Thank you for the kind people in the meetings I’m going to. Thank you for literature, Eat To Live Plan, phone tool, Meetings, Writing, and prayer. Thank you for hearing me and helping me in this incredible journey called life. Thank you for family, a loving husband and parents. Thank you for this cozy and beautiful couch. Thank you for guitar and for helping me learn to play it better. Thank you for RN – a great help in my development of songwriting, guitar and voice. Thank you for restoring my health.


Q1-what is the best way to make amends to people? Do you think a living amends is appropriate in most situations?

Q2-Jesus, What can I do for DB that he would like as a surprise? I want to show him especially that I love him.

Q3-Holy Spirit, I didn’t give you the 5 minutes (3x) today. Help me focus on you and to look towards you for help. What should I do differently to manage this time with you? I am sorry I didn’t make it a priority. Please forgive me. I don’t want to hurt your feelings. I love you.


Answer Q1The best way is to catch yourself in an offense and to immediately, IMMEDIATELY, apologize. Even if it seems awkward, just speak up. Ask for forgiveness. Once you remember something you did that offended someone, immediately ask for forgiveness. Can I emphasize the word “Immediately” enough? If you think of something, don’t feel weird to apologize, even if the other person didn’t even notice it- if you noticed it and felt badly about it, — apologize immediately. Yes, a living amends is good where you think the other person wouldn’t understand or if it would hurt them in any way. Living amends in addition to an apology is also a good way to live your life. By a living amends, I mean that you behave in a way that you would treat Jesus. Jesus is in every other person you meet and so if you remember that, you would be making a living amends. It is just a goal for you to strive for. I know that you have issues with “paranoia” and think that evil is inside the other person… Just know that I will work through you. What is needed most is patience, rest and time with me in prayer- singing in tongues and forgiveness to others. This is very challenging for you, I know what you are dealing with and your limitations. Offer this special struggle to God by placing the difficulty at the foot of the cross. This is sweet to your Father. He loves when you offer these trials because it heaps coals onto Lucy’s head. Your father sees all and knows all. Don’t worry about being perfect. Only try your best.


Answer Q2-

Buy him the dressing he asked for tonight.

Listen to him more carefully and ask him more questions.

More hugs and kisses with love and more laughter. Don’t be so serious all the time.

Enjoy his goofiness by joining in with the silliness.

Ask me daily what you could do for him- I’ll have many more ideas for you!



Answer Q3-You didn’t hurt my feelings at all, Mar. I love that you are trying. I saw your heart when the alarm went off- you love me and I know that. Next time, tomorrow, when the alarm goes off: go to a quiet place for 5 minutes. Just excuse yourself from whatever you are doing. You can hit snooze if you need a minute to get free. I know it’s difficult. We see your efforts. Keep trying. Don’t give up. Focus up! It’s hard to want to talk to you so much and then to be ignored, it’s difficult to explain, but we desire your attention! We have much to tell you! And also, we have much to give you in the spirit realm. We need this communication in order to get these things done correctly. We have much advise and love to share with you!


(Thank you for this time and all your words, Holy Trinity, I am forever indebted to you. I am not worthy of all your forgiveness, love, understanding, patience, and guidance.)


 Prayer Requests:

Please help me be a better wife. He is so amazing. Help me to surprise him with new little daily gifts showing my appreciation and love. Give me new ideas. Help me not to be so self-focused. Help me to be more like Jesus, Help me take your advise to heart. Help me not to forget what you’ve told me today and from each board meeting. Help me stay on the path and walk in His holy way. Please forgive me for my shortcomings, help me morph to the person you know I can be and should be. Help me fit everything into my schedule. Give me peace of mind, love in my heart, and guidance in each moment. Holy Spirit, have your way with me. I love you!