Q1-Mom, what do you think I should work on this week?
*** Take some time to sit quietly with the Holy Trinity. Read the daily scriptures and meditate for a few minutes. Do this first thing in the morning. Try getting to bed by 10pm and rise earlier to fit this into your schedule, making it a priority. It would be a great habit to get into. You will be very blessed by doing this. Try to get up at 6am during the week. You can do many things with this extra time. Try to plan your day the night before so you know what you will be doing and get mentally prepared to follow through with it. Ok? 🙂
Q2-Jesus, what would you like me to do for DB this week? Something that would be fun…
*** Snuggle with him in the mornings. He would like that. Set your alarm for 6am like mom suggested, and then get your phone, read the magnificat’s daily scriptures while he sleeps, so that when he wakes up, you will be there for him. He will really appreciate it. You can make him a smoothie or juice for him for breakfast and get him a lunch ready. A little love goes a long way… 🙂 it won’t take much effort and you will both love this time together.
Q3- Holy Spirit, would you give me the gift of humor, laughter. Loving playfulness and a tender heart? I’ve noticed my heart is a little hardened from all that I’m going through. Could you help me with this?
*** Yes, since you asked, you shall receive. I will touch your heart with my love in a special way and you will notice a difference. Keep praying to be more loving. That is a great prayer.
Q4-Dad, I love you! Thank you for your genius solutions for all our problems. Thank you, God; that you’ve got this and it’s going to be awesome! You are the absolute best dad in all the many parallel universes from all time from before time to future time endlessly… how’d you get to be so cool?
*** Ha-ha, Mar. I love you, too. You’re not so bad yourself. 🙂 Keep up the good work and get your sleep. You need it especially during the spring/Lenten season; for your mental stability, you brain will need extra sleep. It’s a great idea for you to sleep 10pm to 6 am- 8 hours will be a perfect goal to have. You will feel great and also your diet of more fruits and vegetables will help your stability also. I will be with you. You will do fine, just remember to balance it all. Take it easy on yourself. Your health is the most important thing because without it, you won’t be able to do anything else. All would be delayed. Not good. So, take care. I’m with you as I always am. I love you, kiddo. You will have a great trip with your parents in Florida and so just know that sleep is important as well as balance. Go easy and rest much. It’s not laziness to rest in my presence where I can recharge your batteries. Don’t worry about getting everything done that is on your list to do. It’s all-good. No hurries, no worries. Love DB. Rest. Chill.
Closing: Thank you for that you guys. I really needed a reminder to sleep more and take time to rest in God’s healing love. Please help me get to bed earlier and up refreshed each morning with time to slowly glide into my mornings. Thank you for all your suggestions. I’ve set alarms for this. Please help me keep to this plan. Love you!  xo, ~ Mar