Eternal Party People

Welcome to the end of time... where you find... miracles happen all the time!

April 20, 2016

Q1-Dad, can I win tonight? Please… “Enough nonsense” is what Sid proclaimed as your word. No better time than the present, I say. I will get lots of sleep and I promise I will go to the Gala on Friday, I will stay the night at the Drake with family. It would be wonderful, I don’t want to wait anymore. I am ready. Seriously, dad, if it is according to your Holy Will, I respectfully request that it be tonight. Of course, if you know of a better way, then of course your will be done. IMHO, I’d like very much to win tonight. (1hour 20 minutes) You know my numbers. You gave them to me; our birthdates. Whatdaya say?

*** You crack me up endlessly, Mar. You seriously could be a comedian. I have wonderful plans. I will take your request in consideration. Things are being worked out as we speak. Break Through is fighting and the battle is just about won. Serious casualties on the enemy. They are getting so tired of fighting. Our guys get breaks at least. You are gaining much territory for us, Mar. You are a mighty prayer warrior. Your words can move mountains. Speak it out and sing it out (For more effect) and to really shake the world, sing in tongues! Try it sometime around DB and see his reaction, just for fun. You may be surprised at his response. Be courageous, Mar, it’s your house, too! Enjoy! As for tonight, we shall see… all will be revealed. It’s a surprise, I can’t tell you exactly when this great gift is going to be presented to you, only know that it is definitely coming to you soon. You’re welcome, Mar. Keep the faith. We love you!


Q2– Saint Michael, my protector in charge of the armies of God, I thank you for fighting and leading the fight against the enemy for the win and for our protection. We thank you for protecting our family. What can I do to help the angels win my battles?

***Giving your thanks to them means so much. It gives them renewed energy and stokes their fire for fighting for Love to win. The Holy Spirit’s power is the miracle that makes all miracles happen. Be grateful for Love, He adores you and is fighting hard for your assignment to be fulfilled successfully. Thank all your angels; Especially Edwina and all the hosts of heaven that are rotating in platoons engaging in battle for you. This battle has been long, but don’t think that our hands are tied in any way; no- this was all in the strategy from the Father. He took this opportunity to wear them out while you grew in love each day… you’ve come so much farther than if He let you win back in 2008.

You would never have become all that you are today, if He gave you the funds back then. He has been in charge of all things all the time, lining up everything perfectly for you. ShamRock Studios will be beautiful after all it’s remodeling, fixing the floors and changing the entries for your safety and the general overhaul of the studio. You will love it! Keep praying. Keep thanking, and keep on keeping on… you’ll win soon. I know you’ve heard that for years, but seriously, it will happen one day soon. You’re a champion for hanging in all these years. You’ve been faithful and God sees that! In these end times, your faith will move mountains and melt hearts for God.

Thank you, Angels!!! Fight the good fight… let’s win tonight! Fight the good fight!!! Let’s win tonight!.. Rah Rah sis-koom bah!!! Rock this world, Let Lucy be hurled! Kick him out of the earth! We need a new birth… love conquers all, sis-Koom Bah!!! Come on, my loving angels, go get them from all angels! I love you! Thank you, mom, for assigning the best angels in heaven to my assignment, protection and to fight to win the lotto against all the powers of darkness that are fighting so hard to keep me from my destiny. You won’t let that happen. I love you, mom! Queen of Angels, you rock!


Q3-Love, bless you and your power over all! I thank you for your miraculous healing power, your miracle manifesting power, your creative power, your sense of humor, your love is beyond understanding, and you are wonderful in all manner of consideration. How can I thank you for your love? Blessed be God the Father, God the Son and Love: God the Spirit! Blessed be your Holy Name, Love. I adore you.

***I love you, Mar. Thank you for not giving up on us. Thank you for not giving up on yourself. There were a lot of times when it would have been very easy for you to give up on these plans of ours. I know you thought you were dreaming up all these crazy ideas. Soon you will have proof. Proof of these plans actually coming from heaven, from God and all the angels and saints. Don’t look at the numbers until morning going forward. You need your sleep; it is critical. Ok? Soon you will be able to start EPP, Inc. Open ShamRock Studio and start your blog. Hang in there. Big hug and kiss, Mar. Take care of yourself. We are with you always.


Actions Requested:

Keep the faith.

Keep thanking the angels for all their hard work-my thanks gets them fired up and recharged!

Don’t look at the numbers until morning.

Closing Remarks:  Thank you! I love you! Help me love you more! I need you! I can’t wait to give you all a big hug! Amen! xo, ~Mar

April 19, 2016

Appreciation & Gratitude: Thank you for this lovely spring breeze in our home today. Thank you for meeting with me here at the board meetings each day. Thank you that my stomach feels better today and I no longer have the chills. Thank you for being with me in a special way today at 4pm in the adoration chapel. Thank you that you hear my prayers and for your love. Thank you for your unfathomable divine mercy and that you call all your children home by your forgiveness. Thank you that you can use me for some small way in your divine plans to invade earth with your glory, love, and mercy. Thank you that you have amazing plans not only for me, but for all the world. Thank you that you want to give us good gifts. Thank you that you will hold me in the palm of your hand and lead me in this life’s assignment. Thank you that you won’t allow me to be lost and all alone in this project of love. Thank you that you want to use EPP, Inc. for your purposes and that you will see to it that all the plans you have for it will come to pass. Thank you that you will help me write and sing your songs of praise and glorify your name to the world. I love you, God!

Q1-Father God, If I could do one thing that would make you happy and put a big grin on your face; what would it be? I only want to make you smile, laugh, and be glad you called me to do this work.

*** You make me happy by just being you. You are my beloved daughter, Mar… there is no one like you. I have a special assignment for you and all you need to do is be yourself, keep the faith, and love people as Jesus loved. I will give you the grace needed and all that you need for this assignment will be provided. I will give you many blessings. Soon I will get the funds to you for EPP, Inc. I want to be the investor, president, and guide for this work I call you to do. Board meetings will be a key component for your guidance in all things… be faithful to meet with us here and all will go well as planned. They are very important. Here we can talk with you, answer your questions, and give you our love and support. Do this, and I will laugh and smile with you and bless your work. I am very happy with how far you have come. You give me a laugh and make me have a huge grin on my face every day! You are the apple of my eye. I love you! Keep hoping, keep laughing, keep loving and remember board meetings every day. J


Q2-Jesus, How are you doing today? Are you hanging in there? I know I’m slow at learning, I hope you aren’t frustrated by waiting on me to get things right for the new chapter; EPP. Am I slowing down your plans?

***Mar, you couldn’t slow down things even if you wanted to because the Father has all things worked out, lined up, and under His authority of Divine Timing. You are right where you are supposed to be. Don’t worry that you are not seeing things happening in the natural… God works in mysterious ways. He is all powerful, so don’t you thing He’s got this little project under control? We are just thrilled that you said “yes” and that you’ve hung in there this long. This project started when you were born, Mar. You’ve passes the tests and the “Computer has the evidence”! You are a champion and your life is its testimony. Many more chapters are to be written and your life story really is only just now about to start! The best is yet to come! Hold on to your socks! It’s going to be a wild and crazy-fun ride! You will love it; you will sing beautifully, and you will open ShamRock Studio by the end of this year… mark my words. Funds are on their way. So, know that I am doing great and you make me smile everyday also! We love you more than you could ever know.


Q3-Love, my beloved Holy Spirit, how can I follow your lead more accurately? I find myself overriding your requests sometimes; especially around the area of food. I want to obey. Help me obey with your love and guidance?

***It is a process. You are hearing me more clearly nowadays. You are learning… maybe not as quickly as you would like to, but you are in alignment with our plans. Just stop and think a minute. When you think I am asking you to do something, look within and talk with me. Together, we can work on this. Be patient. Be as attentive as possible and pray for help in understanding and complying. You’re doing great so far. Keep working on it, you’ll be a pro soon!


Q4-Mom, I would really like some supernatural weight loss. I have heard that Jesus has done this miracle for people. I am trying to help myself, because God helps those who help themselves, but I need some help along with my own efforts. Could you pray for me to lose weight supernaturally- quicker losses on this plant based diet that I am working on… any words of encouragement? Can you pray with me to Jesus for this grace?

***It’s all in God’s timing, dear Mar. You are in line with where Father wants you to be. For His glory, you will be healed of overweight problems. I will pray for you. Just know that God loves you the way you are. In time, you will be at a normal weight. Be patient. Keep praying for this, and I will also be talking with Jesus about this. You are very welcome, Mar. Keep focused on complying to your plan and you will soon be at goal. We love you. Keep up the good work.

 Actions Requested:

Be yourself, keep the faith and love others as Jesus loved.

Keep hoping, laughing, loving and remember the Board Meetings!

Look within and ask Love questions; especially when I don’t want to comply to His requests.

Keep focused on the PB, LFHC plan. Soon I’ll be at goal. Don’t worry about it.

Mom is praying with me for supernatural weight loss.


Closing Remarks:  Thank you for you help, love and guidance. I am so grateful that you are happy with my progress and that I am where I need to be at all times. Thank you for showing me the way to your heart. I love you! Keep me where you need me to be. Amen! Xo, ~Mar

April 18, 2016

Q1-Jesus, I love you! Thank you for being with me, loving me, and for being my best friend.

*** I love you, too. You are easy to love, Mar. I can’t wait for the next chapter to start in our story… the plans are lining up and soon you will know much more about what we would like you to do. It will all be revealed soon. Hang on and keep the faith.


Q2-Dad, I love you! Thank you that you tell me it is going to be more amazing than you could ever imagine! I am so excited for these plans to get off the ground. Sorry for badgering you, day in and day out… You say knock, ask, keep knocking and keep asking… so here it is. Again. Can I pleeeeeeease Wiiiiiiiiiiin?!!! Haha, just joking with you, whatever timing you have for the win is perfect. May your will be done in my life. Have your way with me. I adore you, dad!

***How could I ever turn you down? J   You are exactly where you need to be now and always. Keep your faith in love strong and true. My will is being done and you are such a trooper! Thank you for sticking with the program so long. I know you have been lead along the path and it may not seem to have been fair (me leading you on and encouraging you by every day telling you that you will win). We had to do this to get you where you are today. You’ve grown in love with us so much! I am very proud of you. You are exactly where I want you to be.


Q3-Love, would you please heal my stomach and get rid of these chills for me? It hurts.

***After the meeting, just go to bed and tomorrow you will feel great. Jesus will heal you over the night. Take care of yourself.


Q4-Mom, I love you! I just wanted to tell you good night… please pray with me to Jesus for healing not only for me but also for my friends SS and RW.   Thank you!

 Actions Requested:

Go to bed!

Closing Remarks:

Good night. Amen! Xo, ~Mar

April 17, 2016

Appreciation & Gratitude:  Thank you for a beautiful evening walk with the cool breeze and bright moon rising. Thank you that you gave us a relaxing weekend. Thank you for good times in our new practice studio space… we are really enjoying it but I do still feel somewhat self-conscious when the other bands are around and can hear what I’m attempting to do. (sing) Thank you that you give me courage to go on and try to write some new songs. Thank you that you gave us a home with air conditioning… it truly is a luxury. Thank you for our peaceful home and for giving me the best friend anyone could ever ask for in a loving husband. He is the best!

Q1-Dad, thank you for giving me the words of encouragement last night at VC. You told me that you see me as pure gold in a form that you think is a perfect form. You told K also to tell me the story of the widow that badgered the judge for a long time he gave into her and that you have heard my plea many times and I have not given up but continue asking every day for justice; that you also are going to give into my desires. Desires for the Kingdom to break through and use me in any way you see fit.

***I have much to tell you. I like to talk to you through other people but I also like to talk with you here and all throughout your days while you work and when you rest. Yes, I do have justice for you. I will repay you many times over what the enemy has stolen from you and from me (seeing my kids happy fulfilled and loved at all times.) Yes, Lucy has stolen not only from you, but from me! I will definitely have the last word in this situation, on that you can bet! I have many treasures lined up for you and for all my children. Your crown is getting prepared, I know you don’t really care about that, but it is important. You are royalty and the bride of Christ.

I only want to lay that crown at the feet of Jesus. I hope that He gets the praise he deserves from everyone on earth. Help me and give me the grace to help make Jesus deeply loved by all. Your Kingdom come, soon, Lord. On earth as it is in heaven! Amen!


Q2-Jesus, I want to bring lost souls home to you through music. DB Thinks I should be vague and put lots of reverb and special effects so people cannot easily hear the words or understand exactly what I am singing about. What would you like my songs to sound like?

***You should do whatever the spirit leads you to do. You will develop your own style and people will understand you… not only the English speaking listeners, but people will hear your songs in their own language. You will be surprised at all that you are able to do with our songs.  I say “our songs” because it will not only be you singing, but my spirit alive in your words… the word of God will be relayed to the world in music. As we’ve discussed before, Mar, we will see many miracles happening… be prepared for a mighty ministry unlike any before. Pray for this, every day!!!  


Q3-Love, I am depending on you… what do I need to do to get your guidance with my voice and lyrics? I feel kinda alone in this project so far… I mean, I don’t have any talent so to speak. Will you give me the words, talent to carry a tune, melodies and stories to tell in songs? Will you give me the ability to sing in tongues that people can understand in their own language? What do I need to do to get the grace for this assignment?

***Haha, Mar, you don’t need to try to force this. It will all happen in due time. You will be surprised at how easy it will be! God will show up for you… you don’t need to worry about a thing. When the timing is right, it will flow like the river out of you. Living water will pour out of your songs for the world to hear. That’s right, Mar, you should be smiling! God has found favor for you. You are the apple of his eye and we will take good care of you and your new ministry. That’s right, you have a ministry lined up for you in your future. A ministry of love. Music for the masses… it is going to be even more amazing than you could ever imagine!


Q4– Mom, I am not so sure about having a “ministry”; I mean isn’t that for people that have it all together, know the bible, have a good voice and can play instruments with skill? I have none of that. I offer up my life, but I don’t really have much more than that to offer. It’s so little of an offering because I really don’t know what I can do for God except offer a lot of ideas with grandiose thoughts and dreams weaved all throughout it… mental stability is questionable, too. Haha. J

***All that a ministry is- is a service of any Christian or a group of Christians working in evangelism… all Christians are called to evangelize. It is the great commission, go and tell all the world of the love of Jesus. You are a Christian and you want to share His love with people. Right? Right, so what’s so hard about that. You have a heart full of love for people and only want them to know Jesus. That is all you need, that and Faith. ShamRock Studio will be blessed and made holy. Many miracles will manifest from the music you make there. Keep the faith, you will see fruit soon. Write as much as you can. Try to dedicate 30 minutes to it every day if possible. Songs will be downloaded to you.

 Actions Requested:

God gets the last word over Lucifer.

Be prepared for a ministry unlike any before.

People will hear our songs in their own language.

Evangelize through music and a great ministry will result. Pray for it.

Write 30 minutes every day if possible; songs will be downloaded to you.

Closing Remarks:  Thank you for this time and your love. Thank you so much, Dad, for asking me to come to these board meetings. Help me be who you want me to be. Please hear my prayers for EPP, Inc investment funds, and for your Holy Spirit to work through me to create a mighty ministry. I desire to make Jesus deeply loved by all people. Help me work towards this goal and see me through to completion. Help me be faithful to do your work as you call me to do. Give me the energy, health, love, charity and time to do all that you have for me to do. I need your help. Please help me transfer a life of working for myselt to working for you full time in this ministry you are calling me to. Amen! Xo, ~Mar

April 16, 2016

Appreciation & Gratitude: Thank you, God, for all the blessings you endlessly give to me. Thank you that the bird caught on fishing line was brought back to life and freed from it’s entanglement. Thank you that you tell me one day I will see with my own eyes, the dead brought back to life by the power and authority of Jesus Christ when we pray. Thank you that you will soon break through with your power to create many miracles, signs and wonders! Thank you that you say I will get to be a part of the renewing of the earth. Thank you for the practice studio… I had a blast last night singing with the amplification. It is going to be a blast to get to go there again this afternoon. Thank you for making my life a true joy and pleasure to get to cooperate with you. It is a dream come true! Enough nonsense with Lucy, Lord- let’s shake this dream into reality! Is it time yet? Could I win tonight and start this next chapter? I’m excited to turn the page and go into my future that you have planned for me.


Q1-Dad, since I am royalty through your adoption, could I ask you for the gift and grace to be able to be a part of the process to help increase the love that the world has for Jesus… I want to make him deeply loved by all mankind. This is all I want to do with my life… living for you and making Him loved by all. I just want to share him with my brothers and sisters. There are so many lost and lonely people in my world. Only you can grant me this grace, Father. I don’t want to lead just a few to you, no. I want ALL people everywhere speaking every language to know, love and adore You, the Holy Trinity, and Mother.

*** Thank you, my beloved sweetheart. I have been waiting to hear you ask for this. You ask for a grace that I would like to bestow on you. You will be a part of this plan. It is a process, it won’t happen overnight, but you do have an important role to play in doing this. Just know that you alone can do nothing. With me, you can do all things. I will work in you, so you don’t have to worry about not being able to do this. I know you worry that I won’t show up and help you with this incredible project. You don’t need to fret about a thing. I have many surprises for you. It will be as simple as you just being yourself and stepping out when I ask you to. Step out in faith and all things will work out as I desire. You will have a great time with the eternal party planning. All my kids will want to come and multitudes upon multitudes will RSVP for the party. Eternity is waiting for you. You have endless time, so take your time, sing out, and let your love shine through to all people.


Q2-Jesus, What do you want me to tell people about you? What is the one main thing that you would like everyone to know? I can make songs about it if you like.

***Just tell them that I love all people of all religions. I came for the world and that includes all people of all walks of life. I love sinners, especially. I don’t want anyone to be afraid to come to me… I burn to forgive and bless all people so that they can have life now and for eternity. An amazing life is what I have to offer; filled with love, prosperity, eternal life filled with all good things. More good things than anyone could possibly imagine awaits them in heaven. We have a huge banquet with events and gifts we are just now getting ready for the homecoming party that you will invite people to come to. I would like you to share the eternal party invitations with the world. Ok? {Yes, I would love to play the role in this for you, Jesus! Help me with the songs, with the invitations, and help me spread the message of your Divine Mercy for the world; and that you have great plans for the time we will spend in eternity with you and our loved ones.} I will work powerfully in your music and many people will come to me through the miracles that are about to break through for all people. I am so glad you’re saying Yes again today. Nothing will happen that you don’t agree to do.


Q3-Love, I need you! I feel so self-conscious about singing. Not only is my voice un-skilled and sounds like a little kid, but also the lyrics are going to be “religious” singing about your love and many people hate -absolutely hate that.

***First of all, Mar, your voice is perfect for our purposes. I will help you sing and you will be amazed at what will come out of your mouth at times. Your voice is a powerful weapon against the enemy. Now, about people hating your songs because they tell of the love of Jesus, just know that they hated Jesus first. Some will hate your music because they do not know Jesus… yet. Once God touches them, they will want to listen to your music and want what you have. They will want the miracles that come along with this, too. Be happy when you are “hated” or persecuted because of me, I will bless you more and more each time you suffer because of me. So, yes, be thrilled when they laugh at you, for then, I can bless you extra with many surprises!


Q4-Mom, tonight I will be going back to VC. Could you go with me in a special way and bless my visit? Give me the right words to say to the people that I haven’t seen in a long time. I am a little nervous about going back there. It’s been a few years and when I left there were some rumors spread about me… many people believe the lies told about me.

*** You don’t need to worry about a thing, Mar.   I will go with you. You will get a word of knowledge from God if you go up after service. No one remembers the rumors and if they do, then it is just the work of the enemy trying to keep you from returning. Do what you want and enjoy the people and the message. God has something special for you there. It’s a surprise, enjoy!


Actions Requested:

Step out in faith and do what God asks; then all things will work out.

God’s got this. Just be myself.

Jesus wants all people to come to Him to receive his Mercy. He burns for them all.

Be happy when I am hated and persecuted, because then God will bless me extra in many fun surprising ways!

Don’t be afraid to go back to the Vineyard… God has something special for you there tonight.

 Closing Remarks: Thank you God that you have an awesome plan ahead for me. Pleeeeeease don’t let this all just be a figment of my imagination. I want these words to be true. I want to love you more each day. Help me be who you want me to be. Give me the grace to make you deeply loved by all people. Help me shower your people with the love of Jesus. Amen! Xo, ~Mar

April 15, 2016

Q1-Dad, I am sorry that I have not obeyed your lead in the area of food. Please don’t look at my mistakes, but my heart. I love you and want to follow you in all areas of my life. I really struggle with this. The medicine I have to take because of this mental illness makes me hungry all the time. My thyroid is also sick and out of regularity. I don’t want to blame it all on that, but I do have the cards stacked against me with trying to lose weight. I have come a long way, but I am struggling now. Please help!

***Mar, I love you the way you are. You are healthy, right? All your blood work is good and you don’t need to worry about offending me by eating when you don’t think I want you to. I only want to help you, but as you fall I pick you tenderly back up and put you back on your feet with a kiss on your forehead. I love you dearly and you don’t need to worry about losing my love. I love you always. Always and forever. You could never do anything to change that. Don’t worry about anything. We will get you where you need to be when you need to be there. Pray for the ability to wait until your stomach growls and pray for the guidance of what to eat. Remember that you are dearly loved. You have come so far! You are alive and well! You have tennis buddies and great weather ahead. Enjoy getting active again. The weight will fall off.


Q2-Jesus, Will you tell me what you would like me to write about in my next song?

***A love song for DB. That would make me very happy and I will help you write it! He will really enjoy it and it is one that will be a favorite of his…and yours!


Q3-Love, tonight is our first practice at the studio and I would like to sing a song that you create for me. Could you use me to be your instrument of peace and love? Give me the lyrics and help me out?

***Empty your mind and I will fill it. Living waters will flow through your words. I will move in you and you will be surprised at what will come out of your voice. Don’t’ be afraid to belt it out tonight! Test it out for fun & keep going back and make good use of the space.


Q4-Mom, what do you think about me using Bubbler tunes for my songs? Is that what God has in mind?

***DB will work with you… you can get the chords and structure ready and hand them to DB for his creativity to come up with the synth sounds & rhythm for the song. He will do a great job and you will love working on projects together. Go for it! Heaven can’t wait to hear what you come with together. This collaboration is the foundation for many featured artists to join in. The two of you will make wonderful music and many signs, wonders, and miracles will result from these songs that Love will give you.


Actions Requested:

Enjoy getting active again- the weight will fall off.

Pray for the ability to wait on the growl before I eat.

Write a love song for DB this weekend.

Don’t be afraid to belt it out at practice.

We will love working on projects together.

Heaven can’t wait to hear what we come up with together.

Many signs, wonders and miracles will result from the songs that Love will give me.



Closing Remarks:  Thank you for your support and love. I feel much better now and my mood is finally starting to perk up. I have been in a funk the last several days and I thank you that you always love me- no matter how I fail sometimes. Thank you for leading the world to peace and love. Thank you that you have a role for me to do my part. Help me walk the walk and make a difference in some small way. Amen! Xo, ~Mar

April 14, 2016

Appreciation & Gratitude:  Thank you, Father that you sent a word specifically to me today with reminding me of your mercy. Thank you that you forgive AND forget where I’ve been. For your mercy is unending, thanks for telling me to be easy on myself. I am weak in that area and have much warfare in this area with the enemy. Thank you that you tell me to lighten up and not to worry about a thing. You know my heart and you forgive often, giving me the love I need. You are amazing! How great is your love and forgiveness… if only the whole world knew how much you only want to wash over them with your love and Mercy.


Q1-Dad, why does it seem so hard relating about music to Db and what can I do to help matters going forward?

*** Just ignore the bad stuff and monopolize with the good. Make the most of the good forget and ignore the ick. You’re a pro at that! You will have a great time when you go into the practice studio. You will find that in that space, you will discover your voice. It will be a blast for you and DB with much progress quickly. Write as often as you can so that you have material to use. Keep it light hearted… try not to write about the “pit” unless you are using those terms in a light-hearted way. Enjoy!

Q2-Jesus, When you come back to give us a new life, set up your kingdom, and reign King of the Universe, will all my family be alive? If not-will they all come back to live and rule with you?

***You are asking questions that I can’t answer, Mar. It depends a lot on the intercessions and love poured out over them and their relationship with me. There are many factors involved. I can’t tell you when I will return; many variables exist on that date. It depends on when the world is ripe for my return. Keep praying for your family and friends. It will all work out and it will be more amazing than you could ever imagine. Remember that the dead will be raised, sickness will be cured, many signs and wonders will occur at the end of times. You have nothing to be afraid of. I am with you always and I will never leave you or forsake you. You will always be under the love, protection and guidance of God. Be not afraid. I go before you.


Q3-Love, thank you for your guidance and for helping me learn how to sing. I need your guidance and spirit to fill me when I sing so that I can make the Father glad that He sent me for this purpose. My assignment seems insurmountable… I have no talent and can’t hit a note very easily. I need a lot of guidance to find the notes. Will you help me?

*** It will be my pleasure to teach you! Thank you for asking for my help. I am an expert on not only voice lessons, but also voice utilization! When you ask for me to make you an instrument of my peace, I will come over you and surprise you with the voice maneuvering that will shock, surprise and thrill you… you will want to sing all the time! Don’t be afraid to belt it out! I will be with you and you will be my voice for many… you will share the love of the Father to the world. Many will be healed. Many will come to love and adore Jesus. Thank you for saying yes. We can use a good soldier like you.


Q4-Mom- thank you for giving me your love and protection. If I go to the practice studio by myself, should I be concerned about my safety?

***No, you don’t need to be afraid. That will be your second home, which is protected by many warring angels that will look after your safety. You only need to request protection before you get there and you can be assured that you are covered by my mantle of loving angels. You do need to ask for this. If you ever feel uneasy, take it as your reminder to ask your angels for help. Don’t be afraid to ask for help. They love to be put to work and working for you is their pleasure.  

 Actions Requested:

Write as often as I can so I have material to use.

Keep it lighthearted and humorous… Jesus comes with love in His heart.

Be not afraid, God goes before me.

Don’t be afraid to “Belt it out”. Many miracles and healings will happen when I sing with Love.

Don’t be afraid to ask my angels for help or protection.

Closing Remarks: Thank you for your guidance and your message of courage. Help me be not afraid and help me you’re your songs of love. Make me an instrument of your love and peace. I love you and only want be be able to share your love with the world. Use me, Lord. Help me be who you want me to be. Give me a heart that loves others with the love of Jesus. Help me learn to love everyone I meet. Help me be a channel for your love and show many wonders for powerful evangelism for the world. Amen!  Xo, ~Mar

April 13, 2016

Appreciation & Gratitude:  Thank you that the practice space is practically perfect! Thank you that you will give me all that I need to create music that moves people. Thank you that DB is glad that we will be working together on the projects. Please help me come up with lyrics, melodies and that I hit the notes. Thank you for leading me into this new territory. Thank you that it will be fun and will hopefully strengthen our marriage and friendship. Thank you that you will help me be patient with this process.


Q1-Father God, thank you for taking such good care of us. All good things come from you and I would like to tell you how grateful I am to you for everything. Woo-hoo, we’ve got practice space now!

***You are so welcome! We can’t wait to see what you come up with. Don’t worry, I will be with you and help you in many miraculous ways. You will be very endearing and the listeners will be blessed by the prayers/songs that you create. DB will help you a lot with your keys and he has good advice on vox so listen to what he suggests. He knows what will help as you develop your style and learn to sing out.


Q2-Jesus, thank you for the seasons! I love spring and am so glad it finally arrived! What is your favorite season?

***I love all the seasons and if I had to pick one season, it would be summer. The kids are on break and get to enjoy themselves which I love to see. Also, there are so many long days filled with love and laughter… it makes me happy to see people happy. Summer just seems to be the time for fun. Spring is when all things become alive and new again, so I love spring also. Winter is beautiful after a fresh snow.   All the fall colors are amazing to watch… so I love all the seasons. What is your favorite? {I don’t have a favorite; I like them all in a different way also.}


Q3-Love, I would like to write a new song for our first practice in our new space this Friday. What should I write about?

***Write about writing a song… it’s what’s on your mind. Tell about it. Paint a picture. Express your passion for Jesus and how you want to share that love with the world. Tell how it is hard to express your love and that you don’t have much talent; that you try and what you lack in talent, you make up for with heart. Write for 30 minutes to the meter of a song you know well. It will turn out great. A perfect start for your new adventure. Have fun. That is the main thing to remember! We can’t wait! We will all be with you and give you inspirations.


Q4-Mom, help me relax into the music. Give me the courage to really belt it out and the grace to hit the notes. What should I do to make a difference in my style?

***Close your eyes, don’t be shy, and pray to Love before you sing, and thank Him afterwards so that He can come help you every time you sing. Practice singing in tongues and you will find that melodies will come to you for your songs. Have fun! Most important and key to this whole thing is that you must have fun… fun is mandatory! We’re forcing goodness upon you. (wink wink) We love you. You’ll do great!

Actions Requested:

Listen to what DB suggests. He has good ideas for vox.

For Friday session: bring a new song with you.

Write about writing a song.

Close your eyes and don’t be shy when you sing.

Pray to Love for help before you sing and thank Him afterwards so He can help you again the next time.

 Closing Remarks:   Thank you for your suggestions. I will have fun; it’s mandatory and you are so good to me! I love this and I love you guys so much! Please bless our efforts and help us create something beautiful for you. Amen! XO, Mar

April 12, 2016

Appreciation & Gratitude:  Thank you for time together today at the adoration chapel and at the celebration of the Eucharist at mass afterwards. I know I am very blessed to be able to have the chance to meet with you in that very special way. Thank you for your unfathomable divine mercy, your love and the care you give to me each day. You are amazing. Thank you for giving me the song yesterday and for helping me develop it. Thank you for watching over us and blessing our marriage. Thank you for the gift of patience and for helping me develop that into a new way – help me learn to be more patient. Thank you for showing us a good deal for sharing a space for band practice. It should be a great transition into getting our recording studio someday; someday hopefully soon. J


Q1-Dad, I didn’t wait for a growl tonight. I did stay in my calorie allowance, though and it was all plants. I ate past full with the potato… I hope I didn’t offend you by eating when I knew I shouldn’t.

*** You were fine. You don’t need to be so worried, I am not offended. I give good food to people to enjoy and you enjoy food, but you love me. I know where your heart is. Thank you for being so careful not to offend me.   You don’t have a “heart problem” (loving food over me) but more of a bad habit situation. Keep your mind off food and onto the things of God… think of heaven and music… heaven and music… heaven and music. That will get you far.


Q2-Jesus, thank you for the peaceful room I have in my office. Why don’t I spend more time in here with you?

***That’s a good question, Mar! I think that when DB is home, you want to spend time with him also. That is the way it is supposed to be, but time alone with me is a priority… even if just for a few short minutes. It will give you a peace that surpasses all understanding. Just a little bit of time is all it takes a couple of times a day to refocus. You can also practice keyboards, write poetry/songs and create journal entries here. It would be good for you to utilize this office space for your own relaxation. You may want to organize it a bit, you’ll feel much more at peace here if you do.


Q3-Love, you’re giving me the inspiration for songs. I have lyrics and they come more easily than the melodies. Could you help me with the melodies in dreams and waking inspirations? And, do you think the keyboards are the instruments I should play primarily?

***We enjoy when you play any instrument… like tonight we loved your harp playing. Guitar is also good, but there is much more we can do with synthesizer as far as sounds and it is easier to play. Your experience of playing the organ when you were in middle school was to be the foundation and we are glad that you’ve found your way back! You will love it and your grandpa Bob is so excited for you! When your grandma gave you his organ after he passed, you should have seen him in heaven cheer for you at your Yamaha Competition! Playing the drums is fun, and the ukulele is a happy little instrument, too. Have fun with all of them! When you get a studio, you will have more time to dedicate to improving but for now, take on the keys! The main thing is to enjoy yourself!


Q4-Mom, I just wanted to thank you again for giving me the grace to work diligently on becoming who God would like me to be. I know I have many shortcomings and was hoping that you could help me improve in those areas.

***Yes, you can count on my help. Asking for the grace to become who God would like me to be is a key component of your growth. It is by grace that you are able to improve in love and kindness. Grace gives you the virtues that you need growth in. I am giving you all the Graces that Father God has for you, only ask for this more often to refill your spirit every day. You must ask for this grace. You have come far, and you should know that you will be where you need to be… because you ask for this so often. It is great that you have access to the love of Jesus and it is right that you should thank Him. Without Jesus, what would your future look like? His love and mercy is unending. It is wonderful that you want to share His love with other people. Many miracles will show the people the love of God and his undying love for them. Thank you for saying “yes” to offer yourself for this part of sharing his redeeming love for all humanity. I know you don’t think that you are qualified for this task, but you have faith. Faith and love you have and that will grow… you will be fine. Just keep close to us and we will help you get to where you need to be.

Actions Requested:

Think of heaven and music… heaven and music…heaven and music.

Organize my office for relaxation.

Take on the keys and enjoy myself! No pressure.

Keep the faith. Keep close to God and I will be where I need to be.

 Closing Remarks:   Thank you for helping me get another great hour of board meetings with you. I hope you don’t mind that I am not very engaged tonight. I don’t feel very good… I ate too many potatoes and am now paying the price for it! Thank you for forgiving me for eating when I wasn’t hungry and to top it off eating to stuff feeling ensued. Thank you for this time and for your love, guidance and protection. I love you! Amen! Xo,~Mar

April 11, 2016

Q1– Dad, you take such amazing care of me! Thank you for lining up all the wonderful people in my life. What should I do to thank you?

*** Just keep being yourself and never lose hope. Remember that I am lining up all things and there is nothing that Lucy can do about it. Know that I am all powerful and know every need you have. I will continue to make sure things line up perfectly. You don’t need to worry about anything. If you really want to thank me, spend some time with your dad and help him out when he needs a roadie. J


Q2-Jesus, tonight I pulled a muscle in my back, my legs are sore and my right ankle is jacked up. I need your healing power to make this old lady back to good a fitness and health.

***You’re not an old lady, what are you talking about? You’ll be fine, just keep that heating pad handy. It will help you heal quicker. Your ankle will be fine tomorrow. Nothing serious. Keep going to tennis; you’ll improve a lot this summer. Next fall you will be able to go to more of the classes since you’ll be ranked around a 3.5 if you keep playing. Watch some professional tennis to learn more of the techniques and strategies. You’ll be fit as a fiddle before you know it. Tennis and the plant based vegan diet will get you in amazing condition. Enjoy!


Q3-Love, could you help me with my tennis game? And … could you help me sing, write songs, and play keyboards? I’d love to be an instrument of your peace… and be an awesome tennis player! You are so fun, thanks for being with me all the time. I’m in love with my best friend; you! And of course, my sweetheart, DB… I am so blessed!

***You don’t know how loved you are! You have a cheering squad in heaven and they all love you! Why are you doubting that? If you knew how far you’ve come, you’d be cheering for yourself also! J Not only will I create an instrument of peace in you; I will guide your steps, love you dearly, and give you many songs with miracles, signs, and wonders! Oh, and you’ll be playing a mean game of tennis… if you keep playing!   … you’re welcome, my pleasure to live with you, b. We’re going to have some serious fun times! We can’t wait either for the new day… to finally turn the page on this chapter. I know it’s been a long time in the making. It’s now the calm before the storm. Things are going to change quickly for you, hold on tight! It’s going to be a fun but wild ride.


Q4- Mom, thank you for your help with navigating the new diet. Could you please help me stay with it 100% especially during this transition time?

*** You’ve got it; all you need to remember to do is wait for a growl, and think before you eat it and ask me if this is LFHC (low fat high carb) and on your vegan plan. It will be easy if you think and slow down before you eat… just to make sure it’s on plan. Don’t forget to ask me for help. I have a lot of grace and help to give you; just ask and you’ll see how I can help you. Don’t leave me out of your days; I am pulling for you and want to help in any way I can.


Actions Requested:

Keep being myself; Never lose hope. God’s got this.

Help dad with drums!

Wait for a growl; ask mom for help.

Hold on, it’s going to be a wild but fun ride.

Closing Remarks:   Thank you that you have a good plan for me; for us! Thank you that my new day is coming soon where we can turn the page to the next chapter! I can hardly wait! Thank you for your love and support, thank you for helping me in so many ways. Without you, I can do nothing. Thank you for making it a new day soon. Help me be who you want me to be. Please equip and empower me to do all that you have planned for me to accomplish. Guide my steps on my journey. Thank you that you have great plans ahead for us. Give me the grace to help make you deeply loved by all your children. Amen! Xo, ~Mar

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