Eternal party people board meeting


Location: living room on iPad


Gratitude: thank you Lord for a wonderful lunch and visit that I had with SC. I think she really liked the amethyst rosary that I bought her and I’m grateful that she was willing to go to lunch and possibly to be my spiritual director next year. It’s hard to believe that 2016 is already almost here. Thank you for a wonderful blessed 2015. Thank you for my family and for my friends and for good health. Thank you so much for SM my home away from home. Thank you for our adoration chapel. Thank you for being present in the wine and bread and for giving yourself to us in the Holy Eucharist. We Catholics are very blessed when we take in your blood and body- in a true sense you become us and we become you. Thank you so much dear God. Thank you for sending Jesus to save us all and help me share his love with the lost souls. Help me share the good news of Jesus so that many can turn towards him in their deepest needs and find peace and your love.




Scriptures for December 23, 2015

Malachi chapter   3:1-4, 23-24


This passage is very interesting and I’m not supposed to read it as if this is me or that the day has come from the Lord- a day with doom. But I can’t help but put myself in the Scriptures and for this reason dear God I hope that I can help you prepare people for the day if you’re coming anytime soon.   There is a lot of people that need more time and they would like to come to heaven in their hearts but maybe they just don’t know it yet in their minds.  Only give me the words to say in the songs to sing

in the Trinity app features that you want me to get design.  I offer you my will to do whatever you ask of me dear God. Use me lord, my prayer to you each day.



Psalm 25

Lift up your heads and see, the redemption is near at hand. Guide me in truth and teach me for you are God my dad my savior. You guide me to justice and you teach me your ways. Help me to always look to you as my father and friend. Help me to always look to you for instruction and guidance.


Luke 1:57–66

I think this was a fun reading because Zachariah has not been able to speak for nine months. He and Elizabeth had a nine month retreat of solitude ha ha, I’m sure that was a benefit for them. But seriously, it’s Lori is how God makes known his will.  I count on that daily for you to lead me in your ways and to keep me on your good path.  I thank you God for always providing a way for me to know your will.


Revelation 3:20

“Behold, I stand at the door and knock: if anyone hears my voice and opens the door to me, I will enter his house and dine with him, and he with me.”  Oh my goodness how awesome it would be if in these and times when people pray for you to join them for dinner you may actually not only be with them spiritually but to knock on the door and come and dine with them. Oh how awesome and amazing this would be and I don’t doubt for one minute that you wouldn’t do it if you wanted to. May your plans come true. May your holy will be done at all times on earth as it is in heaven. Come soon Lord Jesus, come soon!



Q1-Blessed Mother…mom, I am so sorry that I have had difficulty today with trusting your goodness in my life. You know what I’m going through mentally and I would like your help with my mom. Could you take care of the problems that I am having? You know what I’m thinking and it’s silly I know, but it is very difficult for me and it affects my relationship with you mom, my most holy and blessed mother. Thank you for your grace that you still want me and never let me leave your side.


—oh my daughter, don’t think that we don’t see everything you’re going through. Almighty father knows every single detail of every single thing brought against you. We all are rooting for you, praying for you, and helping you in ways you could never understand. You’re doing a fantastic job. Keep up the good work and don’t give up. You’re getting closer and closer to a turnaround. The next chapter is soon to be opened and the page to be turned!  ?


Q2-Father,-dad, I’m so glad that you see everything that’s going on because I could never show on the outside what’s going on in my heart. It’s amazing what you’ve done for me spiritually and I can’t thank you enough for guiding me to this point where I am now. I know I have a long ways to go, but you will see me there through every step of the way. I just wanted to thank you and ask you again to please never leave me on my own. I need you in every breath I take. And you alone I rely on for everything, my life, my hope, my love. Thank you. Tell me what I need to do and I will do my best to do it.


— thank you for wanting to be used by me. Thank you for your diligent walk with me. We will be starting this eternal  party pretty soon- just a few more details to get through. Keep smiling, keep your chin up, the best parts yet to come!!!  🙂


Q3- Jesus, are you as excited as I am? I’m about to burst in joy. I can’t wait for Christmas -your birthday celebration!!!  I hope you have a great time to go to here on earth and all of the churches as we celebrate your birth.


—if you only knew, Mar, how much I love Christmas time on earth!  And it  gives me such great joy to see everybody being nice to each other. If only it was able to carry-on throughout the rest of the year. To see the children so happy fills my heart with love and joy. My heart goes out for people that are sad at this time of great joy. I just want everybody to know the joy of Christmas and the peace/joy of my love for them.


Q4-Holy Spirit, you are never last on my list. These questions are in no order of importance because all four of you are my heart. But Holy Spirit, I ask that you be with my family in a special way this year at Christmas. Please give peace between me and my sister- that she will know how much I love her and I truly do like her and wish to be her friend.


—now that is a prayer that I like to hear! Of course I will fill this home with my love. Your sister will know how much you care about her when you give her a hug when you first see her and smile and talk to her -ask her questions,  try not to be nervous but only love her. I will help you and I will give you the words. The love in your heart will overflow and everyone will be blessed by the love of Christ in your m&d’s home This Christmas. Thank you for asking for this blessing, I am happy to do this for you.


Closing thoughts, prayers:

Thank you very much you guys I love you all so very much and holy Trinity I don’t know what I would do without you. Blessed mother please give me the grace that I need and any great grace is that God has for me, I would love to have. If there’s any grace that are not claimed and if you have any leftovers, I would be very glad to receive them. Holy saints I ask that you pray for me. Help me be who you want me to be dear God.


