Thank you for your unfathomable divine mercy, through the redeeming love of Jesus, your son; Thank you, Dad, for your plan of redemption for all your kids. Thank you for my parent’s love and for all the fun we have together. Thank you for DB! I am grateful for his love and for being my best friend! (Even though we drive each other nuts sometimes; we have a wonderful relationship.) Thank you for giving me the help of Mother Mary, for the consecration renewal of giving my heart to Mary to help me love Jesus better. To Jesus through Mary; help me be a more loving spouse of Jesus. Thank you for all your help and protection. Thank you for Sr. C; please bless her and hear her prayer intentions. Bless our time together this Tuesday. Thank you for priests and nuns, deacons, and alter boys/girls. Thank you for music in your Church, bless the people in charge of leading worship.


Q1-God, how do you decide who will go to Heaven?

Q2-Jesus, how can I help others come to know you? What can I do to help?

Q3-Holy Spirit, why don’t your reveal Jesus to everyone so we can all go to Heaven and not leave out anyone?

Q4-Mom, without you, I am lost. Help me trust you and rely more on you to help spread the love of Jesus. What can I do better to work towards my assignment a little each day?


Answer Q1That is a good questions, Mar. It’s in the bible, and I meant it when I said that Jesus is the way, the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Jesus. That’s just the way it works. There may be a loophole, though… Just as many come to Jesus through Mary, there may be a loophole I have not revealed yet. Don’t worry, all my children WILL come come to me for the eternal party! I love all my kids with an unbelievable type of unheard of love and forgiveness. You don’t need to worry. It will all work out. The children of the devil will choose to go their way. They are not my children. They will go to their own father, Lucy, and eternally they will be with him- by their own choice. All who want to come to heaven will have the opportunity to choose their destiny. You don’t need to worry about this, only pray for my Kingdom Come and my Holy Will be done.

 Your assignment will be to help spread my love for them. Holy Spirit will help you and your Mother Mary will be coordinating all the work you will do for this assignment. You are blessed to be a slave of Jesus through the Holy Heart of Mary. She will take excellent care of you and the Holy Spirit will lead you in the paths you will need to walk. It’s all taken care of. I’ve got this. You can’t let me down.

 I’m God. My will shall be done. Don’t worry about a thing. Enjoy the ride! You will have a blast and you will be used for my purposes, I will help you be who I want you to be. (Your prayer for this is beneficial. Keep praying “Lord, Help me be who you want me to be.”)


Answer Q2What you can do to help others come to me is this: Be a good example, love and forgive your brothers, love your enemies. That includes loving Islamic Terrorists, and anyone you have need to forgiving.

 Second: Continue to serve others, love Jesus, Mother Mary and her Spouse, Holy Spirit, will lead you on your path. Look to the Holy Spirit in Mary for directions. Lastly, but not least: Pray more and continue the Board Meetings faithfully. We will have much to talk about in you being God’s Living Enterprise with working EPP, Inc. You will be used and your walk with God will be of benefit to the Kingdom of Heaven.


Answer Q3-I will reveal Jesus to all of God’s children in due time. A Great and Holy Revival will soon cover the earth and Jesus will become known, loved, and made King. First he will come as Mercy and at this time, many miracles and blessings will break out world-wide. Then, after those glorious days, Jesus will come with His Justice. No one will be left out, and all will come to Him as God’s Children and all return home.


Answer Q4-You will know me more and trust me more as we work together in your assignment. Talk with me all the time- I want you to know me better. I love you so much and will be with you with the Holy Spirit, we will lead your every step. Even when you don’t feel it, we are with you and guiding you. My angels are with you, also. They are protecting you with all their might. You don’t need to worry about anything hurting you and DB. You both are protected under my mantle. Enjoy yourself and be glad that God will always be with you. Rejoice in His Kingdom to come soon!!! Together, we will help Jesus in these last days. Your assignment is a big one, but you have a lot of help; more help than you could ever imagine!!! All the saints are praying to God for you also. You need not fear, but be of good cheer; your redeemer is near. Hallelujah!


Thank you for all your help, you guys! I love you and am eager to get started more fully working for your Kingdom. I ask that in God’s divine time and in God’s divine will, that I win the lottery- that or whatever may be better used to give me the time and money needed to start Trinity App, and to create joyful praises to God in a studio if He sees fit to give us. Help me learn to sing… I am so untalented in this area! Give me melodies and lyrics that are sent to me from Heaven. Help me write and sing songs of Praise! Help me to the will of God by first telling me what I need to do… Lead me, Lord. I am listening and waiting for your next steps. May my learning of heavenly wisdom gain me admittance to Your Holy Company. Use me, Lord, if it is your will. Show me what to do. I want to be in your holy company eternally, with you forever, in your light and love.


Scriptures for Tomorrow: Dec 6th:  Contemplation, Lectio Divina, enter story as if there.

6: Baruch 5:1-9

… With your mercy and justice for company- Lord I want to be in your company, basking in your love. God’s command, God’s glory leading Israel in joy!


Psalm 126:1-6

Yes, The Lord has done great things for me, I am filled with joy! You saved me and included me in your plan of salvation. You forgave my sins and made me pure. Those who sow in tears shall reap rejoicing! Thank you, Lord for wiping my tears away and restoring my joy! I look forward to your Kingdom of eternal Love and Laughter!


Philippians 1:4-6, 8-11

I am in partnership for the gospel. The one who began a good work in me will continue to complete it until the day of Christ Jesus’ return. Thank you for your prayer that my love may increase ever more and more in knowledge and every kind of perception, to discern what is of value, so that I may be pure and blameless for the day of Christ, filled with the fruit of righteousness that comes through Jesus Christ for the glory and praise of God. –Amen! I am in! Help me increase ever more in knowing your will and make me pure and blameless. Thank you for your unfathomable divine mercy that washes me clean- to allow me to be free of stain of sin.


Luke 3: 1-6

Thank you for including me in being a voice crying out to help Prepare the way of The Lord. Make me a worthy and willing vessel to be used for your purposes. If you want me to cry out- let me cry out with the Holy Spirit leading me. Envelop and guide me Holy Spirit, so I can be better used by God for HIs purposes. I want to cry out no matter the cost. Give me courage. Give me the right words at the right time. Give me a song to sing and give me a heart for others as Jesus loved; so help me love.

