Gratitude: Thank you so much for leading me to Sr. C. I am so grateful and excited for the “Busy Person’s Advent Retreat”. I am even more excited that she would be available to be my Spiritual Director after Advent going forward. Yay! Thank you for sending me help! (I need it! lol) Thank you for the gorgeous snow and ice covered trees, crystal white snow and blue sky on my walk with C this afternoon. Bless C and help her through her mourning and legal battles. Show her the way she should go. Give her peace and strength. She loves you so much. Thank you for new friends, your love shining forth in our days. Thank you that your coming is so near. Bless all your children that are offering themselves for your service. Show us all what we can do for you. Live in our life’s daily work and show us the blessed be God forever! Thank you that I am alive at this incredible time of your return. Thank you for saying you will be able to use me for some service. Thank you for being my Father, Dad- you amaze me. I can hardly get my brain wrapped around the fact that you love me and have great plans for my life. Please help me along the path, showing me each step at a time, but please give me a heads up on things I need to be aware of. Thank you that you are in control and thanks for keeping me informed with what I need to do each day for you and your Kingdom. I am at your service. Thank you that you won’t let me get lost or too much off track. Thank you that you say I am your living enterprise. I am honored to be a part of your plans.


Q1- Mom, will you put my heart in your heart so I can love Jesus more purely and more beautifully? Also, will you lend me your heart so I can love other people more in accordance with the love of God? I need help because I don’t know how to love others more completely. I am so inadequate. I hurt people when I don’t want to. Help me not be self-focused. Help me see Jesus in other people. Help me not get distracted with the illness trying to show me evil in others, help me see God in them instead. Please correct my heart and keep me safe in your love with the Holy Spirit guiding me and showing me how to love better.

Q2- Dad, you see the struggles I go through each day. You know I’m doing my best, but could you tell me something that I need to know that will help me do a better job? What should I consider that will bring me closer to the person that you want me to be?

Q3– Jesus, I love you. I want to love you more. Will you help me with this dilemma? What do I need to do and what do I need to know that you could share with me for this enormously important desire?


Answer Q1- On December 8th at your ceremony for Consecration to Jesus through (me) Mary- I will put your heart into my holy heart and I will also lend you my heart. You will notice me interiorly and your desire to love others will improve drastically and will grow each day. You will rapidly change and grow in love towards others. I will have your heart inside my holy heart; keeping it safe, transforming your prayers and love for Jesus more perfectly. Keep offering your merits and prayers to Jesus through me, your mother, and I will make them beautiful and perfect as an offering to the Holy Trinity. Also, we sent you Sr. C this advent so that you will prepare more completely for Jesus’ birthday party and his coming into Earth. She will be instrumental in helping you grow. She will keep you on track and assist in helping you love others and God more fully.



Answer Q2- You will become the person I want you to be. Just doing your best is all I ask. You will become that person: Do you know what that means? Holy. I know you don’t consider yourself “Holy” and even have a hard time imagining yourself “Holy”. Believe me, you are on your way.


I don’t understand, Let me Google it:    Google Question: “Is being holy even possible, since only God is holy?”

Answer: Holiness is not only a possibility for the Christian; holiness is a requirement. “Without holiness no one will see the Lord” (Hebrews 12:14). The difference between God and us is that He is inherently holy while we, on the other hand, only become holy in relationship to Christ and we only increase in practical holiness as we mature spiritually. The New Testament emphasizes the pursuit of holiness in this world and the final attainment of holiness in the world to come.

To be “holy” means that we are, first of all, “set apart for honorable use.” Whereas we were “once foolish, disobedient, led astray, slaves to various passions and pleasures . . . God our Savior . . . saved us, not because of works done by us in righteousness, but according to his own mercy, by the washing of regeneration and renewal of the Holy Spirit” (Titus 3:3-5; cf. 1 Corinthians 6:11). The Lord took the initiative to pull us out of our former lifestyles. He saved us, cleansed us, and set us apart for righteousness. If we have believed in Christ for salvation, we have been washed by the regeneration of the Holy Spirit and set apart from the world for godliness (see Romans 12:2).


If you want more help along the way Mar- in order to hurry this holy process, you should do 3 things:


#1- Go to reconciliation weekly.

#2-Consecration to Jesus through Mary (Do this as best you can each day to December 8th) Also, finish “Consoling The Heart of Jesus” Workbook by Christmas.

#3-Continue to meet with Sr. C through Advent and going into 2016. (She will be your spiritual director, I have lined up everything you need for this journey.)


Answer Q3– Mar, I love you so much. If you only knew the depths of my love for you… you would have no problem loving me even more than you do now. If you want to love me more, and I know you do, all you need to do is follow the suggestions above, but also please spend more time with me in silence. I will fill you up with my Holy Spirit and you will then more completely and physically feel my love for you. I will fill you up with my love. This will help you also in your desire to love others more fully with the heart of Christ. You can’t give away what you don’t have. So, be sure to take time to be with me. The Holy Trinity will be able to transform you with our love. Take the time each day. A good time is right before you go to sleep and as you wake up in the morning. Take 15 minutes to just rest with me and soak up my love for you. I want you to feel my heart’s love for you. I promise, you won’t want to miss out on your time with me, once you get in the habit of doing this with me. Put it onto your calendar until you get used to it. I know you are super busy. This will help you deal with your schedule and make your day more productive, loving, peaceful, and holy.


Prayers: Thank you so much, dear God, and Mom. I really need your help with all of this. Show me the way each day. Help me change my schedule and be faithful to your ideas. Teach me love. Help me give my heart to you, Mother Mary. I believe you will help me along this path. Pray for me, that I may be made worthy of the promises of Christ. Help me do your will. Help me become Holy and a true friend of God. Show me each step to take. Thank you for your assistance. I want to do your will. Please help me remain stable this Advent. I don’t want to become sick. I know balance is important, so please help me with that. Thank you for this beautiful winter day and for your love. Please help me love with the heart of Mary, pure, perfect in love and charity for others.

