Gratitude: Thank you so much that RN found a time that works with both our schedules to start back up guitar lesson/songwriting and voice! He does a great job, I’m excited to start up again. Thank you that he is also a good Christian with experience in religious/spiritual/gospel music. I feel comfortable with him and don’t have any worries about taking lessons again. Thank you for the glorious day outside… beautiful! Thank you that I am getting over my cold. Thank you for always being there for me! You are amazing, God. I love you. Thank you for music! Jesus, I trust in you and thank you for being so trustworthy and true. You are amazing. Your love is unfathomable! You rock, JC!


Q1- Will I win soon? I’m ready, are you?!!!

Q2- Are you calling me to join you in ushering in your kingdom? Am I wrong or correct in thinking that I am called? Am I being presumptuous?

Q3- Do you have some great songs to put into my mind/heart so I can sing something you enjoy that will help others love you more? I want all souls to love you more, to know you more… I want this for all people on earth, especially for me! I want to love you more, to know you better!!!


Q1 answer: Haha, settle down, Mar. I know you are on the edge of your seat in anticipation. I can’t tell you when, but yes, you are very near! I’m ready, you’re ready… just a few things left to take care of and so, just know it’s definitely in the works for asap… rock n roll, ready to go?!


Ha, yes, dad- I was born ready! Lol!!! Love you and can’t wait to start up EPP, Inc and work for you! I promise to work diligently, have fun, come to you with questions, be committed to board meetings so I don’t lose contact with your wishes. You are in control, Dad. Just tell me what I need to do next, ok? For now, I’m just in hold mode… loving you! Help me love you more!


Q2 answer: No, you are not wrong or presumptuous in thinking that I am calling you to join in the effort to usher in my kingdom. I like a girl that takes initiative and you have a heart for souls. I know how much you want everyone to come to the “Eternal Party” and so just know that is going to be amazing! I really love your determination, your tenacity and your heart is bigger than you think. You don’t think you love enough. Let me tell you, it’s so big, it’s hidden from your site because you would cry in pain non-stop for the lost souls if I let you feel it. You came to earth for this reason: to bring lost souls back to me. My kids are lost. I love them and you offered to help bring them back. The plan of EPP is eternal and you are such a wonderful child of mine to offer to help with this at the time of the end. Which is now. Which is the beginning of an amazing party! The eternal party is going to be amazing and we are all so excited that time is so near! Much planning and arranging of details is going on and has been going on for many eons. You are entering a time of great change. Life as you know it is almost over… get ready for eternal bliss, love, heaven on earth. It’s going to happen over the next couple of decades. That may seem like a long time, but just know you are in it for the long haul. There is plenty of time to get ready. It’s not a sprint. More like a marathon, so take it easy. Back down a little. Enjoy the ride. It’s going to be amazing… simply awesome. Enjoy!

Ok, daddy-o! Sounds groovy to me! Thanks for letting me be a part of this!!!


Q3 answer: I’m glad you asked. The songs I will put into your heart are going to be of great importance to get my kids to change their thinking. The songs will touch their hearts. The songs will heal not only their hearts, but will bring healing to people that hear these songs from heaven. It will be tied into Trinity App, and recorded from Shamrock Studios. Yes, the plans are incredible. If I told you, you would be laughing so hard tears would come to your eyes… I can’t tell you everything because it’s a surprise. I will unveil it all to you in good time. Just live your life one day at a time and know that you are always where you need to be. As long as you look towards me for direction each hour… each minute, I am with you. I will guide you. Oh, it’s so exciting! I can’t wait. And that means a lot, Mar, because I am so full of love and Mercy that I can barely hold it in! J

Thank you, Dad for letting me know all of this. I am super stoked! Can we please get this party going? I’d like to win Powerball tonight… or maybe Mega Millions on Saturday… Let’s see what your plans unveil. It’s all good. Whatever you want. Your plans are always best. Love you!


Prayer Requests:

For J’s wife who is having surgery soon. For successful operation and a speedy recovery. For S’s recovery from surgery. For Dad’s test results to come back positive, no issues. For my cold to go away soon! For DB’s band to come into success commercially. (move soundtrack, commercials, etc) For J’s calf to be restored, creative miracle needed to fix it. For the intentions of J’s children and that sponsors come to their aide. For A, C, A, AD (all my sponsor kids). I pray that they may be well taken care of and have a joyous and prosperous life.


For the members of St. M: for their intentions/prayers to be answered if in accordance with your will. For my marriage, M&D’s marriage and for M and J’s marriage. For M’s health to be renewed. For Uncle M, that he may be mentally healthy; restored and cured from Alzheimers. Peace and joy restored. For the intentions of Pope Francis. For all the lonely, lost, poor and the hungry- that they may be filled in their hearts, mind, spirit and stomach. Amen. I love you, Dad!