Gratitude: Thank you for giving me the best mother, father, and husband anyone could ever want. I am so very blessed. Thank you for a wonderful childhood and enjoyable high school/college years. Thank you for blessing my marriage. Thank you for a beautiful fall day today. Thank you for helping me get over this cold quickly. I pray it’s done tomorrow. Thank you for the beautiful music you have given to me and to the world. Thank you for my church and it’s members. Thank you for healthy and delicious food. Thank you that you are helping me “Eat to Live” by Joel Fuhrman. Thank you for your guidance in all things. Thank you for the Holy Spirit, for sending him to me for comfort, help, healing, love and courage. I believe that you are the Holy Trinity and I am grateful that you are with me always. Thank you for your saving Mercy to free us all from being sent the fires of hell. Help everyone see that you are the best choice for eternal happiness. Help them all choose you, Lord. Help them see that hell is not for them, but that they should choose to go to the eternal party where you will be hosting the most amazing bash ever. They don’t want to miss out on that! Help me show them a better path. The path you have made for us all to travel.


Q1-What can I do that will help the mission you have given me? What can I do daily to move along this path?

Q2- Will I be the person that you want me to be? Would you help me be the person you want me to be? Will you equip me to be the person you want me to be? Am I the person you need for this job?

Q3-What am I doing wrong? Have I messed the whole thing up? Are you disappointed in me?


Answer Q1If you want to make progress fast and sure… consecrate yourself to the most blessed Mother Mary. She’s the one in combat boots crushing the head of the serpent. You aligned with her will be the best way for your mission to succeed. Do the 33 days to Morning Glory consecration to Mary through Jesus. She is your protector. She is the queen of Angels and mother of Jesus, spouse of The Father. You would do well to partner with her. She is always with Jesus and Jesus listens to her suggestions. She is praying for you now but once you believe that you are consecrated to her through Jesus, once you daily talk with her, seeking her advice and help, she will bring sure victory. She leads her children, protects her children, cares and loves her children. You are her most special daughter. She is longing for your close daily walk with conversations, love, and she will constantly give intercessory prayer to her son.

Be sure to do the consecration to the best of your ability and then daily consecrate yourself to her for your everything. Hold on to her with all your strength. She will have your prayers to Jesus wrapped into a bundle of beautiful flowers in a golden vase and place them in front of Jesus. Your prayers will be heard if you go thru Mary to Jesus. If you remain righteous through the blood of Jesus, you will be victorious with the heavenly host in your mission. We all are rooting for you and are very happy that you say “yes” every day. You are amazing, Mar. Well done so far. Keep up the good work.


Answer Q2- You will be the person that I want you to be. Yes, we all are helping you be that person.   We will equip you to be that person and yes, you are the person I need for this job! You are unique and uniquely designed for this mission.   Refer to answer for Q1. Pray that you will be all that God wants you to be.


“Lord, help me be who you want me to be. Help me know what to do, guide me in all things. Show me the way each day. Give me courage, understanding, persistence, love, peace, joy and equip me with all I need for the journey. Thank you, Lord.”   (And also remember to ask Mary to collect these prayers, make them perfect and presented in a beautiful way. She would love to make your “imperfect” prayers and turn them into perfection of beauty and eloquence.



Answer Q3- First of all, no of course I am not disappointed in you. The heavenly host cannot see all things and so may believe that we are in trouble. The heavenly host does not see the depths of your heart, your secret thoughts and your struggles. I do. Mar, you have moved along in the following way: Imagine a board game. You are moving in the longest path available. However, the rest of the game players do not see your cards – which are to your chest. All they see is your “Poker face” you look like you maybe don’t have much of a hand. When in reality, you have a straight flush that no one can see but you and I. Isn’t it true? You have come so far along interiorly. Your trust in me is amazing. You know who you are. You know you are a beloved child of the most High God. You know my through and through. You know all the help you have and you are a quick learner. You will have no chance of losing. Why? Because you are MY LIVING ENTERPRISE… and I canNOT fail!


So you see, you are on the winning team. It’s just a matter now of finishing them off with a huge landslide win, not to mention the after-party. The Eternal Party is something that you could never imagine or ever believe. It is going to be better than you could ever imagine. Mar, we are going to rock this world. We will have the best time ever! Don’t worry about not being good enough for this mission. That is the adversary, Lucy, that keeps bugging you about not being good enough. You are well equipped. You will be led in each minute, you will not disappoint. Remember, to go through Mary. The fact that two women joined together to overcome through Jesus… well, that will humiliate Lucy even more in the defeat. You, a child of heart, a vulnerable and fragile one – is a beautiful way for him to be defeated through the blood of Jesus. Praise Jesus forever. He will help you use His saving power and help you lead the others to the party. None of my children will be lost. Jesus secured this for all in all once on the cross. People just need to wake up to their choice. I think a party invitation will be a fun way for the gathering.


Yo mamma is the “hostess of the mostess” and you don’t need to worry. Just join your efforts through Mary and you will never falter. Stay close to her. Ask for her help daily. She will be your most precious protector and friend. Jesus is always with her also, so you’re always in good company. Angels, saints, Mother Mary, Jesus, and Me, your father almighty will always be with you not to mention the most powerful Holy Spirit. Amazing things are soon to be reveiled! Enjoy the ride!

Thank you, Dad! I love your encouragement, your help, your love and your wonderful loving spirit. Blessed are you forever, Dad!

Prayer Requests:

Pray for us sinners. Lord, I pray that you will equip me to be all that you want me to be. I pray for Mother Mary to take all my prayers and to make them beautiful, pleasing and lovely for you. Please hear my prayers. Help me pray more in the spirit, the perfect prayer. Help me sing in the spirit also. Help me look to Mom for guidance and not to forget or to look for her love and encouragement. Help me be who you want me to be. Help me win the lottery soon. I am eager to start the next chapter in this journey. Help me stay the course. Give me encouragement and don’t let me feel alone. Help me remember that I am not alone. Sometimes I feel I have no one when everyone seems to at times, be of the evil one. I struggle to see clearly through the haze of schizophrenia or the gift of spiritual discernment: which ever it is. It’s tough sometimes. Yet, I know you see all things and you make them right. Use my sufferings to make something beautiful out of them.


Please don’t let my sufferings be for nothing. Help me not to worry or to think that people read my mind… that people want me dead or to lose my way. Help me ignore the signs that there is a huge spiritual battle going on. Help me forget that and so to be joyful in all things. Help me to be blind of all evil to shrug it off. Help me live more like a person that doesn’t care what others think. Help me not to be pushed around and controlled. Help me not to be so easily persuaded: gullible and weak. Help me offer up my struggles to the foot of your cross. I love you Jesus. Help me to be all that you want me to be. I want to always do your will – for I know that is the best way to go at all times. Use me, Lord. Make me your puppet with your will always on my mind. Help me not to curse. Life gets so frustrating at times- give me patience, long suffering and calm thoughts. I don’t want to swear anymore. Help me not to sin. I hate offending you. I love you. Help me to be better. Help me love more. Help me to be more thoughtful towards others.


Love you.