Thank you for the beautiful views we have of the lake, the snow, and trees which are coated with pure white snow. Thank you for the delicious lunch and for helping me get back onto the “Eat to Live Plan”. Thank you for helping me get off sugar, help me more each day, please. Thank you for my sweet, sweet husband who I love with all my heart. Thank you for fun and loving parents. Thank you for the furnace working so well. Thank you for such a great life. Thank you for the happiness and joy you put into my heart. Thank you for saving my soul and redeeming me so I don’t have to go to Hell. Thank you that you have good plans for me. Thank you for helping me be who you want me to be. Thank you for working in my life changing me each day to be more like you, Jesus. Help me be more compassionate and loving.


Q1- Why me? Why do you give me this great honor of being your daughter; loved and cared by you guys in such an amazing way? I am so undeserving of this love and attention.

Q2- What can I do between now and Christmas that would be a good gift for Jesus? What should I do to prepare for his birthday and give to him as a gift from my heart to baby Jesus?

Q3- Dad, what is the most favorite thing that you like to see from your children? What can I strive to do daily that you would enjoy and appreciate I do for you?


Answer Q1Mar, of course a good Father and Mother love their children unconditionally. Why wouldn’t your heavenly parents love you even more completely? Yes, you are right- you don’t deserve this love and attention; love isn’t earned. It is given freely. It is unconditional and the depth of our love for you is endless. The Holy Trinity has you in the palm of our hands. You will one day be able to share with the world the unfathomable love and divine mercy that is available to all our children. You will extend our love to others by many miracles from EPP, Inc- Music from your amazing Shamrock Studios, Trinity Phone application, and the ushering in of our Holy Loving Kingdom. None of the miracles, love and affection is deserved- it is all given freely by the sacred heart of Jesus. If it wasn’t for his dying on the cross to take away sins- none of this would be possible. All my children would be on route to hell because Legally speaking, Lucifer would have rights to my kid’s souls. I could not let that happen. It won’t happen. It’s all done. It’s all taken care of by Jesus. We are happy to let you in on our plans for the last days of redemption.


Answer Q2- What we would like you to do is finish your consecration to Jesus through Mary. Do that faithfully and present yourself after mass on December 8th with the group. Officially offering yourself to the Holy Spirit and Mary’s will for you. Then, after December 8th, I would like you to look into the act of dedication to the sacred heart of Jesus. The book “Consoling the Heart of Jesus” has the program I would like you to complete between now and Christmas. By doing these 2 acts of love, we would be very appreciative and happy to receive as a gift of love from you to us.


Answer Q3-The thing you could do for me to show your love to me, would be an act of mercy each day. Complete at least one act of mercy each day in the form ofeither, Deed, Word, or Prayer.


“I am giving you three ways of exercising mercy toward your neighbor:

the first — by deed, the second — by word, the third — by prayer. In these three degrees is contained the fullness of mercy, and it is an unquestionable proof of love for Me. By this means a soul glorifies and pays reverence to My mercy.”


Prayers: Please help me prepare for Christmas and to complete the gifts you requested. Help me be a better person. Give me a tender heart for the hurting, the poor, for sinners, and the people you want me to help. Show me the way to your heart. Help my heart expand with the Love you give me and give to others through me. Prepare my heart for service to you. Strengthen me, give me wisdom and patience, courage to be myself always, possess me completely for your plans to become true. Heal the broken hearted on earth. Show us your love and mercy to each person individually so that they all can come to know you. Let the light of your kingdom break through the darkness of this world. Use me for your purposes. Help me become the person you have in mind and show me the way each day. Remind me each day to complete at least one act of mercy as i promise to do my best. I love you! Help me make a good Consecration to Jesus through Mary and then also help me to do your program “Consoling the Heart of Jesus”.

