Thank you so much for friends that are supportive, caring, helpful and who pray for me… a rare friend indeed. Thank you that you are starting a new chapter in my life- one filled with growth in relationship with you and learning to follow your lead. Thank you for this peaceful and beautiful home we get to live in. Most importantly, thank you for DB, for blessing our marriage and for the Mercy of God towards all his children. Thank you for faith, love, peace, prosperity and the joy I have every day knowing that you love me.
Q1-Why am I so stubborn and slow to learn to follow your lead?
Q2-Will Seth Godin help me when I score a “7”? What is the best way I can ask him to work for us?
Q3-What do I do with the website after I get all the posts uploaded? What is the next step?
Q1- answer: You have always been stubborn! Lol. It’s in your nature to do what you want, when you want it, and how you want it. You control everything all the time. You take after your (Earthly) dad and it is very ingrained into your personality. Only I can heal your attitude and soften your spirit to be molded into a humble and flexible vessel so that I can work in you more easily. Pray to be healed of your stubbornness and pray to let go of control. Give it to me to do my work in you. I can change your heart and warm it up in love for God… you will be healed of this infirmity. Yes, infirmity is what it is. Jesus will heal you of this problem if you allow Him to. It will happen by God, you can not fix yourself. You can try, but only a miracle healing can fix stubborn like you have deeply rooted.
Yes, Jesus, please make me flexible and give me a heart to follow your lead 100% of the time. No soldier who follows commands only 90% is considered a good soldier. I want to follow you 100% but my will is so stubborn and my flesh so weak. My desire is to follow you all of the time. Not part-time when I feel like it. Help me be a living sacrifice worthy of being called your follower. Please heal my stubbornness, Lord. I need you.
Q2-answer: –Hah, when you win the lottery, you mean? Lol… yes! Of course he will be interested once he reads your story here on EternalPartyPeople.Rocks
Do not email him. He always says that he hates email. Write him a letter… yes, a SNAIL-Mail letter. Send him some of his favorite chocolates… you know he loves Chocolate! (Only the Best Chocolates!). Sweeten the deal with a follow up gift delivered to his house… ask him to help you once you get some music videos uploaded to your blog. Tell him you would like to get the biggest tribe possible and that you need help with marketing and the website. He will have tons of helpful tips for you to get started.
Q3- answer: You will get the next step’s instructions when you get there. For now, only focus on getting them all uploaded. It may take you longer if you don’t faithfully work at it every day. Be patient with yourself, but don’t give up. I know it is painful to read so much defeat, sadness, craziness, and “fantasy”… it is all for a reason. I will make beauty out of these ashes. My will is always for the best, even when it doesn’t look like it. Just take it one step at a time. I will show you the way but I cannot reveal everything at once- you would have given up a long time ago if I had shown you everything that must take place for this dream to be fulfilled. Only know that I put this dream in your heart. It will benefit many lost souls. Thank you for saying “yes”!!!
Thank you, Father, for these helpful words. Thank you for always being with me and for meeting you here so I can write it all down. It is the only way I can sort through all this. My memory is so poor, I need to read the meeting notes in order to get some kind of sense of this crazy life I live. Please bless my family and friends. Help me be who you want me to be- I want to be that person!!! Please forgive me for not following your lead this week with Hunger/Fullness and eating when I was not hungry. I need to come to you when tempted. Help me have a good week following your lead in full obedience. This is my training for my mission… my mission to try to hear your voice and heed your call… 100% of the time, not only when I feel like it. Help me, Lord!
Amen. I love you, Dad!