Thank you for DB, my family and friends. Thank you for our health. Thank you for sending Jesus Christ and for your love, unfathomable divine mercy, and protection from the angels. Thank you for our new TV, I can read the little print now. Thank you for the internet, YouTube, and all the applications I use. Thank you for music. Thank you for laundry and dishwashers. Thank you for heat, air conditioning, a roof over our head, working cars, all our many blessings. Thank you for our jobs and income. Thank you for all the gifts you bestow on us every day: the sunrise, healthy fresh air, beautiful sunsets, rain when we need it, safety from tornadoes and storms.


Scriptures Dec 29th

Luke 22:22-35

Mary was told that a sword would pierce her heart also. How unimaginable it would be to watch your own son be tortured and nailed on a cross to die. She suffered as Christ was hanging on the cross and throughout the entire passion which he had to go through for the redemption and forgiveness of sins. Thank you, Blessed Mother, for saying yes to the angel and for being the best mother that could ever have been. Jesus was lucky to call you “mom” and I am so blessed that He gave you to be my mother also. If only everyone knew the gift that he gave us all; that you would be our mother also. Thank you, mom, for taking care of me and watching over me. Help me to remember to always call on you, mother of the redeemed. I love you.


Q1-Dad, since I have not won lotto and it has been 7 years of playing every week, would you like me to stop buying the tickets? Have I been buying them for a reason, or am I deceived by my own will, desire, dream… and not of your will?

Don’t worry about the time. There is no time in heaven and I am the author of Divine Timing. Keep Playing. Keep hoping, dreaming and enjoying yourself. Keep positive. You just might win one of these days, Mar. With God, all things are possible. (Lotto motto: Anything’s possible) 🙂


Q2-Jesus, will you be returning in my lifetime?

Yes. I will be coming soon in glory to bring Heaven on Earth. You will be my helper, ok? I have many people helping me to bring Heaven to Earth… It’s going to be a blast. Take care of yourself and if you lose weight, you will be more able to help me advance the kingdom. I can use you as you are now, but you will enjoy the process even more if you are less self-conscious about your weight.


Q3-Holy Spirit, please empower me to do the will of God. Would you give me the ability to be an instrument of peace?

Yes, I will empower and enliven your spirit, soul, and body for your part of Jesus’ journey home. You don’t need to worry, I will take control of all that needs to be done. You will be where you need to be when I need you to be there. You will melt down to the weight God has intended. Keep the Fruit and Vegetable diet going until March. You will be glad you did it. It will be worth it.


Q4-Blessed Mother, Have I disappointed you in the last week? I feel like I handled family gatherings over Christmas in a poor and unloving way at times. It was a little stressful and too much for me to deal with.

You did a good job. You did your best and you were loving and helpful to your mom. It was stressful not only for you, but for most people. You mom created a beautiful atmosphere of loving meals and decorations. Don’t worry- you were fine. You judge yourself harshly,mar. Relax and enjoy your family. You are very lucky to have such loving parents.


Closing Thoughts/Prayers: Yes, thank you so much for my parents and DB. I am so very blessed. Thank you for your assistance. I love that you can use people for your kingdom come. Help me be who you want me to be. I love you, Father-God. Jesus, we need you to come back soon. Holy Spirit, enliven me with your spirit and lead me in the ways you see fit.  xo,
