2017-02-12 10:17pm
Good Things are definitely coming!
Great things are happening! God is making mighty moves on us. Yesterday, His spirit was with us as we prayed for healing outside the Christian Bookstore! It was my first community healing experience. I was so nervous to go. I prayed the whole way over there for His presence to be with us and for His healing power to come powerfully. It was amazing!
A woman walked towards us saying that she could really feel something when she came near. Three of us prayed for her as she teared up. She was so grateful for us to pray for her. I asked her if she had any pain. She had a whole left side that was in pain and she went to the doctor yesterday. They couldn’t help her, she explained. We asked if she would sit down because sometimes one leg is longer than that of the other one. Well, it was almost an inch longer than her right leg! We prayed and they got into alignment in front of my eyes, the right leg grew to match the left! I prayed that the pain would stop and never return. She said the pain went all the way down to a one out of ten and she wanted to stretch later at home to get it completely gone. Wow! That was my first community healing experience.
We had about 3 ladies that all wanted prayer for various things and so we prayed with them. One of those ladies was a profit, she told us- and she had a word for ME! She said I need to start thanking God for what he is about to do, what he has already done in the supernatural and that I should stop asking and start thanking him. She said that 2017 is going to be the year of God’s move in my life. All that I’ve been asking for, she said, is already on its way to me! What is so awesome about that is that I really wanted to ask for a word of knowledge all afternoon… God answered my prayer! I was so thankful to her, I gave her a hug and I am just so happy that God came through big time for me yesterday.
I even got to see my friend, RW, who was there by big surprise to me! Thank you, God, for your presence, your love, and your tender care! Thank you that 2017 is the year you answer my prayers… and I pray for your will be done in my life. I pray that I don’t miss my destiny. I pray for a studio… ShamRock Studios, Eternal Party People and this creative outlet for you to help usher in your Mighty Kingdom. You are holy. You are guiding my life and I pray that I be courageous in sharing you with the people I meet. Thank you for your healing power, your love and for always knowing what is going down. You know all that is happening in my life and you guide me through it all. Help me be who you want me to be. Help me help you save souls. You are the greatest dad in all the universes and your love is unending. Thank you that your will is being done, your Holy Will endures forever. Your Kingdom come, Your Will be Done on EARTH as it is in HEAVEN! Amen!