Thank you so much for your blessings. Thank you for our jobs and income that provides for all our needs. Thank you for family, love and laughter. Thank you for letting me have the luxury of having my house cleaned today. Thank you for the hard workers; please bless them and all people that are working such difficult jobs like this. Thank you for your forgiveness, love and patience with me. Thank you that you tell me not to give up- and that you are for me. If you are for me, then who or what can be against me? Thank you, Father for asking me to come to your Board Meetings. Please use me for your purposes and let me be your living enterprise. Lead me in the ways you have for me. Equip me and empower me with the Holy Spirit so that I can be successful in all things.


Shortcomings/Sin: Father, in the last day, I have really blown the boundaries of eating when hungry at a growl and stopping at a 5. Yesterday, I binged on foods I should not be eating. Forgive me for vandalizing your Temple, help me to restore it by following your lead. I am so sorry, help me to change. Lift me up so I can fly over the food’s temptation.


Scriptures for Tomorrow: Dec. 18th

Jeremiah 23:5-8

? I don’t know much about the Old Testament and its foreshadowing. So, I am not sure if this is speaking of the future in the New Jerusalem still to come. It says Israel shall dwell in security. I think this will be when Jesus returns. If so, if that is the meaning of this passage, then I say, “Come Lord Jesus, bring peace, security and freedom for your people.”


Psalm 72:

Amen, Justice shall flourish in his time, and fullness of peace forever. Jesus, only you can bring eternal peace. We really need you and your loving mercy to forgive us and set us free. Blessed be Jesus forever


Matthew 1:18-25

Thank God that Joseph was not afraid to take Mary as his wife when he found out she was pregnant. Thank God that the angel of The Lord came to him in a dream and told him that it was through the Holy Spirit that her Child has been conceived. Thank God Mary said “yes”! Help me to always say “yes” to whatever you have in mind for me to do. No matter the cost, I want to say “yes” to you and your plans. Please give me the insight and signs to follow your leading. Speak to me and share with me your plans- so I can dutifully work towards this assignment each day now and forever.

Have your way with me, Come Holy Spirit. Lead me on.


Q1- Ok, Dad, I have a question for you! How am I doing? Am I on the right track or have I gotten too far off the path you have for me?

Each step you take, I have blessed and each step you took was ordained to be. In the fullness of time and space; I know the plans I have for you and I know what you will do with them. I know all the past, present, and future steps you take, have taken and will tak-; by your own choosing. Let me just tell you that you are the right person for this assignment, you have done wonderfully and you are doing wonderfully and you will in the end do wonderfully. You fight the good fight. Holy Trinity is with you and you will ultimately be successful, victorious in your calling, and many will be appreciative. It’s ok to know that you will be loved by many people. Don’t worry what people will think. Only do as I lead you and your love of Jesus will win the battles -culminating in a mighty league of victorious armies of love. Love wins. It’s that simple. Thank you for helping with this cause. You will be empowered, equipped, and enlightened as needed. Keep the faith, Mar. We love you.


Q2- Mom, I need your help with this battle of the bulge. Could you intercede for me in regard to eating 0-5? I blew it yesterday and I don’t know what to do. I am getting bigger and only want to get smaller and healthier. Would you be so kind to work with me in this area? Will you coordinate and run this race with me?

Thank you for asking for my help. I would love to work with you, lead you in eating decisions and intercede on your behalf for forgiveness when you slip. You will become your God-Given size when you speak with me and allow me to lead you, help you and encourage you. I will give you the grace you need. You only need to ask each day for this grace. We will do this together. Your Dad, Jesus and Holy Spirit will also help you in anything you need with this life-change. You will melt down to your intended size. Don’t believe the lies that Lucy tells you, but believe that you will be victorious with our help in this area.


Q3-Jesus, Dr. W yesterday asked me if I thought you were married when you lived on earth. I told him that I didn’t know for sure, but that it was never mentioned in the scriptures that you were married. I said “All will be revealed.” (and laughed) but I would like to ask you this question. I know that the church is your bride. So, were you married and did you have any children?

Mar, the church is correct in this teaching. I never got married or had any children. I was too busy bringing my teaching of the Kingdom that I could not have time for a wife. I loved everyone and received love from my disciples, my mother, Mary and others. I am waiting for you and the Church to become my bride. You, my dear Mar, won’t believe what I am about to tell you. You will think it is your illness speaking. That’s ok, it’s just you and me here. I want you to now know that you will be my beloved in eternity. You have a special place in my heart. You will become, in a special way, my bride in eternity and we will have the whole church join in the wedding feast. I know you think this is your illness and grandiose thoughts right now. I know you are confused. That’s ok. All will be revealed. I love you.


Oh, My Jesus, Help me be worthy of your love. I am not fit to be your wife. I know the church is your bride… Make me pure and forgive me of all my sins. Please help me become who you would like me to be. I love you so much my heart is about to burst. I am so sorry for my sins that you took lashes for at your passion. I am so, so very sorry. Please forgive me. Please forget all that I’ve been and all that I’ve done to hurt your most pure and loving heart.


Q4-Holy Spirit, since I was just told about Jesus’ marriage proposal (By telling me that I will be his special bride… aren’t we all each special in his heart?) you have a lot of work to do! haha, I mean it! You have A LOT of work to do in me. I know I’ve come far in my walk with Jesus, but honestly, I am far from worthy and far from being any kind of bride to the only name all will bow to, my Jesus the Christ, my beloved. Help me, H.S, help me become a fit wife. Lead me to become who you want me to be for Him.

My friend, Mar, We do have a lot of work to do, and we have completed much work already. You are going to be just fine. Don’t panic. We will get this transformation in full gear. Keep doing the review each day and keep coming to these board meetings. (You missed yesterday, but we’ll let it slide this one time.) When you least want to come to our meeting, is when you need it the most. We really need you to commit to daily board meetings. This is our time with you and you will most definitely benefit from this time together. Here is where we can tell you what we need you to do. Here is where you will learn many things. We love you. You will be fine. You are doing great. Keep the faith, you will be transformed and you will be a fit instrument for our peace. Blessed be God Forever!


 Closing Thoughts/prayers: Thank you, Holy Trinity, for the work you are doing in me. Thank you, Mother for coordinating this work in me and for helping me, interceding for me and taking such good care of me. I don’t know what to say, except, may God’s will be done, Your Kingdom Come! On Earth as it is in Heaven! Amen and amen! Help me to be who you want me to be. Help me not to sin so much and help me continue to confess my mistakes and turn from them, learn from them, and become the saint you call me to be. (You call each person to be a saint, so I know I’m not special in this regard.) I love you, Dad. Thank you for this day. Help me enjoy myself this afternoon with my dad and doing the jingle bells for his drum gig. Help me keep time! haha, I love him. Please bless him and my mom with long life, good health, prosperity, peace, joy and lots of laughter. We always have a good time, together. Please bless our time when we are together. Please bless my marriage and help us with our daily struggles and needs. Help us get even closer than we are and lead us to much love, laughter, peace and harmony. I love you guys, you’re the best friends anyone could ever want. Help me share you with the world in song, trinity app, and by example. Help me be a more loving and better example. Please keep me in your love and protection.  ~Amen. xo!