Appreciation & Gratitude:  The sky looks amazing! Thank you, Dad, for always amazing me with each new day… gorgeous skies, flowering plants, blooming trees, cool soft breezes, glistening water sparkling in the sunlight… warm sun… you are more incredible than I can wrap my brain around. Oh, and of course not to mention the endless expanse of the galaxy, multiple universes and unending creation from your word; all created with a word. Jesus, you are the most creative and powerful artist ever or ever will be. You are beautiful and your creations are all each beyond understandably incredible. Thank you for the weekend! I thank you in advance for showering your mercy and love on to all of creation; past, present and future. Jesus, Mary… help me help you save souls. Dad, if you see it good, please invest in EPP, Inc. and let it be all a wonderful adventure. I love you guys!


Q1-Dad, today my phone died and I was unable to finish my work. Are you trying to tell me something? J

***lol, well you asked for a sign. I just wanted to spend some extra time with you today. We had a good day, did we not? Who says we can’t take an afternoon off? Yes, I was trying to tell you something. You and I need some time for enjoying each other uninterrupted. Soon you will have much more free time and it will be a very good thing. EPP is about to be funded, mar. Are you excited? [Well, yes! Of course!!!] Ok, then. So there we have it… a party in the making! I loves ya- get ready for some planning!


Q2-Jesus, today I am fasting and I have some special intentions… you know all the people that are sick. Friends of family and mine need your healing. Could you please give them special notice and send them victory over their health challenges. Don’t let the enemy get at them, Lord! I feel like I can’t pray enough. Is it making any difference for them or do I need to pray even more for them? It’s hard work, being an intercessor. I am glad Mom helps me in praying for them. Am I doing enough?

***Keep praying. Breakthrough is coming. Soon healing will become much easier to manifest through my love. The dark side is battling for every way to bring down the family of God. Keep praying in my name, take authority over it, and remain in faith and positive. I know it’s difficult. It doesn’t need to be if you give it over to me in prayer and when you pray in tongues/sing in tongues, they are much more powerful against the darkness that is in the world seeking havoc.


Q3-Love, thank you for helping me pray. I feel like I’m not doing it right. What’s going on?

***Keep pressing in. What’s going on is that the devil is trying to convince you that you aren’t making a difference for the people you’re praying for. What we need is to get a system down. Ok? So, what I would like you to do is create a list on your phone in the notebook. Keep it updated and list answered prayers next to them accordingly. Keep your prayer list not only for people, but also for all kinds of situations you would like to happen. Then when you pray at your 3pm hour for divine mercy chaplet, read this list. Then say these words:

“Father, together with Jesus and Mother Mary, we offer these petitions. If it be according to your Holy will, please come with your power to win victory over these situations. –Amen!”


Q4-Mom, I am hungry. I’m fasting today and hopefully tomorrow. Will you pray with me for a breakthrough tomorrow night with the request to have Dad invest in EPP? Also, could you give me the willpower to continue my fast until Sunday morning, please?

***I am always united to your desires for His Kingdom Come. I know your heart. I know there were many false alarms… you have been following our lead for such a long time. Dear Mar, of course I will pray with you. I always do and your desire to win the lottery was put there by the Father. I know you feel silly admitting this to other people. Don’t worry about what other people may think. This is between you and God.   Just keep doing His will. Keep the faith. Keep fasting and praying. You will soon see things come together. The plans we have for you are more amazing than you could ever imagine. You are in step with God. Don’t doubt yourself so much. Hang in there. I will help you fast tonight and tomorrow.

 Actions Requested:

More free time is on its way… more time for God! (Do I hear a cha-ching in my bank account?)

Keep praying and give it to Jesus each day. He will take care of everything. Sing in tongues!

3pm petitions offered up; pray these words from the suggestion of the Holy Spirit. See above.

Hang in there!

Closing Remarks:   Thank you for a wonderful relaxing day. Thank you for being with me tonight here at this meeting. I receive your promises and pray that you most Holy Will be done. I pray that your Holy Kingdom Come, and Your Will be done! I thank you for your unfathomable divine mercy! Help me be who you want me to be. Please equip and empower me to do your will and to make you proud of my efforts; don’t let me disappoint you!  Amen! Xo, Mar