Thank you for this gorgeous day! It’s sunny and even warm outside! Should be good traveling weather for Christmas! Thank you for mom and dad, DB, our families and all my friends. You have an amazing family around the world, Thank you for sharing them all with us. Thank you for being in control with everything: The economy, the government, world affairs; you make everything turn out for your good purposes. Thank you! Thank you for keeping me in your palm and for leading me in the way you need me to go. Thank you for helping me be who you want me to be. Thank you for your promises: that you’ve “got this”, that you are in control and there is nothing I need to worry about. Thank you that you’ve “Got everything under control” that this world will soon become heaven on earth with Jesus Christ ruling; I can’t wait! Please let it be in my lifetime and please allow me to offer myself for your service. If you have a job for me to do, I am eager to get started! You said it is going to be “more amazing than I could ever imagine.” Praise God for that word of hope! I say amen, and AMEN- So be it, Lord! Amen.


Shortcomings: Last night I went to reconciliation and confessed everything I could think of that has happened since December 5th. I have kept a record of my shortcomings to confess and I think it was pretty thorough. Thank you for your divine mercy- you rock, Dad! Thank you, Jesus! So since last night, I can think of a few things from already today: I was rushed around doing errands but I was polite, I just was not at peace in my inner being. Please help me to focus on you and on being patient. Also, I ate too much for lunch. Please forgive and help me to follow your cues for hunger/fullness.


Scriptures for December 17th:

Genesis 49:2, 8-10

? I’m not sure what the story is about. Maybe I could make it to Church in the morning to see what this is about…


Psalm 72

Amen! I love this psalm. Yes, All creation will proclaim his happiness! Come soon, Lord Jesus. You will defend the afflicted among the people and save the poor! You rule from sea to sea, justice true and trustworthy.


Matthew 1:1-17

Yes. Lord- you had been long awaited for your birth when you came as a baby. Now, I await your return for your glorious kingdom. Come soon, Jesus! We need you!


Q1-Jesus, you know what I’ve been though with the struggles I face everyday. Struggles with thoughts that seem true but very well could be thoughts stemming from mental illness. Please help me sort them out and to have strength to endure and press on.

Mar, your dad and I, our Mother and the Holy Spirit; all of us know what is going on. We will always provide you with the support, strenth, patience, wisdom for you to continue on your assignment. The Holy Spirit will EMPOWER you with strength to carry you onward. You are doing a great job. We know all that is happening to you and we promise that we will make it all work for good. You will be repaid for your efforts. In heaven, you will be restored completely. We love you. Hang in there.


Q2– Mom,thank you for your love. You are so good to me. Thank you for helping me with all that is going on. I trust in you and I offer all my prayers and good works up to your hands. Please distribute them to the people that most need them. Please remember my family and also my mission. Please help me to be who God wants me to be. Please form me into the person Jesus would like to have for a spouse.

Mar, I gladly accept your renewed consecration to Jesus through me. I will always remember to help you and listen to your prayers. You can count on me to distribute in the most perfect way all your deeds, prayers and actions to our Lord. I will make your offerings perfect and beautiful before I offer them up. You can count on me and also you can always count on the protection from your angels.


Q3-Holy Spirit, I love you. Thank you for being my best friend. Help me to know you better and to love you even more. Much more. Please help me to sing in tongues, and remember to spend time with you. Never leave me, Please.

Mar, I could never leave you. I am rooted firmly within your heart and mind and soul. I am empowering and uplifting your spirit at all times. I love you and thank you, Mar, for your friendship. We will have many, many, many wonderful times just up ahead. It’s going to be better than you could ever imagine!


Q4-Dad, I really want to thank you for this wonderful day. It is beautiful outside and it just reminds me that each day is a gift from you- a precious and glorious gift. Help me to always be grateful for each new day. You are so generous. Thank you for giving me this day. Thank you for you unfathomable goodness and your generosity is unending. I can’t thank you enough. I love you, Abba. Father God. Daddy. Pappacito! You rock!

Hahaha, you crack me up, Mar. I love you, too.



Closing words: Thank you- you guys for another beautiful time together. Help me keep you alive in my heart and commune with you each moment in prayer and in your light, love, and presence. Please help my family and friends with all their intentions. Please bless all who are traveling this Christmas. God bless the plans he has for me and DB. Please bless our marriage. Thank you! xo,
