Q1- This project is taking forever… I can only upload about 10 an hour and I think I have hundreds more to edit and put up on the website. Help!
*** You are being faithful and following my directions. (For a change… haha). Yes, I am asking you to do this and to do it as fast as you can. The reason why is because I have much for you to do and once you get these uploaded, we can move onto much more fun projects! Yes, we will eventually be able to turn the page off this chapter and on to the next! Don’t worry, it will all get done. Just do your best and enjoy the process of reading them again. I know you are embarrassed about much of the things you wrote, but don’t worry. It’s all for a good reason that I am having you do this.
Q2- Will you please give me some help in the talent area of my life? I know I need to practice and make time for guitar and singing. I would like to take voice lessons with KF. Mostly so that she will know how badly I sing so when you gift me with miraculous talent to sing- everyone will know and have first hand witness by her that it is ALL GOD’s doing! Plus it would be fun to take lessons from her. She is hilarious and I really enjoy her singing.
*** Yes, I’ve mentioned before and I’m happy to tell you again: don’t worry. You will have my Spirit when you need it and He will assist you in this area… playing all sorts of musical instruments and your vocal chords will be miraculously talented. I will use you as my instrument of peace. Thank you for asking for this gift. Keep asking and you will be surprised when it happens. The gifts I give come when least expected. Don’t give up. Keep singing in tongues. Many prayers are powerfully sung in this manner.