Gratitude: Thank you for helping me get through work today without too much difficulty/coughing. Thank you for the beautiful sky outside my window. It looks amazing. Thank you for the sounds of nature, wind, crickets, birds, thunder, leaves blowing in the trees, and children outside playing… it is incredible all that you have given us. Thank you for helping me get through this cold without missing too many hours of work. Thank you for Tennis and guitar lessons. I am excited to learn, please help me advance quickly in both hobbies. Thank you for DB, Mom and Dad. Thank you for our health, long life, prosperity and love that we have for each other. Thank you for family, friends, and for the friends I will have in the future. Thank you for the glistening water on the lake as the sunsets, it is gorgeous to look at.


Q1-Why can’t I better remember people’s faces/names and the books or videos I watch. Am I losing my mental capacities, getting dementia?

Q2-Mother, could you tell me what you would like me to do for my preparation to help me rededicate my self to Jesus through you?

Q3-Holy Spirit, could you tell me what you would like me to do in order to be more easily led by you?


Answer Q1Mar, please understand that you do have Schizoaffective Disorder and that this will cause your brain to work differently. You have many ideas going on at the same time so focus is the issue. Your brain is healthy, it is however, very overworked from time to time. You will remember all that you need to remember at the times when it is important. Holy Spirit will not let you down. Ask Him to help you remember the important things and forget the rest. You are very different and you should know that this is what is best for you and your mission. Your brain is wired so that you can be most flexible with the Holy Trinity. You have offered yourself wholly to me, right? (yes) Well then, do not worry. You are made especially for this time and purpose. You are my daughter, Mar… why do you worry? I will take care of your every need. I will lead you to your destiny. It will be amazing. Do you trust me?


Good. Then, why are your eyes tearing up?

(Because I know you love me and that even though this is hard, life like I am is hard- very hard, I know it will be amazing because you have good plans for me. Great plans for the world. Yours is the Kingdom of God! How can I be so narrow minded and self focused? I am sorry.)

I know you trust me. Don’t worry; it will get much easier soon. You will do great in all that I ask from you. It will be a future that if you could see it now- you would laugh, cry from tears of joy, and feel silly for worrying about what you’re going through. It will be so very much worth your suffering. Remember to offer any difficult moments up to the foot of the cross as an offering with Jesus.


Q2-Pray the rosary, talk to me, love me more, ask for my help, reach out to me and I will grasp your hand- you will not stumble or fall with me at your side. Angels are watching over you. Especially you – at all times. We love you very much. Your mamma wears combat boots, and we are going to enjoy the victory over Lucy. I know how much Lucy has been basically torturing you. Mar, it’s going to be ok. Don’t let him get you down. Remember all that your dad has told you. Look up and towards the victory. Jesus has already won, we just need to help others come to know Him, love Him, and realize how much they would like to spend eternity with Him in heaven. They need to realize how much they are loved by Holy Trinity. Jesus wants them to all come to heaven, but they need to make the choice. They don’t understand. It’s difficult to understand why.

(Mom, people that call themselves Christians are sometimes not good examples and people find that excuse to not love Jesus. They just don’t know Him. How can I help with this challenge?)

Just do what you feel led to do. Don’t hold back. Heaven is praying for you. Miracles, Trinity App, EPP music, healing prayers, healing songs, it will be wonderful.

(Pray for me, Mom that I may be made worthy of these promises. Help me be a good example. Help me not to swear or sin- when I do, help me make a good confession. Don’t ever let me go. Don’t give up on me. Help me love you more. Help me rely on you, talk with you, and receive all the graces that God has for me.)

Answer Q3Be still. Be quiet and rest in my love. I will talk with you in the stillness of your heart. Check in with me 3 or 4 times a day. Just take 5 minutes as a break. Sit down, look out the window, rest, and listen for my still small voice. I will be louder if you need me to be but you need to take these first steps. I will remind you to take the breaks. You can also put in your alarm system breaks that repeat until you get used to it. It will change your whole outlook on life. You will find that you have much more patience, peace and love in your heart. Sing in tongues daily. You will be amazed at what this will do to fill you up in your spirit. Your joy will increase 7 fold. Miracles will be the result. Well worth your time, Mar.

 (Ok, that sounds great. I will try to do these things. I know it will help. Thank you for raising Jesus from the dead. I pray you will work your miracles through me and other people even more than now. I pray for a revival of your spirit. Come Holy Spirit; enkindle my heart with the fire of your love.


Prayer Requests:

Help me do the things you are asking me to do. I forget, so you will need to remind me. I am sorry that I can’t promise more. I can only do my best. Help me be the person you need me to be. Equip me for the mission you call me to do. Invest in EPP, Inc. so that I know I’m not just making this all up, and that you really do have a plan in mind. I don’t want to make you do anything you don’t want to do, but if you would please help me win… I promise to keep true to the works you have in front of me. If you would help me be financially free to live for you and to work for your glory, I would be forever grateful and true. Let me know all this isn’t just a figment of my imagination… part of the mental illness/schizoaffective disorder. I really need some confirmation. Something solid. I have all kinds of thoughts and “coincidences” that you have shared with me, but I am not 100% sure that all this isn’t just me getting grandiose thought overload.


Help me be humble, holy and true to you. Give me the grace I need to live out my destiny and mission. I ask that your power and glory will be so bright and clear that the entire world will see you, love you, and ask for your mercy to envelop them. I pray for every lost soul on earth and not on earth. I pray that you do not lose even one of your children to Lucy. I pray that Lucy soon be given his home in hell where he belongs. I ask you to protect your children from him and his pals. I ask you to help me in anything I can do to help you with securing an eternal heavenly home for all your children. Save us from peril and from woe. Mother of Christ, Star of the Sea, pray for your children, pray for me.
