Thank you that everyone had safe travels this Thanksgiving. Thank you for family. Thank you for an organized home, thank you for giving me the time and energy to work on it. Thank you for good friends and family that put with me and love me for who I am. Thank you that your love is unending and merciful. Thank you for forgiving me of my sins and struggles to be more like Jesus. Thank you for your patience. Thank you for long life for me and my family and for all that you so generously give us. Thank you that we prosper in so many ways: Health, peace, joy, happiness, love and for giving us everything we need when we need it and bestow your blessings on us so abundantly.


Q1- How would you like me to work the “Busy Person’s Retreat” this Advent? There are many suggestions in the booklet. Sr. C asked me to read and meditate on each scripture readings for every day this advent then to journal my thoughts on each. Will you help me and work with me on this project? Could you help me make it a habit to keep after Christmas? Will you help me find a good time each day to do this? Would you help me wake earlier and do this every morning. I could get up at 5:30am, get shower/dressed, spend an hour with you before 7am mass. I would get home around 7:45 in time to say good bye to DB and then work in the morning. Could you help me get to sleep earlier so I can work this plan?

Q2-Dad, have I let you down or disappointed you? What do you want me to change or do better – and in what areas?

Q3-Mother Mary, you seem far from me. Will you help me in these last days of Renewal of my Consecration to Jesus through you- help me to make a good consecration? Will you please help me, in my every thought and movement so I can be the person Jesus would like me to become? I want to be who God wants me to be, but I need your help to do this. I can’t do this on my own.


Answer Q1-Each day I would like you to read the scriptures using one technique in the booklets. Use the same technique for all the readings each day then try a different technique of meditation of scriptures on the next day. You can put your notes on the Board Meeting agenda after the Q&A then end with prayers. This way, all your notes will be in one location, making it easier to manage. Email your Board Meeting Notes to yourself ad put it into the binder you have started working with. We will have a great time discussing the scriptures. You will enjoy it, I promise.


Answer Q2-You are exactly where I want you to be. You have not disappointed me. What I would like you to do better is to read and study/meditate on the scriptures. Your daily mini retreat booklet will help you immensely. Sister C will be a wonderful guide on this amazing journey you are about to go on. The only other thing I would like you to do is to slow down. If you get up earlier, you will have enough time for everything. Priority #1 is the board meeting/daily scripture meditation and your work with Blessed Mother Mary. She will guide you in all things that you will be doing for the Kingdom. Through your Mother, we will make great strides with you in your assignment. She is key to this work so don’t diminish her importance. Jesus listens to his Mother, as in the water to wine, he will listen to her requests for your assistance and all of us will work on this together. Yes, we will slay the dragon and humiliate Lucy by your meekness, littleness, and all will know that it is God Almighty who makes all things possible. In yourself you can do nothing, but with me, Anything is possible and all is by the power of Jesus Christ, your Lord and Savior.


Answer Q3-Just a little bit longer… December 8th will be here soon, and then you will be more and more assisted by me and the love of Jesus and the Holy Spirit. Your father is very happy that you are doing this renewal of your consecration. It is in accordance with His will for you. We know your heart wants to be who God wants you to be. I will help you with this. Spend time with me as you go about your day, include me along with the Holy Trinity. You will make great progress – especially after Dec. 8th. Your Advent retreat will help us all communicate with you much better. Journaling in this new way on the scriptures will open up new doors to God’s will and desires for your work. It is vital that we all keep communicating with each other to navigate these new waters.

 You will win the lottery soon, but you must continue in this work of Board Meeting/Scripture meditations daily or we will be in a bad position in your mission. You must come to us to know the will of God for your life. You must listen closely and reread your notes so as to keep on the path. I will help you in every way. You don’t need to worry, only do your best each day. Enjoy the ride! All of heaven is excited for you! Excited for this great preparation for Christ’s Return! You are blessed to be a part of this work. We love you for saying “Yes” to God. Father is very pleased with you. Don’t doubt His love for you. His heart is bursting with love for you, Mar.


Thank you, you guys, I really appreciate your words, your help, and your insights. Next up, I will be reading the scriptures for the day, and then today I will use the first method of prays which is suggested from the workbook which says:




“Reflection Questions” What do you See,hear, smell, taste, feel and touch? Do I hear any questions in my heart? How do I experience Grace within Myself? How do I experience God’s Indwelling Spirit within me?


Readings: 3 Jeremiah 33:14-16

I feel awe and excitement for his return. The grace I’ve received in forgiveness helps me feel secure. I experience God’s indwelling Spirit within me by peace that surpasses all understanding. I feel grateful for his mercy and love. A question I hear in my heart is this: I don’t understand what is meant by


“In those days Judah shall be safe and Jerusalem shall dwell secure; this is what they shall call “her”: “The Lord our justice.”


Why is this in female reference and not “Him”? What does this scripture mean?




Psalm 25:4-5, 8-9, 10, 14

I didn’t see, hear, smell, taste or feel anything. I did hear the question in my heart, am I always on the right path? Am I humble enough to be taught his way? I feel gratitude that I have Friendship with The Lord, and am instructed according to His good will for me. I agree that The Lord has strengthened my heart in readying me for the Coming of my Lord Jesus. This is wonderful grace given to me by Jesus through Mary.



1 Thessalonians 3:12-4:2

I feel glad to be forgiven for my sins and to ready and strengthen my heart to be blameless in holiness before God and Father at the coming of my Lord Jesus with all his holy ones. Thank God for his unfathomable Divine Mercy! I feel His indwelling spirit in me through prayers of tongues, words, thoughts, and by being in His presence.


Luke 21:25-28m 34-36

I see Jesus talking to the disciples with love and a desire to calm us down, us here in this end times. He was speaking to me and others alive at this time. I feel happy that I will be able to escape the tribulations by being vigilant and prayers to give us the strength we need to stand before the Son of Man – only by the blood he shed, am I able to stand before Him. It makes me want to go to reconciliation more often! The question I have in my heart when reading this scripture is this: “Dad, will you help me guide others to safety in the heart of Jesus? Will you help me do your will in helping save souls? I want all of your children to be able to escape the tribulation and go to meet you in Heaven. Help me usher in your Holy Kingdom, Lord.”



Thank you, Holy Trinity. This time in scripture was very helpful in getting ready for tomorrow’s mass to begin this advent season. Help me do this faithfully each day. Give me the hour needed each day to fulfill this assignment. I love talking with you over the scriptures. Thank you for helping me with everything. I love you!


