Q1– Dad, you take such amazing care of me! Thank you for lining up all the wonderful people in my life. What should I do to thank you?
*** Just keep being yourself and never lose hope. Remember that I am lining up all things and there is nothing that Lucy can do about it. Know that I am all powerful and know every need you have. I will continue to make sure things line up perfectly. You don’t need to worry about anything. If you really want to thank me, spend some time with your dad and help him out when he needs a roadie. J
Q2-Jesus, tonight I pulled a muscle in my back, my legs are sore and my right ankle is jacked up. I need your healing power to make this old lady back to good a fitness and health.
***You’re not an old lady, what are you talking about? You’ll be fine, just keep that heating pad handy. It will help you heal quicker. Your ankle will be fine tomorrow. Nothing serious. Keep going to tennis; you’ll improve a lot this summer. Next fall you will be able to go to more of the classes since you’ll be ranked around a 3.5 if you keep playing. Watch some professional tennis to learn more of the techniques and strategies. You’ll be fit as a fiddle before you know it. Tennis and the plant based vegan diet will get you in amazing condition. Enjoy!
Q3-Love, could you help me with my tennis game? And … could you help me sing, write songs, and play keyboards? I’d love to be an instrument of your peace… and be an awesome tennis player! You are so fun, thanks for being with me all the time. I’m in love with my best friend; you! And of course, my sweetheart, DB… I am so blessed!
***You don’t know how loved you are! You have a cheering squad in heaven and they all love you! Why are you doubting that? If you knew how far you’ve come, you’d be cheering for yourself also! J Not only will I create an instrument of peace in you; I will guide your steps, love you dearly, and give you many songs with miracles, signs, and wonders! Oh, and you’ll be playing a mean game of tennis… if you keep playing! … you’re welcome, my pleasure to live with you, b. We’re going to have some serious fun times! We can’t wait either for the new day… to finally turn the page on this chapter. I know it’s been a long time in the making. It’s now the calm before the storm. Things are going to change quickly for you, hold on tight! It’s going to be a fun but wild ride.
Q4- Mom, thank you for your help with navigating the new diet. Could you please help me stay with it 100% especially during this transition time?
*** You’ve got it; all you need to remember to do is wait for a growl, and think before you eat it and ask me if this is LFHC (low fat high carb) and on your vegan plan. It will be easy if you think and slow down before you eat… just to make sure it’s on plan. Don’t forget to ask me for help. I have a lot of grace and help to give you; just ask and you’ll see how I can help you. Don’t leave me out of your days; I am pulling for you and want to help in any way I can.
Actions Requested:
Keep being myself; Never lose hope. God’s got this.
Help dad with drums!
Wait for a growl; ask mom for help.
Hold on, it’s going to be a wild but fun ride.
Closing Remarks: Thank you that you have a good plan for me; for us! Thank you that my new day is coming soon where we can turn the page to the next chapter! I can hardly wait! Thank you for your love and support, thank you for helping me in so many ways. Without you, I can do nothing. Thank you for making it a new day soon. Help me be who you want me to be. Please equip and empower me to do all that you have planned for me to accomplish. Guide my steps on my journey. Thank you that you have great plans ahead for us. Give me the grace to help make you deeply loved by all your children. Amen! Xo, ~Mar