Q1-Dad, what can I give you as a special gift for Father’s Day? You are the best Father anyone could ever ask for! What could I possibly do for you or give you?
*** I will give you victories where it looks impossible. You and I are a majority. You’ll accomplish more because of the favor I give you in your life. Don’t be discouraged, look up- you’re about to see a change in your life. You will overcome obstacles that look impossible and your dreams will come true. What you can do for me is run your race, love me always, and try your best to obey me when I suggest something for you to do. Be blessed. You make me smile and on Father’s day, I am proud of my beloved daughter. You are my gift. You are my heart. I love you.
Q2- Jesus, I love you! Yesterday, I when I was thinking about you and your love for me… It made me cry and I am not sure why. I think I am so glad that you love me, it is overwhelming! Also I think I cried because I am so unworthy of your Love and consideration. I am not worthy that you should care so much for me. Yet you do. I can’t believe I am approved of by God. If it were not for you, I would be lost. Eternity without your love. It is too much to wrap my brain around- the love you have for me (and all God’s children) is mind-blowing. That makes me cry sometimes. It’s all too good to be true. I love you!
***It’s ok to cry, you have a huge heart. Your emotions are strong and I know you don’t like to cry. I know people think you are unstable when you cry. I know better. I understand and I am always here for you. Your tears washed away some of the pain you feel and gratitude in tears is the utmost in showing your appreciation. You don’t need to think that you are ungrateful. I know you feel this way, and it simply is not true. If you felt the gratitude in your heart for God, you would cry endlessly and never get anything done… you would be a wreck! Your appreciation towards us is deeper than the ocean, you’re love for us is strong. Never doubt your love for us. It is deep and the rays of your love reach out into the universe –endlessly singing for our love.
Q3– Love, Thank you for all your guidance. Thank you for leading me in the way to go. Thank you for the people you have placed in my life that meet me where I am and love me anyway. Thank you for all the varied ways you help me stay on the path that God desires for me. I couldn’t follow without you leading me with your still small voice. Help me hear you more clearly and help me have the courage and strength I need to follow through in all that God has for me to do. Help me focus.
***It is my pleasure to lead you. It is my happiness to see you follow. It is my joy that you ask for more of me and I give you the courage and strength that you will need to follow through in all that God has for you to do. I will be with you always. You have nothing to fear. You are well taken care of. Many people will be helping you on your journey. Dad has all things and people lined up perfectly for your journey. It will be amazing and a blast to watch it all unfold. It will all be orchestrated by God. I see your smile… you definitely have a lot to smile about. We are with you and “the force is strong” in you. Lol. We love you!
Q4- Mom, I am coming to you again today to ask for your intercession. Please pray for me. I am hoping that tonight is my night!
***lol, Mar, you should know that I pray every day for you. All throughout the day, I have you on my mind. You are in my sites. I speak with my son about you and we laugh about all the things you surprise us with. We love you so much. You are amazing… an amazing child of the most high God! Your crown is waiting for you. You will become all that you are made to be. You will accomplish all that you are called to do for the Kingdom. At the end of your life, you will get to tell the Father that you ran your race, finished your assignment and became all that God wanted you to be and do. You will be equipped and empowered to do all that your assignment required. You just may win tonight, but if not, do not lose hope. You are in the palm of God’s hand. You will be where you need to be when you need to be there.
Actions Requested:
God will give me victories where is looks impossible.
It’s ok to cry… my gratitude is larger than I can express in words.
Many people are lined up to help me.
I have a lot to smile about! Mom prays for me every day, all day.
A crown is waiting for me. (I only want to put it at the foot of the cross for my Jesus.)
Closing Remarks: Thank you, you guys are the absolute best and most amazing people in all the universes! Please help me be all that you call me to be and show me the way. Please help stop the wildfires. Please help the hurting people at Orlando from the shooting. Please stop any copycat or other terrorists in this country. Please have your way with America this November. Please put the right person in the White House. Please help all the lonely, addicted, mentally ill, sick or lost souls… have your way in our lives. Heal the world. Fix our problems… we have many in this world. Peace, love, laughter and lounging- let it lead our lives. Amen! Xo, ~Mar