Q1- Jesus, you are my advocate. It looks like I must have messed up quite a bit and given you a tough case to defend. What do you recommend I do going forward? I am sorry for my weakness and sin. I know Lucy has been accusing me and standing in the way of my destiny and assignment. I am sorry. What should I do from this moment forward in order to do God’s will and succeed? I know you defeated the enemy at the cross, but there is work for me to do. Help me help you and the Blessed Mother save souls. I want to be a part of the solution to the problem of lost souls missing out on eternity with God.

*** You are right that the enemy is accusing you. Have no fear. The blood I shed on the cross has cleansed you and as long as you continue to repent, you will be made pure. He has many things to bring against you; as you know. But you have come to reconciliation which is your redemption that saves.   The reason why it is taking you so long is because of the secrets you have discovered. He is holding you to a new standard. The courts are working out the details, but you should know that you will win the case against you. It is just taking a little longer than planned. No worries, though. All will be used for your benefit and you will have many additional blessings to make up for this delay. God uses all things for your benefit. Even the difficult things you face, God will use for your good. You don’t need to worry about anything. Just remain as pure as possible, go to reconciliation frequently and make a strong effort to sin no more in the areas you struggle with. You are doing great. Smile and remember how much you are loved. We are with you, especially when you feel alone, know that we are holding you. I make all things new. You will be used in a mighty manner… be patient and know that Love Wins.

Q2- Love, Holy Spirit, I would like to see if you could give me some idea what I should expect to happen once we get ShamRock studios up and running. What are a few of the surprises I can look forward to?

*** If I told you, it wouldn’t be a surprise, now would it? Lol, What I can tell you is that it will be a small piece of heaven manifest on Earth. God will be with you and the music that is made there will change history. The world will want to tune in to see the videos shot in ShamRock Studios. Your videos will be seen by all the world. Miracles will flow out of the songs into people’s lives. There will be no more hunger. Jesus will be known by all people across the world and all will love Him. Their hearts will break for their sins and cry to Jesus for his forgiveness; which will be freely and lovingly given to each person. They will feel His love, know Him, and love him dearly. Lightning and colorful lights will shoot across ShamRock Studios as the music is created and played. Light will be around you and you will shine like the sun. ShamRock Studios will be the first place where God will come when he brings heaven to Earth. God will be with you always. Have no fear. Have no worries. All is under control and will be worked out in due time. Be patient and grateful that God will use you for this assignment. You are blessed, indeed.


Q3- Dad, I love you! I am happy that you are my daddy and that you love me. I can’t tell you enough how grateful I am for this assignment. I am sorry that I don’t walk around thinking how blessed I am because I am so focused on getting to work, I don’t take the time to bask in the wonderful blessing it is to be me. I worry for no reason. I am impatient to get started because I feel like it’s my fault that I haven’t received funding yet. I am so eager to get started, that I am always in go-go-go mode. As if there was something I should be doing to get things going faster. I don’t want to be the reason for the delay. I always feel there is something I need to be doing in order to earn the blessing.

*** There is nothing that you have done wrong to cause the delay. It is just a part of this long process. I wasn’t surprised when it happened. I took all things into consideration. Don’t you know that I made you so smart that you would figure things out that would in turn, cause this accusation and lawsuit? Jesus has your case covered and it is in final stages of the process to get your funds into your bank account. You haven’t done anything wrong, Mar. You just hang on. Keep pure through reconciliation and try your best not to sin. We have all things under control. Consider this your quiet time before the craziness lets loose. We will be with you during the confusion that is about to ensue. Remember that it will all work out if you keep your cool. Remain rested and slow down. Know that all things will be worked out in due time. Don’t let the enemy get you upset. Look to God for all things. We are with you. It is going to be a ride down the rapids, but you know how to do this… hang on and don’t let go of the raft. Laugh and sing, shout and cheer… victory is near!


Q4- Mother Dear, remember me. Never cease your care. Protect me and help me get to where I need to be every step of the way. I say yes… you are my inspiration. You trusted God with everything. Because of you, I have the strength to say “yes”. Because of St. Faustina, I know that Jesus came for all sinners. “For the sake of your sorrowful passion, have mercy on me… and on the whole world.” I pray this chaplet most every day and I believe every word of it is answered by God. Thank God for this unfathomable divine mercy. If it weren’t for your “yes” to God, then Jesus would never have been born… our sins never forgiven. Thank you, Mother, for your faithful Yes and for giving us your son, Jesus, to pay the price for my sins. I hate to think what would happen to me and to the world, if weren’t for your “yes!”.

*** I remember you every moment of the day. I have protected you all your life and the angels will always be with you. They love you and will do everything to go to war against the enemy to protect you every moment. You don’t need to worry about anything. It will all be worked out beautifully. It is good that you are saying “yes” every day. Because of your “yes”, many will come to Christ and enter into eternity with God and the Eternal Party People.   Have fun in your assignment… it will be awesome and a beautiful story of love.