Gratitude: Thank you for looking over Uncle M. Bless him with peace, laughter, joy in the Lord and calm in his storm. Thank you for giving me the lesson today: I got what I wished for: Feeling sick yesterday and today… I asked for a break and so you gave it to me. I appreciate the power of thought and word. I today claim health, prosperity, joy and love for my neighbor, love for God eternal in great abundance of love for Him and for others. Allow it now. Don’t be afraid or shy. Thank you for insights. Thank you that you hear my prayers. Thank you that you have great plans for me. You have great plans to prosper and not for fear, illness, or sorrow. I love you, Jesus! Thank you for you great care and love that you shower me with endlessly.


Q1- When will I get my light body?

Q2- When will we be reunited with you in heaven, or when is the rapture coming?

Q3- What can I do to help start the wonderful ushering in of your kingdom?


Answer to Q1- That is to be determined. It depends on many factors. There are many options for the timeframe, but you will be a part of the “when”. Just know that you definitely will soon get your light body. Your heavenly body is awaiting your return. Also, light bodies for all of God’s children are lining up to be revealed and to return to each person.


Answer to Q2- As I mentioned in answer to Q1, you will be reunited more fully with me in Heaven soon. I am with you now. I am always with you, Mar. You will see me and be with me in fullness soon. Very soon. The rapture will happen at the time that you receive your light bodies. In fact, the rapture is the process of God’s children’s return and as such, receiving the light heavenly bodies.


Answer to Q3- You must humble yourself more. You must become little. You need courage and only a thought of what God would like. To think of what the world would like, is contrary to God’s will. The world hates me, Mar. You need to separate yourself more from the cares of this world. You will need to spend much more time with me here in the boardroom meetings. That way, you will know my will for you. Today, I wish you would drink more fluids and take it easy. You will soon be over this illness/cold or sore throat. Take care of yourself and take care of DB. You only get one of each.   I need you both to be healthy in order for my will to be completed in your life. There is a lot riding on you. Don’t worry. Just have faith, listen and heed my words. Pray more. Know how much I love you and am with you.


Prayer Requests: Help me hear your voice and to know more clearly your will in all things. I am sorry that I swore yesterday… 3 times. (I was on a roll.) I know that is not in your will. Forgive me. Help me not to sin. Help me be more patient. Please help me to lose weight, get more physically healthy, learn tennis, learn guitar, find a good time with RN to get help with songwriting. Give me the courage to write your songs. They are for you and your Kingdom Come. Eternal Party People shout out your name. Oh God of wonders, God of Heaven above- how worthy to possess my heart’s devoted love. Make me worthy of giving it to you. I love you.
