be amazing if it sold. Almost like winning the lottery, but not quite the same, I wouldn’t be able to buy 35 E T… or be able to quit my job to make recordings/EPP, inc. and the website/phone app/blog. Do you still have those plans for me? Or should I reassess my future goals and aspirations?

***Do whatever makes you happiest. Yes, you are right… your dreams will. I put those dreams in your heart. No, it’s not too late. It’s perfect timing. Divine timing. You will need to work a little on it each day until you are able to do it full time. Wink, wink. Yes, I still have amazing plans for you. Just focus on your priorities. Play some tennis and enjoy the beautiful weather you’re having now this spring.


Q2-Jesus, thank you for watching over me and keeping me safe. Thank you for giving me angels who are assigned to protect me. How can I thank them for all that they have done for me?

***You can tell of their love for all God’s children. They save lives every day! They work overtime in your life… you should be more careful and save them a little work. J


Q3-Love, you guide me even when I forget to look towards your love… how can I focus more on hearing your voice/guidance in a more consistent manner?

*** You are doing better. Don’t be so hard on yourself. Keeping an ear for the Sprit takes practice. Try to count the number of times in an hour that you converse with God. Try to increase it each day. It will become a wonderful way of life/habit over just a few weeks of practice. You will love it and benefit greatly from it. Father God is thrilled that you want to focus on hearing guidance more fully. He will help you.


Closing Remarks:  I am so tired, God. Thank you for being with me today. I will try to create a new habit of focusing on talking with you throughout the day. Help me remember to count the times each hour that I hear your voice. Help me increase it over the next couple of weeks to make it a habit. You crack me up and so I am really looking forward to increasing our time together in conversation. Thank you, Angels! I love you, and don’t know where I’d be without your help! Amen! Xo ~Mar

May 10, 2016

Q1-Dad, I hope you aren’t upset with me. I feel like maybe you wish you picked someone else for this assignment. It’s been so long… is there anything I could do to help you in this endeavor?

***Mar, when I chose you, I saw all things. All that you ever did and all things you may ever do going forward. I chose you because I love you and you are my beloved daughter. There is nothing you could do that you aren’t already doing: remaining faithful, being yourself, loving God and desiring to do my will. That is all you need to do. That and never give up. This is a long process, I know. You are a part of the plan. Don’t rush it. Enjoy each day as it unfolds before you. It’s beautiful; all of it – the good and the “bad”. You are getting so strong from your struggles. If you only could see yourself through my eyes. You really did a beautiful job getting through the tough parts. I am so proud of you. Your future will soon be filled with rainbows of my love, light and laughter. Hold on; if I could only show you a glimpse of the next age to come, you would never doubt my plan of redemption… and your part in helping us bring it about.


Q2-Jesus, I love you! I won’t look back, only forward to your coming home. Can you please tell me how long I need to wait and what can I do for helping prepare for your return?

*** It is a good idea not to look back. Your future is in my hands; and guess what… it’s going to be great. Don’t worry, I will take care of all things. You can do nothing but with God, all things are possible. I can’t tell you how long you will wait, but in the meantime, I am with you always- in your heart and in the people you talk with. Look for me in all people. You may have to look deep and with the heart of God, but I am inside all people. Some don’t accept me, but in time, they will all come home. My passion was a huge success. My mercy is deeper than the ocean and wider than the East is to the West. Tell them I love them. Tell them I care. Tell them all I have I want to give to them and share. My love endures forever. Tell them that heaven is near, and not to fear. I will give you lyrics. I will guide you in the music you will make. You are a powerful troubadour and your voice creates emotions of endearment. Have fun helping prepare for my return… I can use a sweetheart like you, Mar. Thank you.


Q3-Love, what can I do in preparations for the next step in my assignment. I always want to be working to make progress. I am eager to do something but don’t know where to start. What should take priority?

*** Thank you for your dedication, Mar. I would like you to continue to prioritize with a daily board meeting. Next, you need to get your work done faithfully each day and get your hours completed to the best of your ability. (Pray for help, I will work in your business for you if you ask each day.) Take care of the house and DB. Next, play. Play the guitar, write songs, write poetry… and come to church often. Get to reconciliation more regularly. Exercise. Pray. Most importantly, just do your best. Don’t stress about things… it’s all good. You’re doing great. Enjoy!


Q4-Mom, I love you! Could you give baby Jesus a kiss on his cheek for me? And could you ask Dad if it is our turn yet? Lol.

*** Haha, you remember! Yes, Jesus is playing the game with you and it is definitely our turn! It’s a bit past due, don’t you think? I think someone is a sore loser… Lucy the loser. J

Jesus wanted me to tell you that he loves you and is glad you are still playing the game and he also wants me to tell you that in case you didn’t know, you are way in the lead. Don’t give up. If you only knew, you would laugh so hard if you could see how many times you won this game’s rounds already. You’re going to a victory bash soon, so hang on.

 Actions Requested:

My future will soon be filled with rainbows of God’s love, light and laughter.

Tell them His return is near and not to fear.

God is inside all people, some just don’t accept it. God loves everyone.

Get to reconciliation more regularly.

I am “way in the lead” and I’ve won so many rounds already.

I’m going to a victory bash soon, so hang on!

Love you guys! Xo, ~ Mar

May 9, 2016

Appreciation & Gratitude: Thank you for getting me through these last couple of days. I don’t understand what kinds of spiritual attacks were conspiring against me so fiercely. You allowed it to happen and I know you will make something good come out of it. It’s all good because you are in control and make all things new… you make all things work for my good. Thank you that you help me ignore all the lies that are spoken over me and inside my mind. You allowed it so it’s all good. I am more grateful every day because of your mercy, love, guidance and your perfect will. Thank you for your kingdom is come, your will is done on earth as it is in heaven. Thank you, Dad, for knowing my heart. You alone know how much I love and adore you. You alone know the depths of my heart’s gratitude. Help me glorify your name and guide me in all adoration, gratitude and allow me to shout out your goodness to the ends of the earth through the music you place in my heart. Help me sing out the joy you have given to me. Help me help you save souls. Give me the grace and blessing to help make you deeply loved and help me share your love with the world.


Q1- When you don’t move the mountains I need to move; I will trust in you. (Love that song!) It is so true, Dad! I love you, I trust you, you are my rock. Your ways are higher. You know what’s going on. You see all things. You will have your perfect ways line up perfectly. I trust in you forever. I just wanted to tell you that… forgive and forget my impatience and controlling prayers. Your will be done, not mine. I want only what you want. Thank you for my job and for lining up all things perfectly. Help me stay out of your way; and let your works be done in your time.

***I like your perseverance. Your tenacity is legendary in heaven. Keep the faith. Keep strong. Don’t listen to the lies. Live for Jesus, never give up, and keep jamming to the tunes… your smiles make my day. Your tears make me sad. Please stay positive. I won’t leave you to yourself. Look within and you will always find me.


Q2-Jesus, I am sorry that I allowed Lies of Lucy to enter the depths of my being and completely upset my mood for the last couple of days. However, I must say that all that crying was an awesome release of pent up frustration, sadness and anger that I have towards Lucifer and his minions. I don’t mind one bit that I was upset, but I would like to make it known that I chose to release those emotions. He did not cause it, I allowed it for my own benefit. Let it be known to him and all my enemies who may be on-looking as this drama plays out, let it be known that it only made me stronger. To those that laughed at me and were glad to see me suffer; they should know that I benefited from their attacks and it will ultimately help me defeat them all; defeat evil in my own small way. I stomp on the serpent’s head along with Mother- the last victory stomp on you!   So, Jesus, I just wanted to see what you would like to say about these last couple of days. It was powerful… in a good way, oddly enough.

***We are family, Mar. I know your heart and as it was torn- it was given to me to see you through and come out victoriously. I knew you would be victorious in this one battle of many, and knew that you would feel better after it was all over. You won’t remember the pain, even now it’s faded from your memory. Funny because you took out some of Lucy’s best armies. They are really trying hard to move you, yet you take every strike against you and you turn it around with ease- you have superpowers you don’t even know you have! You’re doing marvelous with your stamina and ability to roll with the punches. You’ve come a long way. Amazing moves, Mar.


Q3-Love, I Trust in You! Whatever happens, I won’t allow it to shake me. No matter what happens, I know you are with me and you will see me through to the finish line victoriously. I am sorry I didn’t come to the board meeting yesterday. I was emotionally drained and had no energy. I would have felt better if I’d come, I know. I am sorry. Please forgive me for not obeying to your call.

***No worries, Mar. You were with us all along. We were carrying you along your way to paradise. We will carry you all the way home. You don’t need to worry about a thing. You are where you are supposed to be at all times, doing your best will get you there. You are a person of mighty endurance. I won’t give you more than you can take. You might bend, but you will never break. Jesus has great plans and this next chapter will be amazing, filled with wonder, love and laughter! Keep looking ahead. Never look back. You’ve got a wonderful future ahead.


Q4-Mom, thank you for never leaving me. I hope you had a good Mother’s Day. I am sorry that I was in such a sad mood and unable to talk with you yesterday. I love you and I really want to make it up to you. What can I do for you in this month of May- for you…?

*** Just by being yourself, beloved daughter, you make me very happy. Don’t listen to the lies that you are not good enough. Don’t believe the lies that you are filled with the stain of sin; as if it was not washed away. You are washed in the blood of the savior, Jesus- He has it all wiped away. For the month of May, I would like you to focus on your righteousness, pure and free from stain. It evaporated away, through Jesus and it is never to return, gone from any remembrance. Your father calls you clean through Jesus’ passion on the cross; it is all gone. Quit looking back. Don’t let Lucy condemn you. When he does that next time, you tell him that your momma is watching and will make him pay if he does it again! He’ll shut up real quick; he knows better than to mess with my daughter.


Actions Requested:

Stay positive. Look within- I can always find God.

Don’t give up.

I have stamina and I roll with the punches; Amazing moves, b.

Jesus has great plans for me. Look ahead, never behind.

Warn Lucy next time he attacks me that my momma is watching and will make him pay if he does it again!

 Closing Remarks:  Thank you so much for your love, support and guidance. Thank you for getting me through the last big battle, unscathed and better from it! Thank you for victory is assured in Jesus! I love that I am on the winning team and that with God, I cannot fail; for I am God’s living enterprise! God cannot fail, Amen! Xo, ~Mar

May 7, 2016

Appreciation & Gratitude:  Thank you, Father, for giving us a brand new day each morning with unlimited opportunities. Thank you for getting me out of my funk yesterday. Thank you for healthy food, clean air, your love and light; thank you for new beginnings. Thank you that today is a new day with renewed hope and faith for your will to be done in my life. Thank you for YouTube and all the information that is so easily available. Thank you for books, music, movies, all entertainments… dancing, singing, rejoicing in your majesty. Thank you for weekends! Thank you for relaxing and very enjoyable time with you in the word today. Thank you that you are with me and never leave me to myself. I thank you for forgiving me for last night’s pity party. Thank you that you give me the grace to live life for you. Thank you for guiding me in all things. Thank you that you will continue to help me hear your voice and follow your lead. Thank you for guiding me when I stray off into other directions. Thank you that you won’t let me become a lost child, but that you will keep me close to your heart. 

Q1-Dad, what do you think about me going to the v tonight? Do you support me and encourage me to go back there? I’m not sure how I feel about it. It’s a lot – going to 2 churches.

***I think it is great that you want to go there to worship. You love the music and you get a chance to pray for people after service. You will continue to go to St. M; and that should get your priority if you have to choose between the two. You need the celebration of the Eucharist each weekend; this sacrament will strengthen you and be life for you.   But no, I don’t see any problems with going to both. Enjoy! You would love to get back into the small group for Prophetic Words of Encouragement. I know you are happy that you are healthy enough to be going to both, so enjoy!


Q2-Jesus, I have not been exercising much lately and I miss it. For some reason, I’m just not making it a priority. My time is limited and I need to get up earlier to fit it into my schedule. Could you help me make the transition back to it?

*** “Just do it!” Nike knows… you just need to start doing it. You’ll love it. Morning exercise and early morning music practice/songwriting… you will get so much done once you make the switch over to early mornings. Rotate between the two and you will have balance. Also, your muscles will get a chance to recover.


Q3-Love, will you guide me tonight? I want to pray for RW tonight after service and I don’t know what to say. I want to pray for his complete healing of Cerebral Palsy. Will you help me pray for a powerful healing miracle for him? It would be amazing if you would heal him.

*** Yes, I would love to help you pray. I will give you the words. I will heal him in time. You will fight for his healing over some time, but yes, I will be able to heal him if you remain faithful and press in for his heling. Don’t give up. Fight the good fight.


Q4-Mom, Could you please pray with me for our numbers to come in tonight? The Powerball has a large jackpot… enough to share with a lot of people that may be in need. The money could start EPP, Inc & ShamRock Studio! I am believing for a miracle in this area also. I want to help you and Jesus save souls. Can you use me in any way? I’m offering everything I have… all that I am… for God’s purposes. Use me, Lord. Please pray for me, momma!

*** I will speak with Jesus, Love and together the four of us will go to the Father with this intention right now. Father, we love you! Father, we humbly ask that you hear our prayers, find victory in these areas: for the investment of EPP, Inc. and all the dreams Mar has in her heart. Father, we ask that if it is according to your holy will, would you please bring victory in this area for the beginning of the next chapter of this book of dreams that you have so lovingly placed in Mar’s heart. Father, God- we come to you with prayers for victory and healing of people’s hearts minds, spirit and souls for your glory. May all your children find their way home to you.   Bless the work that Mar has done and will continue to do. She needs your help. Alone, she can do nothing, but with you, Father, all things are possible. She needs you now more than ever. Her strength is fading but her faith remains strong. Father, please hear our prayers and bless her with the numbers of her and DB Birthdates, Jesus’ birthday and your number 7 as the Powerball.   (A fitting name for your victory over evil-Power from God, the #7!) We humbly ask if it be according to your will, Almighty God, that you will invest in this way, or if you have something better in mind, we thank you. Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven!   Amen, and so it is, we believe and declare victory in this area tonight. Amen! Let there be a new day for your Glory, and your will to be done. In Jesus’ name we pray. You said that whatever we ask for in Jesus’ name, you will do it, if it is in accordance with your will. I pray that these ideas/dreams of your Beloved Daughter are in accordance with your will. If it is not in accordance to your will, Father, then we pray that you show Mar what you would like her to do for you. Guide her and love her with your infinite mercy and protection. Bless her in her efforts. Please allow her to win tonight. Come with your power in an amazing miraculous move of your spirit. Help Mar run this race, gain victory over her enemies, and never give up on doing your will. You have great plans for your Beloved, we receive it now… in Jesus’ name. Amen.

Actions Requested:

Enjoy the V tonight! Be grateful for my healing that enables me to do all things.

Don’t give up, fight the good fight.

Love will help me pray for RW tonight. Have faith!

I receive all the graces that God has for me.

 Closing Remarks:  Thank you, Mom, for leading a prayer to Daddy today. Please press in for me until 10pm tonight when the numbers come out of the computer. The computer has the evidence, Lord, you know my heart and your mighty Love Compute knows all things. Lord, you know my heart and you have given me this dream. Please see your plans through and help me win tonight and have the victory bash of the universe by bringing all your children home… set the captives free and all your plans for us come to fulfillment. Help me be who you want me to be! Equip and empower me to be all that you need or desire me to be. I want to do your will at all times. Help me in this endeavor, Lord, I will never forget or forsake you. I love you. Enough nonsense waiting on this, Lord? Can we please move on to the better part of this plan. I know I am just a part of the process, part of your amazing plan. You know all things. Your will be done in your divine timing, Lord. Is it time?   Amen! Xo, ~Mar

May 6, 2016

Appreciation & GratitudeThank you, for DB, even though he drives me nutzo most days… thank you for allowing me to have him in my life. Thank you for our jobs, even though I am so burnt out I’d like to pluck my eyes out in frustration trying to get an appointment… sorry, I am in a horrible mood. Thank you for putting up with me. Thank you for allowing me to have a home, food, clothing, technology, flowers, air conditioning & heat when I need it. Thank you for so many things. Thank you for forgiving me for being in a bad mood for no real apparent reason. Thank you that you will help me lose weight and eat healthily and get regular exercise.


Q1– Dad, why am I still not moving forward in this process? I mean, what am I doing wrong or what am I not doing that I should be doing? What do I need to pray or what how should I feel about this? Is there anything I can do to persuade you to invest in EPP, Inc/ ShamRock Studios? I don’t want to give up playing but for some reason this is almost the hardest endeavor I have ever had to do. For the last 8 years I have been told to play… told I’d win… believed that I would win… and every time (4 times every week) I had the let down of not winning. I believed it every time. You said I would win… soon. Every time you tell me I’d win, keep playing, hang on… yadayadayada… ok, so I’m complaining. I’m sorry. I just want to be real with you, Dad. I don’t know how much longer I can do this. I have put in so much energy into this. I have grown in this process. I am stronger because of it, but I would really and truly like to get on to the next chapter of this story. My life is going by and I’m getting older. Do you still have good plans for me with EPP? Have I ruined your plans? You are on the throne. Your will be done. You Kingdom Come! I love you and you have the best plans lined up. Please give me the patience and long suffering to get through it all the way to the finish line. What do you want me to know? (Please don’t tell me I will win if I’m not going to. Let me know how much longer… I can handle the truth.) Please have your way with me. You can string me along if that is necessary. Whatever you want… I want. I love you. I can’t wait for the new day to start and to turn the page off of this chapter… it’s gotten very old and all the pages are tattered.

***I am sorry, I don’t mean to hurt you. I am taking the best care of you. One day you will see. It is like a doctor that has to work surgery to fix something that went wrong. It hurts, but it saves lives. Please think of this time like surgery that is going to make all things better and you will feel wonderful when it’s over. This “surgery” saves not only your life but eternal life for multitudes. Yes, many upon many people will benefit from your suffering. Offer it up to me at the foot of Jesus along with His suffering. I know you don’t want to be compared to Jesus… that’s not what I am saying at all. What I am trying to tell you is that when anyone offers up any suffering of any kind (even as little as a painful paper cut) when it is offered up to me through Jesus, I can use that for saving souls. Pray for lost souls and offer up your suffering, it makes a huge difference for many. Yes, it does also make you feel better, doesn’t it? It’s like a mother that kisses a “boo-boo” when a child is hurt… the child feels better. In the same way, when you offer up your pain for lost souls, I kiss you with love and grace to endure any hardship.

I know you feel silly about being hurt because you didn’t win the lottery… it’s not about that, I know. You feel like you have done something wrong. You feel like a failure because your prayers don’t seem to be answered. I am sorry for “Stringing” you along. You will one day understand all that I have been able to accomplish in the last 8 years. You have grown exponentially, haven’t you, Mar? You will be fine. Do me a favor and just keep playing. You make me smile when your faith is so strong. I know you’re feeling weak. I will hold you up. You are in the palm of my hand. I love you.


Q2-Jesus, What do you think is needed to get done this weekend? I have time that I would like to offer up to God but don’t know what would be best to do. I could dedicate 2 hours tomorrow for this.

***What we would like very much is for you to spend this time with God in the word and in silence. Talk with us and we will give you all that you need to know for the next chapter to begin. You need your sleep. You need to fill up with Love’s perfect spirit. It will feel so peaceful, loving and energizing to your soul. You will love it.


Q3-Love, Holy Spirit, my best friend… you are always with me. You are always guiding me and helping me in this thing called “life”. When will we all start to live as intended… with no pain, struggles, fear or disobedience… when will we be in paradise? When will the enemy leave us alone?

***I know you are dealing with a lot of attacks from the enemy. You are handling them well and we are very pleased that you don’t engage in any of the fights he is trying to start with you. Keep ignoring it and laugh instead. You are doing great. He doesn’t know what to do with you; he is flabbergasted that he can’t defeat you even in little tiny battles he’s trying to wage against you. You make us laugh because if you could only see how badly you’re beating him without even hardly trying… half the time you don’t even recognize that a battle that he is trying to irritate you just goes nowhere! You’ve got this thing in the bag… He will leave you alone not until the last day. But it will get easier and easier for you as time goes on. He won’t quit trying to attack you, but you should know that you have a lot of help from the angels, the saints are praying for you, Mother is with you always and the Holy Trinity, God Almighty is fighting with you- we are all on your side. You cannot fail to win all that is lined up ahead of you. Just know that you need patience, love and faith that could move mountains. You’ve got this. Paradise will be well worth the wait.


Q4-Mom, I hope you have a wonderful Mother’s day Weekend. You are the most loving mother who cares so much for each of us. I love you! Big hug and kiss. Please forgive me for not praying the rosary lately. I will try to get back into the habit. I know I would feel better if I started praying it! Oh, mom- Could you please pray with me to the Father… you know, for the jackpot this weekend…

***Yes, I always do pray for you. Your Father and I love you very much. Only good things are from God. When you win, you should know that it will be for your own good but especially for other people’s eternal future. This money will give you a studio and time to work on this new business: EPP, Inc. This is a real responsibility that you must take seriously. You will need to dedicate many long hours and consult with many people to get where you need to be. Marketing, Blogging, recording, working with musicians (alive and previously deceased) you will have a blast, but it will be true hard work that will need dedication. We know you are up for this endeavor! Keep dedicated to this good work. We will be with you. I will pray for you. I think it may be time for your new day, but that is up to the Father. He knows when the perfect timing will be.


 Actions Requested:

Offer up any suffering for lost souls… it will help them and also make me feel better.

2 hours in the word/silence on Saturday. I need rest for the journey.   Paradise will be well worth the wait.

Patience, love and faith that could move mountains- that’s all I need.

Get back into the habit of praying the rosary.

 Closing Remarks:   Thank you for turning my mood around. I feel much better. I feel relieved and relaxed. Please bless our weekend with love and fun. Amen! Xo, ~Mar

May 5, 2016

Appreciation & Gratitude:  Thank you, God, for giving me such amazing parents and husband! Thank you that you are watching over us, protecting us, and guiding us. Thank you for your love, mercy and peace. Thank you that you are in control and that you will help me become all that you want me to be. Thank you for equipping and enabling me to be faithful in my assignments. Thank you that you will help me help you save souls. I love you! Show me what to do each day and help me be courageous and obedient to do your will with love and with the power of the Holy Spirit guiding me. Thank you for a relaxing day and a great afternoon with my dad. Thank you for helping me record the thank you song for him last night. I hope he liked it. It was so much fun to create. DB and I were laughing so hard listening to it. Help me make more songs in the near future. I love doing it and I feel like you want me to make more songs. Thank you for supporting me in my creative efforts.


Q1-Father God, I love you! What do I need to do to persuade you to invest in EPP? Haha, I’m just kidding… there is nothing I can do to earn such grace. I know. If you decide to invest, you will do it and I don’t deserve it, it would just be a gift from you for your purposes. But Dad, is there anything I can do or say that would help you move in my life in this area? J

***lol, Mar- you don’t need to do anything more than you already are doing. You are right. A gift of love and mercy is a free gift. Money can be a good gift and it can bring troubles. Are you sure you want this responsibility? Will you be able to handle all that it will entail? Will you be faithful and true? Will you continue the board meetings? Will you share it with your family, friends, and people in need? Will you continue to write songs and open ShamRock Studio? Will you be stable and grounded? Will you seek me and my Kingdom always? Will you be true to your values and to loving me and all my children? Will you be brave and courageous to do all that I ask of you; even if it makes you look silly? Will you always seek me and my will? Will you be forever grateful and always love me? Will you say yes to all these questions?


Dad, you know I say “yes” to all of this, I always say “Yes” to you, don’t I? Yes, Father. I am ready for this responsibility. I will be able to handle all that it will entail with your help and guidance. I will be faithful and true to you. I will continue to be faithful to the board meetings. I will share the money with family, friends, and people in need. I will open ShamRock Studios and continue to write songs and poems. I will be grounded and stable with your healing power and guidance. I will always seek you and your Kingdom. I will be true to my values and will always love you and my brothers and sisters. I will be brave and courageous in doing all that you ask of me; with your help. Even if it makes me look silly… I am the queen of silly and don’t care what people think of me, with your help. I will always seek you and seek your will. I will be forever grateful and ALWAYS love you, Dad!!! I say yes to all these questions and I say yes to anything you call me to do… just make it clear and help me do your will. I say “YES!” Thank you, Dad!


Q2-Jesus, I trust in You! Thank you for the Chaplet of Divine Mercy. Thank you that you allow us to make a difference in people’s lives through the power of prayer. Thank you for hearing my prayers. Thank you for your healing power. I would like to ask you to heal my mom of her illness and keep both my parents healthy and alive for a long time… until you come again. I basically am asking you to please let my family all live forever. I know that is asking a lot, but you can do all things. Don’t let any of my loved ones, family or friends get sick or have any accidents and that you keep us all safe and healthy. Could you please consider this prayer for me?

***I hear you. I will consider this along with what is best overall in each situation. There is a spiritual battle. You must pray diligently and powerfully in righteous prayer. You must go to confession more regularly and pray more confidently in my love and power. Faith can move mountains, but you must remain pure and faithful in praying for them. Be strong and continue to pray every day for them. Your prayers are working… don’t you feel it?


Q3– Love, could you tell me the main thing I could do differently that would increase the effectiveness over the enemy in my life? What could I do differently in my home that would make this sanctuary more holy, peaceful and loving in preparations for you being here with us? I want you to be comfy here and I don’t want you to feel like you’re in a place where any evil could exist. What can I do to make the enemy uncomfortable here… so he will leave us alone? I want only you and no tolerance for the enemy in my home!

***3 things:

1-Use Holy Water every morning and evening. 2- Pray the prayer to St. Michael 3- Release the anointing by choice. (It looks like fire in the supernatural realm) These three things will make a huge difference for your home. You will feel it! Enjoy! (The anointing may make you feel tipsy and happy… this is what it is supposed to do. It is powerful. People will feel it all around you and not know what it is. If anyone asks you what you have that makes you so happy, tell them it’s the anointing of God being released in your life.)


Q4-Mom, my blessed mother in combat boots- could you help me get a good night’s sleep? I would like to try to start getting up before sunrise so I can get more done in my day. I’d like to get to the studio before work. Do you think this is a good idea?

*** I think it’s a great idea. Try getting up tomorrow at 5:30 and see how you feel after a week of doing this. It will be hard at first, but you will get used to it. It will be easier as time goes by and in a few weeks it will be a habit and you will feel great! Go to bed around 9:30 even if you can’t fall asleep right away, keep getting up and you will be more tired early in the evening as you shift your sleep patterns. Next week you should go to the studio a few mornings before work. For now, start getting up early. Watch the sunrise. Play guitar. Write a song. You will love this time. It will be very quiet and you’ll love this time with God. He will help you write songs. You will learn a lot in this precious time with us.


Actions Requested:


I say “Yes” to all you ask of me. I am ready, Father.

Go to confession more regularly and pray more confidently.

Use Holy Water, Pray to St Michael and release the anointing everywhere I go.

Get up at 5:30, I will love this time with God and He will help me write songs.


 Closing Remarks:  Thank you for inviting me tonight to meet with you again! Thank you that you are powerful in love for us and that you have good plans for each of us. Thank you for your guidance. Thank you that you say it is time for a new day! Thank you that you equip me for all that you have for me to accomplish. Thank you that you are preparing ShamRock Studio and lining up all things for a mighty win in the lotto. Thank you that you have plans that would amaze me and that are better than I could ever imagine. (I have quite an imagination, so to top that will be fun to see!) Thank you that you call me to be a better person every day. Thank you that you are molding me into all that you have for me to become. Thank you that you are helping me be who you want me to be. I am in your hands and you love me… me. Wow, thank you, Father! You have the entire universe, the multiple universes with all the galaxies that you powerfully created… and you have me in your palm. You care about all the little things in my life and you know me through and through… you know the number of hairs on my head!   Wow! What an awesome Dad I have! You’re a rad Dad! I love you!   Amen! Xo, ~Mar


P.S.- I want to thank Edwina and St Michael for your love, protection and service in my life… thank you to all the angels that love us and help us without us knowing all that you do for us each day. One day we will know and I just want to thank you in advance for all you do… Where would I be without you? Probably dead a long time ago: the ski accident, car accident(s) that I would have died in or who knows what all else you have steered me clear of from danger. Thank you! I love each of you dearly. And Thank you, Saints for your prayers! Please be praying for my miracle… you know the numbers… our birthdays and 7!!!

May 4, 2016

Q1-Love, I would like to create a “Thank you” song for my dad. He gave me a good trade… the old grill for his iPad!!! Could you help me write it and then help me put it to music? He always does so much for me/us. I would like to make a song that you help me create for him.

***Sure! I have some ideas you may like to use for the song. Tonight when DB is at band practice, we will work on it. We can do it on the iPad your Dad gave you last night. There are some great new recording apps you haven’t tried yet. I’ll show you the right one for this song. It will be fun. You can make a Mother’s day song for your mom on Sunday. They appreciate you and DB also! You are blessed to have them in your life. {Yes!!!} Treasure them. {I will!!}  


Q2-Jesus, I love you! What could I do for DB this weekend that he would appreciate? I want him to know how much I love him. He’s been crabby lately and I just want to spoil him a little. Any ideas?

*** He’s a little crabby because he needs to catch up on sleep! He’s been stressed and his calendar overbooked. What you could do is let him sleep in as much as he can and let him zone out/relax without asking him for anything. He would really appreciate that. You could give him a treat from the World Harvest Store. He really likes that Swiss chocolate called Toblerone. You could also make him the chili from the recipe he likes. Ask him for the recipe and make it on Saturday for him. You’re good to him. He loves you very much. Ignore the crabbiness and just love him this weekend. It’s going to be a great weekend for both of you.


Q3– Abba, what are you up to tonight? Are you having a good day? Do you have “days”? Do you see all things all at once yet individually in time? Is it complicated or easy for you to oversee all the details of each of our lives? How can you possibly do that? You know the number of hairs on my head! Who does that?!!!   It makes my brain hurt trying to understand how this is all possible for you. You are amazing. You are all powerful. You are mighty. You are Holy! You are my daddy… how blessed I am!

*** I love you, my precious Daughter. You make me laugh and you also make me cry. When I see the things you have to go through, my heart breaks for you and then you go and make me laugh. You are my delight. I will have my way in your life and it will be even better than you could imagine. Just a little while longer. Hang tight. (The calm before the storm… enjoy it.) You are enjoying the process and you know you are part of a plan. You are right on target and your time is soon. It’s around the corner. I’m just putting the finishing touches on the plans; lining up all things for you and DB.


Q4-Mother, thank you for praying with me for my mom. She is doing much better and it looks like she is on the tail end of this bug. I was worried about her. I appreciate her and don’t always show it. I am sorry that I have such a hard time with the (evil vs good) illness symptoms and find it very difficult to love people (in certain situations) sometimes.

*** She understands more than you know. She has always been there for you. Do something special for her on Mother’s Day. She will like the gift and card you picked out and will really enjoy going to Mass with both of you and your dad. She will have a wonderful brunch at the restaurant she picked out. Do you know what is missing? She would love a big hug from you! At church when the sign of peace (handshakes) comes time, give her a big hug and kiss her cheek. Don’t worry and don’t hold back because of your concern about the (hex) evil- you will be fine. She will love it and she understands, just don’t think about it and it will be much appreciated by her. You’ll be fine, silly.

 Actions Requested:

Abba will help me make the songs for my Dad and Mom.

Treasure the time with my parents.

Make Chili for DB and get him a Toblerone.

Things are lining up. Dad is just putting the finishing touches on the plans.

Give mom a big hug/kiss her cheek at church on Mother’s Day.

 Closing Remarks:  Thank you for being with me tonight. I appreciate your help and ideas for me to do. You make me a better person when I follow your lead. Help me follow through with all your suggestions given to me at board meetings. Thank you for my parents and DB. I am so blessed. Thank you that your will is being done in my life and in the world. Thank you that you will help me get all that needs to be done for your Kingdom Come. Thank you for leading me in all things. Help me hear, heed/obey all your words. Thank you that you give me a heart for God. I can’t get enough of you! Amen! Xo, ~Mar


Run this race and you’ll have fun.

Love will help you with this run.

A new adventure

This love with Him

All life is renewed

Let it begin

Write about what’s on your mind

Look inside, you’re sure to find

All your hopes and all your dreams

They reach out with loving beams

His sweet love endures forever

Be with Him

It’s the great endeavor

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