Eternal Party People

Welcome to the end of time... where you find... miracles happen all the time!

April 10, 2016

Appreciation & Gratitude:  Dear God, thank you that you are in control and that you make all things work for good. Thank you that even when I feel hopeless, you come through with your love and mercy. Thank you that you remind me that you will lead me to where I need to be. Thank you, Jesus, for your unfathomable divine mercy. Thank you that your Kingdom will Come and that you have eternity all figured out. Thank you that all your children will return home to you one day and the gates of hell will not prevail.

Q1-Dad, I won’t give up, even though it seems like I am going nowhere. I try so hard, you know I try, but it seems like maybe I’m even going backwards. I feel a dryness. Nothing is coming easily.

***You have constant attacks going on in your thoughts. Take a break from it and rest in my love. I will give you strength that you need. It’s all going well. You’re passing endless tests and doing great. Your mind, body, heart, soul and spirit is under constant challenges from the enemy. Do yourself a favor and spend time listening to music; close your eyes, and rest in my love. I will strengthen you. Remember that you are not alone. It seems to you that you have to do everything and I want you to know that “I’ve got this.” (As I told you) And also remember “It’s going to be more amazing than you could ever imagine.” Hang on, kiddo. Chill out. Rest. You are loved beyond measure.

Q2-Jesus, What can I do for you?

*** Play me some songs on your harp. It will be relaxing for not only you but also I enjoy it immensely. Prayers on these strings are powerful. I have words of prophesy for you that will manifest many new things in your life, if you try it- you will love it and want to play it more often. Play it before you go to bed and in the morning. It will be our special time together. Your devoted husband will also deeply enjoy your playing.


Q3-Love, could you give me words of prophesy in songs? I would like to sing new realities into existence.

***It will come easily to you soon. Take the time to write down new ideas for songs and I will help you find new realities to write about. I will help you figure it all out; we just need time together to create. It seems too good to be true, but believe me, you will sing miracles into real life. Take less time on Facebook and instead give me half an hour a day and you will be amazed at what we can do in that short period of time. Set an alarm for 30 minutes during the 3:00 hour after you pray the Chaplet of Divine Mercy and spend that time with me faithfully as often as you can. Create a habit and much good will come out of this time! You will love it! This time with God will be your absolute favorite time of day. If you can come to the adoration chapel during the 3pm hour, you will love it and be extra blessed by the time dedicated for writing at the chapel.


Q4-Mom, I feel like I have so much to do… what can I do to handle all this?

*** Your scheduling needs to be tweaked is all. Take a look at your calendar and simply cut out all that is not important. Look at what needs to be included; like time to rest with God and Writing song/poetry. If you give yourself the 3pm hour, you will find all is possible. Get to bed earlier and get up at 6am. You will find that this will help immensely. This gives you an extra 2 hours! You will have more energy also because you will find yourself taking it easy throughout your day because you won’t need to rush through it. You are wearing yourself out by rushing around all the time. Cut your time on Facebook to one time per day for 20 minutes max. That is enough to make sure you catch anything important.  

 Actions Requested:

Rest in God with closed eyes, music, talk with God throughout the day.

You are loved beyond measure.

Play Harp in morning and before I go to bed.

Write with Love, Holy Spirit, for 30 min during the 3pm hour.

Write poetry, songs, prophesy -in the chapel during 3pm hour whenever possible.

Go to bed earlier and get up at 6am. 2 extra hours for God! Cut my time on FB to 20min 1x/day.

 Closing Remarks:  Thank you for this time and for the suggestions! I will try to incorporate them into my schedule. Please help me start these new habits! Encourage me and be patient with me. I love you! Amen! Xo,~Mar

April 9, 2016

Q1-Hi Dad! Thank you that you thought of a plan to help me get motivated to start losing this weight. A great plan it is, indeed! Am I holding up your plans and slowing things down, yet again… or is there no rush and should I be concerned that this process is not going anywhere – so it seems.

***Lol, don’t you think I know what I’m doing? You are right where you need to be. God never rushes around… you shouldn’t either! I am the author of time. I created the universe, so don’t you think I have this party planning organized for perfect timing? You will be where you need to be at all times. Please don’t doubt yourself if you are doing all that you feel led to do. You have been listening to me and you are faithful to meet here each day to get your marching orders! You’re an excellent warrior and for the most part you listen to me. Just try to obey in the area of eating and we’ll be strengthening this in every area of your life. It’s going to be amazing. Hang in there just a little while longer. I know your heart. “The computer has the evidence!” The court case went perfectly- just as I planned. Always. I know everything from the beginning of time to now and into eternity. I am outside of time. Trust in me. I know best and you are exceptionally suited for this assignment. Enjoy the process! Enjoy the bounty of plants… springtime especially has fruits in season. Try them all. Check out the Farmers markets! Feast on plants when you are hungry and you will see your 20 down quicker than you can imagine. I will bless your efforts. When you want to eat and you’re not at a growl, come visit with me… go to your private sanctuary or adoration chapel and let me love you with sweetness washing over you.


Q2-Jesus, I think I am strong, but at times it all seems so overwhelming. I don’t want to ruin this. It is a monumental task ahead and when I look at where we are and how far we have to go, it seems impossible. I know I can’t do this. I can do nothing by myself; but with God, all things are possible. What should I do when I look at the big picture and feel lost and alone on this assignment?

***Mar, we know that this is a tough assignment. But, you should know that once we get you over this hump of struggling, it will be smooth sailing and great fun! Once you know for sure that God’s got this, once you win and open Sham…Rock Studios, you will know that this is truly our plan for you and for the eternal party. You will know 100% that this is not just your imagination, you will then finally know that you are backed in these plans by the Father of the Universe, Father Almighty, the creator of Heaven and Earth. Won’t you feel better then? Yes, you will be on cloud nine. You will be used to help usher in my Holy Kingdom, Mar. You will finally know for certain, that you are on the right track and following the will of God. That’s right… let it out. It’s ok for you to cry. You are so strong, and yes, you have been through hell and back. Be glad. Your redemption is near. Freedom cries out from all the earth. You will be leading many to freedom by sharing my love for them. You will help my love spread across the earth to all people. We will bless your efforts and be with you in each step of the way. It will get easier for you to work in miracles- soon my love will wash over all people. The time is coming soon, when all heaven will reach the earth in amazing and powerful ways. Rejoice! Be glad! We’ve got your back. We have amazing plans for you and the EPP!


Q3-Love, my counselor and right-arm man, I love you and thank you for helping me get through these meetings. You know what I need and you are working hard on my behalf. Thank you that you’ve got this all figured out. What should I do today and tomorrow to help the process of this love project? I have a lot of free time this weekend and I want to use it according to your Holy Will.

***You are doing it perfectly. You planned to relax, pray, slow down, and most importantly, go for a walk/jog. This is important for stress management. You really need to do some quiet time not just on the weekends, but try during the week to take small breaks throughout the day. Go for a 2-mile walk over your lunch hour if possible. This is important. Resting your mind is very important for your mental health. Don’t let your schedule hedge out rest. Do everything slower. You rush so much, it will break you if you aren’t careful. Everything will get done. Do not worry. Give it all to God and know that you are well taken care of.


Q4-Blessed Mother, thank you for showering graces to me. I desire to receive all the graces that God has in mind for me. I especially would like the blessings of wisdom, courage, and patience in long suffering, prosperity, supernatural musical talents, love and compassion for the people in my life and for my enemies.

***You have great requests and I would be so happy to offer all of these to you from the Father. Keep asking for blessings. The more you ask for, the more we can give you. You have not, because you ask not- is the unfortunate way of God’s people. Ask for all things, big and small. Keep asking, pressing on in prayer. I will go to the Father and see what we can do about this for you, B. Expect great things! Don’t worry about anything. It is all worked out. It will all be all right. Smile, all of heaven is cheering for you. Can you hear them singing “Don’t worry about a thing… every little thing is gonna be alright!” Bob is leading all of heaven in the song right now… it’s so fun, you will love heaven. Help is on its way. Heaven’s gonna break through on all of Earth! Be patient, though. Your Dad is in no hurry. The dreams that you dream of, they are all from your Father. I know you are pressing on with so much effort. You need to step back a little. Get in the flow of God. Relax and slow down. Listen to music and dance, laugh and know that God’s got this all taken care of. You put too much pressure on yourself. We love you.

Actions Requested:

God never rushes around… I shouldn’t either.

Get in the flow of God.
When I want to eat and not at a growl, go to God in my sanctuary or the Adoration Chapel.

Listen to music, dance, laugh and know that God’s got this all taken care of!

They have amazing plans for EPP!

I put too much pressure on myself. Chill, Mar Chill.

 Closing Remarks:   Thank you so much for yet again an awesome board meeting! I’m gonna go ahead and let my hair down! Chillaxing here, how about a nice long walk, come with me you guys. I want to talk with you all the time. You are so wonderful to me. Thank you for taking such amazing concern over me. I love you and thank you for your concern. Thank you that you lead me to rest and love. Amen!  Xo, ~Mar


April 8, 2016

Appreciation & Gratitude:  Thank you, Father for the beautiful gift of music! Music is powerful and love shines through the notes. Help me make a small contribution to the vast collection of music in the world. I know I don’t have much talent, but I make up for that with heart. Help me share your love through my songs. Give me the words, melodies, rhythm and hook. Fill me with your music and take me as your own living enterprise of a channel for your peace… makes me an instrument of your love. Thank you that you have given me this dream, even though I really don’t have talent with any instrument, or vocal expertise. All I have, I give to you to use for your purposes. Thank you that you say you can use me, inadequate as I am in this area. Thank you that you are growing the compassion in my heart for others. Thank you that I would like to share music with the world, for you give wonderful dreams to me. Thank you that you gave me a husband that puts up with me and even allows me to work with the songs he created on synth. Help me write lyrics to songs and vocal tracks that don’t stink too badly.



Q1-Dad, these pages are exposing me and my looney self to an extent that I have decided not to post them at this time. Is that ok with you?

*** You don’t need to do anything you are not comfortable with doing. If it doesn’t seem right to you at this time, I think you should listen to yourself. Maybe once things start happening that we discussed here in these meetings, and then you may feel differently. Once you get your Sham…Rock Studio, you can go ahead and share your story with people. Sounds Good? Ok, good. So, don’t worry. Write whatever you want here. This is just for us; no need to share this with the world quite yet. Keep emailing yourself so that you have it computer dated each meeting. That way, people will know that you are not making up any of this. It will be an interesting book, or blog; that’s for sure. I’m glad you decided. Now we can get to the best part- deep heart to heart discussions.


Q2-Jesus, So, the court case against me (from Lucy) has been completed last night. I am not sure, but I thought I heard God say that there was a requirement that I must fulfill before I am qualified to win. Tell me if I am wrong, but I heard God specifically say that I have to prove that God is my Lord and that I listen to God over my stomach! I was strongly accused of loving food over God!!! That Eve lost it all through an apple that she ate in disobedience-and that the battle is won by not eating and obeying God. In the past, I have felt that God asked me to not eat when I am not hungry or if I am called to a fast- and I disobey often to His leading. So, am I right that I must lose 20 pounds to prove that I love God over food? (And then continue to lose until I reach my goal weight- then also to maintain that weight.)

*** You have the right idea, Mar. I am sorry to tell you, but this is for your benefit. Remember, God has all things working for your good. The plant-based diet you are attempting to follow will take a little time to get used to and you will feel so much better, believe me. It doesn’t mean that you can’t win if you don’t lose the weight, it is more of a strong suggestion and we will see what happens each new day. Nothing is set in stone- you could win tonight. God looks at the heart. Go to Him for all things. If you want to eat something that is not on your list, ask God to help you. He wants to help you; if you will only ask. Mom will help you; also, if you talk with her about what would be a good meal, she will be there for you anytime. You will have rapid weight loss with the periodic fasting you are called to do. During this time, fast and pray. Offer up any discomfort, frustration, or unmet cravings. Offer it all up for lost souls. It sounds like a hard thing to lose 20 pounds, but you are not alone and the time will go by so fast. You can do this, Mar. Enjoy yourself; it’s going to be a new life for you!


Q3-Love, my sweet, sweet happy spirit, I love you. Thank you for your encouragement and letting me know what I must do to turn the page of this chapter. With your help, I know we can do this. Please talk me through this because my memory is so bad, it’s not that I don’t want to eat only plant based meals and only eat when I’m hungry… it’s just that I forget! I eat something without thinking. I’ll have to put a reminder all over the place: my phone reminders, on the fridge, on my hands! What should my reminder say?

***Ok, on your phone reminders, say, “I eat plants when hungry!” (11am)   “Down 20 for the win” (4pm) and …at 8pm say “No more food tonight I’m losing 20!” Then on in your kitchen, with post it’s: on fridge, countertop and one on mirror in your bathroom. “You Got This!”   Don’t write on your hands- that’s just gross. J


Q4-Mom, thank you that you will be my coach! Please give me an idea what I should eat and remind me to wait until I am hungry. Also, could you encourage me to get some exercise every day – at least a 30-minute walk/jog?

*** Sure, beloved daughter. I am here with you. We will get through this together.

Actions Requested:

Post reminders on phone app, fridge, bathroom mirror and office.

Offer up any discomfort & unmet cravings.

Go to God to fill me with his love for satisfaction.

Go to the office and rest in Him when I want to eat and I’m not hungry.

 Closing Remarks: Thank you for your help. I am sad that there is yet another delay in this process. But, I am happy that I haven’t completely ruined the plans for EPP, Inc. by my disobedience in the area of food gluttony. Thank you for unending chances and that I haven’t completely blown the plans of God. Please mold me into the pot you desire… I am somewhat of a cracked pot down here; remake me into something you can use. Thank you for your encouragement. Not many people can say that if they lost 20 pounds, they would be qualified to win millions for their project/company start-up. I am so blessed that you will help me in this most difficult area for me. Thank you, Jesus, for winning the court case in my favor! You’re the best lawyer-advocate in all the multiple universes! You have my best interests at heart; you always take such good care of me. I am sorry for my complaining and upset attitude when I first found this out last night. It is going to be a great challenge, and with you guys helping, I am sure to lose this weight and do it healthfully on a beautiful vegan diet. It will be well worth the wait. Hugs to you all. Amen! Xo, Mar

April 7, 2016

Appreciation & Gratitude:  Thank you, God that you are on the throne. King Jesus, you are Lord of our house. You rule and you reign, Thank you, God that you are taking care of all things. Thank you that only you can control what is coming down the road. I am doing all that I can; now I give it all up to you. Only you can do this, Praise God! Thank you that you give me restful sleep and at peace because I turn all this over to you. I honor you; I pray that remain trusting you to handle all things. Thank you that you give me rest. Thank you that only you can make all things work for my good. Thank you that you are so much bigger than my problems. Thank you that you have my marriage in your sights and bless us every day. I love you. I trust you and I thank you that you are getting me to where I need to be. Thank you that you are fighting my battles. I turn it all over to you.

Q1– Father-God, I know you have this all under control. I just want to tell you that I am glad that Jesus is my advocate against all the accusations up against me by the devil… the constant legalistic accusing pest… he is accusing me mercilessly. What more can I do but give it all to you to handle. How is my case coming along?

*** No use losing any sleep. You’ve got that right. Stay in peace. You will come into all that I have for you. No loser-devil can take that away from you. Guard your mind… stay in peace so I can go to work. Give it all over to me. Thank you that you trust so much. Keep your focus on Jesus; you will become all that I have in mind for you. This case is a non-issue. Soon you will have much more freedom from the enemy. I will see to it myself, no more issues like you have been experiencing with him. I will put him into his place in a mighty and powerful way. He will pay for all that he has stolen from you.


Q2– Jesus, thank you for all your legal help. I am sure you have been very busy with all these accusations. You must be sick and tired of Lucy’s endless attempts of accusations on your brothers and sisters. I can’t thank you enough for your help. “The computer has the evidence” Tell me I’m in good shape?

*** You’ve got it, Mar. No worries. You’re in good hands. You should be tired by now from all the fiery darts the enemy has been shooting at you. You need a vacation. I’ll see to it that you get a very nice one… soon. You will be blessed accordingly to all that he has taken away from you. For every unjust attack, you will get paid back doubly. Keep your mind at rest. Don’t worry about a thing, every little thing is gonna be all right! … Love that song. Bob says “Hi”. :0)


Q3-Love, you are the peace inside of me that I want to have more of! Could you give me an extra dose of it this week? I’m feeling good, but want need to make sure I get extra right now. This transition is coming soon, I can feel it!

*** Yes, you are right. Soon your life will be renewed, transformed, and your dreams will start to realize into reality. I will give you a huge dose of my love and peace wrapped in a warm blanket for you to rest in. Take your time in all things. Close your eyes and think of God several times a day. Rest in our love and know you are well taken care of.


Q4-Mom, Edwina, St. Michael my sweet Archangel, and all the warring angels on my behalf, I thank you for your service. I don’t tell you enough. Big hugs to each and every one of you! Thank you for helping me feel so safe. I know that you are hard at work. You take any anxiety I had and it disappears in the love you have for me. Thank you to all the hosts of heavenly angels… you guys rock!

***You are welcome, Mar. We enjoy your company, you are a joy to serve and protect. Your appreciation is very kind and thoughtful. Thank you for your friendship and your desire to serve God in any way he sees fit. You are a beloved daughter of God for sure & you will help bring more of the family home- for that we thank you. Have a wonderful evening with your hubby. Enjoy the music and relax, laugh, take it easy and don’t worry about a thing. It’s all under control. You are very close to a closed court case…, which will be in YOUR favor! We can tell you that.   The verdict by the Just Judge, God Almighty, will have you free from the enemy’s attacks and you will feel the difference in the peace throughout your home. Celebrate it tonight!

 Actions Requested:

Lucy will pay for all that he has stolen from you.

You are in good shape with this case.

I will get paid back double.

Rest in God’s Love.

Celebrate freedom tonight!

Closing Remarks:   Thank you for everything! I am so glad to hear the good news about my case. Help me stay on the right path, guide my steps and shine the light on my journey. I love you guys! Thank you for a great day, and a fun evening to come. Amen! Xo, Mar

April 6, 2016

Appreciation & Gratitude:  Thank you, Father that you are restoring all things. Thank you, Dad that you are about to change the management of this world! The crazy mixed up leaders of the earth are about to be replaced… by YOU! I can’t wait! Thank you that you are leading us all into the next age… the golden age where King Jesus Reigns! Thank you so much that you care for us enough that you sent your son to restore everything as you originally planned. Thank you that you never gave up on us. Thank you that you are alive! You Rock! You are incredibly kind and full of endless Mercy, we don’t deserve any of your goodness, yet you lavish it upon us each and every day. Thank you for music. Thank you for your love and protection. Thank you that you have me in the palm of your hands.


Q1-Dad, today we had a rainbow of your love and I missed it! A friend posted a picture of it, at least. Thank you for always encouraging me in your small and big ways… a rainbow is definitely a huge sign of your hope and that you always keep your promises.

*** I thought you’d like a rainbow! There just might be a pot of gold for you at the bottom of that rainbow. Don’t look at the winning numbers until tomorrow morning. You need your sleep tonight! Trust in Jesus. “Corporation Imminent” and “Momentous”! Glad you caught those hints on your mac yesterday. We love you. It’s going to be more amazing than you could ever imagine.

Q2-Mom, My miracle has disappeared… the battle of my hair is frustrating me! It sounds weird and I’m not sure what is going on here. One day after prayers for thicker hair I have thicker hair then the next day, it looks like quite a different story. What’s happening to me? Am I imagining all this or what’s going on?

***There is a spiritual battle. The enemy knows where to target God’s children. Keep praying. You are not imagining anything. You will win this but it may take some time. Add this to your prayer intensions. The angels, saints and I will be praying for you not only for thicker hair, but for all God’s best for you. Know that God has each hair of yours numbered. You will be ok, try not to look in the mirror/reflection of yourself so much. When you do, thank Him for all that you have. You will be fine. This is humbling and powerful for your spiritual growth. Hang in there.


Q3- Love, Help me to be more battle-ready. I am struggling to keep my thoughts in gratitude, and to stop the thoughts of judgment. Help me to only see the heart of each person I meet. Help me to see Christ in every person I meet. Forgive me for not being able to delete/renounce each thought that comes in my mind that is contradictory to the love of God.

***I will help you. The devil is having a field day trying to wreck your thoughts. You are doing a great job of sorting through it all the best you can – it’s all you can do. I will guide your thoughts more fully now that you are asking. You are going to be fine. Try not to think so much! You make me tired just listening to all that is going on up there! Haha, you’re alright, Mar. Don’t be so hard on yourself. Not all thoughts are yours… let Lucy claim those bad ones. He’ll pay for it. Don’t you worry. We can make much good from this difficulty you are having. Love you, Mar!


Q4-Hey, Hi-Ya, Jesus! I love you! Just one last request for you tonight, to ask Father God if maybe he could invest in EPP, Inc.? I’m sure you all know that tonight’s powerball drawing ya know the jackpot is quite high. I keep thinking about paradise… let’s break through this momentous occasion with love, peace, and prosperity for the whole world! Thank you that you have a job for me to do! I would love very much to be of service for helping usher in your Holy Kingdom. Whatever God wants, I want. You know best for divine timing. I can’t wait to start this new chapter. A new Day! A new focus; a new life working for God 100% of the time helping to bring light into the darkness. Let the Golden Age Begin!

***I don’t know the timing of everything, Mar. Dad has that under control. It will be the perfect timing- that I can tell you. You have nothing to fear or worry about. Our corporation is truly immanent and it will definitely by momentous. The world won’t be the same once you and I are finished with it. I’ll let you help out, but just know that it is all God who makes anything good happen. You are a willing servant, and we are very grateful that you said “yes”. No good deed goes unpunished. You’re sure you want to do this? {YES!!!!!} ok, then hang on tight… it’s going to be a little wild these next few weeks. You’re in good shape, and you won’t have any problems with this. You’ve got this. We are all with you. Soon, Mar… Soon!

Actions Requested:

Sleep well tonight; wait until tomorrow to check the number.

Thank God for everything I have; especially when I look into the mirror.

Thinning hair is humbling you and is powerful for spiritual growth. Offer it all up to God.

Let Lucy claim the thoughts you disagree with- He will pay the price, not me.

God is glad I said “Yes!” and … No good deed goes unpunished! J

Closing Remarks:   Thank you, thank you, Thanks!!! I love you guys. Thank you for your prayers and guidance. Thank you that you have me in the palm of your hands and thank you that you have every hair on my head numbered. Thank you that you are in control and all things will work out for the best! Please help me get a good night’s sleep. I love you! Hello to my family members in heaven! Hello and thanks to all the angels that are assigned to help me, especially Edwina and St. Michael. I am so glad I know you guys! How does anyone get along in this life without you? I have no idea. I’d be lost without you! I am so excited for the next step in this journey. Help me do this with love in my heart for anyone that you send me to encourage. I am stoked to start up the Eternal Party People… please be with me every step of the way! Don’t let me disappoint you. Keep me on the right road… undoubtedly it will be the road less traveled.   Amen! Xo, ~Mar

April 5, 2016

 Appreciation & Gratitude:  Thank you, God for your patience with me. Thank you that your forgiveness in unending! Thank you for the successful day at work today! Thank you for helping me with my goals at my business. Thank you for music!!! Thank you for a beautiful sunshiny day! Thank you, mom, for interceding with me for all my prayer requests! Thank you, Edwina and St. Michael (the archangel!) for keeping me on track and safe from any harm! Thank you for saying that all evil that lurks around me must go… and go soon it will! Thank you that you said that the Corporation is Imminent! Thank you that EPP investment funds are on their way! I am so excited that you are behind this dream… and I can’t wait to start the next chapter! I love you! Jesus, thank you for your unfathomable love and divine mercy!

Q1-Dad, I just want to thank you again for your encouraging hint on my Mac yesterday! I still find it difficult to think how our lives will change once we become millionaires. I have faith that all will come along nicely; that the lawyer and financial advisor will be competent and set up everything perfectly. (JM and DT) Could you watch over us and lead us to the right people and get us over the hump getting it all worked out with the bank, etc?

*** I have everything all lined up for you. You don’t need to worry about a thing. You will have a great lawyer(s) and accountant on your team. All things will be handled perfectly and there will not be allowed anything for the enemy to mess with. All your legal filings will be correctly worked through. I am glad you have been thinking about this. It will be a breeze for you. I will give you calm and peace in this transition period. We all love you… “just a slight pressure… and “the computer has the evidence!” You’ve done well. Keep up the good work.


Q2-Mom, thank you for reminding me that you are walking with me with your protecting angels all around on guard for my safety at all times. What can I do to thank you?

***Be sure to thank them every day for their service… they like it when that happens and in heaven your friends through a small party each time you do. It makes them very happy to see appreciation for angels because right now on earth not very many people do that. Angels work so tirelessly for protecting you all, they save lives every minute of the day. It is a wonderful way you could show appreciation, blow them a kiss, too. It’s a small gesture, but so much appreciated!


Q3-Jesus, I love you. We are doing well, but could you please bless my marriage with an atmosphere of love, peace and laughter? We have some small difficulties that you are well aware of. Mainly crankiness to deal with. Would you change this for us?

*** Soon everything will change for the better. Your prayers will be key in this transformation. Also, you should be praying for yourself; for longsuffering and patience. Remain in peace and love even under a storm. I will send you laughter to make up for all that the enemy is trying to steal. I will repay you manifold for your loyalty and love.


Q4-Love, why should I be so blessed? You are guiding me, even when I don’t listen, you teach me to follow. Tonight you told me I should go a different route to Adoration and mass. I rationalized that my way is quicker and you hesitantly agreed that is fine. I went my own way when I should have listened to you. Speed trap on way- I didn’t get a speeding ticket when I passed the police but any other day, and I may be going over 35mph. It was a great learning lesson. I will try not to argue or change your mind if you ask me to do something, I really want to obey. Help me remember this lesson. You always know what is best and for my good and the good of others around me. Teach me, Lord. I am trying to follow you the best way I can. Equip and empower me to be all that you want me to be and do. I want to be who you have in mind for me to become.

***We’re so glad you caught this lesson and figured out the reason why I asked you to take the alternate way to church. Remember this. Following is the easiest way around your days. You won’t get lost, it may save your life, and we have many surprises for you if you only take the advice to heart. Don’t think it is your own voice… you know it’s us when you look to God for guidance. We will make it clear. Ask simply, God, is this you? Ask, So, is this what you would have me do right now? Etc. Talk with us and don’t be afraid to ask questions. We are for you 100%! We have roads to take you down that you would never want to miss… tons of gifts with your obedience. It’s the easiest and surest way to your destination. Your assignment depends on your obedience in our leading. We will teach you how to go about following. You’re doing great. We are proud of you. Look for guidance always. In this, you will learn how fun, easy and delightful obedience actually is.

 Actions Requested:

God will give me peace and calm during the transition period.

Ask simply: God, is this you? Ask: So, is this what you would have me do right now?

Thank angels every day with a kiss of thanks.

Keep praying for my marriage; peace, love and laughter.

Look for Love’s guidance always. In this, I will learn how fun, easy and delightful obedience actually is.

Closing Remarks:   I can’t thank you enough! I love board meetings and I appreciate your inviting me here. I apologize that tonight I wanted to skip it to get some sleep. I should know better by now. I always love talking with you. Thank you for your guidance, love, patience, support, and mercy on me. Help me do a better job of listening and following your lead. I know you know what is best at all times! Amen! Xo, ~Mar

April 4, 2016

Appreciation & Gratitude:

Thank you, dad, for the words of encouragement this afternoon… “Corporation Imminent”! I was so happy that you sent those words to my mac on screen saver! Thank you God for always helping me stay strong and keep going… when I think I may never start EPP, Inc. you always help me have the faith to keep going! I told you I am waiting on your lead and if you are going to invest, and it sounds like you will… I am super stoked, Dad! Thank you, thank you, and thank you! Let’s go for the win! Let’s go for the Gold… gold paved roads, that is! I can’t wait to help usher in your Kingdom… If I can help start this eternal party then just let me know what I need to do! I love you! I am at your service!


Q1- Jesus, Help me be more patient… I think I’ve got some kind of “Rush, hurry, make haste, run, run, run evil spirit! Lol, seriously, I need to relax and I try. I just have so much going on. I try to get so much done, I am impatient and easily irritated with slow people! What do I need to do to change this bad habit?

***Close your eyes and think of me. Focus on your breathing.   I will give you rest. I will give you peace. Try it now. Give it just 2 minutes and tell me how you feel. {Wow, that really worked great… I will try to do this several times during the day!} You will get into a habit of peaceful rest throughout your day. Slow down, focus on slowing down and remind yourself to rest in my love often. You will be a much more calm and loving version of yourself. I will help you.


Q2-Love, I am exhausted and it’s only Monday! I have so much to get done with Work this month; I don’t have the luxury of getting other things done during the day. I rush around and bite my tongue when behind slow cars, slow lines, and slow talkers… I am rude if not in reality, in my mind I’m just trying to calm myself down. I am trying to be more kind and loving. I need a heart transplant… the love of God is badly needed in my heart, mind, and spirit! Can you help me?

***I am going to do what you have asked of me. I can guide you; to breathe, to slow down, and to pray. But you need to trust Jesus. He will get you where you need to be in perfect timing. Ask for help until you create this new habit. We are all going to be reminding you, and you will put it onto your reminder app, too. Ok? Trust in Jesus, He’s got this. Everything will get done in divine timing.


Q3-Father God, I have a very special request for you. I am worried about my dad. I need him and I don’t want you to take him from us, ever. Could you please heal him from head to toe… all the health issues he has; please heal him and give him many, many more years – as in until you establish your Holy Kingdom on earth.

***Your prayers are very powerful. I hear you and my will is to be done. I can’t tell you for sure how this will all work out, Mar. Just know that whatever happens, I will make the very most out of it. Pray more for him. Don’t give up on praying. Prayer works. Be specific when you pray. Be detailed when you ask for something and write it in your prayer list app.   Create a prayer list app with sections on answered prayers. At 3pm when you pray the chaplet of Divine Mercy, offer up your prayer list; the entire prayer list. Read through it and pray your request; offering it all up according to God’s will. There is a battle and we need the prayers to legally move on your part. The devil is an “accusing bastard” as you like to call him. You’ve got that spot on. He only knows how to accuse people and copy me. Teach your friends to be specific when they pray. And it is very helpful if they could either lay on hands and imagine them being healed as prayers are offered. Positivity and faith must go together in prayers to make them more potent. This spiritual battle is something of a Court Case multiplied by a billion, billion, trillion, trillion, gazillion, and gazillion to eternity. You have no idea how many times Lucy accuses each one of you. It is beyond reason. He is nitpicky and merciless. Prayer is mandatory. Prayer in Jesus’ name is your lifeline- your only hope. We need more prayer warriors! Make songs of prayers, songs of praise… the whole world will be singing prayers… mark my words, Mar. Sing out. Sing a new song! Oh, And DO NOT FORGET… always offer up any pain, frustration, sorrow… offer it all up for the salvation of souls living, those in purgatory, and those in hell. It’s not too late for any of them! Offer it all up… even a hangnail.   Yes, anything painful offered up with Jesus is a power that breaks chains.


Actions Requested:

Slow down and rest in the Love of Jesus. I will be a better version of myself: calm and more loving.

Put reminder in phone to slow down, breathe, and trust in Jesus’ perfect timing. He’s got this.

Everything will get done in perfect divine timing.

Be specific and write down prayer lists with answered prayers logged as they happen.

Make an app for prayer list request/answered prayers.

Offer up any pain to the foot of the cross with Jesus’ passion for lost souls.


Closing Remarks:

Thank you for your guidance. Help me to follow your suggestions and please don’t let my phone break… it’s my reminder zone! What would I do without it? Help me be who you want me to be. Equip and empower me to accomplish all that you have for me to do!  Amen! xo, ~Mar

April 3, 2016


Appreciation & Gratitude:

Thank you, Jesus, for giving us the Feast Day of your Divine Mercy today! Thank you that we were both able to join in celebrating with you by going to reconciliation, mass, and pray the Chaplet of Divine Mercy AND go through the Holy Door of Mercy. All these gifts help me to live a better life, and hopefully one day (soon I hope) meet you face to face! Thank you that you visited me as a youth; I would love to get to talk with you in person. I have a big hug I need to give you! Thank you for your unfathomable divine mercy and your incredible love! Thank you for giving me a husband that is so good to me, and is my best friend. Thank you that we were able to be reconciled to your precious heart. Help us avoid sin, and live a more holy life for you. Thank you, also, for allowing me to offer myself consecrated to your Merciful Love through the guidance of Father Michael Gaitley. This at home retreat these last 33 days has been an eye opener to your love for the world. Help me grow in your love so I can be love for others. Lend me your heart, Jesus, and help me be who you want me to be.

Today I would like to pray here in this board meeting my consecration prayer which I have been focusing on from March 1st to today.


Here are the words given from St. Therese the little flower. May her words be mine. She says everything so beautifully. Pray for me, St. Therese, that I can strive each day to please God and grow in love of Him.


Prayer By St. Therese:

O My God! Most Blessed Trinity, I desire to Love You and make You Lord, to work for the glory of Holy Church by saving souls on earth and liberating those suffering in purgatory. I desire to accomplish Your will perfectly and to reach the degree of glory you have prepared for me in Your Kingdom. I desire, in a word, to be a saint, but I feel my helplessness and I beg You, O my God! To be Yourself my Sanctity. (I need your help!)


Since You love me so much as to give me Your only Son as my Savior, and my Spouse, the infinite treasures of His merits are mine. I offer them to You with gladness, begging You to look upon me only in the Face of Jesus and in His heart burning with Love.


I offer You, too, all the merits of the saints in heaven and on earth, their acts of Love, and those of the holy angels. Finally, I offer You, O Blessed Trinity! The Love and merits of the Blessed Virgin, my dear Mother. It is to her I abandon my offering, begging her to present it to You. Her Divine Son, my Beloved Spouse, told us in the days of His mortal life: “Whatsoever you ask the Father in my name, He will give it to you!” I am certain, then, that You will grant my desires; I know, O my God! That the more You want to give, the more You make us desire. I feel in my heart immense desires and it is with confidence I ask You to come and take possession of my soul. Ah! I cannot receive Holy Communion as often as I desire, but, Lord, are You not all-powerful? Remain in me as in a tabernacle and never separate Yourself from me.


I want to console You for the ingratitude of the wicked, and I beg of You to take away my freedom to displease You. If through weakness I sometimes fall, may Your Divine Glance cleanse my soul immediately, consuming all my imperfections like the fire that transforms everything into itself.


I thank You, O my God! For all the graces You have granted me, especially the grace of making me pass through the crucible of suffering. It is with joy I shall contemplate You on the Last Day carrying the scepter of Your Cross. Since You deigned to give me a share in this very precious Cross, I hope in heaven to resemble You and to see shining in my glorified body the sacred stigmata of Your Passion.


After earth’s Exile, I hope to go and enjoy You in the Fatherland, but I do not want to lay up merits for heaven. I want to work for Your Love alone with the one purpose of pleasing You, consoling Your Sacred Heart, and saving souls who will love you eternally.


In the evening of this life, I shall appear before You with empty hands, for I do not ask You, Lord, to count my works. All our justice is stained in Your eyes. I wish, then, to be clothed in Your own Justice and to receive from Your Love the eternal possession of Yourself. I want no other Throne, no other Crown, but You, My Beloved!


Time is nothing in Your eyes, and a single day is like a thousand years. You can, then, in one instant prepare me to appear before you.


In order to live in one single act of perfect Love, I Offer Myself as a Victim of Holocaust To Your Merciful Love, asking you to consume me incessantly, allowing the waves of infinite tenderness shut up within You to overflow into my soul, and that thus I may become consumed in Your Love, O my God!


After having prepared me to appear before You, finally cause me to die and may my soul take its flight without any delay into the eternal embrace of Your Merciful Love.


I want, O my Beloved, at each beat of my heart to renew this offering to You an infinite number of times, until the shadows having disappeared I may be able to tell You of my Love in an Eternal Face to Face!

So, God –Big Hugs, I love you and I hope you accept my prayer with gladness.

Amen! Xo, ~Mar

April 2, 2016

Q1-Mom, on Sunday, your angels blessed me with a miracle. Somehow, I feel like it has left me. Why do we sometimes receive created miracles, and then find that they disappear after only a few days? You know what I am referring to, what happened? What did I do wrong?

***You were appreciative, so don’t think you weren’t. You didn’t do anything wrong. The devil comes to STEAL, Kill and destroy. He stole it from you, but just know that only God can take something done for harm and pay you back triple in goodness. Just keep pressing on. God will see that your angels will restore to you what he stole and quadruple the original miracle in scope and size. You are in great shape. Don’t give Lucy a second thought. Focus on good and on God. You have many future miracles to look towards. It’s going to be a fun ride, Mar!


Q2-Dad, so, tonight is the Powerball win? Did you say you wanted to invest in EPP, Inc? Is it time for a new day to break forth? Do you think now is a good time? I’m stable. I’m praying and fasting… I know it would be absolutely nothing I could do to deserve it, only through your goodness, mercy and desire to work through me in a “powerful” way!   With God, All things are possible! Am I doing this right? Can you use me to help spread your love and help people come to know and therefore, love you more? Am I living it right? I am your living enterprise, and God cannot fail!!! I’ve got a smile on my face, I can’t wait. And I know one day, you will bless my efforts. I am praying for your smiling eyes to shine on me and my little life offering. Everything happens for a reason. There is not a reason why I have this dream in my heart for all these decades, if you don’t have a plan for me to shake this dream into reality! Come, on, Dad! Let’s rock this Sham-Rock studio into existence! If it doesn’t matter to you, then I guess it doesn’t matter to me. Whatever you want, daddy-oh! … Bring it on down to me; if you feel in your heart you want me to start EPP, Inc. I’m waiting on your lead.

***Loll, haha, Mar- you crack me up endlessly. I love you and your tenacity. It does matter to me. It should matter to you. You’re in the family business- remember? We shall see about tonight… hang in there a little while longer. You will be glad for the wait. I have perfect timing, remember that I am the author of time? So, you’re in good hands. Relax and Let God. Keep dreaming.


Q3-Jesus, I need your help. I am having a small problem believing that you are going to do all these miracles that I’ve been thinking about… because of my faith. Could you please give me a boost? Could you give me the faith of Abraham? I need the faith to move mountains! But, apparently, I don’t have faith the size of a mustard seed. Won’t you bless me with a faith that cannot be shaken; a faith that can look at the world and make something that can last for God’s glory? I need a big boost of your loving faith. Please help me, Jesus! I just haven’t met you yet. I’ll never give up. I can see every possibility, help me do mighty works of faith- for your Glory, your good, and your will be done!

*** I love a prayer like this. Your request is in the works. Your order is being processed. Keep a look out for it… test it out. You will find many miracles around the corner! You just haven’t met me yet. Soon you, and many others, will be getting visits from me. Your faith will be mightier than a mustard seed; for sure… the size of a mountain is what it will be. Welcome to the end of time… where you’ll find, miracles happen all the time!


Q4-Love, my sweet, sweet best friend- it seems as if this spiritual war is overwhelming. I mean, the people I love put “Hex” on me endlessly. This paranoia… is it real or imagined? It seems as if I have physical proof. But I am not sure. Regardless if it is real or not, it is draining, frustrating, and I’m sick of it. Sorry for my anger, but Lucy pisses me off. He is such a loser. When will we all be free of his tricks and evil? I don’t want to fight anymore, but I know the road ahead is long. I’m in need of some of your love. I feel so alone most of the time. It’s ok, though, because I know that you never turn on me, you never want to harm me. You never have evil intent for me. I mean I can’t even count on my family to be normal for me 100% of the time… it’s more like 50/50. Their cycling back and forth (evil/heavenly) is exhausting. I try to ignore and avoid when it’s happening. But you know what? If that’s the price I have to pay, it is worth every tear. No one but you know what I’ve gone through, you alone feel my pain. Thank you.

***If you call my name out loud, you will know and feel that I am with you. I will answer you. I am with you every second of every day. I will restore all that the devil has stolen. All that pain, you offer it up… it is being put to great use. Many souls are going to be released from purgatory and hell with your pain offering. You know that many lost souls are found when pain is offered up. Imagine what could happen if the world offered up their pain to the foot of the cross! Hell would be emptied out in an instant. The pain in the world is by far enough pain to release all the captives and make them free. In the name of Jesus, all lost souls could come home to the Father. He is awaiting his children and has prepared an incredible future for their eternity. You could never imagine heaven. No matter what you hear from Kat Kerr, you still could never imagine all that your Dad has created!!!! It’s going to be awesome; share what you know and sing about it all. You have a great heart and soul… share it with the world. Don’t be shy. Be bold. Be Courageous. We love you and cheer you onward.


Actions Requested:

Focus on Good and God… many miracles in the future! Don’t give Lucy a second thought.

Remember I am in the family business (saving souls)

I will be glad for the wait. God has perfect timing!

I will soon have visits from Jesus.

Welcome to the end of time, where miracles happen all the time!

Sing about releasing the captives; children come home…

The world needs to offer up all pain to the foot of the cross for their release.

Closing Remarks:    Thank you, God, for calling me to your meeting. I feel like I need a breather… a little fresh air. I want to cry but I’m thinking of the future you’ve told me about. I receive all that you have for me. I love you! Please send me all the faith I need to accomplish your will and bring about your plans to fulfillment. Come set me free. Love, come, set me free. Amen!  XO! ~Mar

April 1, 2016

Appreciation & Gratitude:  The sky looks amazing! Thank you, Dad, for always amazing me with each new day… gorgeous skies, flowering plants, blooming trees, cool soft breezes, glistening water sparkling in the sunlight… warm sun… you are more incredible than I can wrap my brain around. Oh, and of course not to mention the endless expanse of the galaxy, multiple universes and unending creation from your word; all created with a word. Jesus, you are the most creative and powerful artist ever or ever will be. You are beautiful and your creations are all each beyond understandably incredible. Thank you for the weekend! I thank you in advance for showering your mercy and love on to all of creation; past, present and future. Jesus, Mary… help me help you save souls. Dad, if you see it good, please invest in EPP, Inc. and let it be all a wonderful adventure. I love you guys!


Q1-Dad, today my phone died and I was unable to finish my work. Are you trying to tell me something? J

***lol, well you asked for a sign. I just wanted to spend some extra time with you today. We had a good day, did we not? Who says we can’t take an afternoon off? Yes, I was trying to tell you something. You and I need some time for enjoying each other uninterrupted. Soon you will have much more free time and it will be a very good thing. EPP is about to be funded, mar. Are you excited? [Well, yes! Of course!!!] Ok, then. So there we have it… a party in the making! I loves ya- get ready for some planning!


Q2-Jesus, today I am fasting and I have some special intentions… you know all the people that are sick. Friends of family and mine need your healing. Could you please give them special notice and send them victory over their health challenges. Don’t let the enemy get at them, Lord! I feel like I can’t pray enough. Is it making any difference for them or do I need to pray even more for them? It’s hard work, being an intercessor. I am glad Mom helps me in praying for them. Am I doing enough?

***Keep praying. Breakthrough is coming. Soon healing will become much easier to manifest through my love. The dark side is battling for every way to bring down the family of God. Keep praying in my name, take authority over it, and remain in faith and positive. I know it’s difficult. It doesn’t need to be if you give it over to me in prayer and when you pray in tongues/sing in tongues, they are much more powerful against the darkness that is in the world seeking havoc.


Q3-Love, thank you for helping me pray. I feel like I’m not doing it right. What’s going on?

***Keep pressing in. What’s going on is that the devil is trying to convince you that you aren’t making a difference for the people you’re praying for. What we need is to get a system down. Ok? So, what I would like you to do is create a list on your phone in the notebook. Keep it updated and list answered prayers next to them accordingly. Keep your prayer list not only for people, but also for all kinds of situations you would like to happen. Then when you pray at your 3pm hour for divine mercy chaplet, read this list. Then say these words:

“Father, together with Jesus and Mother Mary, we offer these petitions. If it be according to your Holy will, please come with your power to win victory over these situations. –Amen!”


Q4-Mom, I am hungry. I’m fasting today and hopefully tomorrow. Will you pray with me for a breakthrough tomorrow night with the request to have Dad invest in EPP? Also, could you give me the willpower to continue my fast until Sunday morning, please?

***I am always united to your desires for His Kingdom Come. I know your heart. I know there were many false alarms… you have been following our lead for such a long time. Dear Mar, of course I will pray with you. I always do and your desire to win the lottery was put there by the Father. I know you feel silly admitting this to other people. Don’t worry about what other people may think. This is between you and God.   Just keep doing His will. Keep the faith. Keep fasting and praying. You will soon see things come together. The plans we have for you are more amazing than you could ever imagine. You are in step with God. Don’t doubt yourself so much. Hang in there. I will help you fast tonight and tomorrow.

 Actions Requested:

More free time is on its way… more time for God! (Do I hear a cha-ching in my bank account?)

Keep praying and give it to Jesus each day. He will take care of everything. Sing in tongues!

3pm petitions offered up; pray these words from the suggestion of the Holy Spirit. See above.

Hang in there!

Closing Remarks:   Thank you for a wonderful relaxing day. Thank you for being with me tonight here at this meeting. I receive your promises and pray that you most Holy Will be done. I pray that your Holy Kingdom Come, and Your Will be done! I thank you for your unfathomable divine mercy! Help me be who you want me to be. Please equip and empower me to do your will and to make you proud of my efforts; don’t let me disappoint you!  Amen! Xo, Mar

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