Thank you for Advent and the time to prepare for Christ’s Birth, His glorious arrival on that Holy Night. Thank you for angels and their protection. Thank you for giving me Jesus’ mother as my own mom in heaven that is helping me with all things and protects me with her angels watching over me. Thank you for Christian Christmas Music; it’s wonderful and a way to really worship Jesus in my home this month. Thank you for working heater, washing machine, dryer, and dishwasher- they make work so much easier. Thank you for clothes and shoes that are well made and always spare in the closet; many people in Africa and other places in the world only have one or maybe two pairs of pants (according to the priest tonight who came to St. M for his mission in Uganda.) I don’t want to go clothes shopping, I have plenty of clothes. God bless the people in need of clothes, shoes, food, shelter, and even a mattress to sleep on. Thank you for all you have given me, I need no other material goods; I want to be a blessing to many others. Help me find ways to give to people in need.

If I win the lottery, you will need to direct me to where to spend the money you’ve blessed me with so others can receive from your gift. Lord, thank you for giving me the idea of Trinity App. Thank you for your miracles that will come through this tool you will be able to use. Use me, Lord. Thank you for saying that you can use my services. I am your living enterprise, Lord; I thank you so much for this honor. Thank you for blessing me with many ideas where I can help spread your love with hurting people around the world. Thank you for helping me be who you want me to be. Thank you for helping me grow in love for your service. Help me not be self -focused, but love others and serving others to share your love with others.


Q1-Mom, when you gave your yes to God, to be the mother of Jesus, how excited were you that night? What did you think when you had to escape to Egypt right after giving birth?

Q2-Jesus, when did you first know that you were Christ, the messiah? Also, when did you first know that you were going to be crucified for the redemption of the world?

Q3-Holy Spirit, Will you promise me that when I am finally possessed by your spirit, that you will protect me from any evil spirit having any power over me physically? Will you completely equip and empower me and so I will have no fear of any evil entering me?

Q4- Dad, just not to leave you out of the Q&A- Can you tell me something I’d like to know. Could you give me a hint about any possible Lottery winnings? πŸ™‚


Answer Q1I was thrilled but also scared. I was young and very trusting in God’s will for my life. When the angel came to me, I was honored and blessed by him coming to me with that news. When the Holy Spirit entered me, I knew that God would do amazing things with my baby; I knew he would be the savior! When we had to go to Egypt after Jesus was born, Joseph was such a good protector and father to Jesus, we made it the best we could. Enjoying Jesus and each other on the way there, though it was a long trip, I knew everything would be fine; that God had a good plan for us all.


Answer Q2I always knew from as far back as I can remember, but it became more and more real the older I got. I grew into it. I grew in my relationship with the Father, knowing his will at all times. I first knew I was going to be crucified the first time I saw a crucifixion of criminals. I was about 13. I then knew it would be for the forgiveness of sin. I said yes. I gave my yes many times in my life. I had many tests by the devil. The Holy Spirit helped me through it all. Father gave me a lot of help. My mother helped me grow into my mission. I was not alone. She will help you with yours, too. We are all with you, helping you. You are not alone.


Answer Q3- Mar, you have nothing to worry about. I will protect you and no evil will enter you. You are well taken care of. We would not let the devil hurt you in any way like that. You will have a lot of fun with me when we are finally completely and fully one spirit. God in you as the fullest instrument of the Holy Spirit will have many surprises in store for you. You cannot imagine the things you will do with my spirit inside you fully. Smile, your future awaits! You will be safe and you will have a blast! Pray for this to happen, your prayers will hasten the time when this will occur. Pray for the Holy Spirit to empower you. You won’t regret it!


Answer Q4- Hahahahaha, no.


It’s a surprise, Mar– can’t say anything else. Relax, enjoy, and we’ll soon see.


Prayers: Thank you for talking with me! I pray for your spirit to possess me, through Mary’s orchestration. Dad, use me for your purposes, I pray, you find me helpful in saving souls for your Kingdom. Help me help your kids that need your love and your help in these dark times. Thank you, Dad for being so tight secretive, I love a good surprise. I will relax and I will enjoy! Thank you that I am not alone in this assignment. Thank you for stability. Thank you for Zyprexa and Dr. W and P. I see P on Tuesday; help me have a good appointment. Thank you for Christmas!!! I love advent and getting ready for Christmas!


Busy Person’s Retreat: Notice God Noticing you: What is God’s attitude and /or feeling about? What am I feeling? What am I trying to do? What do I want? What am I like? How does God see me at this moment? How is God Looking at me? How close is God right now? Is God for you God as Father, as Jesus, as spirit, as mystery, as indwelling Spirit?

Romans 10:9-18

I read as Jesus speaking telling me that people can not preach unless sent… how beautiful are your feet, Mar, you will bring the good news to many people. Miracles through Trinity App and EPP music. You will certainly help many people around the world come home to the Father. Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved; Mar, you will help them call out to me. Many will be saved. It will be a great revival. You have many people in the world that will help you with this assignment.


Psalm 19:8-11

I feel as if this Psalm is God the Father speaking to me. The judgments of The Lord are true, and all of them are just. He is speaking about the need of repentance. The washing of all our sins so that Christ’s Mercy will save us. His justice will come after His mercy. First Mercy, then unfortunately, He is just. People can’t forget that God is Just. People need to know that they really do need Jesus’ forgiveness.


Mathew 4:18-22

God is looking at me with a smile. He is close to me. I see Jesus reaching out his hand to me, stepping towards me with a huge grin. He is telling me that we will do this together. I am not alone. Jesus is hugging me, laughing, we are excited for the journey ahead. He reassures me that He won’t leave me. The Holy Spirit will lead me. Many miracles and saved souls as the result. He will use me for this honor. I am glad and thankful. I want to do everything that He has in mind, whatever it is. May all Glory and Honor be to God. I bring my offering to you, my life. Use me as you see fit. I love you!


